The Huron Expositor, 1980-03-13, Page 2one. uf the, at SAWRIV Y, CQMrUnity FlrO. MRS. JtQ; moil ha C lcb b 1�orii, in GIA MAR fl 17�-,jtIUQ �Iensail wber his 110M do e Siem pf Zur Oth Sf. rto ip .. ne ANDREW Y, NpLEAN, f hn,444, wa.., I 5,1 h, and -John -frighten ,%vq his right Arm, tu b 1) , e� tbe D gb into the Allen Douglas poighboura SUSAN WIMNt F tor to #eep h Inery. Friondsand hesliife. Wo ,le qqtting dpw e , Rop'niet Di0spin, of MpKillop vill hipjOrn. Sefort ggrden,gettiog, P40ght, up jo, the 'plot. ALICE, GIPB, Nows'90itgr WM lortio, Ock schpol tp 11949� no"So " 11 _be� -4 car load of very. fine gen, Thp S .,Lypn O� Londe -Y NOYspspr Msoctv�tllqn statiop , ed. oral b4fts to of their 35th w pn tbe,oc as*,,n eddin i borses which w� s el rp Q,s a ' 'j �e:t to 4 rii ' i C 9 es Strong an& MI.s n be. th w . fro Ill 0 pu !repurchased N pappi, q6platIon in this Messrs. John Shang n, d licenq6 ecei a in . I anniversary' They go direct 'to Fargo, Ngrth J 4. pen Appoitite .,vqd a very ful, injury Ob . Cardiff "have b 1p . "dAu t_0*Au0(CkcuIA Q"' Liberals in the Provincial iding of, Hq; Dakota And will be sold to farmers iri,­that oqmr ).East, Hu o at an enthusiastic meeting vta ase e jam 5. Cowan has purchased 1he 'Gray, Cbn d, V.oll'nd rece;tly, purch .d' t1i Robt. M,cCpbbin, MIP;,, 0417114PIPAOZY co) $100 *,Yp" The recent, 'has rn In f4rm A. Jo north. of town. g4t, dwelling property, vf rs.- Thp. Ass 1. istAnt to flip -minister poijutp c.oldsnap ,ade goodido"' d' ining his. own ff" of T,,pckqrsmitb, returp -curling yink and thd '!5o.ap-ber-ups in'R Outside C$Luads ,YeXr have b fun Wm-,Doegall of Henpall .,bad. ill' 0 A'Seaf64b,.nfik,, skippea,iby MXr W& ;if ended the Pr4l: een enjoying life for p ,,few frpmTo q,..whpre t d '�red 'e�, tapleton and do of Mrs. Anpo,�` of fi� dqughter Mrs. W�R. Chiff'�' m1sf9ft4he to,,step On a, piece of wood and , S nsisting SINGLE COPW$r-45 CIEKS EACH D.D. Wilon Of to ut-ic at Suffered greatlywhenpailsIn it 6ni th Wn'Is get Ing Q, , C. Leatherlan of 'Seaforth, preached Kiiilg, Mrs. Thelm� Wright, zind. garrie, and intends. having, it brought here ver Q udiencp last' of hot foot. ni t 6 'o, r , g . draw At y Add ptably t a go d a h in r in 96, $ug4t Making is t e.or0e.r`,o 'the day, 4nd,� Corrie Snowden, wo I I , f -W adies Cur RpSistrati6n. Number 06 b' rail. $4 y �0jy At Constance�. the, ,�ngham L Club� with -0240 f Constance th qn� of Sap is reporjed'goqd at Hensall. ad a p v. .1 bo &527 On Frid4y as"Mr-Hambly of $tgffa,,was ame4 N4edd o, three wins plus It. pp he . Cqnt . re 'road he, was sticcesSful w�pd bee on Mqnday. Pery -has ri dr ng t Anderson et4rned"t the, rs, Chas Riley of,Cqpstance sufforied a '3" 1980 S I iving ficidi who had het,leg acTavish store. 1or the millinery sei on. _ I M A 'MA! , , r( t 0 SEAFO TH, ONTARIO, RCH lAddpilly th )'n from bis.splky. and landed Floy Edwards of Bay: pai I ing wee s .ago I r I Iddle of the toad.'As the.' bro p , as seqyre a with an electric washing machine' When. he 'k is Mrs.. N..Mq lful ace dent a bet, h M� while work head first in the tn� ken At schoro). some h d rogressing favo.rably under. the care of Dr, good position in, Scott Memorial H9spAal. 0, was about cape p hand, b,pcame- entangleii, in. the, wringer, I& eiglitIncho,4deephees d Miss, Grace Vet4ick and Mfs.'F.--J,VeISh, "beini 3mith. . � I much hurt, stitches-4re"requied to close the wound. cares o li 1930 n James JI Jett,, and ohn tii6son, of, -uu J r 0 ernove his MARCH i4t At 'atten,Oing the. L,O,B. A.' Gra d "Lodge M'. Lee of, Stanley is about t is ot'his -eParrtine-to­Brurefield. —The-inaking l3rueefi#1d_,CQn n. ---d,-d—eS­ ib'e" up -4- in s __y=.tio ap eaf Wn can 9. p ace, A, psira I 7NNfA�RcHjo�th105 �L , '_ * �' ; S Way to I s,-. arge b general this shop with.a reputation for going out . of it wel ; me customer' 'Andr!�w.,04venlock has pur�has�d al' has flow,. ecqme eek although After a 6,000,'in'ile motor t4:1,ibroug6 'the C6 p�ks'�` Mr�,, R.J. Bolton, .M tract, 0f pine.lano -and interids,blil ding a saw a few p6bple tapped'th�:ir trees two In es. Or it can, be a hp-hurn p ace,.an,area. where p6op'le shop becauso th'ey'. ve" SSth'W6difil Atlant c, coast a 4 Gulf Stat '�go,,­bLlt, repott Oil- it .was not ry `Town5hip, 9p.Iebr4fpd., theii 9 f invitation hs'gone to Donald Gordon, they feel duty 6 ni -0nM i l4thand. t occasion Ali carl't. get out of town �,or because boun,.- t t ore. '17, 1905 satis actory. y. , Arcl MI ARCH �e�-heldat the h Ome of him to, have uc field has c p d a inn was marked, by x d4 preident of,th6 C. N.R. 'asking 0 ih jnl�triin at, So T e' choice is' Up �to yoi`i�" The choir of Union Church met' at the� rrjn'Zaohe.of Br ae musei aforth. some ime r -Lewis golton: T d ring the old boys' The quote from a. notice Sbaforfh"'p, Busings. mprov'em,6rit Area home, of. Mr.. and Mrs., Jofin"Snider of position, with J, Regier., ;Mrt and M s, bey were at's a reunion, Occasion OSS Abouttwent "d...neighbours pres0ited'witli wtelevision- Set and many ery,lbusln _ 1L Well t cefield, and presented, th0,ni'M invitation, ininitte0daded-by Y group sent out rece n.. town,: as . 10 ,Aazel!Reid, t ntly to. ey Bru th a e Of Mr. nd.­,:4zards And congratulations.' co beautif�fclq'ck, as-a.,token, of their.' )od of their'line gathered the h6m A :'held arr.'etithusiastic meetipg.�an laid,the service clubs and other -,potentially lnte�ested, 'groups. thew -Rev -MacDonald. was, Inducted at wish&$. and appreciation Of: 'ihp. efftqi0ljt Mr's'. Ma H4!Ipy,r Tiiekorsmith'.to, mark I : .- Q, � grp 'r no work. to obtain r many additional s insid the 'proposed BIA n 'Anniversary.:, It. went to them .$e :.merchant -,on their 10 wood! 9. Euchre wa,q. .Catmej United Chu'ch, 'Hensa services rendered by'Mr. And Mrs, $oid.et names 6f former residjIlis. so. t at- they could p Mrs..J, -siderit Jlpnion..!� ries will pay,-.tKe shot_-1f_an-*are U B;Thornosofi, ��clj 'kno)Vn To boUnd6 a is! set.. here 'of choir be, j_rMt.ed_Ao__the_o _WI MaX &f t�5Wti for mAny, ypar'Sr Iily the-decisiorii -4n whether or not. sea 6. -heeds a 131A Jam6s Pattersoq w1a.5driving to the villa e lunch' ,But rea f rth .9 Tom shou,ld',have input rom,. the whoie' ,community,. E8pecic Shop Suaavand, in eaforth? What does it,tak6. to ma e -.y u spend. Do you like to shop. k' 0 ou e W 0 h4yp r 'a' ill S your ha�d,earned_odollairs here, wit.k. peop.l a, a. . i instead of I in city. rhaII6? Do': y-ov.,pre op y m i [eY to, , fer tq.,sh in.cl6otherl. nearby. wn,. town:, because, it er,"its stores... ave mco nvenien s'streets.are, liveli h' e,you more..welcome. hours or,its merchant mak feel 'th' s of question 6 , ping off to thejour,,� 'ties: except, the next', vould'�sne6r; at uch s that should )to' go p and,a Those are e kind .:be, f lyl no around the 0 young peol gat] onsibili M�al. - &rn' 3 youngsters i S Sometimes I ami convinced,l was b CxCIIA�ilg i , urgeois. irav6ls. They, 6.�neqdo es corners of.Ahei,�earth�,with. i lit"N place to'sleet). I gb o o bo meeting on a BlAlh'ext. t: March 18.,at th' town hall at 7. year to' so n..Wfien'I-s66;the.wonderfuJ . ...... �. �-. , . .� : I. 7 . ., :. . . I - - I. I I .. . .. .. 11 � 'ones. about Mo'r'o6co and M sc qs'. d/ �ba6k, 1was,ope o, ve. About: it than -we'd have givbn to a weekeii 0 owl Affie and oppol,� rfunities - for travel:yonng people,�ha. ris-l' It 0 i�.the 6ity.- They're'. so. PI eabout it t at, jf s y­generAtionWlyouth Was: orce& a ia, a P.M; , , " � as;' -'h 0 f, iistr �I' P i an , P rt�Au-Prin�e, :,D61hi: -gr'ep h in qpq,so. ay, turn pep h of"b Art g enlng,Jq'�a:n old,gii� like-me,'who has d Ddbrovnik� Tair nauseates,me, 1t does... m dy., be,0yin '%4ro'u d:to6.. We, h n wit envy. Sorne anw6r MO by circdmstances to'stay�. om -a BIA -may,,,�not be the on.lYL When ou. an�d .,Wpre, young.,. St of u way. L to S sick ej,ge.,,any Jo e :ha r d evitali'ze­-Seaf6rtWS -, , , I 'Yeatfied t6trav6WkA.fid,,neverbad t c in death.,z .'hb was�,�:��, mr.owli..S.Orl L. I:or, : I . ays fi availabld,'And 6,anij on t it like�L,gf didn't.g'et'much1fAfth6r thanethe�nexjLjOW�� the tim­ war s getting to. o it..,.' f h coasts of Canada,' been t ity'visite -he city o'deasionail" roa, s,,,o .. ,, , 'is a�starf to d all'� us to' ii�ca on'� bot O' o' n -.discussing' ilt d pver,y� bith on tbe-,hij. d w toWn.:'But� t" ne or molieypr4reed6in n d d i y;, and A mino my. -ayi Ii ession,. e as7,,w on . no :' hal In d th the efiV s h earis, exa§; , Is translate our concern for,$eaf rth irild, 'action,. I�.:big deAL.A a s d iing the 4pp� exico, ew, Orl' T iaO, Ireland 0 t was' I e6ple ilo, a job, on the'uppr d d I fi and"a Un, te or P acles At'. at st 10 me lie" s,', eo�ri` big,city.in their-entIre h b b ... ; hey could-,affor I . qca4s6 and �codld, come orne b 'I d 'd On Y�P to travel were: at 17, am6 You dont have,to-be in fa'vour of,131A toattend. whale of a lot o peop enover I get to'see a could, affor&d I nAbbed Iake.:boats,. Iragging.,o lives. Alrid'.wcre no , , d -What. could'�be a crucia meeting -on they did'rilt have any lniicy.,They rodc� t S!outfi.Amprica'4nd.has, vi ifed f exo Ic" _I? aces asr opposed, eith'&. What's needed t free bi6n �40 sii'ch�-; bizai�re L worse off for i , o course. Para'qua S. ple%WhO,will a mit,. the1.uture of: our. downtoWn"are..'op d q D T It" 14 k 'Jour ��D UtbL� the rg6�nflna and 13olivi4. ., e,,�snpa s , 'Man; how, tlia� chan ed,�Nov�days, oil the:t6pSa'rld1nSide thebox-cars. ight Ull , ��Sanit,'Ste. arie;. e, roi.,,,L,. that thbreare,problerris 'er'ean'd-th'at,'we�h'ave't'o.'WorktogOth have,' any:'ire-' Liikehead'. er.-to solve Coniiiriued,`on�Pa "3)':, O' h ge tl�ains, And'* they didn't t h Om If very' 6w, people attend if those, wh'o'do show up are essential f ow negative', downtOWn-Seaforth rhigh't,just as well. be left to its qwn.si o r:, ec To, -th:�,e it 'd ' lint-, IS Jfi' at w at We Want. e",RC A ''-d*'' i6 1h 4� w.1 'b ts H, rectoUS�r,' h wa ---- ---- years s e is Vo reme';mbe -ed, by bi drerryere,,� X�of4ny Seven itaffon b6iii1ilk . was, W611,estab- I" - was f lly�taught�-by Miss 'all. over�,Canada_ Ad, 7 rest. success u ams. rJp,�mer,AtV0.en ew:app e, irstmet or in� arri d In her,. teaq Ing. but to- many teac ets,, pa' h ' September 1953 heri W i1drdn'of the Young in ie .,servicemen I 'reciatioh of :ii* h' rentsand'students bowing 11" N fe and th�m world is often exor6 So we uart6rs., a, S'hort-ti,me to.1live are ev her'me I mory t , r , u v in vdd,feo�a�.fatm-school assignment to the 365-,peiinhho�,t.�,'�lar.ried,q.I h 4 wi6ess tb�'frdits of her, mapy . who.: have be6.given.; 'R ly has -it cir'been lyli es ori� My fa J y wishes. 0 eSl, e pr.an ad' t d f heewunderful fhe J. D Donald, s A, e, lic e no -nonsense -tte''ir' exi rito. A .'McCurdy Scho6rat the R.C.A.F .­life,lohg�;acco li h be jr6ss6i thah by� Tor surdeon Dr. John A... MacDonald to shar6�our lasting imprin pip is ments. f nteacher'w o gave A, ot o herself and h I he lo-Ved ihos6:diy$'6n tli*e: R.C.A.'F Lti6n lt!&AiAlid"and, one day,whiie visitingr d riatifying "result A vice, wh er s'p h I'', t yea, s hel ng.others OVied,o canrcer.'recent ly lift, en ing, is las r , �. I , to urn'receive g p S-` S [JiOttlIng, but . 'her examine om thos I e days, I, fade,, d6eit h mricibal of the school, I h6ar� fr efear. I : e rom,; Live With cancer" pkaiSe from the"many parents through"th614 smAl y I identificait'on' erpt.. f his 6oq'k� "'To CL-erland-, b ewa yp�ar�*We ta:dght, 'at' Centralia" plateis.',T�is, was :1 -b -M I an "St rf hot., a. c osq own d, b rb6n Cetitr4li I ' d d as an 'air', ss�t f ttituae;5 -and.fi o Allow her on' theb4se n er ..aware,:o my:rriorta i,t,y,: my.a eelihg 1 Re"re Was7r-e6l m9ani I ng to.�the Words .','This is the fi rst day'of: stAflon' in, 19,67, . D6.nalda moved,'�O 'work.' is surely -,her pass'to heaven.:-, Lofid4sboro and we'f6und ar-new-We in, Sinc , erely the, rest' of �your I 1 fe. traoJ6hfi B -McCarr 11 01 :My,.r appreciation of f e% 'increase There Was a heightened awarb6esSof,da6h sunny,daV, 6f the beau .of f I oWer�, 'o thd,so of fy t _ng_ a, ":Ho often do i n bi r ,e'rE jy.of:b oath' 4lec-onthef A s'econd,,'�morner g easi Y,Wr't o.ut pain of �swalloWihg­without effort.ah*d discomf r al Ing witnout'pain,,, o t,.. &.f k' U Ili A ri t la onalda'Adam t b e to.�th of a complete -and peace u.1 night".§ s[eep? e� te.6' s: I that aft6k..she quit teac Ing nor cone usion 'a why the,'Lofd too W a a2ed k as practiiill-,,�v6r nsfie�1eft,.A­ We rer llj� arri fy;h'U'n -oftL mission wi ow jh do 6,6al merely -to satic of der without appreciating Dotialdafro, 'the edfth. A friendV everyone ..'shinhig.star for all 0 Ow. M t f011, ti su etes�%of 6 arid, smel 1'6f :'a'. Wei (-c6oked meal? especially the littledbildren she started.off In,. it was isiniflar to,,j6sus, Ourr'�Sa�ib�r- who 'Id be h kfUI . How often, 60M u� Wor if t66ing. S he w I s. A se6ohd tobk.' th ifittle his' kn do, we plain..,of.',o r k whori,:wL-s ov her, 42'years'c a Roe,, and, of being ab le to Wbrk'),,- es eached., to th� for'.the great: blessing mother to tfiose�littfe on she had ud an blegs& t s h em. Hd:pr, peop e 'Oh6idon realize ow precious life is, when it'appears cOrt. M th �nd the otiles who; ligtetied w6r c d Sh' at it Iterest d , ofiverte a havo,, been .teaching WO I bel�curtailed. o doubt..she could but -the others 1, heart' Whew en ig e 9sp. e his s.one e.appoint6dtbe- -a.: little disciples Aifd others s ' ' h* or166 Press' U, VUXTY Uut, IS MISS childre in a'h:'h' r'.'gtade ch' th' wo�ik on earth wa d H Ad' F ries. I' femember hearing,bf: ton. boy's'first'da�at school amoutig stiangers. so eath to He therl'allowed him � If to b6' fitto d' Cr 0 I I on.her, h. prove� is lovefor'the World. Reg G e, a so in r146 start�d to cry. and sh' ' ii okh'in ams, pottorn lett, J 0 , nr , I., cGAeb d a. �knee -to do M.i' I C, e to t John:L Reid ho' ifi�e, 'ho ei Seckf Do' rth:' fiee,d m,,',81A?. ng pebp IOU ktj]l our 1�e ep trte nt -t has e young pe4 ke A Business ITnprqvem4 ne, aciped that I w��.F gooci Area' in th Seaiotifi is.i sibility .s a ni!e le herd'�b6ca x5d' as they Set 4or MArch"l[S" !Ue f &,bw old6, th Y wouj�'have';�hildre'n And Roul 't byKell son 'jm�dcfilldrefi fi& 46 8iffere R_gendra,. are itifere. forming such merchants sted in' i ine e Dick of 63 Jarvis StAft 't S, wais, 'elp d 0 h tions coul, keeg,the town. going'. it, inlpr6ve parts o0be' doWotovl, This ame win't'er-, i, A d Ill, it.nplio parkS",arld paAinj�.of even put 1110 Seaforth said. "I r'eally� d6n.'t know. IV S doWrijOwn to get a p�4pk� of' �t()() d' at a 'faslfi&4�1 '�'bo', 1:11 e u ique it the� t inforniAtibil.: signs. Since a'': 14 ed'hefe'Afi.m'y' Up. frelly don't &ee any, his' tat or �tAtne- snowb6lt, wiwot,ha date there, hastl tbectf en6ugfi- sn6�v in. the filee Ing is cigarcttp's,.� If th alq . 0 . A a Iddl 0 need, to go d6wtit6wn, done, w6nider� for. municipal; sn6w;ren'1'oval fidlds� to allow the runners., t 't, the mail; they IF, roll of fat 6roun, yo �plii , e,&shes coming; Up. o discus'. the the; possibility W' ext,fe-me.., pfoblems wit 9,,,.,$1lde over,he ey Ar T ingS Arc fair , I '�gbod'siiicp,it eaforth not much: for �tny' o' of dirt ackin.tfie' car and drive it halt 'a lock to ut of shape' Ain Ahese, days of sexual,,'. ine. y Waistline cl 9s .Improvement, 0aj h S �;.budgefg ut 0 It in libe�ati6n fe ladles. Want An Admirig gotA ie&qation- director." Ject, On tpof that I haven't had to pUsh otrt,a Exp6si'toi�Asks-Jhis'Week 'decided to find the, p6s Offic :sIngte,'car all winter (how just wa*tbh 4 06 ro thy Engef of 178. Main St in 'usually 4-lowabout 6tir'fArmors! out if area residents thought it would be a when spring rbits around I dOnf A'loi .0 pco�plb' male hind to'��feel -a girdle.,, Th h t the disco doesn'tlok idea. Soaf6rth aid,"'Yes,'I think ii,wbUld,.be, 1106 an� roAS, around - nly- midd.le, b0i2ard corrie next W.60k And, see 'Me think of *that commercial �itll. Bobby e 2 o man a 0 c ckle in the.6train -8Aker'Of-.SQ M'Arket St. in- .,er mprovd'. ;probably in beti'dr, shalic when 'th,soo� oit�hlhgl a heavy balc.'of bay as if i e 0 '&"dda. I think any extra i w pushing cars by'the'doibn), I have hatdV�.. Mrg,: Janet. OO'_ 'C a h if big knees bu �rhdy � h goes' than at­Afiy:6t,hdr!ti�lic of the yer,' picked tip a snow sl�ovel'.: In shok, I'm a IdAther.pilioW and think farmer; tnu4-b in of boogying.- A ing"'Sexy Seaforth said 0e-thlo'light i" w0ald,"And tit would elp the town. no the tight-fitt ' woti)d be nic "I thinkthat q� I r I t phys . ica . 1,shapo, our. �vcrag f r, shifts don't took well with: a',. s9ggested,thAt it e to have methinS that would draw. Part, of the reason is' a 900 foot' long seddiltar. oncefir g ca, a A filer gging y bur pladd that go button tuMMY- anot her shoe store in tow"fi., industry -would help the t6wri'more than landway- -oil. ts clo4.ged mu§cle. eds'the,livOsiock by pushing She 'also, suggested ddjng� awi, any t . I 6Wqdidker - ..t - ban you.dall - sa only strenu -t . h o the n sin wths d ibok the' .cleahs"Out doianurebyppshing I Another S city ppople have take 'to fiffies y with h hg, it I! 'y nec, 11) .'truth We out herb:in the healthful 0 F6rtune-,of 36. Huton St.- in .,a snowblower", l3c6ause we don't fi'av�.our excdrci9d. buttori, d11MbS in-thd 'cab of h,is'pickup, .,4,.serious way. III paiking met6rs,as She said she had gone i f ve had ill; me it wintcrhas,c6 own s0owb -Anc 'often stay w we in't I he rural —different where -they' didn't have .SeLlfilkh said, -probably; I would lower the .oni trips. i�,fhebig �ity� No truck to,drtV&'iO the b�ck,fi�ld,,)v. to he' countrysi , de seem bappyhoug o waddle slowly onward& toward indolent �p-ts.TtAink el6gg6d for c t�d hike-,. drag lik6 to see ou'rselvics. as'far superior to climbsAni -Ofitt04. I . em6d so nic6.., thiok we odd -some Pprll�vl M a* few in 0"tb cab of his cI1mWt6-4 it,56 't, Worry about'lio. She said if y6u*pot money in QgYing it tfip!� b e 0 combine Ans: his We don fo 'an hour ptoba ly some 'of the, stdre5 duld'be -fixed, roni.tll r Ad,.' t c Soft city types.� We're t6ugh, we tell , or trlidf6r Its oil r and get ev disco. Most people, di the_fli8t thing' you, know that hour 'U,4 up little better." Making that'b�kC OTICC, twi�� dr,f1hrec', �cs. We bteath fresh air' et-exparyding derriere fU-iho- restfthe c)n't ibAlty,Wdfry about ft goos quick 'idea of tim6a day fashlons..11balth clubs Are,ArtuAlly nion- :good# ly when you,ife looklqg added that. he,, didt! t, like the, the last few witit'OrS hat b4dn olclit�. of x 6t6ise 'and we're strong' of ,day; Rc,may not wear a �6re piece suiC parall�l patkifig.andA at,sort -i�f tbrig., but fily,equivAlerit, of jogging; -it gives rne fresh mifid and body:..,- 'but he'llase Ore'tty much the Same, etiviron. exiSt�litaid the idt�­df jogging With around for Aiff6terif things.' I h 9 e Sav didni!tkfiowho i6teouldboteetitied. ..,air (and frmorl 111 IbIty tiot''haOc breathed fresh' air 'the sahlO Idt: of DonWilljam§ of, Seaforth*said� '_`I.think it 'and �tfonjgthohddldg We ment, ffid, shme stf6s and �people looking ut r windows. saying, D�c "I'd like to open a :"There goes that1diot i m' Iseft t I he city thaf I 6kccrdisO its an in" '.hi 6 i�otild be' okoy.� it Sort Of 16oks.gloo gddlm6fe restaura.6 buiTgot fai- � ore-excerel d exodutive' gain tefidg to d stom ch muscle ASO tot 11ding. K ep a 10t, ,,joimng_,.t d lat6r at.niiht bec;ku.ic, thore'.,;�.nottoo many r, fafill office bill downtown. They could liven it up and make I fied &er'got around. here, in the "City I tend to I�eople: 6om. h Thete' eat 9 aking ind qudking. and. onghl City, p6ople joglgin'g generation. Try to gqt some u can W gh the:. guide:my, b difference th it look a little. rlicef." pilldees.Y6 it ifier,10 6"clock ' at night iriter'Ifito a rectc;�tiotlal assot, flit "exceteie, by going f6r a long' Wilk am Seaforth after I a hockey g,afttc�, " be said bse:bf &6ggr Country skis. t�sbneq.oz il 'have come to icalizc just A lady from, who ishes to f those du,ckihg rushing taxicabs to the nearlost I rote. t,, years rem 'III anonymous said, I do, I think,'.' 0 0 Market. St. ]if Seaf6ith 46w activitl'dg At is both'futl and ho'gitby .'parking lot A . nd, proccL, . d to walk wherevct' youlie lil�bly. to have. 'omd, friendly, a Paul'Rulley. th what terrible , sbape-they're -in. They're,., - S . . I& ift' his hci'a'ftb6ui stoi) and offer YOU' 4 6 tely need mot& lodd9tty kodl- id, "Su ', We ne�d,.ftiOfe-lndu.kr' ## I'm O' ., Got g a longer distance I will '60�yL they defin 16i to at thp:talo t1iii, 9 09 �h tired orbein. beaten by that' -at old gut this. Veat.-thera hqslllt h i, th-'st At"s ,l li"r Swede Thaliks in. part I suptib,se to those car, W'� log lafi'� t& W44k.,ni'l. Few, a�t, A J Ut �Ofteni I think it 6ttli, the eff6ft-alid 'Particip�cbofl 6oi-Amercials 'the cities. ki-ave, It's part 6f`'6tn' rural culture to thi , hk of ho�o has boon'ctiough Snow nionoy-ottokitigpttb,tic.tra,�sport justf�t .gone fitn6sS &ub� the city kid.atid,the country: k id" tbol-city In 0 ot W� kth tO'l. the c, d to bloct _ We, V66'50 at bas.been right at the 600r,"cofiven ion(, but a, few bloo and'th ks,so M firgt thing you'know,ya"ve,covercd amile or so'qn allover the plaoc.� Drivers n bt on! y have to Watch daeh,dihor. joggers and kind, trying to hoW much smartet be is than the totibOy':1kid until finAy. the hot Veey good from 40. p6irlt of foot. country kid' gets,mad-and shigs.him. 'Maybe ..Call you Imagine People in ou'r towns kh'iII6 me It May to d6 wt We'll soon hive,to: gtfu sed 'to �the; Skiing td6,hd1bdpfJ Ortilaily ffoft existtoj alking a mile ;n foot?, 1`6��lc in olit-sinall -on, gdilotati vorybody,warits to-16Wyotfr'. idea that it'S,.the city kid i�ho'll be the otie because fo� the m4jol, otift �of flit w1fadf t6 'toW'ns got in the car to 96 two brocks, best" It't pot much gbbd to go And by it ' t Ough enough to do the slugglps,