HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-12-31, Page 18, 19 Notice 19 Notice Township of Hibbert Landfill Site Closing, • The Township of Filbbert Landfill site situated at Lot 22 Concession NQ. 9., will close after 5,p,nr.--Saturday-- January 3rd, '1981 Date of opening in the spring of 1981 will be announced. Charles Friend, AMCT Clerk. Township Hibbert 19.86-1 The Tree Trunk 5 Main St., Seaforth A complete line of New and Used Antiques and Collectables •Buy•Sell•Trade•Swrip Tom and Dawn Papple 527-0514 Store 527-0940 Home 19-82-tf VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter 1111E111011 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING *Kill days - Tuesdays* Our spetialty-Home cured and smoked meats Processed exactly the way you like it. 19-824 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of livestoek WE MITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves 262-2619, ilensall Doug Caruthers, 237-3734, Dot:wood ' Victor Hargreaves 482-7511, Clinton navy Miller 236-2717, Exeter and 229-6205 girkton tf 24 Card of Thanks The Morris family wish to express their sincere thanks fat the inany kind acts shown them in their recent bereave- ment. Thanks as well to Father Caruana and the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home 24-86-1 I would like to thank my newspaper customers for all the generous gifts I received this past Christmas. The Dublin carrier- Lucille Delaney 24-86x1 20 Auction Sales Richard Lobb Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898., I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who sent cards, flowers, treats and those who visited me while I was patient at University He.spital, London. Special thanks to Pastor Horst for his prayers. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. -Ron Beuerrnann. 24-86-1 I would like to thank the person or persons who left the lovely boxes of groceries at my door. It was all very much appreciated. Thanks again. -Lulu Watson. 24-86x1 R.G. Gethke GENERAL AUCTIONEER Serving Perth and Huron Counties with many years of experi- ence. For reliable service at reasonable rates. Call 347.2465 Collect 20-82- • •• . • • • • 24 Card of Thanks The family of the late R.S. Box would like to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives. friends. and neighbours for the many acts of kindness. floral tributes, cards of sympathy, memorial donations and food sent to their home during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. T.A.A. Duke for his comforting words and prayers; to the Pallbearers and Honourary pallbearers. Seaforth Legion Branch 156. the ladies Legion Auxiliary. Seaforth Medical Clinic. Seaforth Community Hospital and University Hospital. Thanks also to Dick's staff for their otegoing support. Your thoughtful • ness will never be forgotten. - Mary and Barbara Box. 24-86-1 We wish to express apprecia- tion to Dr. Underwood and the 013 staff for their care during our recent stay in hospital. Special thanks to our families and friends for their cards. gifts flowers and visits. All of you helped to make our day more pleasant over the festive season. -Evelyn and David Hen- derson, 24-86-1 The family of the late Wilfred L. Maloney. would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to reLatives friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness. floral tributes. cards of sym- pathy and mass cards re- ceived during our recent bereavement. Your thought- fulness will never be forgot- ten. 24-86-1 We would like to thank Stu Broadfoot and the Brucefield firemen, for their quick at. ion in saving ouf home from complete destruction. We would also like to thank our friends and neighbours fat the many acts of kindness since the fire. Your thought, fulness was greatly appreci- ated and will never be for- gotten. We wish every one of you, a happy and prosperous New Year. -The Falconers, Mervin, Evelyn, Brian and Brad , 24-86-1 Remember/ It takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. 24 Card or Thanils • wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation to ntrses, staff and friends for their kipdriess and concern, dutitig roY stay at the. Sea - forth Community Hospital. A special thank you to Dr. Rodney and ReVerand Horst -Marguerite Pulsifer 14-86x1 25 In Memoriam NICHOLSON: In memory of Murray Edwin Nicholson who away away January 1st 1969. To a beautiful -life came a sudden end, He died as he lived, every- one's friend. He Was always thoughful, loving and kind, What a glorious memory he left behind. He left so suddenly, his theughts unknown. But fie left us memories, we are proud to own, Treasure him God, in your Gerden of Rest, For in this world, he was one of the best. -Sadly missed and Lovingly remembered by Mum and Dad and family. 24-86x1 ROSS: In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother Lottie who passed away 1 year ago Dec. 31, 1979. Never more than a thought away. Quietly remembered, every day. ' No need for words except to say, Still loved, still missed in every way. -Lovingly remembered by son, daughter-in-law and grandsons Bob, Beryl, Steven and Jamie Faulds 25-86x1 ROSS: In loving memory of a dear wife, Lottie Madeline who died December 311979. No one knows the silent heartaches Only those loved •dan tell The grief I bear in silence For the one I loved so well. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by husband Wilfred. 25-86-1 • 28 Deaths bleICERCHER At the Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital, on Tuesday. December 23. 1980. Robert McKercher af R.R. I Dublin, beloved husband of Greta (Pollard) McKercher. in his 73rd year. Dear father of R.R. 1 Dublin. Janet Schreiber, London and Mary Hay. Thorridale. Dear brother of Helen M. McKercher of Stratford. Also survived by six grand- children. . Funeral service Saturday at 2 p.m. at North- side United Church, Seaforth with Reverend James Van - slyke and Reverend Mervin Reuber officiating. Tempor- ary entombment Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum. Inter- ment to fallow Maittandbank Cemetery. 26-86-1 26 Personal Happy New Year to all my relatives. neighbours and Rural Route 4, Walton. Wish you all -a prosperous 1981 Many thanks for all the kind messages and treats- Ruth Timmer. 26-86x1 We wish to extend a happy New Year to all our friends and relatives. and a particu- lar thanks to whoever sent us a beautiful white poinsettia. -Jack and Janie McEwing 26-86x1 2' Birth -s MACLEAN: Gerd and Brenda (nee Hodgert) ,are pleased to anndunce the arrival of their daughter Tawriya Louiee on December 27 1980 at Victoria Hospital, London. A sister for Trevor. proud grandbarents are Keith and Wilma MacLean, Bill and Lois Hodgert all of Seaforth. 27-86x1 JERVIS: Dave and Jill are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Becky Jean. on Dec. 22 1980 at Clinton Public Hospital. A welcome sister for Sco2tt7.1 ,and Angie, -86 " THE HURON Exposironl Deogivm 13 31, 190 at's the matter with us't All viteek lon,g4, I've been asking people vvhat' good things they remember from 1980. Nobody .seems to.„be able to give me a strong positive comment, without a note of worry and negativism creeping in: The be et that I've heard is "Well, it wasn't quite as bad as we thought it would be." Then I happened to pick up the comic section of the newspaper. and Dennis the Menace had the answer that I needed, He too was trying to take a positive approach to what some people might call a rotten year, and ended by deciding that "it's Vetter than a vacant lot, isn't it?" So, on the premise that anything is better tban nothing, let's look back together on some of the events of the year that was. Then, lets scrap it away, and try to build up eorrie hape-andeenthusiasm-for -the- New Year, 1981. If a villain for the year 1980 we re to be chosen, it would have to be the Ayatollah KOmeini. Watching the televised Christmas greetings sent out by satellite from some of the 52 hostages that have been held in Iran for over 420 days now, had to be one of the most heart-rending • scenes of our whole Christmas week. Did you notice how some of them had to read their speeches, instead of talking naturally to their families back home? and when the two women sang together, and then later the solo, "Be Near Me, Lord Jesus," the breaking voices and the tight control of manner indicated sate measure of the emotional ordeal „they were experiencing. Let these people come home safely, early in 1981. POtpOUrri by Jeanne KirkbY, The government of Iran is asking 524 billion ransom to be paid for the see return of these people, ler approximately $500 million each. President-elect Reagan has denounced this government as a gang of criminals and kidnappers. What diplomatic policy will he follow when he takes office in January: Please be gentle, Mr. Reagan. Don't land the western countries into a war, even if we do agree with your opinion of the Iran government. SCRAPPING There is an increased threat of nuclear war in the world today. Nothing terribly specific- right now, but 2ust a general attitude, and many explosive areas all scrapping or snarling at each other. Politicians discuss rearmament treaties, and compare their arsenals. A group of Americans physicians have even been moved to form a Society for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Their method is to publicize their projection of the effect of a bomb landing on a present-day city, and hopefully to impress political opinion with the amount of total de vastation that they foresee. Shades of the 50's1 We'll all be digging backyard bomb -shelters again if this keeps up. In 1981, should we consider abolishing all late news broadcasts? Each evening, so meny eeertee mat are d9WPtIght dcicOs ins are played right in your living r091111 the starving childrettpf Uganda, the Italian earthquake victims scrabbling, for a few meager belongings or sitting in the rain, the Haitian refit ;pea' being moved from their tinv island shelter hack to the political situation they were fleeing from, , How much harder it would he to liveout those scenes, rather than just sit Warm and Safe and agonize over them. There is something to be thankful for in 1980, for us at least. We have our internal problems in Canada too, At this tinie last year, we were just beginning to get seriously concerned about the upcoming Quebec referendum, and whether or not the country wetfid remain together as one. Now here we are again, with, about the same problem, except that this time,, it's the West that wants to leave us. What's the matter? Doesn't anyone want to stay with good ole Ontario anymore? Have we been that offensive? We're a great country, but we must try to get along together, without cutting off anybody's oil supply, or fishing rights, pr' the privilege of landing at Mirabel airport. ORDINARY JOE On the home.front,The poor ordinary Joe is struggling along, trying to break even against high interest rates, galloping cost hikes, and racing inflation. There wasn't that much time to contemplate the consti- tution with the pressure on to succeed in a more competitive market place. Truly a choice between ulcers and hypertension for the little guy this year. But there were some good things to celebrate in the old year. You just have to .tek0 onle thee inOtne$413et the. best r even when it's overshadowed by gloom and doom, Terry For has been kanogred 'a Canada's Man of the Year, Athlete Of the Year, the Canadian Council Ayvard, and don't knew what else. Re certainly deserves them all, and any more that they cn find for hitn. What a feat of courage and determinatien his tranctinadiart nut was! Perhaps we shall remember the spirit that he showed, long after we cease to remember -the huge amount of Money that he raised for his cause. Thousands ofboat people are. now living in our country, working very hard to become ueeful valuable Canadian citizens in record time. When .you.see them, you're. always impressed by their drive to learn, , and their appreciation of the opportunities that this country holds for them. Surely this is much better than watching a• television picttire of a leaky boat on a far -away sea. Congratulations. Canada, you "did good" here. It was not the best of years. Perhaps we should consider it to be a "preceding year" Preceding what, you ask? Why, a better year, of course. We can't really control events occurring outside our country. but we can do a great deal to help inside our Canada, by buying Canadian, investing Canadian, supporting Canada, and further developing ties of friendship from province to province. We must stop accepting the idea of failure and inevitable benression, and work to develop what we have here, in 1981. Seaforth Manor Christmas Communion Services were held at Seaforth Manor last Wednesday morning conducted by Rev. James Broadfoot of St. Thomas Anglican Church. A good attendance was present for this Christmas service and Christmas Carols were sung with Rev. Broadfoot leading the tinging. Christmas Day at Scaforth Manor saw all residents as. sernbled in the activity room and Mr. Lou Rowland of Dublin and Art Finlayson played and all residents joined in singing old favour- ite songs and Christmas Carols. Each resident re- ceived gift from under the tree and later enjoyed a delicious Christmas Dinner served by the dietary staff. Residents all reported having -a Very Merry and Happy Christmas Day. PERSONALS Mrs. Donna Farley and daughter Andrea of Toronto visited the former's father Dr. E. Saner. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robt McClure were Mrs. Lillian Bernard and son of Clinton, Mr. Ross McClure. Mr. Elgin Dale and Mr. John Adams. Mrs. Verna Campbell and Mrs. Helen McKenzie called on their aunt Mrs. Lillie Rutile on Wednesday. Miss Anne Marie Maloney visited with Mrs. Dan Burns, Mrs. Isobel Scott visited her husband Mr. William Scott. Also visiting with Bill were Mr. Ross Scott and grandaughter. Obitu ary ALEXANDER JAMES Alexander James. 91. ef Mitchell. died Dec. 23 at the Riverside Nursing Horne m Mitchell. Mr. James was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Evian James and was born in Hibbert Township. He mar- ried his late wife, the former Grace Dalrymple. in 1922. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church in Mitchell. and the Loyal Orange Lodge NO. e0e. He was predeceased by his wife in 19/3 and by one sister. two brothers and one half-brother. Mr. James is survived by one son. Philip. of R.R. 2 Staff; nine daughter. Mrs. Graham (Wilma Jean) Ware. of Killarney. Man: two sis- ters. Mrs. Garnet (Mary) Adams. of Mitchell. and Mrs. Alvin lEuphemia) Hodgson. of 1 ondon and three grandchi en. Funeral services were held at the Heath -Leslie funeral home in Mitchell Saturday at 3 p.m. Burial followed in Knox Presbyterian cemetery. The Loyal Orange Lodge NO. 908 held a memorial service at the funeral home Friday evening. Favourite hymns sung Visiting with Miss Bessie Davidson Were Mrs. Edith Dunlop and Mrs. Ruth Ann Shields. Also visiting were Mr. Stanley Hillen and members of his family. Mr. Millen had also taped some Christmas music which he played for Miss Davidson. Being a former music teacher Miss Davidson always enjoys hearing good music. Mr. Charles Ross Jr., of Camp Borden visited his father Mr. Charles ROSS Sr. at Seaforth Manor. Mr. Charles Ross visited his mother Mrs. Racy Ross at Brookhaven Nursing HarpciWinghamion Sunday. . Wilson Blanchard and Mr.. William Connolly enjoyed an outing on Friday with Mrs. Lynda Jardine . Mr. Hussey of Egmond- ville visited with Mr. James Nolan on Friday. Also on Sunday Mr. James Nolan enjoyed Christmas with his family. Mr. E. Litt spent Christmas Day and overnight with members of his family. Mr. Leonard Tiloonifeld spent two days in Goderich with members of his family. Visiting with Mr. Frank Cale vva Mr. 1.1nyd Hoggarth. Also Frank spent Christmas Day at the home of his sister M. and Mrs. Ross Smale. Miss Mac Smith visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. McClure and Miss Isobel Lamble. Mr. John Adams visited with Mr. Ross Haughton. We arc glad to report Mr. Wither Keyes, Mr. Nelson Hall and Mr. Erle Dow have all returned from Seaforth Community Hospital. Bowling Scoces ST. JAMES BOWLING LEAGUE TEAM STANDINGS Grasshoppers Crickets Mosquitos Egmondville Beatles 76 June Bugs 42 Dragonflys 49 35 Men's high single. John 72 Harassers, 304, Men's High Triple John Coleman. 804: Ladies High Single Gloria Love 252. Ladies High Triple P M Marcuseen 558. TOWN & COUNTRY BOWLING TEAM STANDINGS 59 55 Sandra Butt of Calgary Alberta is visiting with Dorothy Butt and family for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron of Sarnia spent the holidays with their daughter and son-in-law Carol ard Charlie Geddes. The Geddes's son Douglas. who is ping to university, is also home for the holidays. A surprise visitor. Paul Geddes frem Edmonton, came home for the holidays. Cougars Ripflops Ankel Biters 54 Hush Puppies 46 Hipwaders 41 North Stare 40 Ladies High Single. Triple and Average Marg Ungarian. 275. 678, 197 Men's High Single. Triple and Average Hank Kromer; 280. '01. 212. Men's High Average Ron liarris 212. Visiting with Mr. Wilber Keyes were Mrs. Eunice Keyes and Mrs. Gail Keyes. Mrs. Sharon Miller. her mother and children visited With Miss Isobel Lamble. Mr. Dick Downey visited with his brother Joseph. As a New Year approaches this thought comes to mind Forget the things that, through the year. Continued to make your sad: Remember only happy days. On which your heart was glad. Fresh courage take- cast out your feor. And bravely meet another year. "Happy New Year" to everyone. Seaforth man decorated Former Seafarth resident Clare Westcott has been decerated by the pope -although he is not a Catholic. Mr. Westcott, executive director and executive assistant to Premier William Davis crf Ontario will receive the Bene Merenti medal because he is married to a Catholic, has nine children and over the years has assisted in the smooth relationship between the church and thc government of Ontario. Mr. Westratt. who said he was honoured. flattered and undeserving of the award. is one of 40 who will receive a papal decoration at a cerernony at St. Michael's Cathedra) in Torento Jan. 8. Since the honour comes from a foreign head of state. the Canadian Department of External Affairs had to grant its approval. Recommendations for papal decorations originate with the local cardinal. THE BEST HOUSECLEANER IS A WANT AD Call 527-0240 iTitts",liuron (fxpositor Since 1860. Serving the Community First R10115 Setae Ferrer, 07:19, T Reviles, ries istalts'itre ene Screav Y DIJ-1 2.5, -5 MaVasEC& Rai:awn-14e tat'es, rt.7", , LES „,„/ effee 80e4. 2 treat *5. a GM.° LEAF 341-47ll as ternmedes, br .,red, Drayittll £11i Gri si bra Serinia et extras, YACHT, `;-• 11 - HES LER CO. • 22 - ger viti a. One Son Cii9 (1112 tlf :S• * * r4 r • Day emli eire;ne 10 at Leto V SUM 1955 C.Isrysier, irs et, 2 0 tries. ex( -- tx Cni.ser. Vetter n HeI1 282-Enstj 7.e,g S4.115t. ANS- __ and sIcKnie nevr carev, 4 ter, neve tips, ark 11 18' Sivas, Ai \YANG. ca ttedin• trailer. ACHCOORRek; Rs Crider. mort reiter, on, traih .$1,t9S. D10422.5. -8"4ErvaStrjd*iie G5 r1e0- AM- aa SR.. Paltiv11171, HOG ANY In* beatke mint eisisda: lise0any rave Aunt T tea W. Sib Street Hatred Ferd. setTanitee 66* dressers, rot7.1 csis.rets and eats. THiNGs. GI•sirbr Gri- "Treat Ai-NV.04 Leaner ts ridings, 5 tree,. iraiian. Geentats WESTON'S. \PIS, Cieat$1.50%el s tore, beam belts* 11-76rtrelits etlirtel;a1--fh Otto- * . A at AV lb. En 'Prest $ ete1n * arty sa 3-605e. GrapTi LUCKY West *tar JUST ARRIVED frern anvoces tor collectors, &milers. 211 1nvesod War ART-