HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-02-14, Page 4T11419,1111URQU WONT OR3, F9611VARY .14y 108 . .. .... ... .. ..... . A; . ...... ........ IIor mom -Pe e Port. Ite. q. . . . . . . . s, ng,: on 0 UPM Pe nt s, 'aw ndi 4 itself to the raoieshobjectives, A m4jQi, report on. t V.I. The, to ort, 0hiljosopby 404 esAoo' held, stated that t 'P th towo.sllp hal, 'pical. ,e At, 'a so he e g0a.t1oft sboll,d, be included in this, in,' Perth 4odo hat the of Xqndgy, F;bru 4., at COubty. Plowln qn -sc ol :Pert apO t oed fpr'� 14 Col , ty, bo is,. met ith fii�aq e. .,Commit 9, the n Mtch, w 11, ctal considpration". Id, rloortibohn, Logari1owhship e hel'it tx,Tow-nsb p esp to �.or inpation of ,t oga mixed- r p�.e, f r inq Apunity. Coundi �de- ided' , 04 0 el" and board * dminis- i4e, upgrading of jhe-4pto:gr with qwr ain 190, PC- -it is 401rab,le in thp public inter.�et� o, re. it, w colt Th rep rt4. of three municipal, e, Council approved a- P9 n as. taklied sbpp,at St. Marys,, "o,dre. bqlldi�gs -and ards drains, will! be cQnsidproid request f9r, the 014cig 0 to b� i nine m s of, The two pieces of eqiAtpT industry prograrps. I! t4dy. ut in a safe .after . grith and r d Amon on )Feb. 19,. The respective a., mob me� %on Lot 34, IIp t recommend, at - last.. -Tuesda "s boa 0 ment ba b �41p�, 'y pen plea" eengmeat -the , , condition to ard OrAins, Am- the Ryon Mun- Concession, to rit pted by lists, spbr .., , s _Ac�.el . . y j0pri. oth The 'rep the St. ni To so 6irt was praised Nary,� ec cal b0rd, last icipal. I)rgin North Branch,, .,modate 4 Uther�On form- against fire,., And, er for dangerous risk.or accident, the Hill" Municipal Drain irig-0, ration. y one. trustee Or being 4p nt -for, I ast he fiblIpwipw and tc� require, And, artment t6ompreberusi,* yet. spec- thr.ee. e Eisler years me, A rspp --that , grA �B. and-,,, -th LQgAn` 10 n hip has ,de a' I late ft filling,up, draining oselect two� rating e.ceived etter from, Belli Iand w, 4,s la ' itided, ointed' out,. it the'.- bc� all9l t ming, ano Wo b, ele clearing of, board ch Canon og d's d es tbat.:� " passed,_ T phiong: concerniti.g. he, c `� r ire tq� make,, 'it tecb"k01'- cO , t any q .; - Ir' *ds of sho be 0 ouri&; yiirds and 1, 11 p roe- the, Jasi of the next telephone directory in, Ia a. "trpjan (the for the q ip- pe io, R. G Is � - � vac Council task was some motit); m0e definite tabled Instead f he ant lots, thc�, 1979 ';llbcation or: tile which thero, will be �L a;: sep� But there cur� 0 ba0' asked tlij;p. olicit r to -that sto t, bs yqA s drainage lQans4 blue uggestion that'.it..�had if t r,," he, 4. ked, repare..a., by'JA* to' this. tir I ful . led its original It., .wa-� the tecb0Q.al required. to completip 'PL The road ippognts *eri6' paper for,'gover, min.t li.sto:' en ey 7 andati& effct� by-law revjpw4',aud`-pr4.eied -pitid. pre- WNER CAMPINO'. his Brodhagen family, 9eg,!and Dianne Badl'ey *� ' ' .: PO4c.a. lon, iyd- d from, e� current. seven '6�iO.ed �bri't let Wip't commifiee�s' M.141nium, of eight :.,rather flie" amo'unt of, $4,961,3 sentcd. is. 'to be stddi d er. keep them 0 that the teleph�ne: �. nqm" and children, 'Robbie'-, Jeff and ar, The 'aid hoc committee intqnYto be VOry." defifiitc,�', than th, i4nd,� if 5atisf Wi . ........ factory M , kenO _K e cab: Reg: v Ct' Dearing:. t9 nico,: cre, i s, qtween -superin'tendeint' be- :en e ou, oQrs. ThIs'' W06 h ey h R ed u p th _#,��Man qb off, adopted, at af4ture me.et� jqyjrig,, I I , a te p � ., c - that set Up,r in -'May 1979 at - :�and: wa5 asked -to call nders ce, t e township garage. r:snoWM tfora,'ride'ln the Woods near the ing.: to thei ,Qblle, bottOmt photo and'wen �..'d'a good reco . m el', li� 9 T,,,,e eqtilpment for i shop '.'Oeri6ds ifo�il 4aviing' and, spreading -re an mendation. 6f th he double �y,t6bk a bre kand -coo kOd dinner fi home. The ver.. ar q4M K -aut6 'shop would de§ of 20,000 CU., Yd. Qf'gravel 'bo Avallble in gra� ar4's finance' committee \S—C-1 an of Co., ti'me .w'as,_1ha4 by all—incl'udind T �a.whol'51only 11, months old., in Sept which haiji "a number, Wibout, he told. 12- on township road&. hoto I 'd ember of 1980.. sby,Reg.Oad ey) ut th�, boar Siippo­ serious . �:oncerns" abo belboard at a'* �hotts th echni al �When' pt, of 'a Conitnun, T40 ing, �n e� t ic tioned, abou the ccinc� neral giccounts of pnque, a i�dation for 'the ity lndu�tri4t awere al -ap- recom 'me . Training so Irogi s $8,150.00 p "A h d" purchase. of up- Conun ttee get.- :regular. 0ed. Of".-thii mong �the 2r.J- tecom- p ase contained. a] ind to- to-' ate equipment for the An -put from op rep r't -al, Ajoard's' eleciricity,. hops, on' thO.- on of 'teh- Q oevel IVere 'for., tile drainage pay- , r 1. I I ­ : y. was ments .,due jo the province y ai e ud Ithel U rro d tion ri F 8 that called foe. ,I 11, icant PeaFiiig said me o , ebruary 1, '19 0 and, r g 00'., C capital expenditu�es. on he00. :$74,206.00L for' �c rhmending that h I .5 cl, i 'I But did '-that. the bo ard en, t indent argq. shop equipment, the� equipmeri_ debenture 'pay 6nls'dde to \vittKircle lil'n ch rovifice, od. Marc L n ' )le the intro ding in, In pet cil the h T. MRS' AP ErOAN PERSONALS, Iln- .immediatel P �4OHN TEr Iwor the .reeor Y. mendations, in, some n "It, ill- be phased' dodt, f 345-23,46. Chris Elliott, has �been,'a w ion -o a co -opera ive, tile, drainage ebe i- ork aes art. paid: from money, The�Staffa Wornefi'rs,lnsti- paiienf in ISeaforth CoMIT11111, ruary,, and M. rch w _stances,� did cit Make oy.6r. Feb perience progt ms: ur Ie odlected, owlax clea'r bow, urgent 'the Cation ..in which the student -would' c es, and the tuie,.:hel a euchre. party in' it R Perth 'County "Board. of the-iowhshig'ball on Thurs- Mrs.'N ls�on,Hufikl T �me tjm4;�'working quipment..-. ,re erringi,- to J, 6. lwasjor new e enquire h d �pend s Education. reirnburses�: 4he da ith 8tables, in- waierI 'and "Mrs. liar�ey L of e, "One, the 4he- 'April 'deadline- for the, ifi local industry,. and,. som y evening Nv IW as t board's VY township for the, '.,school play,� Prizes were awarded to Ugar, Wingbam, visited Ieport was requestedl: m641 budge program :,�commi - Mrs., L fiat amport,'�­ce y a nt] that th6: fin uC6L committee Aside .from the problem deb ';hip a approve. for �,;each.� donation of Exeter-,� Mrs.' John Miller Mill Iwas having 'trouble,, and updating -,te of, the, six b "set Gents� Harvey�. Dow'; Mr.. and Mr�.,Bill Marion tboard, te6xii6l shops in to th E!'I Mitchell Staffa, mining prior -the - technical programs , a te n ent "Iof ­ftna chpio , th branch, of St" John, Atuba-, 94r66ur, 'Stiffa;_ and Mr, 'and Mrs. tinier, uperin .. di s 9 I e tiOPC n v onagwis, a a t Leigh `Anderson; 'n�oAud,�, N ar6st a'ni ersary: eo several other, charities t, ano�Mr�. Harvey;Dow;.'Tra-, 'of, California. veiling Lone:Hands: Russell Mr.�QAiftcin"Mijl i, ii who erve' resi p s home, much easier this- ydari" he I:ad ed uncii als P d towrihipi to Wbrdeiii..,. Cjrcjejj' was, in from ine. estern. rovinces ans. whe'r&.`he'perif two wee sin e. I qucsit(?n of p , r , iontie , s 4' h chi -f the evening Th givb,, & 0.00 to t e arge q rth,�� Plowmen' ext: .64�]Jeer atd: a gaT.y ith r w as raised e w 'R arch P. atl ia gard to 'a .'reci atioi., eeve �12 ber IX I 'At �dfe',- rnade.1dir ��,tlfe that the board purc a, Q, a r and, an engine ,analyse fo N'B -tes r e autom tter BERAL I00 r ........... �s:Den on', en n sc .,ore t!BY, GERRY -,BI]AClKWkLL` spent on. -Frent lang4a and had '120,,-'� students had' U� h 'ge s; earh iii -service': n, expanded: French, instr�ctiofil had' necessi(Atcd., trajmpg of' Prench � teachers ours F I'f h h o renqk tu�,�, -insf anguage,-- instruc ion, -pro in the -rii. Ms. -ba Ioh..-, thi.�7yyear I s g , radu aes'. _ihcre in�. t e ftumt),er ener,, h d'.180h,oUfS of, t Q temindedA e�board. 'a� in :Perth, Coutity- of l' d _h' IOil' C7TO :ON, tGar er A, �ren anguage.-I schools has' ibe6n,: :,iii-Mruction and 'b 1983, y an omie�l h ,_d, 0 wh 81 nce its lntrodtictip�,: port�d, d" "' I s en, -thp.,program, is fully tstoto _�,s.ource.. cen re, a( h �b th OaSeo graduating �tu' eptcMbpr',.; t,,e .board teachers' had. .6stablis e een since e P was­� to ts. .mceti�g ld at i The. role..df the",.Fre'n'ch French Program n dents'�will have ha& -a total t I6n,sIult�n, a, erm. Y. qj?lJ0111t` e its recomme,,dations, Of,42 rs o instruction. 0 f F h �u tafit Nancy, RUNE' C66 cil AGRIC ment .,;u ject tu tenew, renc con b Gafne.t,'fiir6d Ust 6n,� was to�'dey�elqp a t year :in 4J. Irecoffimendati, o 'thc­�', rrtcplum a the on * f �.(?f. -G rner poirited'out, ,Prad&.. WAY.44, ..... ....... .. French' . Prograni- Council,,' etwe told Ae- b:�at�l. thpt..�grad( b en Hensall ancll ibfi `1 A '611JAMMI POlicy As `,�knfiouncied B , . : , I - . . , �: -, 5' T14.111 ra gn ,.Ad 6�students,, leainifi.g ri ine, �r6nch. &,�. -at 'for th Zu. Ch t6ge' n ime -,as.'par o. thc PEN: t 't* t its f Id W . program, ,ver) monday-Satur ay:8.6,: Iusia ic, �'Frida.�'hlqhl!tffa pim.,. OU SE TAX on, f6els, used 'ih ..farm:PrOc Uction,..,, cy:�ha` 1."NO 'EXCI -Th ve no* shyncs�, 2. stablish a a i Mi' or -11' ,,r,- e eht :of'th'e' 'C d Agr'd Export" re uctance about a ap,t. !,ult r 9 0 new s,.' ' ing' member be' sound pa oith 6 of n2364979 ,wages'.,paid-to a spblise oni a fam farm she ..said., 3. .b.edu6bn. of ilyr. As well: 'as lowering -the -4. I'ncreas6d 1f6nd)ng:of arm Credit Corporation: with advantageous /%)00 W C interest rates entry" point: info_�. the,: U U scrth e n, F ngtiage. program to grad& 5. Changes, ln�'�he ihC me tax deduction %to redQco the' effects of ."report 6 th6 French 0 5,, the 'Program �,C U'ficj a] so papital. gains tax L tntrou�tij�)fi c ..e. ,;pen. on angu,iigb instr an ie CHEESt 6� Re-pegotiabb. chicko'. quota to protect f ar rTi e' called f'cir more, timc-�'to. be TA n s rs. MSTOCK, tion, and`lthi e Colb ...of, .a compre ensive in- zz It'st linportant that-Peith County-heive-a. re§Ontati " to (;tr.uct* Mo dr�ella'.. $11'.:8R LB. rep ve.'i n Ottawa ein, packag6'0at. The .,H�6r�n."Ox�o�,ito'r,.,$Ub,sc'ription pricie4 up.. te cludod- 1h 'aching.'.of four Mon ra ack �qlp Pone those $ irriplernbrit poJ11cles., $1 1.'89 �L B h4nc0._;to sign, up16i' �skill' 0eas. .,�,�777 BUtn6t bell oter our, recideii havii 9-c . , : �' - � � - r, * , ' , , ' 4 i . ..4 . - 1 Lg,.' V ln_the p65 .M., 66m '&U below* years as they ji�� at Our oid- rate.Yqu can d in the n se: Wi i I 6610,$114. 90 Mpdi e I r�l ITI ,xp ained erd, -had .only for either a new or t0hoftl sUbiieriptiori. The increa' :$2.15,LB. way. 5 Ci e. e n, time tK) t each -oral Ca r f r6m, �kp� Hiiailiqtiar�e":. .and.. Uiidcr 714' jig Ontario --Street,, tritfdrd, ibntiielbt -2 the -new prograrn, Old . . . . . . . . . t242 Inkirmah Ave -Ustowel, -291.1 423Q sttiftn-i re', g nPuibll[Rhd� by .'the a earnin the a h6r1ty.of*.­ offloAl"Agent for Bob .,28 ting, 3 Years cott:�:, BRING THIS AD AND SAVE 10i Iwri, will. sooh,ost 2 years will soo' A"LINQ�'ONALLCHEESES *ILL no �ois It S, p, n y. , 2,years now Cos S, :61 " ILY cLoSING.-TiME FifSRUARY�16,, 1,980' 8�'Yea rs - w 1 39 It 26 II2" Save'. 3: NAPLES Mlacdroni,, Spogh&tii La5a6nd, 2 Pounds 111. 85". V .1, year. will Soo n cost .1 4' ux Reb4t j- AX eb, Senior c t, 6bscriptions. T � I i2dn -A FLOUR"' T 1 year no ' 4 1 8 , I . I .1 . . . I I I . 1. .1, IW." coSlit Qjjly� Whold WKept,: All av Li6j, Will �Purpos6qncl- $121110 $13. I '' I ;' U EM CIAO& 11979 MONTE Out 6 Cana a,"ubg0pilons 'Will nbleaCh6cl,,Whi'td-- CAR LO 7. 800,*Im- f S ch . ev 'bel.ge be $30r a year., -Su IACr:lp 5 pounds 45 f 112 di . sports 'co )6,-26TV8 excellent Qas "t1bris, at 24%, e av 'the old ptices Will, b I 0.:poupds., mi I oage, bcket'8eat8, floor -.Console, tb',name'a- few' , the ext ras'6n l.y 1! e. occdoted- u e Otcli Mill, Satprday,'M6rch1,., 19804 26 �o,'u'nds �5. 75 'ds ... 0 $'10 10" I[or 6ri n 4 Mal ng] this doupon to,,The.Hu tor 1979,'- 1E 2dr.,-broWn 1979 CHtv IMPALA, 4dr�bl E'x0ositor. 107 cam P L 9 C' 1P iol�� S16'2dr�br' 1979 dHIEV B8LAIR 4d'(- el Y" I' h I A.STRY FLOUR". CA RI own, M 6 down fort esavin'gschecked below. enclose$� I . CM r r 1979 CAPRICE CLASSIC 4dr.-bro\Ain poun s 0 :V, 4dr�,b '6�6iri d BEL or dr�r,ed I.1910 OHEV IMPALA,4d'' 'WO'CUTLA89 SAL N 4 'TH8� 8'YEAW-DPAL F 25 poijnd�sr. IOR .$30 (1'1'1 'jidv,o $3 een, r g .04 T, I 6" 2" Y�ear; deal'. forV6 n The'l d I 6 19`79 CHP_1,'6V'0ALA. 4dr-boige 1979 CUTLA;Otli�'LON 4dr',' . . I year ea or"$13. 'ONE, 600 -9 CHEV­ BilELAIR 4,dr-beige NLY 4r. 1079 OLAZEAS r -e , hewa,,,sObsicription, U I n f a This isl,�ra:new 6 We' esiso have a good I fn e of 1 980.'S Whole whadt tood tel�tjcd;i qP Nam, 4R 0,ur used, car lot, , isl ull and, "­,fi SAME PRICE AS AIWA # 0 f fo,irlto c rno-po 4 Th c sly Lo*, a 11 C 04' '1980 litencioe 'Prices Aar, Ri'di ulo6 d "n 4' 'e Ha" or brtio 1�0",461, bUe�Ugdd, Vehicles), nt6AK,11NG-G60DM.' C IL U city Po$tal'Code; 0. H E- t 50 Va: Hthis�ofspllces, A U.RDAY,MARCH I 0 ET VD111111. THIS OFFER EXPIRes 'T' G, O, 9, H LIN' rt d C�j Ce e 6ULK CANDY AVAILABLI5. i._ .6 1W-1140 ry ce Se,looflon4sAvingi.S�atisM tionot-ea6l'rig; ai f 6 r t I....... ..