HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-04-03, Page 11i L I I E KIIABON A`vN AR15: 1979 .0 6,PACW4� (First SectiOnfo.00,1 2 4, SE THOWAY, APM. 4, Wholp.No,,,047 ,.,.,.A#PRTH, ONTAR1100 . .. .... tAr% orn, AMCE 0IMB system. a� 4 repter. enter debate Only subscribers are iitjowed 0 vote, on subsort ipr versus. r rhe d t 'c
'surfaced aga'jp at the drinual.mcoting of issures,conecrning. the co�ptpany An o . �Icct,. the system'5, five omm,j4stoners, :and �subicribprs to the,. cpmMission6o, O�e Egracindville arq4 residept "Asked
Telpoone System, It .why,wbp hewastlivink'14abometh"t
held, ifi��'Bru6ef W 44y Tug t n a, wa5,; 6rWard �by -b- - --o -5 Nm "ears *aCs,� pp Ko. drFs T. 7 A ,on, , t'. � rather than a subscriber.-, Cliiselhurst. isk.edthat a five -man commis -G It Said, many'prigin4f. sub-.: sion for the telobone'! system' Ito*,t.he. ra, Arq sort 'bers i had: th&�,;Oho c, :diconnee Possibilities of.. taking, on. jip,v subscrtbers ted At.,, aod,b�ink back, a recQmx_riq0, p !cause. they were ition frratheir. 'so e poi t. perhaps, be . fl , � I ._ rgnting their �horrie�, or. because iheY bought findin ,:next, annual mep ing., gs tp;tfic locally. an,radj4,ccntfarm,� and thehome n ,Subscrib&s Atc,�horeholdersi the,. 'on th4tv,prop6rty.' On h -b ce t pwried phone -system,.. renters tph6ne'"W di acted, the next Person isconni to the meetin purc as.�ngthe,ser%;ii'c��r6�ithe,Fu*c orsm.ith A numb 9 It -et ot 940scri ers 'at, system -ar,renter; 6kofes�ed coniPern that ne%, v. sub� ers to ePhOne' is. claseol!os,
crib the to ep on t& esid
"t I b T 6:1gmiondville r ed if-' he .6nt ask
.,clo any for 30 years and to _thQ pa�t 12 to 15. company y pis, Also., ulo.�Pay into the orrip
e am m',,since.tbcy yes, 'that .,c6ul n -c. die e -:said they stilltonly be classe&as a r nter. W. Grab, phofi& renters in; the au e
pd ha0pen,:und e a ote ys.tq were in the 9 payin .... existing, g as much for the� use,6ftb!6VPhd,1[RF�' 0 legisl I by the ntai'
Under ation passe(
to: Z hc. sftbscriJo6r§. Telephone: Commission;' subsckib�r s and ttieasurer�6f ft pre Met Graham, secr,etary�l inne. an 0 ere k k d t-cjcphon',c.'s'y'ste'rq, said th" are now. 661 fenters �'must pay -t e same� agloqij or,
6 held to h t 4
-Doig 'Over s HITUAN -Marj6rie Whitr �h s's tern te'lel -to.1 t phoiie-, �,srVictei_ if., 4he,-jnd60., And I y e t,- as.' 'HorticulturaLSo an r Wh'Itm'an h 'nour be. ' tMan. an.. ving e -n do ntl�__ HO.NOU'RED 'Glad�. 80 peopleMt n nan Gen �'PR this ny was, 6imed in 190 carries a ben the�'-,6 pla 9,, tj�pho�ne, �systems X or photo,.,,,, W, d''Or �Roa�de 0 Whi* M t' d b
w as J.at�er )resident bf.th6'Seaforth' bteity:,:' 9m. us �s.tory by on6 of the speakers.6t thd oast of -the sp ring, T�c ers 't1fi'd' oy a hurnoueq sifterib sked. to sign subscription k Tni oes. - ers were a LIKE A VOTE �ertificates* guaranteeing.. ey. wop ta e�, tth k of 1q.. Anoifier audience member, Also a rphtqri: the, tcleplione. s�crvii:e or 4.,,p 'O cri'd co pcause I m a .. sub s or. be r . i n it d 'mce '.if a person, system, SIr..Graha tol the' ' tmg d' 6ckersmith. uys property tomorrow that oWne y a. Bob��Beff;_ pty,rereve,of J. cerns c to
an, a nt, a years. to C said "I would-,lik to� ave'a yote in t e. w n e th'
oTo�fis�io,' S ii subscribers to the' subscri er to. t e system, 'theriJbc,'to a d hq, felt' b utom� tically m fic'iny6lve-, situation, mumCipa ities.to provi e 9 pit or b Jjr.�equtty, mp4ny y
, : §ystemsbotild be a4e AwAre. they r.e, osing
b6eo'mes;-,a�.sq d' f they have' fici l' This to BY SHARON DIETZ'; draft act., egal, status�* the in the teleohond� co building An' w:.home;.. ty best 'suited. tothpir: needs,,, cover; someo!i( 1. c� I havirig: A: pbon-1 sat, some, pj�nn6r Gary )avidson 6xprewd concern ih:at w0uld.alipw the Minister to,itltdrthc-critc�ia .,nictit % o,w,, B -16tig.to the' ikoivout.'He. id' avidson a so; o 4Y can o re '4id a m'- inis ra'tivq, capabilities'. field, for PI uron ounty wtd. nly bi- ou afun r -t e�.-neW ilineO tbe'iss'u arlsny'g, "fr'o m"'thc d It legislation,, e6wns—m t ,a his,. tsCretion,. proyi Ing sulis�eribers might -not 'have' follow6d,,that 'ans thWd'kno,.�n they -in t notiibrttool that, could serve o underinnQ It 'Planning,�aci.'wr'i'tih,H6roti Courity Council c0unty,Would'fi-ave -to s4brnii their. 01 a to -municip hadequity t. e 'Thur86y.' The d A 1d,Whit the county for appr.ov.a., at plannitigprocess. ink- C. I si t* to.� h T61ephol)
Pj t di is pro" One of �the purposes of,the.Plariping, Act wAts Ono of, the. mos signi icent' changes tj�cf the Ontario Government. b pared naa iscussion perio.,, ,one au ience o spee th. op6scd draftPfannIng. act' is, the' , 1rPP'3 moinbe"r,, sugg'ested.'.thatr renters, d' for proposed leiislation4ck1lowing a founy&a t d'up p1a'nnm,g,D4vidsbn sai � c P! 6ss oc more.. j�k&�, th'6.'pr tig f the'� Ontario review,.o c,, t he, a e.:in 1 e, ,staips o, the Ompany�an M to pay a'spedffc�drnbimi 1c. �thefi:bccome,'subscrib' s.� M I el, Gra am' d f fh p arming ,pr?ccss,: in f6 'Municipal-, Board, (OM9)i. AMO, does'not h lncc. coniplicat'�d�,�'with very edu er v Iipro i '4he' �a 'b the Telephone Com ss�up �ditluxl. Agree believe BQar should ' e restrictc&', 7D'avidsoh' presented 'respo'ns'e, whjChr Will involve' mc�rejim�e mi, o ma dations to the merey. ci P h go -that an. Davidson.. cited. an examp e whe-re e. M I ousm;g iii'a case,,w P -re a ee �a I , - 1 .1 tovajr 0 or of H h the'moiio prep,, :by,].. the Asso atio of:� I ',at to, County, OP d, plan whi&h,bow takbs,*diiy,s, in S,t calling for Municipalities f Ontar'ib'(AMO) d sodly cootraych- In seconding n planning., ecisto mimb'cr`-�' would tak,e'60 e act 11. IS §uppo f C6tineil andpointedloutAM6 , days 6ndcr.th . I I itue John", to---- of' fu , ndamerii di �#s It— h d ., interest. At Present th fil he county, o- h 'Cc -warn r6posc& AMO, ft ils tLho. �aft- should 'be' ed a f-pp9mous y,,.� sat �11) the 6unt o power, qomp att, 0�anmpg, act unacceptable- in i s presen form said.o, c, fias� no, vei rl.,;t or iss,ue raisb y h' ovo iany When their' t lei i's the OPP C aren dintridietion concerpi"'g Mr4 , Broadfo6t, -said he 4elt the system oyerAhem'. pi d -concerti ju c� ublic-participdtio� in p anning,. DO HEIR,C slibuld try, art 'recoup -A ose, �propet ics IWN, One of Amu's chief is it f th espite 'a, D" edent' ;,statement, di �ntjrit]ied; and y the. -gives. mo where, I e. sery ce, was, ise(
t rot dutbority,to. the Ministen of c. tq"s do, und ific r Housing C'Ia'ud6''l3cnnct1 tht� Min te' is busing at a ,time -wh'eni,� the',. minist gt t eir.'o-quity. ry. was ere: pepp e� Tay, ave o ecisloil 'between �th.q:,county' 'an the,", we ;aip dete mined to get -1116,'d It h -oposing t e new, -.act woul:d g'tvc, -a. siro,figer p It, �-,-town's�i�,�'armot)ious',',�'David!iQtI added.,- wittiotitr6afiziiig ii� 14e. -said', 16'r, qX'4mPle,
L to t Jnaking 'process closer.. he �'§obrcc s Aecting oca p, nni r m e n, ecisi= I11 �.Thq co'tt�ty w the l3rucefield United"Clittich- ianso Was ve]a diuld.havic,to loccor.he MOYL close to -the people. ,i and to mak6;, the' mAtters,to the local municipalities; - `-if ,the new act 1.7, b r n t stem, ortgirially. but Ts subsciri e 'i he sy involved' in town tanning Isyst& we rqspb�sive th �ajft, itolf has -m n -g : - ( e th, ��.16tq4 4s�,a enter. He ask
a -p an h t N -comes aw.. vid9on-also pointed:,oul: thA n( P er or ibJibd--- ' '- I& " anand� Kegardiess of b� I Da", inh 'does riot'' haVe the right 'to'' to amun pai ys 4 J take' place. county �document:�As; received :1o.cal,appr6val -the th&�� rel to tehe towns. - t�NEWINSTALLATIONS a granted, the. Authority,, to. clegate p. anning authority to t inistet has be;ei maKing auth c debision� priiy oftle ted officials i y or' A I ics w 6 satisfy M s It ive commissioners .o. company, were, askd to, present t When th fi, f ilii�
jans'of subdivision if he -cr h use official plan "AmendT e nts, . ays' municip att. modif ref according to AMO:. y-laV,s an& 661 1 be delegated th&-authority to Zoniiig'b p iteria sh' Pub to, par" eir 1* ticipaiton, ig� a�rcq ired element Din
a Herfsall, repo ed. plans a�c,,',gi, A -Minister ta mter* ontimuril N�6f 0 repor s,, c a erg(IsOn, o d I I mak qnific the s,ys OM o rigl-a�� be -morbl 0 s er iore t-6 - 1' t'
being throAtened �ihe' ocs�'nof 'at Aead
7 ubst d id c,6,Lns6nt9, automatically upon req 'iia� acquired'n which�'rnii tipsyfiu�t a here wi c in.Bayfie'ld,t'A hu sPPq1,.1c. procedures" to . .... no" sts tbe)'Pinion that-provi are, approve subdtvi�,jon, cond t h irman oy I 1b t d said bavicts6n itif voiltion,, Here too,the Minister. . :h s ti ity requirdnionts to all single and twq:party, lines or a h r. y, ibili owing Iave to give. rea recog. all said DavidsQ7n..' The're is no recourse ut o it'..-Siiiicc the elig t6 -this- systern, the y n the: Are contain n the. Appbndi)� cost:icl appeal to the, mumcipalifle§ provided i' edt i'' tAct )f $26-:006, W' b0cfat6f ri"t have': to ask 'for, the, caller's 'miniVer or ong i, n c dista cc all's. �M. f
0.0 e OKI, RA&ERS—Pete Wirt6ne and J to6ghY. .�. .. - . . . itselfin, about,- 30 ni.onths. I o t.06rnr , � .�.: I .,;� I ;, - * loan Sills of'Seaforth�ihad S ..gron oq, race, h Can' ... Sunday en ge �'&lub s" 'at n It ul F, rgiisofi said the',now sysen� o ol p4y,fo 5- as ano"r-, time in the ..0.ptirn'ist%: h u4 Also reported 15 road pus es were 'Id installed in 1979 .Ah "a f 'M e h 0 )7 t aki n a co r6ag south 0 anagod,to.g t�6n:lyabout Alfarnile.d wn the t! be b,eifotc tised'b ten 'boar ake`in moncy, frpm� the., of d i le I3ruccfi&l(tj,, �tia-:., io- south of. A� I7.� �g6nt, ci-bc�'' y h group'of. d 6f'dir&tors work�d 'together in t programs, ah& irlVoluptary ip, into the 8 yfield River jus west . I . I I d a ,Eo'rnon vil Th�'Wholetbing_i's. run like (Expbsito p 0 ew, h 'to) :from Varfi� to Hillsgmoi
Se�for'th,� M'ahbr- residents, ' h a s , b on des. 1g and apol�iing for e, N r Egimondvillo.ind raise. money tepairmen foci f 'Nia 9-rizons, grant.' fterwar-as; Ae: said. Also' replaced 2606"
p to by Health 4n8..-wclfarc -Minister H h 'ble' duritig', of Brucefic d.-. era oney received, frbnf� pr6gyams:wl c Moniq Begin, ��w' Horizons is.'- a ietit ca� the yeat, riort goverrin 7)�ijjV6Ste� M�. ol',The Manor Mar, S', g.�O-M'cmber g'rou I ly p1rordm bffeiingeontributions -t e 0 .0 It iscus sion on .,t vq( f qk1fito:ih nr. rvdls,' new 51merHiiier'of Varfia told the meeting
applied foi,:, ro in egi ua 'on enters
tired p�oplejdcrea . JeCs' 0 sk I card. i6 d
Seaf6rth nursing home to pro�j6o��O�( Thosd, progranis -receiving a. return -at the N t ng �,new t* ub9cribers'almost every yeaf r -com R'q' suggested the way'
HoiriXons,g'ant u der the thenis6ves rid, 6t6ers inAheir motnOn th'.'an"niial meeting'..
finVolve thb's'ale of �eriniics� stuffe� d1i tor'. Mary Finlayson. tn.,a�l -of the Dnitariq a 9f Activiti#s . irce 'I�lttook a )PIYIT'g animals,' toys, ctishions�and diher. or orth,' aii e'r, recover payn thej.t:I si '�hipmcnt 6f*, to c` e r w. o u rganizatiQji m Ag ient fo tb:find,the valtl& in: being. A. su. s rib "for t c grant, you have to -know crs'.MA �ketiqiBcka sinc The Miryclg; who Applied Approxiniatel what you,re made. by'- rd,. ecured cr4difors�, y Fg g Prodc aid.he's qggs" a", beto! te'lly,o(ir,ban'ker-yotiiea,gubscribe,r,t6,,,�' 'a 4vil u n I t 'e, -aAing for.." saia s "The The producers. - ,electe the, Tukersmith ipa'l T�Iephon bight monthsago� haveplanhed10 use funds Mrs, 'Finla�son,,. Fund ion��',ist�-be�ni'ai�t�iin6d�§irictly:by ;-trying to, arrnge A'mcking: �f ilic committee-- d ive-nan f, co'very. !# 0 k It t
h n a ihg tho, receivership.. o. a u r fng, committee. to. Inves h
7bu"' kit b ."u,'�ed�f6r'th.c*r�esideutsa�O.'�6tthO: he group. It IS`. ho't'to add, an'yt 'f g 6� v lue 'investigat igate e Systt�Ud icc� h w'-mue he thin t a 's . .. .......... expand their ceramics It av 0 f B A. c,
V6, r recreation 40mor �ton'egg gr'a r-thi� ek-, -ate SNvo ogram, p rWage ra--ft W'uy ---said--Mr he- hard.,wot The, committee has' �y of.;R.R. 31 'do -k 'Involved 1; a aw. or
juipineni an&* d�vclop ��thcr '.new and A-si C.B. Why c� I erdice 'in:d Son$ Food the grant p igs'fromp.'humb o' specializes in'bankrup
sting ptogrrn rs.' Fi 'a 00 Hc'sai'� that when tho news.of.thO grant which bought 6 or of Wh toy tases,-and he '0! 6 c itic ed by 126 -us, r e i, sai nl y'on ttion, Mrs.' re d t sy reas igatfrig C':W t Finlaiyso iisaid she was Iqted An' happy.for pioducev be n.,i. vd f cce nu'rslog'h "n
Shc,said in,some'e'ageg the d approval.had rdaelied nursing hotheybe was s�, went, into 'receiversbi I e ti st ome, ip car y c 6irited out if's still"16ss to reth 4' 11. 'n Ithe Tue 'drstnith yst &�static. ;8 e�m t An tl�ie, ricsid6ni'g.. March� 6 i. jr u will assist in developing recreati( p n mdl' etter., of apptbVal 'from Wh on If.egg producbrso rom aroun t0c. �Mr� El,ls*,6rt,h :said -he's now arra.iiging Afro ell inadd. h6wevei, the equipinent. Purchased' with The'. for. I d Scott Thortitbn� A; r, at' the r ce'said a business p one' 'in' to.. en*. Aldc'�i Moni�ue'gcgin was received by, the Manor , C in the'm6nth, the aWy er an
money from ihe�glrnt, Must be of benefit niir�ing home,- ..said that ev , thoilgh the pt'ovifice met io,Stfatf6rd. ]at r meeting d, C0n&tt06 h h. Marvels' prc§id&nt,ChArles: Ross. they' -.1' it unlikely they"wuld nictribers4o diqcusg er.'s fin�in' i. (Continued on Pa e 24) the residents and.. not1he '� otne': 9 group grant., they tnust' 9 Mrs� Finlayson,'. ndtfid Manor Marvels' according'to co riditio'ns' o6 it i tied in,. tit -e �g rant �,,Rles ra dfor"Van ro, f wa te, U C ersl r'.' T Jth- he''ar's' t e -of May 'Tuck&�Mthi,, After It fir�t Appr o5val, was, given or Cldrk - �LAchfftil.* 1 ownship council will: have to pa� more for', to attend the annual convention of 46 It for the fdstdeo6of 15 uIb' water it buysfrom the Town of lititorl Agsociaiioii of. Municipal Clerlog! -mid -the Clini on� Tor' t Ma `8 fi 9 I a totter to c6tInCiltiesday, t semi ar in Ono Y) n Public - Utilities Commission, stated qs Psscd for payffidtitt. �Vcre -the following tit W. 0 50 tonts to 60 a6c, 'Vatt"tea` �da� cafe qptltre.'. at6rrat6s ft ounts: T is incr;ase,'will' A astra recreatin cen f d- gatiotis: T trci� c can about X'2 15'. I'83 04; getterAl 10 p'et'c�ftt ncrdas*.� Clerk �'t$8;454�82� In bilt- atootints, $37,7j5. 39 for total of 3.269.55' Jaek McLachlan laidthd ffib thly water $6 from �j t I I I 0 to tordblom in t 0, - mo 'Intop !now, Average. �1'000 pet 'Con nth. 1p. and Kim Hodgths, RRS,' Clinton', t6wnsht There Was indication s, �to whcWer, contfol officer was given"a ftgc. &L. 0uncl Will pass�, no of 50, corits,ait hotiew'hen'on d n�Ntising his W.1�40 tO $54 His car Coutt,of�ko_vjsjon was hold on: & Geiger Triffeage WA8.� �.Fti&eagcd! to 4-o'contsi., .And d Vati, toon drainage Works and f 32 co-fitsw by-laws Were phssed,: 10 shortl after., Vrainijd Wofksand the tdridet y iger fdr, the Ge' n e of 'Arkona beipidAy- Re"00 Ro6crt Bell presided . .... . Ai S U e' ht8 At: . St 'Jarbeig School Oyigip) K& WIN% JUr o zie And He. d rson N EASTeR 61-110 U Thbi V� DO dd !ty who is A In SWOentl` wagaccoptedf6t, $4,650, ItWhs the IdWeStOf Silk e tt sin:g6irs:a6 'Oft tio right) Stephen 6 6n 6cation. 6htertalneid par�ntd And MOO& Atafthool c ince 't. o':: -h'. The d'' leled, rd,L' 01 6111 that , 0 I ono0h Tra0y, a The eii$jliddii 6stl 6. WAS $5, 00. o r n M'P' day night., 'Ll hda.06 J