HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-04-10, Page 370144 A 7 " • Car ebec] IVi EiciePcy 1?; Yuk! Look.what-canIappen----not remember-when,they.-were,---- • 20 -of -41 -had cortbded bat i your carburetor if youfail to last asked by service station tery terminals. leek your once in a attendants to check under the* . • 18 of 54 were low on cool - tile.. , ,hood. Many said • 'never.' ' ant. ' .This accumulation of -debris As might be expected, cars . "It is evident that these sg 'a discnvered on one car dui '' reflected lack of attention: ownerS hould be payinbet- ig.a voluntafy•eheck by Car ii 24 of 59 cars .c.necked had ter. attention to their cars," Ne Because this air. filter was dirtyllan. fitte/-a, Twhad none says oArthur 1-1. llen, Car' at Care Council General Man- . . !are Council. , le ,wrOng type for the engine, allowed dirt to pass right into ' 20 a 69 had more than one a-g?r`Even p'atrons of fu'll- nd through the carburetor, tire UnderInflatecl• One'car had • service stations should get in be result can be greatly ,in- 55 pounds in the right rear, 12-, the habit of either asking to s reased gas consumption, ' Pounliin the left front. have cars checked Jpr doing it Ipid engine 'wear or both, • 18 of 0 were one quart or theniselves.' ' Questioning owners and : more IOW on oil, ' t - The Council encourages hecking cars in parking lots • 27 of 65 had little or no oWners to keep records of nd service stations, the windshield washer fluid. Half • services „and repairs made to !ouncil learned that over half the cars had wipers in only fairminimize-car trouble and . , f interviewed motorists can- « to poor condition, maximize fuel efficiency. . . tr cl a tere'i3 'Aeotlier CAREER YOUR CROSSWORD P Treat it that iv Car is •Lt VAlla 54P7.119N, For most' people a car is-- la ma* financial inv'estment land, as • such, should be . treated with care. Regular preventative-. Maintenance and occasional 'repairs can keen it running snfoothly for many Yeara- Experta elairn that a properly maintained car, along 'With good driving; habits, can get up to 15 per cent better mileage than a neglected car with carelesS driving, At the ever -rising price •of gasoline. that can ''`ad uiPWte1,rt °1s worth hnttiV::ffaVertils ndsf 414 '‘talctog ,3%oor 'car for .4 gQ9d 'cheek-QS/et- at least- t'Adec° year. youtre. dbubtful about your car's condition, it might .be .wise to, 40, it to a car inspection • CentrPQV 'diagnostic service centre for a thorough .examinatiOn. Check the 'yellow pages 'of Your telephone hook. . 'Whenever you have found a repair facility you can trnat,, is wise to become a regular . customer,' Your mechanic will get to know .yorar and will be able to locate ' problems much fAater. As he I is also intere4ted in repeat ' busines, he will' tryi,t1t-•give you good, -servide. ['Pr more infm•Mation regular Illaintenanee and „repairs, as.k for The ;Ants and. "bolts of car repair, A free 'booklet avalla,Ple from the ,Consunter Information, Centre, Ontario Ministry. of Consumer and Commercial. Relations, 555 Yonge Street, 'Toronto, M7A 2116; call (414 • 963-1111, collect. ' The car mileage book is • available free from, the Office of Energy ,Conservation, 580 • Booth Street, Ottawa, K1A • 10B4. • e• Peopli leas The Finest in New Cars and Trucks Front End Alignments •,* Air Conditioning Repairs * Spin Balancing • Major Repairs to all Makes and Mode VVell Stocked Parts Dept. 21 /2 12 2 7 40 45 48 5. ACRQSS 1. Check these for safe, stopping 7. Gasoline in . London, or •Liverpool 13'lqatne of,several , . frOdts. - • - - 14,. Automotive power 15, First words of ,•• National Anthem '• 16. l'ype of - :conibustiorr • engine. car, has . (abbrev.) l8: Gas=wasting engine nfode , 19. One street ZO, 'Opposite &even H. Position Ted * .Williams played • (init.) • • . .- 22.365 days (abbrev.) p.Li rod., steering -t system part 24;•Vital part 'of „ cooling system 26, Part that holds the tire 29. Boviae. 30. Elibjical.'woman's ' nante•(alt. sp.), 33.1-lighwa2 34. Government • transportation agency (init) -3-52-Heam.of-a-tune-up 36. Still ' 37, Married woman 38. HighWay warping 39 Dangerous 17. Sonth Bend condition due to campus (iiiit) poor suspenSion 20. Vital engine 41.24 hours lubricant 42. Roman Caiholic 21. Needs 20 down . (Mit) ' 23, lams or, 44. Bageball statistic ' 'Kennedy ' for hurlers , 24. How ,clogged 45. ',Ode to Grecian cooling system „ 46: One for .49: Where Qum is 51. Motorists' help.- org. 52. Fraternal ' organization (init) 53. Gives .gas , economy, better startS '55. Windshield laes 57. Maks ". contribttion (two. words) . 58. Roadside marketi, • 25. Miss Fitzgerald Digtorted • • 27. Farm implement... 28. ROadside resfantant sign athp . 32: Era 29 11(eaxarb,hbnartufestivtl. 3L Cootinent • Motorist's trip aid 38. belt • 40. J,thines or Tokays 41. Sketches • 42. "MiSs. Coolidge .or .Hayworth •"' 43. Filth 45. bildyie'studio• initials 46..Ballpoint (two • • words) • . 47. Nobleman 48. Not aS rnual •50. Conjunction '- 51. Military address 52. Powling - , • (oilirgiat)nizati7.(in.l0 54. Austin campus , 56. Clara Bow's quality' •„ DOWN I.__ out; tire trouble . 2. Italian flower 3. Not home • • ; 4. Ignition necessity, • 5. Spanish article 6...What cars ,with ' bald tires do • 7. Favorite • ' 8: Type Measure 9.-,Fatnous-initia1s-on last vvork day (pi) 10. Let loose 11. Merely .12. 'Sinister smile SWER S'. ummuu mown OUUMUV OWOMM MOD U00 MOEN UNO MuM nU UU UU0 UMW Mom Euuu 0151012 UM 000E Ouu E1mu= UMW MUM nu mu Duo uuul UUDU MaU BOBO umummu uuumou UMUUU OUMOUU 1'. o you •••want carefree summer• rivin •I'gnition Tune-up *Wheel Balance ront End Alignment *Tire Rotation •Brake Ftelinifig •LLibrication Etc w Harve Excellent Class " "44ehor.ics YOY r Disposal and They Use Genuine hryco All -Make a s -1-Spark Plugs - Ignition Parts - Tires • -Batteries Shocks - Front End Pant, -Exhaust Parts - Accessories - Etc. CHRYSLERI Docl_ge flogetwchs one ar. ppoin ment today ea" forth and Area badge,.Chrysler Dealer' •phone 527,1670 'elifo,rttl Ontario A