HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-04-10, Page 35"77^,
BY A.,:NONY IYIOIJSE know .0-distribotor from a
A. few years 'ago,' -carbOrater, ot fan belt from
lished. an article written by a Btarttng a car was e4sy4
man who . owned ,several only once did I try with the
driving scheni4 • intrenk key in the ignitiOn:
VOnconver,. After taking his Learning to • shift gears
wife out in one of his st000thly was more difficult.
company's gars for two Knowing, D. was sitdrig
leSsenShe g0Ye • up and beside me waitiog-fer ne te.
• turned his pupil over to one
" of his instructors,
Nothing is harder on a car
than having a husband teach'
his wife hovv to driveit, It's
also hard • on a 'Marriage! I
have discovered, through
bitter experience that
Chatelaine Maga:zit* pub- a'llattePrOge
do sohielhirig terrible tgt his
beloved automobile only
made me live up to his worst
expectations., The gearshift
lessonsuStiallY ended with
.me -.in tears behind the;
slammed bedroom door„, and
D. sitting in stoney: silence
husbands will say things to over a self cooked meal of
their wives that they would—.1grffie-d-bacon and scorched
not utter to any other living eggs.
-creatUre. '* When I could finally
My / first lesson was synchronize my tight liand,
supposed to be wider the on the shift and my left foot
hood, bit my husband soon /on the 'clutch, the next step
progressed to lesson two was stopping and starting on
when he discovered' that; hills..This was more tricky.
mechanically. I was During my -third try , there
hopelessly inePt. I didn't was a tremendous POWVVW.
Don't forget to
If the whitewall tires on•YOur
car look more like graywalls be-
cause of winter's salt and Slush,
it's time to 'add • them to the ,
' spring cleaning list for your car.
It's an easy job to scrub them
up and make them good-looking
again. .
. Several packaged cleaners
When „0, had turned from
red ,to •green to white and
regained the use of his vocal
cords ' he informed roe -
(among other things) that I
had just 'blowzy' Abe Ihead
gasket. Thus - ended the
eighth lessOn. •
Backiog op Was a Whole
new ball game. • At first I
Would sit bellii)d the wheel
ad say to Myself 1 want the
rear to go to the left, so I
must turn the steering wheel
to the left," I got mixed up
One day and removed six
.pickets from the fence -at the
kids could hardly wait for,
their father to get, home: for
once the tables Were turned
andthey had something to
tell Dad about Muni;
1113'Sht tune Witter c0Me,`I
determined to Mang up „my
beginner's permit until
siiring. I broke my vow one
Mt:Prolog; theiear was stuck in
the Snow in the, driveWAY.1
MO D. asked Me to operate
, the car while.he pOshed,
soon'. deVelopecl a rhythm; 1
pressed:the accelerator while
•he pushed, we each paused
for a - moment; then roar-
- push, rest, in unison. Our.
efforts were futile. The car
refused to budge. Fia11y D.
Sagged against the driver-
sicle, door; exhausted. He
happened to glance into the
car,- and to his horror dis-
covered that'the car had been
in neutral the whole time.
Luckily, he was too Worn out
to say anything. "
' Before I triedtoy driver's
test, we ineVed to Newfound-
land. D. decided he would
rather pay, in cash . for my'
• driving lessons:than SaF,ra-
fice his mental and physical
health, He also took into his
calculations the 'amount he
figure'd he would' save in
,spring elean-., 'Whitewall. tiire ,
are commercially 'available but .the rubber..
a steel wept scrub pad qa stiff - After you've..gleaned, the
. bristle ' brush and Chen ....sidewalls, inspect the tires for
cleanser will do just as We . , cuts or Other damage and re.:
One caution, however:Don't move stones from, the tread. Fii,-
use, gasolitle";`kerosenei or other.:-. nally, check the -air pressure. :
petroleum -derived pfochicts be- Underinflated tires cin waste up
. cause' they , will discolor the. toPne gallon out of 20 gallops of
whitewall and could deteriorate gasoline. '
, „ ,.. .
• •••••••••
••••*';' '
body shop and mechanics'
bills. My instructor, an off-
duty member of the St.
John's' Constabulary,
promptly took roe Into, downtown St, John's. •
'Frani Water
Street, the main thorough-
fare that parallels the har-
hour, all perpendicular
streets run ',sharply uphill.
• Preston Stre,et is the
steepest, so naturally it had a
diabolical policeman station-
ed half -Way up who delighted
in stopping vertical traffit-to
allow the horizontal to breeze .
My sergeant was
,ietermined that he would
each me how to stop and
start on -hills, •and what
better_ place than Preston
Street! ''O.K. m'Iove; let's
go", he said encouragingly.
With me manipulating the,
hand brake and clutch while
he Worked the foot brake' and
40010004 We chOgged, ep
ihaky halt; tried desper0tely-
ttpo t ,Qetz po
t nl came
ip , • taon
,backed ignonimiouslY down
the .hill to Water Street,
f prefer not to discuss
parallel parking, 1 have been
known to tie up traffic both ,
ways on a busy street for ten, ,
minutes . while tryiing to
maneuver a Volkswagen into
a space big enough for a
School busr like three space
,parking -drive, into the .fiist
space, straighten up rn the
second, and come', to rest in
the third; The only trouble
that kind is hard to find.:
We ' are constantly
,admonishednot o drink an
drive. D. states that -trying to
, teach a wife to drive is..
enough to drive a maa
drink. That's.'" a soberin
,thought. '
a ca en arwa
. ,•
, Automotive service experts,willjnsist that ,the best Way to ensure optimum ,
car performance is to have Preventive maintenance ona regular basis. Know-
ing .114hen each system needs attention is the key to effective Car Care.
This Car Care Quiz asksyouto be a calendar Watcher and,deterMinethe
right time to schedule maintenance.,,, under normal wear and tear.
1. The cooling system should be flushed 6. Normal effective life of windshield wiper
. and new anti -freeze installed: ' blades lo: , • '
A. Every 12 months -.A. Six months
B. Every two years B. One year
O. Every three years •
2.- Wheels should be•alIgned and balanced: .
- A. Monthly - • .
B. Every Six Months'
. „
C. Annually
,3.„ An englne,tune-up•isiebpmmended:
A. At least twice a'year
B. At least Once a year
C. Every 18 rnonths
4. Usually, the transmission linkage should
be adjusted: •
A. Every six months'
B. Every year,
C. Every 30 months
, •
5. 011 !Uteri should be changed:,
A • 'Every two trigntha
' B. Every six months "
C. When the oil is changed
'13' '01•Er-&977:7177/77,11" 9 • ..0
. .•
. • . • . •.• •
C. Three years
absor. bers should be'rePlaceth
, •
A. Annually,..
'Every two years
C.' Every 36 months'
• 8. 'Expected Ilfe'span of the exhaust system
, (muffler and-plpes) ls: ,•• •
A. Two years
B. Three years'
C. .Our years
• • •
9. Tire pressure shquld be CheOkect '
A. Twice a,day,
-7-B7-At-least weekly
C..Every six months • •
, 10.. Major : brake-ion/Ice Is usually. needed:
" A. Annually' .
B. 8466, 24 months,. •
• C. Every three years •
. , •
—10 •ii-7V1V-71 :9•10PA9U
. . n
..a littlesooner„.‘.,
you'd planned
Royal Bank I.,oan,can help you get the car you.AVant,..
_.a little sooner than you'd planned. NW, have flexil)le interest
rates and a friendly and helpful staff to serve you.
, .
eriyou succeedmwe succeed.
Brussels, Ontario
JERRY DILLOW --Vitnacier
- JOHN SIMS—MS anager