HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-12-31, Page 1718 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 31 1980 Coming Everits• FestiNal Sitnalea Dance, Fri,c1V* Jineerr 2, 1981, Victorian Inn Stratford. Welcome singles over 25, no • blue jeans. 1-86-1 BINGO • every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5, Clinton 1st regular card $1...00; 15 regular genies of $15.00; 3 -affarer-fh-ewerdth. elatkpote S200.00 must go. Admission reStrieted to 16 years or over. 1.78244' CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 1st regular card $1.00. Re- sricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of 515.00; $5. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200.00. Must go each. week. 1-82-tf Have your message read by 3,600 people Free On Cable cast 12 345-2341 Courtesy Mitchell-Seaforth Cable T.V. 1-82-tf BOTTLE Drive in Hibbert Township on Saturday, Jan 3, 1981, proceeds to 1st Cromarty Boy Scout Or- ganization. 1-85-2 Blyth Lions Bingo every Saturday night 8 p.m. BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL Jackpot S150.00 In 60 calls 1-824f Winter Program 81 at VANASTRA RECREATION CEN'rRE Starts January 12, 1981 Swim. Fitness. Health Spa Classes. Karate. etc. Phone 482-3544 for further information. 1-86-1 ' Situations Wanted LAYING and finishing con- crete floors for basements. garages. drive sheds etc. Call George 482-3291. 7-82-tf STRIPPING and refinishing furniture. phoneKirkton 229- 6133. 7-82- a 8 Farm Stock PUREBRED Yorkshire boar 9 months old Paul Dodds 527-0686. 8-86-1 4 •Help Wanted 4 Hdlp Wanted TUCKERSM1TH DAY NURSERY • Requires TWO EXPERIENCEDTEACHERS for a morning pre-school handicapped program. E,C.E. or equivalent plus additional training with developmentally handicapped. Send written ap- plication, resume including references by January 5th, 1981 to 1CARENMeEWING, Tuckersmith Day Nursery R.R. #5, Clinton, Ontario 482-7634 ;1-84-3 ' McGavin Farm Equipment Ltd. require Ambitious, mature persons to work , in Bookkeeping, Sales, Mechanic and Parts positions. This progressive Huron County dealership is looking forward to spring and need more help. Only those interested in work need apply. Salary and benefits negotiable. Send written resume, in confidence, to NEIL McGAVIN, PRESIDENT MeGavin Farm Equipment Ltd. Box 29, Walton, Ontario. NOK 1Z0 4-85-2 Goderich and District Asso- ciation for the Mentally retarded need drivers to transport handicapped preschoolers to Tuckersmith day nursery for a morning program. Mileage allowance provided. Submit applica- tions to Barry Clogg. Box 527 Clinton. 4-86-2 8 Farm Stock 1 saanen buck, 7 months old. can be reg. Tom Jorgensen R.R. #4 Seaforth. 527-0423 after 4 o'clock. 8-86-1 11 Articles for Sale HARDWOOD by the cord 527-0827 11-86x1 314 H.P. electric motor 115v, 3450 rpm brand new factory packed 582.50 call 527-1860. 11-86-2 FOR SALE: boys snow - boots. Size two and one. in good condition. Phone 527-1715. 11-86-2 FOR SALE: 1972 Moto Ski Capri like nesv 527-092S 11-86x2 HAND made cedar chest. Made entirely of all cedar with lift tray. 348-8238. 11-86x2 NEW 40' Tower. Antenna and Automatic Rotor installed 5413.25 Cash and Carry Save 571.00 Call 345- 2341 11-8341 PUREBRED Beagle pups. 527-1715. 11-79x8 Classified Rates Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers, pherse numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words FIRST 1NSER1ION--15 words 52.50 10c per weed thereafter SUBSEQUENT LNSEWITONS-No copy changes. 8c per word, minimum 52.00 • SEW -DISPLAY EIRST_1NSER11ON-12,,i 7 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 51.89 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 11/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 51.00 per insertion. BIRTHS - 15 words. 52.50; 10c. per word thereafter. MARRIAGES. Engagements, Death Notices. 15 words 52.50, each aadithmal word 10c. IN MEMORI4.MS--53.00 plus 15e per line of verse COMING EVENTS -15 words 52.50 each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of,2. CARD OF THANKS-- 30 words 53.00 each'additional word Sc. 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon Tuesday DeadIhte for classified ads is 12 NOM Tuesdays Phone 527-0240 1 II Articles for Sale HONEY for sale, 1,2 & 4 lb. pails, 1/2, 1 & 2 lb. jars. Wilmer F. Kelly and Son Apiaries, 101 James St., Seaforth Phone 527-1023. 11-80-10 GUITAR LESSONS be- ginning after Xmas Enroll now at Pulsifer music or phone 527-0059. 11-84-3 All Fall and Winter Fabric Now 10% to 30% off Seaforth Sewing Centre 527-1900 11-86-1 12 Wanted to Buy WANTING to buy old cars and trucks for scrap 262-5175. ask for Barry 12-86-1 13 Wanted' GOOD used furniture 482- 7922. 13-82-tf 14 Property for Sale 11 11 Articles for sale 11 Articles for Sale 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale from Campbell's Crown Hardware & staff • JANUARY SPECIALS 10% -off on all Coronet Cookware 25% off on all Boheinia Crystal Campbell's Crown Hardware 527-1420 Seaforth 1 1 -86- 1 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale ulligan REAL ESTATE LTD 53,500 Down 121/2% Mortgage for 41/2 year term. Buys 82' x 155 lot with a 3 bedroom bungalow. forced air gas: full basement. Family size wood deck: fenced in yard. 2 blocks from uptown. Hiller ‘1 TN I -faille -1) 125 ACRES: Hog opera. tion. 3 barns with mod- ern stabling corn dryer. silo. lovely 3 bedroom home in Hibbert twp owner will take back large mortgage at 11% % 100 ACRES: 88 acres ef well drained workable land in Tuckersmith twp. sow barn with new sta- bling 2 yrs old mix mill. stable cleaner, farrow- ing barn 100 x 28 3 yrs. old. 2 storey 4 bedroom home. owner will take back mortgage for half of purchase price at 11% 100 ACRES: All werk- able systematically. drained, good buildings attractive 3 storey mod- ern red brick home on black top road in Logan twp. Good terms 11% interest. 1% STOREY: 3 bed- room, new siding. storms and screens. ready to move in good location in Seaforth. COUNTRY HOME: Close to' Seaforth, ffeeny renovated priced to sell. JOE O'RETILY 345-2645 Mitchell 348-8823 14-86-1 t'.44 - EGMONDVILLE: Cozy 3 bedroom bungalow. New roof. gas heated. full basement, open wood fireplace. Excellently located on 82' x 200 Open to offers! N1AUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 TOM SCHOONDERWOERD 3S-2459 Properties for Rent * NORTH MAIN 1 "2 story. 3 bedroom house. mod- ern kitchen. 2 baths. Must be seen * HIGH STREET 2 apartments. 3 bedroom' and 2 bedroom. newly renovated. 1 block from uptown. • ONE FLOOR HOME. 3 bedrooms, gas heated. fireplae large lot. Egmondsille * 8 YEAR OLD brick bungalow, located an 1 acre. near Winthrop * 5 ACRE hog operation everything automatic with modernized 3 bedroom house. Looted on 5 acres. * FARM LAND: wanted for rent - MA UREEN WELDFONG 482-3224 DISTRIBUTORS Official tests at San Bernardino, California showed improved engine perforrnance and gas savings with our Patented Fuel Induction System easily installed in minutes and sells for $79 with a 30 day money back guarantee. No franchise fees - investment secured by inventory. For detailis, write International Marketing .Services, 3 Book ltd.. Grimsby, Ontario L3IVI 2M3 or phone 416-945-5461. 14-79x11 oaimassemati. 1 c Property for Rent THREE bedroom farm home five miles east of Hensall available immediatly phone 262-5988 15-86-2 HOUSE for rent. Available immediately. Phone Walter McClure 527-0476 15-86x3 TWO bedroom apartment available immediately. Phone Monday - Thursday 527-0920. 15-82-tf Happ 14 Property for Sale HAPPINESS IS A CHILD'S SMILE AND GRACE INNOCENCE AND FAITH - JASON HENDERSON Steve Murray Frank Verberne • CHRIS VERBERNE Year MAY YOUR NEW YEAR BE BRIGHT AND FULFILLING The Staff of DONIAMTON REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. (BROKER) SEAFORTH 527.0460 Bill Henderson Frances Teatero 1•1•101•1111111•1101111111101•Wm,.....--..- WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN Phi Elt DAMSMA SEAF'ORTH: HENRY MERO LONDESBORO: GERRIT WELTS 4823455 482-9849 52743430 523-4229 May your home e blessed with serenity and warm feelings at this tinte of new beginnings. Peace to you and I; yours. 1- Property for Rent EGMONDVILLE. cozy two bedroom' home for rent. Modern Kitchen and bath, available January. After 6 p.m. 527-1102. 15-8341 FOUR bedroom house for rent. Phone days 527-0610, evenings 527-1244. 15-85-tf TWO bedroom apartment, newly decorated, carpeted. heated. Main Street, Seaforth. Apply to Box 3465 The Huron Expositor. 15-83-tf THREE bedroom farm house close to Hensel'. Completely renovated. Wall to well carpet 5200. per ,month. Phone 262-2928 or 262-5768. 1S -824f I S Property for Rent UPPER duplex, 5 rooms. separate entrance, own furnace. Phone evenings. 527-1833. 15-844f 19 Notice PREGNANT and distressed? Married or single. Free confidential support. Collect. BIRTHRIGHT 432-7197 or after 6 p.m. 527-0115. 19-82 tf PIONEER SEEDS BILL COLEMAN KIPPEN • 262-$031 11-83x4 19 Notice SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Fast efficient service. Write or Call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth 527-0284, 19-82-tf VANASTRA HOME FURNiSH1NGS 2 mil's south of Clinton on Highway No, 4 •NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS •APPLIANCES *LAWN ORNAMENTS Open: li days a weak 482-7922 19-8241 FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 Hour Service PARATCHE K'S M.AINTENANCE Dublin 3.45-2235, 19-824 -.Custotn Slaughtering Processing Kits Day Wednesday DASHWOOD 237.677 19:82 -if 19 Notice SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR Hensall 262-2017 262-2041 Custom Slaughtering *et Processing Mondays -8-e• I T • sill Ts 4.19.824f FARMERS An A*1 ArOek Kt*,43 t*, FRESH * DEAD OR DISABLED Cows,. Horses AND STO CRElt CATTLE, ETC. Wanted • dead or disabled cows and horses, calves and pigs -four-wheel drive radio dispatched trucks. 24 HRS. SERVICE 7 Days a week Please use our Toll FREE In watts Number 1-800-265-4267 Local customers 887-9334 or 887-6064 Lk. no. 722-C-80 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES 19.84 -if R.S. Box Vuneral Home 47 High Street Seaford: Phone: 527-0885 19-82-tf LIGHT bulldozing. lands- caping, backfilling. Larry Bailey, 523-4498. 19-82-tf Classified on next page