HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-01-10, Page 14+ JANUARY: . ......... . ....... ... 10. A. ........ .. P Pro ert Fo P y S, s, For Sale. �3,W 4 �i� i W d 4 anite ALWE Companion f h WANTED,-, .9,14 Odck.bpild- ASOUTH Hjbb�rt Atl�et* CHEST ]RID'& c ;,tit M CUSTOMEMLING & ERAFI
As.0,904tion ann"O algeffii2b.. ou good, q I ondition. 345-2WO. "4kOCAS S G ft"Oemblitioti/wrecking shu -in lady. tight h so IN Plna�, And SA�ggp,,Pqrpo4ps. Con'. 10anquet And, Opiq W keeping.: Apply Huron, ofyour�eef. tap.t %1044 Lgm ridge Chal y,, -1-542- x Box 3414. 4-35xl R Cap R9th'Food M** p.m. Tickets r positor, 1000, bales. fiist put 7,5.0per, pe .1631 Murphy RQad':$q $"twth 527 IAVPM W '30- 13-354 FOR SA L E son,. ibo m odiin, 9, A!, at A. tf qqhvd a REAL 9STATE LTD:
ts -ft toii.t,On 1. I GOOD used. fuipiture. 4�4- t", 'He Werd Seofofth clalss B _11-3 STEREO, nry A� good cofidition,,2 7922 TONAI� Non. bay, Bo speake Phdne,'521� , IQ61'. y2 -27, A�adi� tacWeek QVANTrff' of d �,wo6d,. Applk I Acluding W,eedless, also fir. Qt 11, -1 4., Prop erily For . cKillop. P qn,, REA 98 .23, 1 30.i o.. 'Mec 0, oc TATE& NOURAPPE - s, anuary 91 16 Co 4M �AM,!. 0�
Wednesday h e' on need. a 2969,. LM.'(13 OKER) `APE$TETNFR-. I 4 bLedf m 11A ba spe INK.av4i tab e. A`A`G.00d,wor onditions,, ft x0o 1 r ep Ace. cc Nla _41EAFORT You, like the�.ca 546 -Coqkshott PIb at, -T e W' Wourbon, $tre6t., Sou4ble offei- 'Ron DOWn wages otd. 2 .2 in your blood, or hi� new 20!1 cotilt r Rea Hem 24.4 monoxide I41'30AA .3455 hi Cwton . Harql*,orkmsk�t. t b090 i Con apt PPY new. - landsides, new s ims, l6cale tested?.,.' MAU MOTORS, Ell 527-0460 eX(- jq/48�79800 DRV hardwood r sale, .1RU:Voritporth, iu,ng ellont couditio S �Q.R! '482-925Q Ma Id 'MO
Association, 121 Wellih&' 11' 11-35-3 dellvorodL; P AF t4-35-2- Wayne EMs i -Main St.'w h pvp 0 Mo. ocat on. on Wve.murray ST RE fri I, 71-7500 Hjc�oryi, wholesale Qr� retail. 00 S60Drd, or Phone 2 .. � , I � . 527-I$9$ sq, It., of fli ' r'drea, car et ement, Second. dhaJ , N ing 14% ft"Iton'skilde cultiva or, lf-30-tit 34$'.2172, p ed bas Kit# onz'Smoki earth ajid Insure evprytbf floor, reaf Ipirking a e� all for d6tails, n fw6sel the n on R! and et tr ne n to leveling 0,14 k, single rotary. �-77777-77 rgiqncyt RN Realty Ltd.' 12% MORTGAGE Avail I- on this L800 sq. ft. Week, -Js a )$ 4 '6Ot. . I . 18 onths old. harrow,, Sponsored Ptol FAL�E, -teeth,, long undor4, ranch style ho'glie, F kit6eu, 8 - po!i1f6f assifflids 91, wear e Wwidd 60uiltry
'or 4 2 98 .1. -3 room 'with colr'� 1, 1/2 1 baths and 90, .1135 n, �p I ac o; tWEST LOR"E, y AFTERNOON- e.uchre�. ba,�6 sold almost RNA' FOUX Tlace your Ad ..today g4rg weaner decks _T Ono, of, the mor6a6�ictive �older, Plus,. feeders,'A year,: 91di. 5,27-0240. 50.cents.Off This is a! busy time forus OHN STREE iored by the Edelweiss requtred.for. calling 6 I . . I
homes in'Seafgrth. Extensive ren6vati us, comp
buyi qte
P -m- On Part'dule Shift Work when you pay ca ni, Unit y ,room- make -:J is, a ery table. -10"t ' i '1' ' ' I 482- . , .� -3, AAJ ff, People talk - about, R Ledge At 2 .9M:' At S�, 11 .1 h h desi
Apply'to:,: Ingy e: inquirc J b Fn 16th. -Lunch, s'eiv land, ed, .abut pr operty 'Prif ed. ri ht at, $49 500 �00. DERECTAROFNURSE9 he lake. ,Some-" �g 1-35 BRAND new nattira gas er.inan, shepar& �Ottage at vM0NDVU,LE Duplex with g 4 tents, ideal for g, O' dn' ap I I o'. PO wall -type 'heaiei., With f=AR - , f, pies good watch do' F hody want's pra. p FRIDATNiTE, bl PUP I .1; I � I Ah6 moderatd-investor, $28 000, ower nd ventL concealer. pet. Go, i er 523'' od, tenaperent. - ftl) WRS:,, Fl�ulisfiing buiness, -W F, ZANV JRSINGHOME' , :
Nt their Property,. ot 171, to a bu, _13 'hone 52-7,6180: -4 r Aness; l9f to,�Ppild 527-0 `93�1 h.1 a comfortable 1'' OR. YARD 'SALE.- 11-354 b.live in; an ,established in Seaforth. *it] . JANUARY.1814 �qtfse t �4!35-1 PP,,,a Pic be ofii $90,000,00 ifiVestindkit loca ion or dro Couch and maiching 1Z Wanted t a belge.. rust plaid); ity. 2.sois 4, traktor1ire chains - 1 EAST 'WE1_1J" ST-. T, w 16 ii��antAg6� of*the. I ere shanty somewhe'rie, h. �rfiortgage on, this 2 Storey, brick lidnig. A,'family phlk shag carpet 9-7' x 1 ew and i ilsed,W.ill fit'.up to . 1 . . I they.Acan merely hang their REDV '-:h6ifie with,2 bedroom kitch C FOR COINS hp bath sandl MP. T�Ac -This �b6autiful century. olne..is,o'ne-of Se ell, 56 or 60 50.00' ASH h af6ft Argo un ef LOOIKIN fori'the hat.: tor $1 silv6r.Aol- h d ps!d; 274 G Paying $10.00 for, $34 ,boater'- 'd .,Phone (Blyffil 5�5,-9346, �np t, and e price as been REDUCED t ver," '000too..- bm . s eater; ,,:space. d lars n piece Much of our business. c , ' m" - . , , ei C''. _'O " tiL $5,.00 for ,y 11 with - extensie secon income can pro",. e .3 foul odd ome, fo'the p mist H ifi 50 ce t uir . usiness NN 'ST.", A Storey, 3 b drbom ex wire; a k4 h of '.o �b' r6alistic:figurei Feature"i. living too .40ft, 8 fi re dining room kite ms'- fani'l dtililY co om finding;a,suit'-: tly room) P ibfiairs;,�appliance at $2.50 for., quarters e c. lien 3 be�rp� r noyatiolis comp eted. Modestly c at $34'5M s - t'Tuesday, January 196.7 - will, pick up. Phone,: mes ff ff '11 -Ibt A $22,000.00. will buy his -3 ma e your - do-, able� p1pee of �rooeriy . that'.' J�npo�cb,,, cot garage and'sma barn �ExtrA STARTER HOME
stand-' tangarino." p m And - k SNOWMOBILE trailer th . I - ; '12.3 k, �draiA' 1.336.A6004.'. rac s, -ah I ts. 2 edroom�13ii4gaowpil ou Ma 4 rtai (3 sets for kite ell cision. Stilts thell vailable" b I tb' in. Close to tow, 0 P snoWmo .00 . anda well, treed: I t. HOW ABOUt. A 10 o- MORTGAGE on .,a,L ind,m6r6_30, S,: apprec HARX execu ive.; 3VRHEY,...A 2'storby, 4 bedroom,' ti t..,: S6afoth. r ivnc:(B 5� -9346'. our"be9t4b,safisfy. -�bea tifuO bedroonl: W'rfi6 inliupu And try they on a,95' �7, Situations,Wvni d' WA N'T to 13'0-1: a' iii4e, a u Sx2 is ao, sty ei ome :with ,farfifly: too' ry d. h double gaiag6i y hee280, jot* L"vi Ford If ' :, i ing and im g roomst .�tope or a p onogrApbY 1 t'' -2.' �baths, and many more. conveniences ticlosed bree2 A B Q in'- -XVAIABL to to:, �,06. Age; pp., 4,.'�6od lot, .at:-, Iaay,'and built -i baby4if iq, all tXPOsIidR--,wahted' ;� h.1, 1. gp, ppi, e d t th- 'Ali L8 MOBILE oil casi "�,Bieezway;� SpAcibus PC,- P NOW D of,24.�, DON'T FO R. G ET, tbd 4' tached to th6,Sew6r,,andAt a Arice rig wi. u c ass 0 EGMQ ''Sol heritage entertainnientt night my, home.�,5270707.' 7-35-1. po ice b I ified'ad. 527rQ2 O� G A -304f., reaso pfice.jile,mc- a.. ac iveAmp gage.,-�,,�, 'modulai 4ome to be s6afin6rf move o your, oca J at,SPS, ..Friday, Jan.. 1 adid'VAV high 1,2 t mo%�
ing .,in. my t e -a'king figure. Reason+-. EGMOND. S bedrooffis, Argo, sunroom, garage VIL 4ne, 7:50 0:m X -do babysitf- -�52�-0257. th 'LE "'beautifully" appointe. r action lo�e'� is� Almost worth MOBILIRI,hoine-nearin hrop, 125' x 165' lot 3 _0471 Tfie� Huron Strings own home.' 527s; 7 T d p..rt a e an o er s a S I Able. dow JnuiteiAns., pluL n Payment wil be �SMAU. IN 3. bedroo" ish dbaseindniand: d 'BIG! fyio� home with a complete fin e rpeted; living an, S, double ,garagei., Fqk_� Alle, di' i i ti iscrimina ng .,buyer. elt 'radial onsl ere built ei Pa* 1 f ro e F or, y rM i7 eVa ers :'USED ir 0 - whitewall F r -m Sto' d- d ome,. d dining room by Ioun - P tR78'14 steel b ed I - :1 g2epWs, a We'- bave"A.' -variety of kitchen with -in clipboards. 'Priced in the Terms-Lii ' vailabl ,snow tires on GM Rims. 70K arge!2st9r9: n a veryt, Theatre 47oro.tAd, Iickets, ouOf 3 S L bri6k'homd'.o
iliible�,at the E D )O�� Phone 521.4 74, properties in. ADAK. T.� avi xpositor,.,. 29 pigsi�, ave kni., $75.( 0 the.,'�6untryy. MOBILE .16tfie' �a't �Family'�. Para& _.attractie lQt;,:pre�eiitly,.du'pldxed'ifid'�wolI rnain-, .�.hL e'' '11-35x2:. hile 'they .Iasi�:, '#te,sz&ki6r;` 482. . AM4. after,6. room, 2. bedrooms, kitchen An d ":4iA6d,$48,'000,.00 Ldrone's,..6rL ANOW, is 1: e on e r 'NEW�. SOON't TO VE COMPL�EtiD atthe'doork, your , farm.; We, have buyers L, S -AA-ARABI -Phone!',- over w ingo .VS0W for7 �IT cages., lookit',over- w�_Subd ision --:,,C6iupk th A1B* waiting to ,Acie.
CLINTON Lz dh6leVLOTS - I .1 iV Split is, on', ts", - Wilith � 0 1 BV"IN p! attache tarage!and'd 46,_x� 74, P;m.", 3:45-291k-1 11-35-2". persona service, give. Near, r .251 x 34 2�1 every-, T R OP 5 year I Rudaq�YV us a,ca 'Ist reguljir;c4rd'.$1L'00. Re-' tr tdr sery cc., arrafit�.$98,600.00 NEW, Now unc' -6 b p A'�arkot Si.-�his'3 4stricted to:. 16 yeirs or over 15 am "�4 56 i6d" 'VVI111AM r4ll"T -GOOD �se of H X for construction n, - '8!30, 5274972 sbire, yprks;hirc,: ham R :tegulargam 66 p IX 6644poile).16m6�. $5, edl E iat6ltd 527'6870.1 def: bank .-barn, ei es, of $15� ;. $5 C PE 100 ACRESI' 'Hullett 'TwP..;.. �;,b hat.t6day,s.,.. b Split offdrs' ryt'ing t
liy ot 4utoiri 'tic. ee ers, b d ]east oil 'split. Ma ACliriton -5,27- a uyer.cot '�ited% york, y6rk X� lAndrace, boars.,. 48 tribbile home. $5,200; 12 i f �'d 20' 80' i a' ". I' )6"Iblywant-.to 6. Public. wi. an 00 14 Se 'ool afid'upt S9,000.00''
09: -3S-1, use' ses'. 'B b Smbedro6m i 1/2 Storey brick e, o e �$2 breeds Of these b"m ',�bids. Cal Phoiie: 44 ;own. pive.Y�ar Hudae 2-9311 mus go.,eac ek 0 aftek--6: o'cl4ek- 527-01.68 'of, etry. wp., 90 a6res',plowab e.:. NEW Ao qia:L possi, e 5 and 6ros n' u�06 Turrib.' T t e -split entry..7,. baths ouse;, an �bedroorfls,. r. -auyt"ft fie'-.,'.', 11, 3' -1!UtLETtTWP,., - 6 aftohog a yl 47 �2' C I_s.
k'b 'in- fi- I i � '' '2 and'arge, 9 ACRES, B iis ed family ibofii,;
B, GO, & -3 ty�. Or, 14 , _ .1p. 1. .1 I . �, �. ]ro R.jen t c 50 a,; stream. STRA CENTRE s $5 FIVE,ro'opi apartment.,, North. new hog barn, Pole barn, ..beef ba JARV d up�: Vie r., - lic�':appleg. -$3i - .'! .. I . -liquid, F -'kite on. I operation with P per h moressive inz.evpr Fi Ypii1iuda 'T egd4�evonifigat� y, way. ive ALevery, . U 'ed Cars,, or; it ACRES,, Grey Twp., 11A stof VANA out Go� ey
biushel an rn n r ", 'A I . 100, AC i6, btatoes' An R.I.t"'Clinko' - ' si S ST. Re an At Varria, new, am,' h 'near -a en.� Attir c v ly A, partially flu,rlils, e ell e to 1971 GMC ha f -ton Pic up honey xt, B611 Fruit' fihishe asement. �Latge'. kit yTwp
74 X. .15 At' iome, ery'. S�c�pic.. .,52 4 5,,,, bm d M It I i e p I ki �n, h
gular card: Sf.0.0; I4 ..'rigigaiz, gan�ies pit �3 �cylinderi standard.523,A-9487; farm. C�los and j_91 6REg 'Twp,,,,, near ea o 1'� C, -1 pp i000.00 wl PU 10-35.1 th IS h' N, MAIN you into O&
;Tkp o t thuisdavi Phpne:'.524ww8037. -10 ac es.. house ;h4bakn close. to Main,coroei'. HULLETT,,TWP� IEL URT I -: , , , s prey �a urninum sided,hpme, $2000 must gd,.,. C .. A , -
11-35-tf .' ; - .. I I ".. t -V th home and large_ 6' wi -41 bdrm.: �O 109,, CRES S Easthope, Set pp� .38 Older, brick,' 2. . Storey h6m or Ad Sion' restrict' t4TARIO." for. dairy n attractive. ee, is,one qd�. to 1 1972 meteor; 2'dooi hardtop, HENSAIL k h L d f bediooft6ip4rtment ayail. les, I wor s op� bayears,or Over, -8 cylinder, "as is'345-2 own. P Y�- 84 FIREWOOD,- $50.00-, per 11 -1 � i . 300 AC Ao men I -S j -tf 16-35xI "able now or 6'rt'niri h 'a' C 7., ty .32 b g,*, T a -i-w-iliali RE Elm bank barfi;� brick, house. tJSTOM tlliM dme by, J
tr4ckload eli SOLD i -si, ugbout..,Ke v- 357' -100 ACRES,, 75 workable,. neatListowel. , be,'i _n, at e ivered,L 'Call games in -6168.6f 4342' NE 11STIN Walton i/2 Grb wp.,. 220 wor abI6,.50 - e selection ot bui difi' BUg appliances,', laundry' -acres 0 'li. LOTS. -Larg 1 glots in Sea brth, L. Detroit'. "Frorh San. 26 to nytime.. orey 5,bdrm.� frame. home, . ; us I h,J2,6nk barns. f�611iiies all id utilities paw. '2�7L Egnion*6illelid, t April 5. For ore' inr r'ith family. robin on '1/4 acre . :. ACRES, near 'of town., TbOOD standar( es �v ej we rained, 9 room . oil X�40PEkTlkg, rai 9' I breed year- 6t. Ne,.�'combifiatipn.fuinac6.�. FARMS AND'Cq f6rmatfon call United T 'I both sides,., lReniall 262-2120 house... CKERSM1TH.7-i00,ac. tatln7s-�stematidally 4,` us�A .froe BUSINESSES '7781 d 6W farrowing. S 11 P -m- raitied.,.tkin Set', 6 FOR' THOGHTAj MOTEL 14- 4 cottages, 401 'seat licensed' WAi:Araniy'. 527 !'hone .Aft�r 6. IWA40iii 433 -
:new' all ngLeoit, sres on' GOTA1o". -event co_m'm_ _g up servic" _up f'120's e I t 'tal 129 seats, `cotul g w
11mm35 1 of, ladiler -was .15 . lete or. - wil der' se lin
1M�popple will read abo between 9;wS Ask for Le The, rung, lounge,,3 difiing�- qunges,. 0 3 9,1: A. ithbut ut,it:,, figs. Call i6k d6tz flls',� never ined I tit o rest b�droomi Apart' Mont, .. I Ildnt,j buildi Post coming t upont oca ion. In SNOVrMOBILE,409 Arctic but. only. -to hold a min's, toot. HEATED, one -bedroolo Poo ,, exec s kkiil.)CED TO'�SE -61/ RESTIA Licensed,L restaurant 611 U r 2 ac.'high%�ay locatio'n, , efits 'classified. gil two 5edt ev y PINOS AG,'-. 00 miles*.. e' Close to- uo,-town." t140i a C4 lik iotjoh, to -put t e. cbt�6�.gh,�p�seat�47.'taig63bpdr66m,aoA ment. ftbm� Seaforth,�, nio'w:$23,500.00.' insertions and, jet the'. third ong,er , " �r, ' ' % i. , I � - --3.413 ron -71 -somewbai-Pigher.' 14-35-1 montfi'; Box The Ru REL -,se4t'§ 185, bedr6om'i�arimen' b'i k 00 t -mod iru'tplit - one FREE..' 1ihc6' Many, mocleIS16 clear at cost' new.: 4k; 24.-, � I 887, H1 ric SOW BARN� A. I s6wfao ing ba!;�,, le si or" . 15-344-1 , ;.. 11 L g 37q. -K, txpo t w essa from :.co.JlS4ucii6il,. level home" drilled 'well," all on,5 acres nd. I' mile C11679.00% urlitzer fron kbRlST'SHOPS,. two pa e -sho froini Se'afbrth, se rat p.s:ekqb A 1ORR1S:�T-WP,mt!60 4cio daky::f�rm t640' 0 to . , " . '. ... i'1...;bedro6 I I
.0 . V! d 0"
;2 Losi, $traed. Savings .of 2 m- gfoun oor ,lished 11 years an Piano d five years 60. tieuPs
Mip.300.00., Phone 0 a 'a'r tm e nt available. STOVE BUSINESS A'spec1Alitzjrig1fi,n&w types of, I ellne,onc k flo'hie 006106i S.eafftth. 527-005.3t:.� Wre . tic] r LOST one set of keyi phone PlaCe� e� FP �u L 527-1587., a.y So. _22t_x I - � w-�,.447,acres 1a0Workable part sysmi - ....-ASocket- 0 15-34-1. 100'.. e a ica' 3 Gear d h'SetS__ ti 11 r� rained'i brick house.'$�35';W.0,01 `2 six, 'unii,apai-t,m"etits---6,:uiti"in EM,t Ali APARTMENTS: ACRE$ - with it large. brick home . in ery gooa - 8'6, Both have five' be room & cine,.Lbodtpom :�F[Ob8F_'fot- Rent: .80 .Oxf6rd,.' 191 2 condition, 'a double barn, not far fr 'S aforth Ij- Ontario -da , 'ell bui t_ 14-, nssi Wes: apts,teldetrich t'w' 11 e., urnis unfurni hed -or shed.., f iod `20 0%� off 'Ch rgps ire -based on the n e't ree'rbedtoot-hs., Alibrary� up�, o F umber. of,w6rds., S :,Near nion i�'141400S wl go d
a tairs, numerals as�,Idr .Serial nrqrnb6rs,,.Streot numbers' of Japuary NEW S Living room, dining quot4� cattle,- rqachmery iiid very, attractive: buildAi 19'Notir 100-acr6 in L(5gan,Twp., ings. St need to Sell. 'Photid �num e �vhi,le.stipp room, kif6hen`Anddo�.'ddw k viable dairy� operation p b rs of Pfices� count as one wor'd;peri Set. 1, Ia. s, %. cc be, arge arni .Word's joined by hyphens c as separa ewer s,, StftltS I �, 2 U MCIMOP 3 workable', 35 bush,; JkA t d all. wofka 1''. I b X bathidomsi 'AST 68 acres I -3 . O.Arld ' � . el ba�em6ilt. keas64'dble,tc VAN . ..set �4'1`6r- bed, 9te i
htal no buiidings�:$69,900.00. ,'�Mft INSERTION ofds'$�.5 c per word OPINO ' TCHI TH
implement shed4i For - own Aofisid e CRIES.— GOD9RI - TWP thereafter* 16iWdiCii'FE6S 6MITED. er100 A, 8� drained and like!new, V/2 Storey, mod-_ A91118SEQ�T r 'INSERTIONS �No copy change'st 8c ply,Bbi',321, workable. i6rosith newer -hoffie'$175,000,00. ern � bdrm. horne. 4 . % " 'L . � ... I i , 'r15. I - e pot w.6,rd�,minimulli$2, NW,LISTING 'See this attractive I home DISPLA Y, G �d SEAFORTH =tnent ap 35 BoOke ping 00 Ontario. 25 Aci c9nipleted remodelled vvi b family t6o 1MI16500h.0f. llrifoini ni an garage FIRST' r�s in, Logan d INSERTIO �417per61.ufiitvinch. �STOkVv6r'office'spadeo,avail COMPUTER SEIWI& on A ree Inch. 01i HighWd , N paved quiet ii t - -for quick Sale, $31,§.00 SL UENT ENS NS §lr'. 89' 06r.Collinln I -7- acres black,loam work- on Maiii 'Street, ERTIO able.- No building able now .5,ttf, 'mputcrized y WEST OF WINTHROP' 3,�bdd .15'�3 C room, completely minlimu ln� -size this category V/2 lnchos4' Accepted 527-044, Sjtujted,��j 11 I ACRES, and Payiol I renovated,. 1 4Wstorey sided ho* 'We I in multiples b h;) Ili Tudkdrs*mfth,. 86 -acres Vid o on LAWRENCE IIEA.NE�' i�tis, To �, .BOX OFFICE 5 Pei d me or f beitf land ROBERT PALING. r 0 goo r corn -oil , beat, 'availab le 'loor qge YC aff 52r Huro L k bedroom n Si.0 Clln6n EAST WWANOSH T bOtTAS, 15 words 2,501)l0c pe'r word thereafter. '-.20- 0, No buildings. - �fibw,,Pfione-482,-9175� 'PHONE 482.3524; house, highway'location heat.Belgrie, large bAr.' 150 ACRES Eng ements.r, Death Nfl6es, l&535 2- .254 A super buy. atr $i,26,600.60 With good W' 6rds $2.56 each aditi6oat word 10c. 'Sewing, -'M_ athines 15 atres.of rich product- 46 land for, corn & bdAns, IN MEMORIAM $1.40 plug,loc pb�'41!e 4 verse testaurant1t4 are- 'bill doz' ff. good 'bartig. Mod I ifig, land-,; The tasteful �?ecdr, sh6ws'ift'this 4'bedroom'. 6, caW additional 'Up. t 'O a. e Vr ten 0$.100001 'COMIN E NTS-' d -in in on, omd scaping, backrilligt AA.Larrv. ck bungalo� Conipieto with 2 fifdol'Aces,
19 07
insert dhg for the price o d _j7 tf,� rec f 2. stAtitant'expp Bailey, 623-4438 ifisulated-11A Storey home. word 10c, Throe i rience nee ule LOIS of ii�w and, used in McKillop, I.' Available r immediately. ro.0m, anover c car garage and OF"TRANX ,�O w6r&,$�,50,,cach'additional .Many more extras; word 3e, 'Choose from, 611 kl-060 between 9 A.m. I . �..' . � I I I'lots NITf I WhIte., P In Me illd on, llwy. 8 �,oned IiOlVM 2 t 5,tf,t, , OUSTOM SLAUGlItTIE: 1. "a� and 5 p.m. 15.3 p� s orey sided
for s6mi-Aorached build. hpine, t.taste ully, . decorated"- with natural - Stone '5,&- DISCO01 - UM ,Register 66w'loi ri Sewing ihgsarid one for. Comlncj'� and SED '110d,well, s 'all barfi� $58,900 fir6plAce,.ibri in .00. ON 09 BEVOR, E U SHINGS S, to band'dd#Vd.' 19 HOME F fRNI! co, rse St tc G� IDAYNOO IN iA 14-354 ES AM rk6t' VVN A . 'No eafi�cdllAtion 6f� mUltiple1risertio I n s�ecialize in, farms 69 en re, we �611 AS, other properties, Advor iseme oo,i"-,%i,dti odwo a e 06a south of Hudis" C1 SO 164 -fits,oftef 146on �,.Tue a 149 Downf Si. I , OV 4 k d, y I 'REILLY ' , . .: Add it in'n'a Xo6010 sda ...... arke De"In for ela;0404 idilg 127. Beefomoridayg Y Hk -Tuesdays
904ford,'On " 1'.. , s L' " ,211(.69660- Ryftft.,tftd'J�h4 '06ckitt Closed Mond4ksf �4_ 62,2011r. Mite I Alls m t P. h e 7- 0,, 4 .7 age, Pk6ne 2 ;49 2 _4922 482 567
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