The Huron Expositor, 1980-03-13, Page 14HU130.114 EXPOIT"t 14 THE -MARCHA3, 1980. form o t, 0011 Y"11 fil yourself wbic. N -Perthform f high yj 9 10 11 x0otlAU04 from -P;isp. 1§) fee ft, P "AbOot the Three pQpQT q �,�an*i q to, loss, to be a.pompar- bostmixture - v4her *M, Its, hoosf? from A WhemestAblisbins, Y,4 _oies or the 70. o4ts A44 - stand of '001fai*i WO, Are barley, !A the, mj#qre.' The concerned abLQUt, the number reason is tb V W at. diffOr6pt MIX A&Aft of ViAble Y104-4iffierently� Under" 7 Y ,,Pioneer, or w*00. O.pnerally, you dif itjqxis. $Imply, 9ARLY Q _feront pond 2C7L only need O� 12 ttqt, Letters,ate a i 8ob Tioust. f1dale Rd Elmira. Oril. N313 2C7L pd, the highest yieldi g Q­ Nnks U siec4,pwocrpi� m 'Will pro ST. in `79' baWY DISMUNT'S jelding in APPLY. nOt.be the bigplo$t y RLM, QRAW VAR",=$, -A M res,respon p9row At - torz dif ea r s, AM A= Un �8c!;ieroql ixtu :'R e., This Y 'Ciii,pan choose i f4ent we differently We Tr� e., vort recOMm rieldL.co diti,.. U pure.Lth try, oa 5L. MIX we rObilip jq qrderj ='IndoAt 'exorb we.. see - meg, getio PA t 11 rely, , L , - obj tivq, positivo7l, Approach, to, d retailing isabsorbailf. ,rleys, �Apd� five r�,co' Mend S A More, .91eci L. ral,, ;�ith 114erta. barley AT a tpulli4ral p Msi _b no'doubt. you, oro_,� ii4tit), then why 49, ere, is, Yield, re g bi,90'jt i$'0Otj0`St bad ,t,vA4 Wgin, agri oties. t�d, F SultS f Pert 0 with' In 0 put fa., ets bu U. cemeil. about papkWk plantsand tgtailer4'gol n r ab o con Cilitiffity, indicate very little., . recoMmprided, diffe Ot , V pi of cqorse, the whOle food, !chain L rob Ins but it is not the 0 , rio.' t tb D ro4ch , 4gri� t. 4rP. y. 0: 'ETZ 'or b atS pis p v cqjtp,rO? Many will A your, emotional luck that, ,P ha 6 ojfijyfteero� four polaltry rQPes w L. v �p sor I ft agri pplaud ia ACeL in yield b ao s i, -involvi� TO., j two ogt va 'In, Vjth me'tp. pq arAze., ag tur. 1. sept:qrL any rieti or any, , e . ti d, this'corner, has,ccint4ily phampio e two barley,. vArie , Thi's �th� bia Aysone L. vrie agilculture but A Peeds fi, ties Ma are L So: P f any, in recent weeks, lttestat ionProducts *ean. don't be t0ocon earlier than; tjoapiat -t, 'qj:6spoiisp to a recent column ight T�� Sa . 1 1, , LL�k* : firmers'.r To. ple have Other Axes W kn Puri na..Cfitl0lM Provim .S . 0 m4nY, p4eqj n L y4rje St4t ements A pve were, in country (Wh Pdsticjde� -7. Spir1ying.Equ PM eli 4b�I Y'YOU' &Jbitti.'although, food. prices b4 ce u it which yari�ty (x iristan , the, meat pick r You lose fat More yield by, qnthq� ve increased, the - nci n this hAnlyQu do cc! stantlyUkes PotshotS':# faLilftr marketing bwdst: however,"'! Obr deliyedplantingt . is getting less, and of the increase bec*sl; P. fh L insist grow. consumers a soc a e,h 527,6 and retailers:�-, ia.tion,does� s M t 109.1so dotherfeed �friom choosing the vaLrietie. most of It, is going to processors buying. pedigreed h e 'jstept y ::You'16 ut per ay.b It"s' .411 ie J'/2 bills o .6 'na), app4oach. ;P ,ccd bas go. S .5e, abo Maybp� it is.,not, Seaf rt, hr,, Q nit I thi t is Positive'. food chain b4i simplydo. potthin.. L 41 z__ day. for eveev­dav­vou defav .1hey are Iiijks in out'vielded on Dedig:reed, 154t rik Ut e After' the The farmer- continues to, be man On. p.ices oe�a$ st peop, tabilit Jn mo Ii hi�. materialistiq vorld totem er S, 'L se Pne �Writ iid:,*Jf :the L prorl p fj W.] , e -than the link, in the on o eir own e far tt L. am, ph h I H ai U My,, contention is. t t, up iess_a. L In re. kept on the re Iand, unipss they a .ntiv,es and, the; re t given proper inge, S of .0. P cour e . going� hurigry in years to orn. tbe_qqPntr.yL 4pcord§ them, the respect they _pserve, we Sprin Will, all g III c an tr give a hoot L: empires not, only don't,,, b L orporate Rick Archambault is to be if farnileFs go broke They, hAve..'an bli to. their 94 OIL -arp er Besidesi'proof isjust n ff,,e cQ bill�jd:or; the clean out of a sh6r th 6ws for no� Sentiment. qh6ldqs at,all 'to; Suggest that "d chains own a, 'Hullett IQ is avaj,me diain, 'Pancil decided, the major fool piiediii6f'the a iqn all a ongr the"food ch 01 Y fi t We; 44 vio Ini. , ey, gp doze�.kicks a h i the cat,' The farmer gets only, one. iCouncil is C 6biaws .'whi& The esti 0 , ;* W �n �mpire:'own Auburn. W A, ells. their HILTE -BE N SEED Hun n ni breai:l.: T , ey a so oWji 0airies.w hemilk; sggir- �j g, ra n procia'si t ha ,cjeam t, because he -. pap agit Y Ott d'tbe ;4n6ries whic k c e hprQcess:tbe.,sugar, IgL� a voila r o4n C companies s, Cpurs�(��oftfie'..dreek without tru k 'hipping 1inbs; djstribunng� Qmpan t name it.j am not so n At. t e� glan Si6afarar authdriz, i. ypu ion ggesti g Tile L6 Manip4lateL. at YInL el pq impossible does hi clq'ut� appfi6ations of W -Plant and Saniilac% Drain an; rices .,,am L I h itential is, t emi a, potential th Adams. v f simp y. Kiaritwoo� sing e arm)4 4. ompanies-'are,.crylng1;­., seiR a Qver:t e, indrs areln�dedl ou" C they are Subject to township dupliq ial, p NOV P * �,� N'not, -think t�p:many aq ing vs and' me by;i Ov A h fact that hog. ar f am jj�t. rs. ir, t hel tamblyn -themslilvi6s, blame As Any pd k,",' t for'.,ffiis psition, F�i Coun drde.r r ranted 'building aboqt�:to b4amd the' packer: tire, as mup. L.,, o. 'Wilts and "pick e4hey,.Are in.1ften ppces.weie high'. &Ctive.Jast pqr -go L over y: ol jii , S . , .. , . 1, 1, -, . L .. omp e L Pe . rdy s, subj yearS,jfarmbr. c -'ct - to township Y�, pup Y e for -and,.'Huron V t &'aiyi- Others who hadn't bad, a'hog', on, the, p ace, 'Health Un where -year business'. GRA S tohet ST WA As-,a-4esu 1 d k ica e.. ,, 11 - 'IL I.T1 r wl 9'a r ey .�A farmer: who:gross �Councj a t ;-,,t e Today, t ey��;Ire�o8l4g..Mqnpy,,, �.ien` i:16r! Geo, L Radford! w�qft y� ast.ye4r IS. now 9? Ing ccqp. o_�O Ii k 056, if t tha gross o CrUS L and, supp y. ap-.. ex 6nses-, of; $6,000 last" yearL he eu had Cofistucti6n �itd'.' to 6f, $ $1060 haul: at sam rain - . ... ::,. : - , , , L. L' ­ L ' � -, - - io h i I uid p I - 2500 yd;R -fi -expenses-inc P' gurelcut:0,.$3 A00A mon yet have r6ase by'!. in o. re in Proxima e 9 L. con aC 'gravel at 5. per`yd.�L O� o can take thosg.. os5' jp�! UTL,'��;ry­,qng.`A f Cl ton h Wfeed; �Nob d" IgUT he 'C fr b� a;iy 4iF�hers:ar� sirnp y.w. Arms e As - the,. ank$ have weed hispector'f6r'Hulleft. b enurre'is provi 'is not R Willijin'S6 dL 'S* t, w, receive ,ocie, ies prosperwhere lao A 6d. it' t L vgncesjn�..qj er.�are, $ CS. Hiealtfi" is;,b6st- and IS e og. V ket*'h. appL - t 'd suc6pp 15'99.. from Ack %Acciden t at- as Ave t d in �arvtii rip_ os §oi#Rtle aouncl �.gave pprova o.,.�.prosperp respe n57 oor - ealth. unning am,­� p h C h to U 8 _,O h Ve W t sevi. erp. ellure. difficii , ar 8 Z. is:consi d re a IS C LaSS'o arm' ificen Wri en, agrepmen on me secondk I cqupAtiqiI� And ere lives are t ences.; :�C'HGOSE', �N, 0 :M FR a -'d S4 adidby f 6e, in r y On -wia., a on r b _0 ow - ea u e woyears.. Wi h I of X'�L' �E E" 6d OW ;i�i*��-,.�,��iii�i._� ......... S U, N r L ss 0or a brand new crop for this area U M space e at that-clunbr of ar en - High quality steel Ul ent. o ' k' i 'she 'odcupies" y, ur' area- F Ro Sunf lo' r, W panels 7.11Y' of ground'space, reeri 8, Pesee6.6nd just /2 nixe, ether ena 616d,iteel. S.ra, n sista f, rush.ih§: fat! htie: 'are built to, last! t 'there I Nvides:1401 6 p1jo �:. r , . I u feet., M46sur S 72'! e deep )e of to fa' -ga ens egin wi go space high includidg:0. all in slid e em, n p t, ith an t d: f ks6rhbles in a snap S91/4".high; A0 fie tr -Tiller', P Wo'nn-13tive', 7 t Mpsitercra it quality, Tills, up -one V groW Great, -tes, 61F W, 8h66,kqrW1199.95 to !449,95 e carty, all �j_ . ..... ..... e -neiohb.ourh to 8- 14" our a f th d a y SOU -Sharpen _n s eel tifneS; 2 -speed"".. Briggs Stratton 0900 %jl I Vr it ;?!7 gind hi e IS retoll start, 10 x' Z,75 re I l6w x 2 ............ *i: led. eo-4 4 BI) :Rapeseed o0tracts,,61' Idb for F10' C uvv,i 0 e d f inandh'' thatTillers ava#6516 g r an Cals. f i1i"t' rid Chemi ze a g Fo :d and quick -unloading, is Of fe'red rwar co rac n rto'n Branc'h,, 'ati Wco S Por mor inf6r Kit avin-gr rn n 47-Zlrdblar aw :I-" 'r ..nuaf:s od 'r -K 711 a e it Cl WORK Test! 0.074 1�dl6d S'A 0 'Best' #1401 for orbijAl 61, 6 & P 'Valu6: #573a is s C se6ty d6uble-ihsUlated With 9.4hip., powerful 2�,600-rprr �i6bt t,,,wijh.., stfaight4fri6l safidlhg. 0ouble; ENTRE A� r -rpy-6, Cutting h@ potor; 000 dopths .1141, dalibretlofi,. 14 speed insUllifed,'40W-OPM; motor, 4'r r, 2�14' at W lute 11" tAnding std,61 2 blt� W�rendhep; area, Dust:,W - With V14 dage, 64,6941, ffient,; 64 and at 45 919195: bi d, le6fing att CH a 0.' cutting 'guide 7195 3895 e 64,831J D S L "Clt6ufar SA fr&n 04,95 Other Pouter avaPAbld trorn $5t.9 0' �al!able from $ 17,6 r covers T any falls to Operate. KMAT T Other 711,t WS 5 that Sand0s a OPINOTCH FLE1 W IT� 0 S -HP Aiding MoWe A B ARA WdW ace at NO OU NTE5. ill tepl, power too[ that and doffirriefdal ase e: xcludeCf, torrito , at Stearo 'Wit l0heY6a(-,6fp(j(h' . '�e ry VO P . '% h asd ntal tibri'vice, '. . I ] MILVERTON- rhor aslercran quail 5.19-595-494,1 A ld Storey' M'Fd n Str6ftor) 4 -cycle. 00gine; easy, recoil itart: ager t r abfis 20" cutting dock, Pneu- A )'Oly,for your Folds"Away ASS E. ` 11 j � 'heir 6 MlItI6 12 $6 3C, elf for 9100 Dlgd-typo b 4 F'Xiii, TILUY M Canadian lire Ca.& or. I 0ent or SM� with it 6 6, glant vise And pottab M BEER 82 A g,c upons bnet'Sturdgr Wr6rnd Wifisft6ti6A With 2334" and fo" ih fi b e a.62a S h M114`1:w6rkIhg heights, �P616 6 991/P X'�V, x 11/2' 510 '848-5006 R, k 4, Arth,ur, OntdriO ee. deeip, With handy adjustable f 1 61-000