HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-12-31, Page 167.177 - Correspondent MRg- B. MReGREGOR, 262.2005 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor returned home Sunday after spending Christmas with hr son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke in Oakville. Sgt. Doug Wein of the RCMP, Mrs. Wejn and David of Ottawa spent' the holidays with Mrs. Wein'S parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Har- old Parker and members of — -the-family. Mr. Charles Mickle of Hamilton is spending his Christmas vacation with his mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle. They were guests with Mrs. Mickle's daughter and son- -in-law Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins and family in Water- loo for two days prior to Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schroeder and Alicia, Mrs. Sandra Hoy, Huron Park, Mr. and Mrs. George Sweeney, Kevin and Kim, Kippen, and Lee Desjardine were guests for Christmas with • their mother, Mrs. Evelyn Schroeder in Zurich. Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mrs. Florence Joynt and Charles Mickle spent Christmas day with Mickle relatives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle, Exeter. Mrs. Edith Bell, Troyann and Pauline spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Dyke Wheatley at Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morenz at Grand Bend. Kay Bissett and grand- daughter Jennifer of London spent Boxing Day with Mrs. Edith Bell, Pauline and Troy- ann. Dinner guests for Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett and Jeff: Mr. and Mrs. Steven Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Al Corbett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe and family of Math - ell. Family communion was celebrated Christmas Eve at Hensall United Church. con- ducted by Rev. Stanley Mc- Donald, with over 200 par- taking. The Christmas story was revived by a series of Bible readings by the young. people, anthem by the senior choir and carol by the con- gregation. Lessons were read by Scott Jesney, Randy Parker, Glen. Slade, Steve Gerstenkorn, Starr Jesney and Dana Bozzatti. Following the Benediction, all who had taken part in the service received a candle and 1O4 posiffoes twill fife whole Sanctuary was within the Circle of light, signifying the Family—of—God—begun—by Jesus, the Light of the World. While this was progressing, Silent Night was sung. The regular Sunday service at Hensall United 'Church was held on December 28. Two duets were sung by Mrs. Gail Shaw and her father, DonTravers. Flowers from the funeral of the late Mrs. Grace Harpole flanked the pulpit, placed in loving me- mory by her daughter and family. Next Sunday, the, Officers of the Hensel' United Church will be dedicated at the 11 a.m. service. A. Happy New Year to everybody from the Hensall United Church. p7--Audrey--Cirris tie -ree turned home after spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D. O'Neill and daughter in London. Mrs. R. Watson of Sea - forth visited this week with her sister Mrs. Audrey Christie. ' FORMER HENSALL RESIDENT DIES Mrs. Grace Harpole, form- erly of Hensall, died in Hilltop Manor Nursing Home Marrieville on December 23., She was 91. Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. (Pearl) Groverbook and three grand- sons all, of Kemptville, a sister-in-law Mrs. Olive Hor- ton, Hensall and nephew Stuart Horton. Furieral—SCrvice iiS held at the Hoffman 0 ,Funeral Home, Dashwood on Decem- ber. 27 with Rev. Stanley McDonald officiating. Inter- ment will be in McTaggart's cemetery. NSA and ama news N.W.T. visitors spend holidays in Kippen Correspondent MRS. RENA CALDWELL 262-5935 Mr. Tom Munroe and Ian - are spending the holiday with . Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Munroe, London. Mr. Jim Kyle and Mrs. Nettie MeClinchey. Varna. spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pine and Family. Brampton spent the holidays with Mrs. Grace McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cooper and Billy -Detroit. Mr. Mrs. Gayle Cooper and three children. London. Clayton Cooper Hensel! spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper. Mrs. Tom Burke, Wroxeter. Mrs Margaret Barnard, Hensall,• spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Mr. and Mrs. David Moore, Mitchell. Janice Baillie. Yellowknife, N.W.T. spent Cnriatmas with relatives in the area. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Love Varna Locals help Correspondent MRS. MARY CIIESSELL 482-9969 As many as 20 men at a time helped tear down and remove the remains of the Coultis home on Saturday afternoon. They brought their tractors with loaders and their trucks. and by supper time had most of it Break for parents, film for children on Saturday Parents looking icor a chance school holiday event foe their children will get their chance Saturday. January 3 when the movie The Glass Slipper plays at Memo -trial .Hall. The Cinderella tale has given rise to many variations vice the years and this is one of the most fun versions. A neglected stepchild meets the prince while he is posing as the cook at the palace Kilbarchan Notes BY: MABEL TURNBULL With Anna Hoegy, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Solder). Craig and Lee. Exeter, Richard Muegge, <Rut, Karl and aid her fairy Godmother is a daffy Mlle old lady who emerges from the woods The movie stars Leslie Caron, Michael Wilding. Keenan Wynn and is m cideur li will be slightly over one and a half haws in length. Admissinn is just 75 ce nts with tteats available at 2.5 cents each. This is a community project of Blyth Centre for the Arts. drawn away. They hoped to finish it on Monday. weather permitting. Varna REMEMBER WHEN? — Believe it or not this was Christmas east of Winthrop. Several feet of snow covered the same area Day, 1979 one short year ago in Seaforth and area. Brodhagen on Christmas Day this year. (Photo by Badley) photographer Reg Badley took the shot from the bridge just ROBERT CHARLES GOVENLOCK son of Mrs. Mae S. GosenInck graduated n. it h a Bachelor , of Arts Degree of the Faculty of Arts at the Fall 232hid Consoca• tion at the l!no.etsno of Western antarto Doh Is on the staff of St. Mars's %du:A. Godench, Visitors in Dublin during Christmas Correspondent MR. DON MacRAE, 345-2842 LADIES TUESDAY NITE BOWLING League hold 50-50 draw, Jeff Elliott of Staffa won 5286.00 on the Ladies Tuesday nite Draw last week at Dublin Huron Hotel. Dublin Lion President Ernie Fleming was in charge of the draw. Don MacRae visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lone and family in Barrte. Visitors with Mrs. Millie Evans for Xmas were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary, Karen and Kevin from London, Mr. and Mra. Bill Evans Colleen f and David, Jim Tatarnic, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Arnold all from Niagara Falls. Miss Millie Evans spent Xmas Day in London with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary and family. Jade and Marg. MacRae, Jenny and Ian visited with Dan MacRae then later htid Xmas dinner with Mr. and Mr. Clarence Ryan and fatilily in St. Columban. Don MacRae enjoyed Cleaning bee readies home Bruce Keys had kindly offered a house for aim, but it was decided to accept the Reid offer, ;Ince Mrs. Reids house was in the villap,e We were &stressed by the in feentation in the Free Press which gave the impressien that the hnuse was quite dirty I (la -case -malty visited Mrs. Reid whale she laved here. and 1 can assure esery nee that her ha -use was always corrofortabhi clean and tidy, and were entry if that story caused her any embarrassment There are Holiday visitors Nathan. Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoegy. Galt Cambridge. With Mrs. Marie Seiler Mr. and Mrs. Joe Delaney Time's almost up to thank you for your loyalty and support in 1980. O'ROURKE TRANSPORT David and Bryan Livestook•and General Trucking Box 22, Dublin' 519445-2913 and Jayne and Lucille. Dublin who gave us a feast of Chirstmas music Little Jen- nifer Seiler and Michael/ Marie's granchildren who. together. danced and then Jennifer who made dancing. movements to the music as a solo. We were well enter- tained by them. Many of the residents remained at the Home ard were high in their praise of their wonderful Christmas dinner with specials to whet their appetites. Don Hillis. my nephew. carrie from Ingersoll and took me, to his hcome far the Christmas celebrations There were 11 of us in all We all went to the special church service Christretas Eve to prepare us for Christ- mas Day. tiehere a real baby boy two month s old was in the manger with Mary and Jospeh by him. Besides family, 1 was pleased to meet old friends and some rela- tives who are among my favourites so it was a very happy occasion for us all. I returned Saturday after- noon happy and refreshed for the New Year with no New Year resolutions to break! I have related most of our activities in previous "Notes," so this note, for a change, is short. A happy -' New Year to all who read Note MORE VISITORS Mr. and Nits Steven Seiler Nfitchell visited his rnather Mrs Marie Seiler Others who et ena mat .for Christmas were Gtady-s -Brightrall with son, rh-onatd, Mary Lay -tan with daughter. Verna Hildebrard. Mary Ryan with Frank Ryan. Joe Prioneau to Kincardine. Bessie Smale with Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Hackney Exeter Other visitors with Anna Hoegy. Mr and Mrs Don Muegge Walkerton also Brain and Anne few- women who would mine onto a house that had been sacent for a year canteen giving it a thornugh cleaning There are certain to he cello -elle and dust 6111cal on that timeand in older rural harm.% there are always cluster flies The cleamrig her' was called far seven o'clock. aed hiv none the timase was an. the coortaina had liter washed and were bring re -hung some (If the furniture at appliances were in -.ace. and there were doetiec towels and food m cuphaards. be help cif the men slieuld not he esettooked either as they clod minor repairs, fetched hot wate r. reached hogh places for us, es en helped w ash up the kitchen floor, as "ell as men c on eserithong that nas reads inchodine MI the clothing and tees thas had been left at the cararc h - e seN,ed thsears we hase resorted here. there has e been ran y cortarreonns and church peeeeets accentelished by these week USE EXPOSITOR WANT -ADS Phone 527-02-10 WED e,ees. from redecorating the manse to putting on the bag hartoecue in the spring There is a group nT people here who know how to get thongs done Nies. if 1 1.0Z/1:d just get them in to house clean my house The men are getting the ice started in the arena. so get ewer skates ready kith" cr, the Monday afternom hefiere Christmas. INe Nguyen family entertatried all. nf the people who have helped with their transportation to work and schned. and expressed their deep appreciation. Varna has been treated to carol singing during the restos e season, with the Yawh Group gomp dont to dant a couple af weeks ago, and the (GET girls doing the same on the Tuesday everiong before Christmas toe and Willi 'Laurie were surprised on Christmas Surtilav when their baby Valeone was whisked asa', Rev WI?ena Brown to re present the baby Jesus iGod tth skin on) for the children.. story It certainly dcdroh upset Valerie any. and she didn't mond having the children touch her The hearth candle wag lit by teacher Joan BCtellitTIR and Mary Filen Webster from her Sunday School class Communinn Saciday wdl he an Jan 11 TheUCW meetong moll be held on Jan 8 Happy New Year. Fvervone' DRYWALL KNOWN FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter Bakos Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1398 or 527-0606 That this will be a banner year of health happiness and prosperity for all aPPV Nem/Year 'H & N DAIRY SYSTEMSW RR.4,Waltofl - 19819s going to be a fiesta. Hope yours is feathered with colorful days. LOIS'S FASHIONS Mitchell 348-9660 Xmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hallman in London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hallman of Kitchener were also in attendance. Father Jack Costello of Tillsonburg: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Costello and family of Kingston with Mrs. Tessie Costello. The Costellos also visited with Jerry Murray on John Si. also with other relatives in the area Mr. Edwin Stapleton, Raglan St. East, entertain- ed his family over Xmas. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Agar and family, Mr. arid Mrs. Neil Stapleton from Auburn. Winners in last week. T. V. Home Bingo Channel 12 sponsored by Dublin and Mitchell Districts Lions Oubst Ernie Fleming, Shirley Kram ers Wm. Austin, Seaforth, Mrs. Al Cameron, Mitchell, Mrs. W. Pauli, Mitchell, Viola Johnson Mitchell Mrs. Ed Neeb Mitchell. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS lor DIAMONDS W Al( 11I'S JEWEll PM FINE CIIIN A GIFTS FOR EVER1 Ok %RI po. tfItitp.nrs Phone 52"-02"0 th. e co-igperato6 ....Awrwts 00. 1, rfos.1, BRUCE SMITH Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont. NOK IND Bus: 348-9975 Res: 348-9975 the co-opeatoe thautamet AND tatASCIIII %OVUM LLFE•110ME•AUTO0BUSLNESS.FARM Alift4 *44/42 'IV OW ill". I 3//eneh --.....—...._.--- / so ---i- in Area Churches First PRESBYTERIAN Church S9 Goderieb St. Vii ., seawall Minister: ER,, T A A Duke Organist: Mrs D ( antes SUNDAY. JANUARY 4, 1981 II:15 Worship Service, Sunday School & Nursery HAPPY NEW YEAR You are always welcome ST. THOMAS Anglican Church The Res. James R. Broadfoot B.A., iat.Dis. , Seaford.] SUNDAY, JANVARY 4,1981 Epiphany Sunday 10 sera. Roily aseettennentert Sermon: The Three gifts Sunday School and Nursery available during Service NORTHSIDE Sunday Organist- Margaret United Church 54 Goderieh Si. West, Seaforth SUNDAY, JANUARY 4,1981 Chstreh Service 11 a.m. Sehool and Nursery at the same time Rev. J.G. Varislyke. Minister heir Director Jr. Choir Leader itmore Audrey MeLlwain _ _ Area congregatoons are invited to take advantage of the church directors to-an'nounce their church services each week. ChurLh directory anmaineements are available for a minimum of 26 eonsectitiv,' weeks in units of two column inches at 52 per unit. Changes in ccpy may be made each week but must be receiveel before noon on f ucsday.