HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-04-10, Page 38R•• SiCTION: a There are 144. million cars and trucks in the United States, each with a battery that starts the engine and supplies current to the electrical system, But every year naanY people are in- jured because they do " not realize that, batteries. can he , -dangerous. Heeding the followingtips ' can help prevent injuries Or PO- • cidenm when working near or with a battery. • , , Remewber, batteries generate explosive gases. Al- ways keep sparks, flames, • ' Investment' in spark plugs worth price _ .How would you like to Make — an investment that pays Off more than double the original, sum? In .these times • of high . gasoline prices, a par owner can realize such returns simply by replacing • a set Of worn spark plugs with new plugs. In a nationwide test program, cars whose spark plugs were oyerdue for replacement Were equipped with y new set. Aver- age improvement in fuel cononiy was '344 percent. With gasoline selling fo1,. more than $1 a gallon and the average car using 709 gallons a - year (a • National Petroleum News estimate), savings would .‘ exceed $24. - burning cigarettes or other igni- 3. If yoause booster cables, don sources away from the kat- make your final connection to teries. the engine block of the stalled ^ car, away from the -battery: 2. 'Always shield your eyes 4 Always keep vent paps when working near the hatterY••• tight and level.___ That is more than double the price of a 'leo.) set of eight spark plugs, A BOOST FOR 8.1FM BATTERIES, cA4 BE DANGEROU :THE FLUID IS pgisoN0u*, ,CAUSES SEVERE BORI`i PRoDuc•Es,E%snosM GAs:KEEP .spAtois, FLAMEA.twErEs AWAY WHEN WORKINO NEAR MITE N co NEcli NG BOCSTER cAE,!,LE5, VE,HICLES DO NOT TOUCH. CAPS ON BOTH -BATTERIES SHOULD FIE LEVEL. AHD c pvEFIE.p vgrrk-i A DAMP CLOTti, .• , • SHIELD YOUR EYES MAD FACE. FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE . • CONNECT THE POSITIVE (+) CABLE TO THE 'POSITIVE pOST OF THE DEAD BATTERY-. _ • CONNECT 'THE oTHER END Of ',THAT CABLE TO THE POSITIVE POST OF THE BOOSTER BATTERY. • CONNECT THEOTHER CABLE lb THE NEGATIVE RST OF 111E BoOSTER ,BATTER'(• • MAKE 'THE FINAL CONNECTION TO THE ENGINE BUXKOF, 'THE STALLED CAR , AWAY FROANThE BATTERY. • STAND BACK , START TNE-ENG1NE AND REWOVE114E CABLES 114 'REVERSE ORDER. . . Free air can save you costly gas What cy nothing (usually) .and can sa e gasoline? Answer; Air in your ear's tires. Motorists are wasting preci- ous and cbstly fuel when they neglect the air pressure in the ' tires. .„ ,Underinflated, tires increase the rolling resismnce on the road surface and that condition makes the engine and transmis- sion and other -components work ' nattier to move the car. • • • Survey atter survey .by tire than if it's free," said ',7111etire : companies and other sources official, °n1Y Partly in jest. show that, up to 90 percent of the Improper air pressure not tires on the road are under- I only cuts ;into g'as rnileage 1)y inflated, many to the point of about 5 Percent but it alsore- bbbeitnogf nb°etinognidYa'44esrtbefuusl. °.f gas' • hdeaactes bthueildli-up caatiurseebecbayusetooOf And, -ironically, air .is free, much iciewati flexing. although some stadons bave in - Air is as important -to the life• s a e coin-operated air pumps: of a tire as oil is to the life 'Perhaps if a otonst has to engine; therefore, they deserve Pay for air he_will-value it more better care than they receive'. ' We Carry 'Many sizes and models - of truck Covers • Travel -readers' • Folding Camplers 19482-3364 • Trailer Accessoriei- riatterWcOntain sulfuric acid. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or Clothing. In the event of an -aceident, flush with water and call a _physician im- mediately. Always keep batteries out of the reach, of children,, 7: Always be careful When using tools around the battery, you may accidentally make connection across the battery , posts or to a part of the vehicle creating a very hot spark or a battery explosion. 8. Se caution if you com, greet a battery charger. 13e sure the charger is turned off or dis- connected from the 110 -volt Saving fuel, • Driving.= emission -efficient er, is one way, to save'on your gaSeline hills. A well tuned en— gine is both a.pollution fighter and a gas saver, the American Lung Association points out. . The ALA alsO offers these tips for achieving 'maximum fuel economy • ' • Go -Velment and industry' Studies show, that tuning a car for emissions can improve fuel economy. by five percent. • Observe the spe,ecl. You waste 10 to 15 percent -of your fuet, for every 10 miles an • houryou go over 50, • Aeelerpaateept. modestly. Drive at asteady • Coast to stops. Slamming your brakes wastes gas and is hard •-f°;:l. your'tion-tires. es *ear has a manual trafiSnussion, shift to top gear as soon as.practicat and safe, • .source befOteitialting any Qui. neetion to th* battery or dis- connecting it, • 9. Always hant/Ie batteries -eareflilly. Spilled acid can Canso severe bums', •Safety s9ggles are A. good safety, de- vice. Wearing them could -save YOur eyes. pollution • Den' t let YOur .efigitIO idle for mom than--**-Inilitite7—W more efficient to !urn A off and start again. ▪ Use gasoline octane and Oil grade recommended by the car • inantifacturer, • Check die pressure regu- • larly, you lose about two per- • cent in fuel for every pound of pressure under • the •recom, • mended amount. Now is the time to save on this special offer. You'll save as much as 30% a litre on current farm prices. You know the high quality and performance You can expect from our big names . . . . Havoline, Ursa, Rando and Texaco TOH . ..and now.you know you can buy them at the best possible price. c • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • a litre on Texaco farm ,lubricants while 4 .• stock lasts by the case, pail or drum *'•410111110•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••A Station St. Seaforth Phone 527-1117 To.11....Free.-1.4300.4205426. erving Exeter,:. eaforth, Brussels