The Huron Expositor, 1980-04-03, Page 28OAR ARE sEcTioN'
4-*CfnVe plawuwx 414MS y0/4 the better gasolin; mileage. ,
to enjoy trip on loss fuel - Tra:eV Avoid.oXtra.
The high price Of gasoline and the uncertainty of its availability
in SoMeparts of the cduntry may require some changes vacation
- plans this summer. And, because Of inflation, many families will
be looking for Ways to stretch their recreation biidgets.
• The energy Crunch experienced last stuniner already has brought
about a change in attitudes as to 'distance of travel. There are
indications that, feiver .families will be taking long7clistance au-
tomobile vacation trips, knowinvhat they will have to be willing
to pay as much as $1,20 for a gallon of gag and still not know if
• they will be able to get it.
• However, there are many ing services are even better
•vacatton and /minas to choices.
nae less gasoline and moneY at- • '—‘itatHIJUS IT
the Same time. For example, _
Most. people have eillY„ a
• enough to reach many attractive,.
one tank of gas n'SuallY vagdue,idea of interesting things
• to o and see in the vicinity of
vacation spots within any area, • h
t eir own city, much less
A nearby resort or campground within a radius of 100 miles or
can provide as satisfying a
so. A good way to explore .
• change as a Similar one a close-to7home sites is to apply
- thousand or more iniles away WhafAmerican Automobile As -
from home. •
• Sociationcalls the radius travel
Consider'getting to your de- conceWLIt_i_nea_nuy,st '-
sunatten ,y ei er. plane, train callY Investigating all tbe tecrea-
• Or motorcoach and renting a car tional possibilities Within. a
• while there. Many organizations, • geographic circle, ,
including auto clubs, offer:clis- ' You determine the size of the
• counts of inito 30 percent on car circle. Limiting the distance so
• rental rates through major rental that a round-trip can be made
• ys a family can enjoy'
Fly/drive packages, or ot er ,
, preTackaged tours, are attrac- , on one tank of gas will take
tiVe to many vacationing . away any worries about the
-families, Because of their . ailability,-Of gasoline along the ,
• sealed -in costs, •there are no Way. But never carry spare cans
• surprises in the form of unex- of gasoline in the car! That is a
pected expenditures. • safety hazard you can efin ely
If. you are traveling by family do•vvithout; • , • •
car; selecting a one-stop desti- •To further hold down' travel
nation, such as a resort that of- costs and save gas6line, look
fers a variety of recreational ac- for ways to plan motoring vaca-
tivities, will reduce the need for • tions, With friends, if there, is
using the car torget around. A • room for more .pasSengers.-
metropolitan area, a beach or And, if there. is more than one
mountain resort with good pub- car in die family, you should of .
Tic transportation , and sightsee- • course use the one that gives
• leads, ePPIng Inggage O. a
Every 100 pOultds of
added weight reduces gasoline
mileage. by approximately two
percent. -
If Possible, don't pack bag-
gage On. roof racks. Roof -top
loads. increase wind resistanCe
that the engine must overcome,
Contributing .to additional fuel
, Start early in the day so
you'll minimize the need to use
your air conditioner. and also,
, the amount of heavy traffic you
face. Plan meal stops to coin-
cide With peak traffic periods.
If you travel through urban
areas, try to avoid rush-hour de -
Reduce your meal Pests by .
picnicking along the way,. All
states have roadside rest and
emwgjFLric areas, and you don't
ave to travel oft the highway --
to find then.
Naturally, the car must be in
top shape. Start out by having
your car's engine thoroughly
tuned. An out -of -time engine
will drop jitileage drastically.
d will greatly increase the
amount of pollution coming
'from the vehicle.
tieionets Vyfionei
7bm rip Arifrcee- fo wpm its Pow$
Have •the oil and oil fate? r
been changed- lately?„Diriy oil
Or a low oil level can seriously
damage your engine and rob
you of 'gasoline mileage. Also,
it's important to use the weight
recommended by the manufac-
turer for your car.
Make certain the front end is
properly aligned and vvheeTs- arc
balanced. Poor alignment is
like driving With the brakes on
and will reduce gas mileage.
Keep tire pressure to man-
• ufacturer's specifications. Un-
derinflated tires. reduce fuel
economy. They also wear down
at tlie edges. However, over-.
, inflation cuts tire contact with
the road, and ,that is a safety
Are your brakes adjusted?
Do, they both grip and release
properly? Brakes that drag or
grab unevenly are dangerous
and increase gasoline consump-
tion as well.
•The way you drive can make .
--complete line of atitoniotiv
tractor suppliesincluding
Ile!' Inc.
-86.Albert:S1r6et Clinton •
,'".4ifteMICO, IKIW MUCh gas,
you use. Tense, aggressive
drivers generAilly '.chrcinic
IPP changers and MuSt shift
emlstantlY between the ac-
celerator and the brake. A car
uses let of fuel when, ac-
celerating, Steady driving pat-
terns result in the best fuel
Driv"e'741 a steady, constant,
speed: whenever posSible..PaCe
your driving. Anticipate .traffie
.flOW,, looking,Well: ahead to -
spotslowdowns and red lights.
'Keep enough space in front of
.3(Qtt so you can adjust your
Weed.: gradually. You'llnot
only be driving safely, but
using your energy efficiently at
the same time
Using these easy' tips, you
can be sure y04'11 be .ahle AO get
all the gasoline you need- at
prices you can fit' in. your
budget. Relax, then; and enjoy
your vacation!
CLOSE TO'HOME t areas of the nation have attractive vacation spots within a few miles of
home. Selecting ..ane-will,save on fuel expenses, says the AA . Wise gasoline use vv!ft. save on
holiday expenses, help the country's economy, too, '
Driving a museum piece
and wishing you weren't?
The rate is Iow
and there is no charge
:or loan protection insurance
,0 07(
70 Ontario St.,, Clinton 482-3467
Main St. EXeter
Ftiday'9:00:0.m. -...8•:00.p41... •