HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-04-10, Page 42n Automobile Polic
. —
.en ive Coverage
At Reasonable RatesH,
4, !
cost of repairs, iniuries and Iuability claims
Donald G Eaton
39 Main Street S., Seafort
! Have you ever been shopping
'in,„,a,„superniarkef Wtth a cart
. •
liyhOse Wheels ,a're fl&lning, you
un on..0 aisle and OPWit anOther?
: The eage,rS, area t castgrIng
lt hiej sell() ys ,obxlar4ddecr
tot ij
•111ore-weigh t to the shopping
Ineorreet front wheel align-
, ment.on yocsirniIar
THAR. 'SA DIFFEUNCE;-,Keeping headlight surfaces Olean can greet safe operation of a car. ProlatgMS'TxsuIUngIn hard.
(Left),fiiekfls is dirty and the cyclistcan barely be $cen. at 80 leet,l(Right) With the lens clean, the geerin. wandering,' rapid
"cyclistis,easily visihle, In Svveden, vvipers are now ,requhred for headlights to provide maximumStitt-lotion
,-:-fwear .400 increase0 g
cleanifineSs, as ecal-
• •. In addition to-ithe obvit uss
v 5
r vlstb
`Agutiine sPriagqMe• diri and organization dedicated to :safe
grime, the greasy spay from " driving; dirty headlights are a
other, ars during the rain,- and. major cause of reduced driving.
, . -
Me-:annital !sUnnuertune. born- visit:4111y.
"bardinent :of insects and bugs The Anicrican •OptOitietric
, dramatically."„reduce .die effec- Association has said th4t 90'per-
tiveness Of tie:ddlighfi:t > • cent of all the decisibneyou'
•. Periodic cleaning '1.of 'head- make behind the vvbeel are.
• lights One of the -most often! . based
overlooked elements in spring •RecOgnizing these factors,
car care, and one of the simplest Sweden has mandated that all
- and inost_ecOotrii41,4O, take new ear§ .in that. eountry be
care ' equipped,with headlight wipers
•..AceOrding to the Highway ' and washers so lights; cap be
Visibility Bureatti a fact-finding • cleaned bS/ merelY ',touching -a .
safety consideratiOns, the latter
fwo effects of worn and
aligned stee1ng and suspension
partsof, your „car ;IffeCt your
switch inside the Car.Perhaps P,c'e-kqic*k`'
comih4 years e the• Unitd out,To take some of the mysterY
:or steering and suSpension
States, headlight' wipers and
mai hte-aanee„„Car Council
WaSITerS-1th71.aHighway..1).1rb-erG" e rn°TCare
e7-(ifferanserg to some
of the itY Bureau says .
most co moasked qUes-
. ' m
But until then, the HVB re -
' commends that a cloth 'be kept Q. What causes wheels to.
• handy in your car or garageind g,(Y-Aou. tThic amliogsr,itincoemntrnon causes
:El Change oil in` crari k case,
• 01 Install nky oil filler
0 Lubricate pl-.)assis •
:0 Pressure test..radjdlorg
and cooling sjister6.-H7.'
41n.spect:enti-fredie coolant'
-0I,nspept fan ,b9,Its.:r • . s
'0 I•nsbect air lilter
• InspeCt. P.C: V' yalVe ,
Inspect en,austyslem.
InSPeCtshock absorbers
InSpect,universal joints
1.nspect tire Pressure..
Inspect wiper,bledes
O IrIpect headlights:end:all .ottler'st---
Inspect fl in .battery
•-Additional suggestions
(at additional costs)
. ,
;P Remove snow tires
O Rotate tires
• Bafande„wheels---
0: Wheel alig'nment
• 0 Brake ipspebtion„, '
• that motorists frequently wipe
,off the headlights to iniure, bet-
ter visibility :"Thislprocedure is
advised especially after driving.'
on wet roads and in the spray',
froni other cars,
• Emi.ssions chec-k
• • 'Electrica(icestem
and battery check
• Oil and filter
• .Cooling system
• • 'Brakes
• Tires
Eihapst sYstm
• • Lights
• Wipers andrashers'
•54 --
Are! A) Owl -tap -1g blows from .
chuck holes' or curbs,' b) acci-
cient.clarnage or c) wear of sted-
in andior ,sus ension arts. - ' •
•.9: Bow:often should -wheel
aligninent be checked? - . !
This idepends.,,upri: voiii-
kind of dWiirtg„,-if...mogt of your
travel. is on smootlkY'srOads,, a,
yearly check ,Shbuld be LaMple',
13tit if you do; a :lot of diving
.:0\ier unPaved .or poorly main..-.
ted Mads; you • could be
ii..naeki,ng. your 'Wheels out of
lilignMent ' 'rather ', frequently.
- ,Iiirnder;Severe..conditions chetk '
WIfeel:,aligninent-at- least eYety
. 4 kkiAgathAnd „keep. a . close
'WatCh for aD.nOttnal tire:wear,
•. steering abiiii:•trodlitiesj'Or vibra-
,I.: ' '..: , :. .• - ,
. tions th'ilt,, are the tip,:off. to trou.:
, 'hie. , 4 .,:
• •,Ir
• Q.,VVIlat •,doeS • ' . ' heel
aligninent. cost? • :, • .' . •
. -. :A.; On the.:typical.U.$. mid-.
. , ,
• 'size earit,will:•range from $15 to
• '20: .0n. seine', cortipacts; espe•-•
' ciallY front drive 'cars On .v,thich
both front aod rear wheels must
be aligned, the. prcemay be as•
, much, as $40. •
Q; flow long should front"
, end and steering parts last?
A. When. proper y !,1 r -
cated, they, idiouirt last ind.efi-
---nitely. The al,pre seVergtlw use,
the more:frequently they Should
tic lubricated. •
,Q Is this true of shock al)*
sothers as well? '
A".. You cannor lubricate,
shOolt .ab'sorbers. And,. is- the
nallV irnplies, they are the
hardeSt-working parts' of 010
suspension system, Under,tistit
duty service they codld; last -for
several years. Sever service
could wear out a set Qf shocks in ".
six months,
• (2, flow do you know when
shock absorbers are 'worn
A. Handling characteristics
change', the car may bob and •
weave and possibly bottom
(the sptings "hit .bottom") '
1), What happens if 1 delay ,
teplaciug: worn sho k
, A. You may accelerate tire
WeaC and Wear OF the Steering
and suspension parts. Also, be-
cause your car will liave lost
;some of its handling capability,
you're a potential hazard. on the
Carpooling is one .of the
• easiest w2iy,s_Jer.e.• (hire gasoline
consumption. If pin
two per-
sons were riding n ,every car,
the numbei of cars now used for
commuting purposes, could..,be
reduced by 20 per cent.
"I‘ • *
" •park and walk should be .the
niOtto of all shoppers. Plan
s opping trips to include as
Many of your family's need in
one trip" as you can,
• And then, park your car In a
• central location•downtown,Or at.
•-sliopping,areas and walk to' the
..Varioi,IS stores—making, fre-
quent return trips to unload your
purchases. It!s , healthier -and
-saves moneY''.:,' too; • . • .
, • *. •
• Every pouricl of extra weight
yOur carmeanS extra gasoline
• consunipt ion. Don't carry extra
, items in year trunk. .
Motorists observing:the na-
tional 55 mlpli. speed limit are
both lifesavers and gas -savers.
• The national" highway, death
toll was approxnriately ,10,000 '
deaths lower in 1974 when driv-
ers were ciirefully_ObServing the
55 ni3O,1)'.• Iii-nit,:but it is, Creep:L:„.,,
tigailLaS-speed--linitiiib- •
servance ,waries:• '
• If tireS squeal in azentle turn
that means . they're under:,
Mflated, When that happens, '
. your car uses More gas and tites. ,
Wear. out ciuleker. Keep them in-
flated to the:maximum reeom-
meudeci by the manufacturer.
If you're thinking about a .
new car consider gasoline con-
sumption and make this a prime
factor in :your 'decision.
What is the safe speed, to ,
drive in a' fog? A good rule.of .. ,
thtimb, if you, can seer' six cat,
lengths ahead" and .no' more ---;
slow'to 20 to 30,'Iriph`.;lf you eiltivi
see two. 'eat, lengths afieild..44
to .15 M ph, • i•
• • .r1 : * :i: •.*'
' A._ dIrty (air filter caw coSt yoti'
money --and vas'te'' fuel. Mal5g
sure your 'air filter is rePlacecio.ff.
periodic intervals. -
• cc, your trianua or, t e
manufacturer's. recoirimen'da-
tion. • , • - . -. , ,, r .!;,.,
, ,. ..
.' 'kedUetargaSarler.C9liSIIMP,,,
den wicroper car Maintenance,
carpboti 6.,and-i=pploved driV-
i-ni habi S, are !.,ft.A.-,tlire-'6.,ways '
Arrierich,S driverg.can.help itn-1 '
prove the national ..ecOnorny. t
erirte'til J, CyardnO