HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-04-03, Page 2EAR() T111 ib SUSAN WHIT1*941(ot ALIMPIN 0 Editor Asioclatl 6, On" ontsoo weokly Nowspoor**11ation and Audit Cosido (14 a&Iiw�pj $14.00i *Tva)-r, ogislillp CaMa4a (to Adva %E, C, CENTS EACH ISecond Class Mail Registration Number 0696, T�Ilephone 5�7�0240 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO? APRIL okin- g r answers... I's Sipaforth friefidly. or not? . . ....... We've heard that .controversy rdg: 6, �h since [a t _eek -the Va ni Loonl l"Staffa- Whilot ng sWans at arm near newSpape r published a lett ,' f ram ' a it r nsplanted When th 'as friendjy ei.ty-dweller..who 'said 'he� old neigh0cwh ad Was Q as ur ............ town. , m 4 rwen on"'we are here aflo,piph to-st The lette t - .. - A adWot sa. eave.. o -w eam., oa ay', but,fri'nidly,it" t t I John Walker 6f Roxboro,�hjt `e'd SindT,W ead1te-r-point of, view we've conduc ed an ffifor po APRIL9;-18801 fro III f"'. Ili - rg; M the kitchen o is sx,enice, It dep nd6, I hether., d ne and come up With �Sdrne. interesting answers.. W the ,Post Office inspector has Issue S 1-i'theyear. aao "Victoria" .cooking .stove which' he pur"- n "You'v W d,� r not, en said. ."People who I , ., , 'd6ri for try n t e e al ays'live_ �her6 0 one respond notices asking for te ca . , . -11 I . L I . , . 1 . . . t I , , i, I 1. I . . L 19 r. . 1. . I - . I . .. . r chased'flom,;Jhe� late John kidd; k k" f "t' Presby'teri�T._-, haven't: M'Oved arou nd`ci,, lot -don't. I now w., a -�, p'likeld be:6 stranger in..: in between Ba�field, -and. - SeAfotth.'. The have made 'bad roads. The* man.,itjers of Fi ail M. M. r was,in-cofistant use. until,la§t weekwhen be cofif�a&t ii to.�,exiend f ,a�,`p'eriod,,of four" Iss I d 4 strang*place.! Criii6s, she�added,,�are usually fuli'df, people Who've onnie Mellis; Kippen has rought Church have un erway ar p to iquidate ove. d ; chLL I had.itr taken'dowii to make roomfbr a st
t r9p.e years'. her witer,s.chooi to,AtLdii�e. the: bb on'thie rch �p ity-inpluding, f somew. ere, e, se._ o rnor6'mod 6in� co ion comb�,'from h IThe 4.ife of Joseph Cbuth";, Cro.marty was The new. ontairis two the,cdst of the new roan.se now in the course. fistruct. I to c :.very *badly� aided. He bettutiflifty ed on io grew up,. : 66e6,'1iy6delsewh6re a -then ame.back, find xy in APRIL4,1930 People wh hd :Sc r, ittle daughter; w7es,, SAU it t 21 oferection. .'syrup making season is underwa The y in 'AR11 it hard'to decide whether Seaforth is fri6ndly,or not. They'have friends,' while' po' out of 'the 'kettle 'On the, 4& co ce' ion of,Stanl�y. L 7; 1905 uring water n ssi TuckerstriftbAnd s f 'ew:friOnds 0 .4ccfd-e tl�. Jet it slip.andhe contents, poure;d :Surprising uantities of 'salt are �b6ng reports, ay thiere.is a air who "rl�memb& them Wheq!-1,,as wel.1 as n ften,theyLsay, Peter. Jordani. 21rd corippssion,bf Hibbert, ti to Jame eXtra good 'quail y t oVerher'-rno erps egs.-.. run% A d t: th takeh. out of I ' k' 'N tiive'�iht6i6areaa -a heyare p�ople,they me Grey, Sparling's'salt b oc .� ..o recen' y -sold C' i ron n f �Dublin,: 1 6 of- w Stanley 9, as eased -',their best f riends'dbn . . ..... Robt.- Winter I :to n ha's pi'litchased three .Ies§',tha'n 30,'team. . loads, of land, salt 'were: steeik aVeraging.64'001,pl Ryan of Londqgbor h 1 1. ounds for'the �fiug , I 1, I t, " r , k boro the "'lived way, a I cr �frorn, James 'Sparli taken to Teesw4tei last, *ee w'henAh0i- �6s .of land- ng'for'the 'Geo. Barr"t arm at, Lbfides os�urn'of $1,100.00. 6aforth is, friendly.from gum of.$2SO,,00. .1 '' . "I : - ; We',heard a good, deal' 6.f, insistence tha. S, f Statiley'lla appointed John Tha farmeis of distell rst hav'646imed a summer months,, The �ouncilb u busy these, days; rOr6 de�ri�s -h Mr.,'Chuter, of Varna -is -'Iohgt i me I natives. we hear6peobably More ( e -id Jr , tre L asure eef iirig fdr the, s miner season. They.have a �h R a, - very g99d` u i , . " ' I decorating the inter' of. St., John's'C urici.- ut nPw,,rePI W .0 e, recent rm rains ave had�a Most, r. . This �jS b fs as sessm I en the, b 'he-re.1s inj' .fall W a pom men and pac aking a, s are tor . . . with the'lettet,,Writer t that.friendiihe'Ss invi `b 'on I e t h gorat effect upon the beat, ut, p 2(L',shares R b JI 1r."i6f McKillb "brought f h' -that 4ill p rfaq k`nd':',a hello .On, be strOet "rather than -an inVita ion in for - urnigh qs a,.. ei, er dress about 400 o ort Campbei 8 e, t a -in Isaac'! Hudson j., a to the- produce store of". y Ave .20, lbs; of beef: Th ' �h ndre�eivqs - e d ns'ide' Si* - � _ -1 :' , ". , - . I I.. I I I., - e g g c,of f ee., n a' ed Jitr&s. Rers-Who 'is, i�e'll known R k Imle"gred'91/2 x .8'9n i� egg t, 'N atu r rs hIS a 1, 'ion:.is c6l by4here' they ve,come ar ana sotce�. .as. a,secox . I egg f 6'di y' Wjy each p.0 o.,.. pn d o. inar iz butcher. u 't6�abury plough6d a. S' -hc_ f armers :-on oi frorn� lk6ere'.th6y,ve,-,,,been-.,!.,�nd,-isolat6d,,e'xpe.rie,r.ices'. of a u r are@C $ I 11S I �Francis MeC ita,of t .!. � Orne' 0 field;Lof' Sbd,la§t Week: Tuckersmith :are tryi' 'to rush'th6 sea'so� a6k:of: same.' Bi m 'I ey ng erid[iness, &.1 n c' d I h MF andthey 15.:,starte � spring p owing. wh e dedo get �a; 61 t6wri4rid enviro 16rs"on of 'heid'a b- Butt at, ettLor wri er as mana ris. ell , Ing cor woo� on M av, -a. K- Eil - Elliott of � Varna 'ma i -a de people.. he has.us lookingat end de� arg
`Rbb rt dotiv -:shioffientof hok to Kitche�ner' rg , , P -
.,.,o.. new . . - :1 on' aturdy. t d ourselves oke: -'attit u it's �,McKil op, near s and 16Qkipg' a't�." frie dly. town!", With..an butsid6r'.s. eyes. r .1 I, :�. . . '': ' i ' �cciden 9 are in- A the', ., n The road Seiifbrth,:met'.wfth a.� very §erious,-a -b ad condition lit V.arna ei,vibes from 'People who - can' A !f:weconcluder that 6 number of Oeop.16*t, jssAV&b&6n agr"t. t cope,.,with' March ,b hi ' ` d syrup ma ifig,has 'a a�rest- Well,'admit'it, sourp.i w I e:_assis ing own, An. old an ki h d'' she at, 'h n't 'it? -January,- unbe ieiv M own. fa t �v.'Iou"'�l�d6��'(6u'r,�in'forrbal.pplj.6.nfir ed. winter' Able,. h " Break I A tiiiiiir fell on this. Olace;the rn_ 'that) the as stqyin'g in' Cdnada f6i the are, building., 6�,fiis �rm'. am9s angster �and.,, staff are usily b. eg d' additi ' t d' b Febioary col ut cle him fracturing -his I
hex qIJestion,is What ban be oone. -ankle. ag� 't�akipg�&l ion a t ai� Aboui should be Oicked: up, at'thie,, bib�dei, 'locked. neait the'
b gent up etown'w.' cart' as, out egg ice amount of f �Qarladian,i into' ox -cars and to'; Janids. I ay.. Th '' W for busin 46xear of the cottage that Mr mengough Do We ri.eed,sonne sort of a club9i Would a. local vi 4tei, . . . newcomers ,ser snow 'o ,an average forthe'firstfirrie'an itwas.n e �nd,thdt's-dxA6tly,�rhat-l'c6ntd.mpt'ate,-as I di ('eeded too As ihi recently pur, h, t -,winter. c ased K- t 'pn,, Ing g ree in ....My s I now removal bill is A N I �ri i.nstqa_ f h ing'L, hi dust 4 1 fl th , e,,edceea I tio be' ihier6ste in sponsoring it? . bout half What' y:ifig H club or n deparim�eht' d �it t I o � eadi for --t e sunny. ensall.' s 'O u ps, qlng,�er. week -ppe. 9q, Iiiig, m was during a nornia winter.' A h Are, dur,churchs-and established -gro t N.M..;Cantine� the oun ek, o , t 6,ciiy of d iough outreach to And s6clih, dnd.a- sybaritic t a., I t..f . d A!l.RI'L, 8,495$ e st; Joseph was,in: t6wn.', s6eking'a iccnse or- 'Mi;"ah new-people,or are.,the happy -to serveL'�ffie �wrib'ol gang?� Can this: 6ndett'What -y d And, legv(nt an . i�wIpgilig,, � qr,pl' 1* d Mrs� e are all. ihos�:!t6wns,ah �nmng e , _ �: �, , �Izq t'h b sinesses do, anytbing to. rnaKe.p09p[e feel. part, cities and. village�� who north, .,and, -i a,*igiA gi6D " ' ' ' ewspaper, an.. 0 . erl, u. put-�aside_in hi�ad �for_tfi6i�frogty. _:_,his-bij ce re jtiv-c _iated.1h hoteLat St��Josep eir. Oth wedd qg r OW ;Min, t "e 24)� Vtho-�'comrh,unity. w. r, age U g -in poor, n b dgets: so'muclf -for, �txo emoal -and ndin' d''' Will -be rdilbyt,his' n
w-6pk prete iitinued%ion�P 0 Make Som6bn o lfiakeg,a lot more guts t an ying to toug , an if'disp i to�.d the.m&ri6y,t 1�,y h Oac Q 4s,done lately�: je We d6in"t"know f n,g ,ee W bolting. rpm pdric es, an getting 9 .,Pakbado h haven t 'spent gtung �bfi the''foot, 11' We come,: 11'switch.' 'SOme other tell you. They, itl�to 'to:- f a:te askin hese'questions. 'end, it �fi - soinething� I'll be'iriiqi�g.' 6 and, sp nes'. her, we..,can,co e, 'LS non-produc* punche's,' e utn a -letter. writibr,.�soprie a d' Mobg6nibe,,� b-oltiAj, rufi� Perhaps, newcom6rsnd t" i" m" e resi nit6'tbgqi �qqua a in val:. ng squeezd 9 as-silow remo en� . .......... �Qp,v int T�,,Varking um,on �Ui�c My,gtandboys. Iide on the- C- n -cheblitibrboi !reeL, e`w ut, s;� .4 -an ome An we, S r 6.the fire, tenty-46uffho, S16 meters: An, allotment i de0artmerit,' rriet�!! for ti n ov,6,trams. tti 'I"61ar'Exotegis, an4.1,1 id litti dispensation to the Parks. B, to repair and read, an'8 contemplate� the inanities of e, on., -portion' *to the, 136ard. 4:- Works a. lIngtV JUM os. le, r lie, A ess ther vandalism; a the humAn'race far better 'than on one of oT-,,neW parkipg to, pave ot�ref some grass f e. iftje car.§ they. call- r. o. go. to.: 4,, re r top'in dchrane, and meters; expenses, Or a coun�illo A The' 'g.af �fi'our:s tea chers The disaste.rou� . f lobdi ng in. Port Hope bri, t,he Weekend ."that convention. in Hawi on,tb'e hdividu4I these' colle'ges, city a iii. to -study racism. You 1, do bt that I'll ve.16 line' tip'to see, the With;the h 11' ernployees,� I'hJ aimed the livesof skc. i ren s .0 ocl h m__p0r.tan.t_._ __ttie� �b rences o :11n this,'areat_ I . i eryone's'miifid'the A pe6ple;t i6rs. thc..ques , ion on i
Ma sweaty, line to'c4tch il�� list f6iAf; e or y, re d taxpayer. $1 entt h in w firrie this t5ix-hour lira e. to. Moosonee. We havei:1or'in 0th the -oWtb'6f. firsthourast eygotto noww -�heay.y'�rain$ of last,. Week'. the - Ganar sWept appears in'-pr,int, in rid With 1he as arch Break will. be over.:Th annual a air, Instead of,having to figIff a xi,FRbe movement; the'beliief that onlyt` the,. room Was: am, I in. the, right place -an I rough. the"dowritow n'�'a'r�oa�'d,O's'troy.i,n-g�'ov'er..yih 1 ng in All. ofthis is ff for ta C 'at, t e a,. snowmobile, women can really understand waine., With really 46atb, anyt Ing When eveo whi6h 'used'.,to be known a's th�& l3aster' met h stati b': S, w ster Was caused b t mpxpe y dift6r6fit from mq? is�grown in o a. n by:�.my::. daughter, 'the,i, piobleni'L of e ft A idn-ation n.y. ereig�so I t .,nly But over, t e, iipxt owering ot e �.of tradc'wi�j to.her�house; . ee,,,.. 9. ays w . . L. "Al tnei,s"can ii'naer�tQ`the� est.: 0 h' I
th' 16: d.',pl`i' whigti� out th chattering- wesie e f a a n area. tradedyr y poor planning''in allowing,mor6 devb1opment, in T�lioliday gioss e�ierci�e i I h fea ri. 4 . s W "Qupbec.i And o vi . op . s w. At it i9t6nd on b as, t th S, an n s t, invo ves h6;v�siMi.9r.we,werre'ifiat,maftered.," ose-A ':We have a similar .s ; itu'at'ibn Our areiI wheira-'pUblic, Opinion. has t�e not with cold-� but 6 circumnavigate. . Que ecers. ican,,u;* h ' was not howAiff6reni'but., oll� J� " i Uck A hn er. an on I goes.. ; *. : " ". '.,
'd.Valie��,*Oonserv.Atiori A6thbrity's effortS hafidreds, of thousand' ttacto tmiibis,;tlt diah 'd' Volt, been against th Maitlan -a - t at peope. are Stlillr peo' pie. us who w6rked� fiteer organiza ion Bru el a d: Wing am c a h, "whi And children., Students; the,'influenee, et:for If h I Stop development in.areas,of ss s h are.on at ers,'m a nkai -airlift to t Wh , 6th I tfi 0, 6, from'Toront6, or �Tim.' plin out other - that Vol �he I'll b'e 'jrdeted,b�, bone�wwrackfng hugs, er ey.Ic in unteeir school te ..:Jlood plain. o'hi com Mori or ti 'a YWCA or the board of south.-Wildre-they-spend, several ri�ill6ns and-mis"airned' kigs'es,.by,,tW0.1it1le- blofide bucto more t ingsin,, d, ganiza ion was; Al 6ugh1h Study pJans boy d'h they still have f be'a '.'on in,a. hundred Years" f 10661 I rs'gettinj a, sunburn.- h d" ng; sick Canadian do I s who fth', an . avent. a. . a;. thari they have, diffe'k` irectors o -, a symphony, orchestra, the'. no prices. ""Son since the A.�6uple of tirneg-.rec�ntly ihose.th r6blemsi were am Mahy.6ptifnistt say'it can't hap ill'. Ri fits� mizingly.:'similaf. People 006.6g ai n Butlt*�can and it w v iebod� s6iIld put a stop,to'ft. It's a . co y wentup tbefe'. '(Whe6. they erg pug f :all -that o - il -and - gas' W_ the city; 4uniny . ...... ... have come'to, he. fi r s,t w p 'naturally f I 0 W- babk fq7thei d' �qyp qp� w 6
,waste.,o energy with dealing h thef,"they
it �01 d be s and'.Woys When flood! . . ........ . .... .... ...... rl-0._and e.. -c' 0�,rseq,uences. going up .n smoke. Ws:'a waste ey �n.Oses a ' ftd chest barks). e6ks-Vack sitting in a Toronto. theatra,','; with a professional Staff or a volunteer one of , of -Ino 'being'- cloge:ly', involved. in I eo e or i g., wit
anything in eir. way: sufie�s in - . And it's,a wigiste oftime, I it:sabi6ar:da�w:I'll,holl(,r,"lidllo,bo�'ll' Through yeairs of :hj� problems 'pI -w 'kl'n 'h, - pe e b yo t ink I'm just jealous, wfi�ebtall across, thp'.' 30 that, ��plrg�q ly theatre' 'in W( had heard,. op e. in Omps of high inf lation, an d OV h-hi0her interest,r6f6s Who can.' may e 6' fi" 0 afford the-risk'Of l6sin'g*,everyh4'g? ell -And.,my b n'the' tre e Pie sa� that yres, the r' 'and �ameg degi n the teabliersi. nd half the 'students, t me daughter op. espgnsetoa,:t In tfie..tati ghed th let us the�'ri6i off,to arhacia, HAv, e, North n, -Qu' drgianiie t 6 Oy �vas ver�'g a prisidee is iisuranc. It w66'ld 66-saf to SAY that' ebec helping h ood1n Hut' The.oiher point,to'c' J in county but they, see how4e ;7�ould react t crisis situations.'
Babad6sii Teiag, for their, one-week'br�ehk :1. greatest hydro Pyoi6ct ill the world. didnCreal know' if a Toronto Audience we found that,� despite, our'Alissim�la!:,�,h 1314- po ! " . h6re are �no, -I ns u ran be. ag bnts,W ho w6 u Id I n lic foeflqbding . ly! n'Id it it n. il&ktA� i��r t y on -iFffi Ac, —Wben-the-�busm`ess 66i�c Fis w, i s ffiou we&, at the, Torontoiudierii6e wod d- t'e samq N.Ay. . o.� w ie diddled if I'm going to spend a ,But Voice. was:th t' challenges,'Atid, e4bilind Without th,e,.g,'ui.d'ance ofgroups like the M GA he e, wou e, mt oir`6 s n Hugh having- tak 'xi 6# ��ith: the last', of' h V t r ld b �.__Ibnogand bucks, and another on my. wife, to , 0 e h'i ii-ke it atall., vei"worked ith:had.,the: . 'my thermat underwear., Where does one., obt-that the. pt9ple) t -1 gat nery thAt same li onfus6d air n I o �d disasters� i k6R.Ort .F op , e. 'How,can W6 'afford not'. a take, -term! als th the And s �lyih the auditfice afidf6ars;�si6that06 be me. up.in �c purchase. fleecefitied' p'Arity-hose?', --we went bac .-home, Whether e. Were and continue eve a n u at SOML r ac c d I pm6i i on 0"r fiodd, plain"89 other pea�ants,:' 'fly dov�n south Arid whrfi. night a�Te&Johri� pro0iired to preN d drit his b k 'I'll srhirk an 'th �Iild 6orn a�'big fty or ungodly hour,, stay some at. hag I "k ' ( the '1019 Huron'. County �,t dea'jing wj. -p T th:,Stkndard) r afi& I 'my colleagues With the oo., a eache'rs . , e( cl a sma "ut , as' much. sf�l snee sn g8er at. t' town' "At6,64- t he, b W d strike � for. line' , to ri depariment6t a e An, c ass a rpt t 4 bron o rq_a ioi
an that mil last a We6k.' tidiencd, ould big city people lau8 at t e t", e had commun
.-M606nalds' hambuik6t joint, be,tipped off h h c6ll6gesiaff,wecouid4appiy�W
h ont'tio t L, h k W 4ja,,do in -March Break, Bill??' same jokeg tilidi W6stein a esidehts Idgen6d to� undeitstind,wh I xh;"the, Of, eVeryt Ing I eat'Afid drih ,and come �y p, t aps e 'Ation� i6icted thi&'WAy 9:t "'Oh, nothing r4uch. 'Spent a few, days a tbo, g t were s9funny , ey. Some lines came otgAir tor. hoitie brok� a,nd, 6�h 'arid li i.0 th� edi . . .... t u h & id. James Bay,.' 'dividu 1, 4n' th6 shooting: caribou and atching 'back two 'and -three t4mes: to ee, o ussing on ,
Ao�'%wfitiri &4 Amd thing 1br .8 c d F e in,
about two f arid not 'twelve the ice.'#' or w6uldthO.,06in 9 ty� on th d 1.t�ur fiib�tfis -pound trout through ould they: e 'region, e e on porrimuni Ih,
-:eVen tired, by'jugt l.6 , ff� Huron' -C on i bebur I ni6d, friIsttAted� of th r is4haf w want to' of, fat 6unty nbtL, raise any nation is importinto
u to the beach ' open , I ng, e rpqpire our m6riths emotion . n d I I them .ai �all, like 'looking at particular We in ,sin't 'et so" riving o me. That ould'L f thbritiogi gebtly bri6iWni �wiffi in' cleanwater, tight 4p'io' the .black -fly pctreof Anrazoma � 'h hunters in f, e fact. ...... . ...
ln ead we orgdt t e general is is th&-rdadei Who aftef for gonrie'66MM)inity activity, By'doing this planning d,put us arid come: -home relixed, n'ke-yo6rsdIf available to others an f i �ailg, to yoil�,ma pe6ple-are pre tich t e 9 four years 6f,liv gift, Seg 6ith: otle� d a I 'can 'sympathize wtih this: reiri a position to cuttiv The'lightg� dinimbid,; A h rvous ted'Johns, where they Ate, rind fri a 4te,ftiendship e with man I of tfib same questions of edause I Wag, on06 a city:.rdsident T ere' could be a 'wealth. of Y. re�der'b* filled We'in'Canada havie spent. the'lls't good, friends T6, the ioditor!'' who mqdd to A gmall',town With' "friend- '-out there. I am fidt-too nal Aiiie that dbubt g6ode onto- the stage ive to,,re I in �,Qf decades,turne'd inward. We neddeid'.to, hig thephara M, a We needed to discover ourgel liness" b i di pliyi cter.Qf, is�� Hdartwiright,
e ng a priority: need. there are those in' ividuals who dod t, Wig . to vies .f6afiz6 We, e boof 1- ouse. a not just a,'poor sister to .0,0 I room sic hadr great, 0�uniry, 46,
ftatef.riize, W atev ea 'sons may be, er butthatcout on the long- haifl'.' Th&. 6d just as the hudi6nceg .the..giant to the uth.1(et we hav6 so eaes in. gouthwotler; 0 tar6,ldid �vhile W 'We I hive learned that friendliness is, sorite- their I t' acher 'in, an old on '' times a 66/40 proposition And that.�the.60 p db 0. ihoiir fd�s ,ine are.. audience i�uAh
cdnt 'often' fills on the newcomer. This JuncMartefie, thd 9116 problems' 6y looking I
rd too,: Ong�; doesn't inalct t 'any 'More' tbut iences did when cofic6itrlitdd - ot our diffet6tim i6fii the 9�11. 4, ,geafottly, Wag A touri-justAs the aud;
unfortuhaidi�,, it - does, happ,en in lots, -Of the show played 17 tirnes At B yth, emortal rest 'of the World; Thch we started con pefg6n Whb lived in Toronto for over in itidtidly conversation with total strangers As a. Hall, Arid they'con6hued to lAdifi 111.1learly trating on the,difkren6g ok. oui prov,in,c' e-br cases. 40, years, I was, very upset b�'t I .,the ye be ell MD.HS annivei P, recent in restaurants,, shopping malls, subway an all" Same 'JI, Ail tfi&'�prd�iotls region from, the to t -0 I must confess that Ii might not ha' rsar 'of la6es 'As s . fCanada. Thbfi was,I "Expositor Asks" eolunin by,bebbie Rahney bus' -of.' "t 0ge 0 A'udlenedg,ob All the lireAbus nightg� When our community and how differtntiliwag Oom',. as Otieliding to Others as I Sh' es, ffidtidly to the point hi ouldha b n : ., I 1, headed '� How dd snihll town hanles ail A q 'do.."it"' iin the sh� 6�dqd,tho rose.to their feet As -to 'the test.of the communhi 11e5,th L atiiiake uo. 6 wheo-Twas wo rk'iffg aii &.full time'j6b tThNJear 0.80 mdrks the compare ith. d' ddr6ss s.An d'op V6 ,,visit us..� 'People find - pity Wt, V f'_t;!19' r ' 60t9ide, ary cities?"' None 4 �ifi� people questioned ji ru erg I Cat, Who 1 .. in ny' 6thidt Audidbc6g, did to. pay.,' t coun y or relgibob e e en, one so at ag the' home M' edinmitt mi-entg� aili'd Mitchell District 'High Sch6ol t its. Any i d that'tb6y had c'v6t. ll�cd in "a -thatlt -higho 11 oil unfriendly might pise and c6figider, MdAt to �th6 Performer: 4, ussPreqeht locatilrin.. gt Conipli to, coficentrat6 oft hdW, different each S' large'eityalidittothetdfote�disquaiitied.f�offi it likely their . own AttitUdd that makes the 9ta di I ng, oVation'r.56 ifillch''(dr the "4100- individual 'is from -the rest. 1 a'm-c6fig'tibu:,';f this being a -trying 06c:a lo reeognh.,6 this occasion accofdingly,, a Vo',6ng a do n barrier, ejW bigr dity dtidle Itlisi bdieir an interesting voy'age, of dis.'
.1 rice becaltse ot my public health nursing days in day of eelebtati6h, Saturday, April Oth has 'lot Oointed o' Myself and many of'm� As a Writer toba Ed, lit in last this 00MItIlififty. I Often f8lifid fh4t� fi planned- for the 0. oyffidiif o th fri6ds are covery, But just is individual pieces 'of, a, at' nj Week.'s- issue, most laitgo--*citlieg -ju fah' of "rural people On t inLondon fo ii6sidenig to thd St a, children And 1grandcbild he wbdkend 1 W&S I
ea needed more - intdt.- oh�unity. otr a j= Punic. don't , make much. sense, (,ollocti6��f4ne'ithb�o�tht)bds'i.fid, canstate and 1know of . few pe th'the giiafor6 *6 'on go other W. in t* ho on crienc -tting1fie most, u ail' n do the irrdi'viduall pjed'lij.� �f Action with s. a Ind thig, ifeed Was e nvl 6 all-pa,�t g*fAduates and stud6nts that not otily do p each other and , Atda whi) d6 not have 0 , Pie -ottganiadoh. It was qu... edpl'6 know Ildren 0'r �ther, clo'e a mixed.bAg of '.corhiunity, d Country"A Wbild. lt'i thud fi s of' in this day of are f4tidly i6 66,othcr bui care. for, and k' Ii ,helped by.fiflding other ieweirnet's with )ut' �tdfi'661` t6' 6ib wl I 0 in Wing in - cities, across Ca cities all actosg southw6giern Ontarioi There whole picture, if 'fitilaf interests-, dat, 'The . ind' iduaig. fipnj small towns d larger, put th some si M,i fiA ab C fi, tivi Makd �ita Family Affair, hel bh pieces back idget or ag part -of -it Even thougfiaS,a newcomer you. (661 t congtaht promotion of hostility betwc6n rutAl I
Pof a detailed Agcnda hat please write., Ke g a. 070h or more, 9hort tripg'to AfidcftY folk is diVid'Vil,that must be stopped. W I people from �wt don't we may end' "Opi. D r d " � �
pre pe6p 0 frib
the hand thou nQ rnith on y the P Id, be readhii out' to You, try Toro* iecegiindrio,picturld,atall filn 6vet thd1past 6 years, theite'llas not Prances Brem recreation departments',' 6 I f to., Out that AM5 ofid make yourself aoil able `d& Mite"fiell bisttfct High School ',,been �me , pe p e rom, ym*, We,bAve to rem6mbaro no rnifttr whom AA. I have no been engaged .4 dittat, people from c6mmuniq they live, people ire till, to_ . ........... . .............. ......