HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-12-24, Page 19EEMBR. 24 19O Coming Events BOTTLE Drive in Hibbert Township on Saturday, Jan 3, 1981,proceeds to 1st Cromarty Boy Spout Or- ganization. 1-85-2 - FAMILY paradise Snowmobile Club, poker rally;-Stritday;Februar3-17- 1981. 1-85-1 Blyth Lions • Bingo every Saturday night 8 p.tp. BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL Jackpot S150.00 In 60 calls 1-82-tf BINGO every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5, Clinton 1st regular card S1..00; 15 regular games of $15.00; 3 share -the -wealth. Jackpot S200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1-82-tf INVITATION to friends, relatives and neighbours to attend an open reception for Mr.. and Mrs. RichanA Leonhardl on December 27th, 1980 at 9 p.m. Brod- hagen Community Centre. - • 1-84-2 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 1st regular card 51.00. Re- sricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of S15.00; 55. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200.00. 'Must go each week. 1-82-tf Have your message read by 3.600 people Free On Cable east 12- 345-2341 calatesy bittebeR-Seoforth Cable T.V. 1-82-tf 3 Found FOUND Dec. 18 ladies watch Main Street. Seaforth. Call 262-5674. 3-85x1 Situations Wanted LAYING and finishing con- crete floors for basements. garages. drive sheds etc. Call George 482-3291 7-82-tf STRIPPING and refinishing furniture. phone Kirkton 229. • 6133. 7-82-tf An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends Have you tried one" Dial 52'0240 4 HelO Wanted' : 4 Help, Wanted 14 Property for Sale TUCKERSMITH DAY NURSERY Require TWO EXPERIENCE[ 'TEACHERS for a morning pre-school handicapped program. E,C.E, or equivalent plus additional training with -.developmentally.. handicapped,--Serrd-- written -ap- plication, ,resume including references by January 5th, 1981 to KAREN MeEWING, Tuckersntith Day Nursery R.R. #5, Clinton, Ontario 482-7634 4-84-3 McGavin Farm Equipment. Ltd. require Ambitious, mature persons to work in Bookkeeping, Sales, Mechanic and Part,s positions. This progressive Huron County dealership is looking forward to spring and need more help. Only those interested in work need apply. Salary and benefits negotiable. Send written resume, in confidence, to NEIL MeGAV1N, PRESIDENT MeGavin Farm Equipment Ltd. Box 29, Walton, Ontario. NOK 1Z0 4-85-2 8 Farm Stock SERVICE age Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc and crossbred boars. R .0. P. tested. Bob Robinson, R.R. 4. Walton. 345-2317. 8-83-3 11 Articles for Sale ONE manual Remington typewriter. excellent 'condition. 545.00,887-6063. I 1-85- I SNOVVTHROWER 26", 2 stage, equipped with electric start, and tire Chains. 5 hp Briggs and Stratton engine. 3 years old and still in like new condition. Phone 527• 1641. 11.85.1 HONEY for sale, 1.2 & pails. VI, 1 & 2 lb. ,j• rs Wilmer F. Kelly and S n Apiaries. 101 James SI . Seaforth Phone 527-1023. 11-80-10 NEW 4W Tower. Antenna and Automatic Rotor installed 5473.25 Cash and Carry Save S71.00 Call 345. 2341. 11 -83- tf 1973 Mcito Ski: 1971 Ski don: snowmobile trailer new last year. After 4 call 527-1953 11-83-3 GUITAR LESSONS be- ginning after Xmas Enroll now at Pulsifer music (it phone 527-0059. 11-84-3 Classified Rates 4 Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set Words joined by hyphens count as separate words FIRST ThiSERTTON-15 words 52.50 10c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -No copy changes. gc. per word. minimum 5200. SEMI-DISPLAY laRST INSERTION -52 17 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS S1.89 per column inch (Minimum size in this eategory 1% inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch. • BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 51.00 per insertion. BIRTHS - 15 words. S2.50; 10c per word thereafter MARRIAGES. Engagements, Death Notices. 15 words 52.50, each additional word IN. IN MEMORI%14S-53.00 plus 15c per line of verse COMM EvENTS-15 words 52.50 each additional word 10e. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS-- 30 words 53.00 each 'additional word Sc. -socptscoukr FOR CASH PANMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION . „ No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon Tuesday Deadline for classified ads Is 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone 527-0240 11 Articles for Sale Sewing Machine SUPERMARKET Over 100 machines on disp* New or Used including WHITE, ELNA, JANOME, HUSOVA.RNA and SINGER A model and a price to suit her needs SEW AND SAVE CENTRE 149 DOWNIE ST. STRATFORD 2 doors south of Hudsons 271-9660 , Closed Mondays 11-81-z PUREBRED Bea& pups. 52'171'5,11•79x8 PIONEER SEEDS BILL COLE -MAV KIPPE1N 262-5031 11 R3x4 1O-4 Iohn Deere Sniov mobile. JDX8 4440, g•iod shape S650 523 4564 11.85.1 12 \Limed to BuN -n- 01 D hrtk buildings for %reeking and salyage _purpose Re,ss iumley 118.5 Morph Road. Sarnia. Ontario. Phone 1- s42•41-188 12-8511 anted GOOD used furniture 482- 922 13-824 14 Propert‘ for Sale DISTRIBUTORS Official tests at San Bernardino. California showed improved engine performance and gas savings with our Patented Fuel Inductioro System easily initalled in minutes and sells for 579 with a 30 day money back guarantee No franchise fees • investment secured by inventory For detains. write International Marketing Services. 3 Book Rd., Grimsby, Ontario -1.3M 2M3 or phone 416-945-5461. 14-7%11 Remember It takes but a moment to place an Ex• positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240 , 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale 14 Praperty for Sale Nketq Chtistm 1-lappy tcospecous eNisl \Leg Steve Murray From The Staff of DON HAMILTON. REAL ESTATE /Ic INSURANCE LTD. (BROKER) SEAFOFt-T-H-- 527.0460 Frank Verberpe Bill Henderson Frances Teatero WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Hiller Team Joe O'Reilly 345-2465 Mitchell. .348-8823 Stratford . -,273-1650 CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN , 482-3455 SEAFORTH: HENRY MEBO 482-9849 Peablit DAMSMA 527:0430 LONDESBORO: GERRIT WILTS , -- 523-4229 t's4 : • 4, a P 11 Hiller TN 1. P Propert\ for Rent TWO bedroom apartment. newly decorated. carpeted. heated, Main Street. Seaforth. Apply to Box 346s The Hymn Expositor 15-8.3 • tf TWO bedroom apartment for rent. carpet throughout. heated. close to shopping. available immediately. 52". 0828 I5-84-tf FOUR bedroom house for rent. Phone days 527-0610. evenings 527-1244. 15-85-tf EGMONDVILLE. con, tv• co bedroom home for rent. Modern Kitchen and bath. available January After 6 p.m. 527-1102. 15-83•tf THREE bedroom farm house close to Hensall. Completely renovated Wall to wall carpet. 5200. per month. Phone 262-2928 or 262-5768. I5-82-tf TWO bedroom apartment available immediately Phone Monday - Thursday 527-0920. L5-82-tf UPPER duplex. 5 rooms, separate entrance own furnace. Phone evenings. 527-1833. 15-84-tf _ ( lasstfied Ads pay dividends• 19 Nonce 14-85-1 SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Fast efficient serv ice. Write or Call HarveN Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth 52--0284. 19 -82 -if PREGNANT and distressed? Married or single. Free confidential support. Collect. BIRTHRIGHT 4.32-719'7 or after 6 p m 52'-0115. 19-82-tf VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS miles south of Clinton on tii5s2w1y No. 4 With sincere wishes for a memorable holiday season goes our thanks for your friendship and trust. 19 NOtice LIGHT bultdo7ing. lands- caping, backfilling, Larry Bailey. 523-4498. 19-82-tf . FARMERS .1 AO! YllAt 1.11711,111 1. •NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS •A PPLIANCES • LAWN ORNAMENTS Opon: 6 cloys o wattk 482-7922 19-82-tf FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED Cows, Horses AND STOCKER CATTLE, ETC. Wanted • dead or disabled cows and horses, calves and pigs -four-wheel drive radio dispatched trucks. 24 HRS. SERVICE 7 Days a week Please use our Toll FREE In watts Number 1-800-265-4267 Local customers 887-9334 or 887-6064 Lie. no. 722X-80 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES • 19-84-tf 19 Notice Are you living with a drink- ing problem? Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 26-85x1 FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 Hoike Service PARATCHE K'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 • 19-82-tf --Custom Slaughtering Processing Kilt Day Wednesday LiMIZN:R.S DASHWOOD 237-3677 19-824f 19 'Notice VEAL'S Abattoir and MeatMstrket "HWY. 83-3½ miies east of Exeter 235-1123 Tt_y us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING *KW days - Tuesdays* Our specialty -Horne cured and smoked meats Processed exactly the way you like it. 19-82-tf The Tree Trunk 5 Main St., Seaforth A complete line of New and Used Antiques and Collectables *Buy•Sell•Trade•Swap Torn and Dawn Papple 527-0514 Store 527-0940 Home 10-824 Hensail Livestock Soles SALES EVERY THURSDAY, AT 130 P.M. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves 262-2619, Hensall Doug Caruthers, 237-3734, Dashwood Victor Hargreaves 482-7511, Clinton Barry Miller 236-2717, Exeter and 229-6205 Kirkton 19-82-tf Dry hardwood: maple hic- kory, delivered. Campfire wood hard and soft. 482-9250 19-85-1 EVER WONDER WHAT YOU ARE worm TO 'ANOTHER COMPANY You may be satisfied with your present position but • you owe it to yourself to look into the position, we have to offer. Privat e and confidential interviews will be held in your town. Please divert replies to Mr. R. A. Deichert 172 Ontario Street Stratford. Ontario NSA3H4 271-1920 19-85-1 SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR Hensall 262-2017 262-2041 Custom... Slaughtering and Processing Monday -Beet Tuesdays•Pork 19-82-tf R'S. Box Funeral Home 47 High Street Seaforth Phone: 527-0885 19-82-tf 20 Aation Sales d • • • • Richard Lobb Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 _ • ********** • • • • R•G• • • • • • Gethke • • • • • • GENERAL • AUCTIONEER • • • Serving Perth and • • Huron Counties with • emacney. years of experi- n• • • • • For reliable service at • • • reasonable rates. • • Call 347-2465 Collect •• • 20-82-1 • • 24 Card of Thanks The family of the late Fred Johns would like to express our sincere thaj1ks and appreciation to rela friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes, cards of sympathy, memorial donations and food sent to our homes during our recent be reavment. A special thanks to Rev. Ross Hargreaves for his comforting words and prayers. To the Pallbearers and Flower BeararstGeorge and Laura Rock and the Ladies of Thames Road church. Thanks also to the Lockhardt Funeral Home. Your thoughtfulness will never be forgotten. - The John s Family s. 24-85-1 1 wish to express my thanks to Dr. Malkus, Dr. Quilanj nursing staff of Seaforth an Stratford Hospitals, to Rev. Duke for his visit and special thanks to all members of our family and all friends and neighbours for cards,,flowers and visits. To Kippen UCW for flowers and Oiristmas box and to all who helped at home. Seasons Greetings to all. - Joe McLellan 24-85x1 I would like to express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for visits. flowers and cards white I was a patient in community Hospital. special thanks to my family and I wish all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, - Mrs. Elizabeth Burns, Seaforth Manor. 24-85x4 I would like to express my sincere thanks to relatives. friends and neighbours for cards. gifts and visits, also thanks to the UCW of Caven United Church for the lovely plant while I was a patient in the Seaforth Community Hospital . Special thanks to Dr. Rodney, Dr. Malkus and the Hospital Staff and also to 'Rev. James Vanslyke. - Pearl Dolmage 24-85x1 I would like to thank my family. • friends for cards, gifts, treats, visits while in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lindsay. Dr. Quinlan. Dr. McQuaid, Dr. Brady, nurses on the 2nd and 3rd floor of Stratford Hospital. Thanks Rev. Swan for your visits. Youf thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Mrs. Pearl McCallum . , dA__FLSarj 25 In NTemoriam In loving memory of a dear friend, John Campbell who went to be with the Lord, December 30, 1969. Blessed be God for the PeFrormtihaee madeblessed assurance given. That the parting on earth will be more than repaid. By the blessed reunion in Hven remembered and Missed,a loved by friends Jim ,and Brenda Thompson. 25-85-1 More on next page