HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-12-24, Page 120 H PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONECJ :Fr• TU -S, VAN 11.10ORSEL 1 it,os**cHELt• LTD.' . 348-9.170..• , $PlitATE0 IN #X4ct VRETIIA,NETTIAIVI NEWfi;ATI3OPFINd & RPAIRs a New Roof liEEESTWATES, AgilCOItiirl,118z:bidustxtaI041g§, • Nitr..8L'Older 'Nines 40rro BAHET TRUCK SERVIC! of!. tigivilY1IOUROR DAY PROGRAM 1981 itartq ,lanuary 12,1981 • Fitness, SWim lessons • Karate, dance fit, ' • ReCreationat, sWintS etc. For information call 482-3644' ' VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE GARBAGE PICK-UP HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Thursday's and Friday's routes will be picked up on December 26th, 1980 and January 2, 1981. BILL EISLER Usb-orne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Town Dwellings as well as Farm Properties AGENTS Ross.11pdigeM Woodpam Johii Nrbee 1 ° Oublin ° Joseph Unlac Mitchell Mrs. Elaine Skinner Exeter Wally Burton Exeter 229-6643 345-2-512 348-9012 235-1553 235-0350 DIRECTORS a ADJUSTORS Jack Harrigan R.R.3, Lucsn Robert Gardiner R.R.2, Staffs Lloyd Morrison R.R.1, St. Marys Lorne Fesne R.R.2, Dublin Flay McCurdy'R.R.1, Kirkton Robert Chaffe R.R.5, Mitchell 227-4305 345-2739 229-8277 345-2543 229-6594 348-8293 Starts THURSDAY! DEC.25- JAN. 1' NOTE SHOWTIMES 'two Showings fedi Night 7 a1 Mfhls fm. Management Gni Stiff would like to wish everyone . MERRY CHRISTMAS „ ' PARK GODERICil r' • This coltimn CoUldlnite easily heeonle a fernal to Moan all the plans gone*. It's been that before allts0 • ft is thiS' week. The plans were So nieely 'made And, to their originaters, seenlingly foolPrO0f; We Were convinced we'd corne,aWay withtiekets to Toronte,c9neert four weeks hence. TiCitetS were tO go'onsale At ten Saturday., morning. We'd get, ' there at:eight, niaybetirit early enough to get the very 'best seats, hat neYertiteless we expeCted to be sitting ,ptetty. ° T..M4 rneantg4tingp at five and &Whig te the Queen's , city Th,9r8allizef:SOf the etnicert, perhaps persuaded by. - the cit';fathers, had a ticket -selling brainstorm. 'I his was - a big cOapert - the Bess, Springsteen for two nights at Maple Leaf Gardens, and the sponsors atid I'm sure the city knew there would be vast lineups for seats. So what do you dp?„.Sell, them at Exhibition Stadium down at the lake and; far, away from where crowds could disrupt the eity',s normal routine. Further, there is no warm'waitink Area so there would be no problem in avid fans damping nut days in advance (there Were, actually, some at the park since Wednesday.) Still, how many weuld brave the cold night to get a goed spot inline. Arriving at eight should be fine, and for a time --it-lookedns-though-we-vvere-right. At the parking jot, .there were miles of vacant spots. Good sign. Just out of sight of the Stadium, there were very few people. Good sign. EIGHT PEOPLE DEEP Then the Stadium. Stretching the length of it was a line eight people deep in some places. Still, though, it seemed reasonable to expect to get decent seats. After all, there were two shows,. so surely... Dutifully, we headed for the end of the line and finally, after walking two-thirds of the way around the building the end of the line came "tip. Not too discouraging. It would have been quite resonable to give up, but after.so much planning and anticipation, reason is often the last mental process that is .relied upon. So we waited. And waited,. And waited. For the first couple of hours, the cold was bearable. We were surrounded by good folks so we were able to stay warm, entertained and amused. Finally, though, the cold begins to consume you. My companion, although I am certainly a Springsteen fan, is quite close to being a fanatic. She swore, up and down, that she would stick out the wait and had come well prepared to do so. Suddenly, after about the fourth hour, • she discovered she was also a fan of hockey trivia and„ my gosh, there's a Hockey Hall of Fame, Mind if 1 go warm up Sure, says this martyr. Really, I didn't mind, and occasionally she would return to make sure nature hadn't made me a permanent fixture on the sidewalk outside the park. Then off she'd go again to find out more about the Howes, the Meekers and their other steel -footed mates. Five hours, looking at six. Waiting like that is greatly out of character for me, but the longer one stands in line the greater his resolve to last to the end becomes THE BREAKING POINT THE HURON EXPQSITOR,-DECEIYI ER 24,1980 13 y Herb SlIcetter There is, however, a breaking point. As six hours neared, ,repOrts began to filter back from those closer to thefront that the only seats left were stage side or behind. rTheu Te00,purchasers of tickets began to give the same „ repotland snddenly the resolve begins to weaken. I was 25 yards, butsijll a couple of hundred people away from the front when I finally realized what. a great fan of hockey I too was, and by gosh, there's the Hockey Hall of Faille. • Makingthe decision was tormenting, but when I hopped the barriede and sacrificed my spot in line, I felt like a man freed from prison. It is disappointing, that I won't see the Boss, but I'li. know better next tinie. 'Anybody got a down sleeping bag? If you read last week, you'll remember I was off to see ***** , the, tOoth doctor Friday. This time, he knew what he was —up-against---and-was-prepared.-My -mouth-was-frozen -for four hours afterwards, but I felt no pain as he poked about royinduth with that whining drill. Two cavities down, one togo. ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN LIFE — and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deductable Regisiered Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities Income Averaging Annuities Ask for our nett Flexible Premium R.R.S.P fe1.52 -0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH . —REPRESENTING • Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada for 21 years. ISt ("alimony Centre flflf Sp.m.te?? rca *RN mid 71h ItAINSOVIS inch, Revelliss, Etc. — AtImissieti 25.1141 Couple CM 211400 fir STRATFORD FAIRGROUNDS presents ,ALL NIGNI MIER, SKATING SATURDAY, DEC. 20 8:06 P. M. to 8:00 A.M. GratIleS 7 end Up Admission $5.00 Skate Rental $1.00 No person 16 years or age or under will be allowed to leave between the hours of Midnight and 7:00 a.m. unless picked up by a parent STRICTLY ENFORCED ADULT SUPERVISION HOLIDAY ROLLER SKATING nommommionansismiimmommanwes EVERY AFTERNOON•2 - 4 P.M. Except Dec. 25 EVERY EVENING 8 - 10 :30 P.M. Except Dec. 24 & 31 FOR HEALTH SAKE- TUES. DEC. 30 MAX WEBSTER withSOftiAl.gutst 8.8. GABOR ***** By nOW •I'm sure most of you have completed your holiday plans. For those of you who are regular readers I'd Pee like to wisltyou all 'a happy holiday and a froiniil new yeatt.` For those of you' fpolish enough to be reading the Column for the first time (that is, the people wttia are not regular readers) I must Wish y,On a very special Merry Christmas. Your good taste is remarkable, hat's happenirig What's happening is a weekly column, space donated by The Huron Expositor. To list your event, call the Recreation Office at 527-0882./ DATE Wed. Dec. 24 Thurs. Dec, 25 Sat. Dec. 27 Sun. Dec. 28 Sun. Dec. 28 Tues. Dec. 30 Tues. Dec. 30 Wed. Dec. 31 EVENT Public Skating Merry Christmas Public Skating Exeter vs Cente- naiTes Public Skating Zurich vs Bantams Public Skating PLACE Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena TIME 1-3 p.m. 1:30-3 p.m. 2 p.m. 7 p.m. 3-5 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 1-3 p.m. Wees bring win home On 19 Seaforth Pee Wees travelled to Brussels with Seaforth coming home with a win of 3-2. It was a very close game. In the first period Seaforth opened the scoring by Mike Betties on a pass from Trvor Price and Trevor scoring Seaforth's second goal which gave- Seaforth the lead of 2-0 at the end of the first period. The only goal scored in the second period was by Dean Wheeler for Brussels. Early in the third period Brussels scored theiesecond goal by Marty Rutledge tying the game up. With the pressure on Seaforth went ahead with a goal by Trevor Price giving Seaforth the win of 3-2. On Dec. 20 local Pee Wee travelled to Clinton to play. At the end of the first period the game was tied 1-1. Clinton opened the scoring by Travis Lyndon and with only 12 seconds left Micke Betties for Seaforth scored SENIOR Li ILEENS Ladies •High 1st Win Murphy, 2nd Jean Keys. Men's High 1st Lou Coyne, 2nd Ed Andrews. High Lane: Lou Cayne. Mary Coleman. Stella Worden. Bert Walters, Matt Ca-ne. Elmer Townsend. on a pass from Chris Cardno. In the second period Clinton went ahead with 2 more . goals by Troy Falconer and John Scruton. With only 3:41 left Seaforth's • ,Pat Mut-ray scored on a pass from Davie Akey. In the third period at the 5:11. mark Seaforth's Pat Murray scored on a pass from Mark Stapleton tying the game up. With both teams skating hard Seaforth went ahead with a goal by Scott Driscoll unassisted. This gave the Seaforth team the win of 4-3. Again Sea- forth's goalie's Raymond Anstett and Steve Stapjeton played well in net. People Margaret Sills has returned from a 2 months trip through Europe where she visited many friends and relations. Winners in the Annual Eastern Star Christmas draw were: Ceramic Christmas Tree. Pat Deighton: Turkey. Carol Hunt. Having visitors at your house over the holidays? Drop the news into the Expositor office for next week's Pc9p1c. Christmas visitors on Sunday Dec. 21 st with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Towsend in Harphurcy were. Miss Erma Broadfoot of Kitchener Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Haves, Grant and Wayne from Dtintroon. Mrs. Gary HIIVCS of London. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Haswell and family from Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Townsend and sons of Arthur. Mr. and Mei. George Townsend and family and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Townsend and family of Tuckersruith. Marge crowd attended a fortieth anniversary party for Fiona and Dave Sim of R.R. 3. Kippen at the Seaforth Legion Hall. The surprise party was organized by their children. Dave, Ian. Norman and Cathie Alexander. The couple was married in Scotland. and emigrated to Seaforth In 1950. They've lived in the arca ever since THIS WEEK'S ENTEWf AMAMI• ' Monday, Tuesday, Friday, &thirds" and Saturday Matinee 4 p.m. to 6 p Midnight Riders NEW WEEK'S ENTERTADIMENT Wednesday to Saturday and Saturday Matinee 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. tem& esker am, atm Cmtry FINE. FUP t t trvAlf.1 "Ye Oh CitsTrtry Store" FERGLI 1A IES WE'RE LOCATED ON... HIGHWAY 84 between HENSALL & ZURICH . 236-4979 MER14Y CHRISTMAS ' & HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM ALL OF US AT FERGUSON APIARIES: Bill, Rotemary & Family Kathy Martin, Pleb Ootntsh° • MORRIS TOWNSHIP 125th Birthday QUEEN CONTEST RULES: 1. Min. 16 yrs. by Jan. 1st, 1981 2_ Max, 19 yrs, as of Jan. 1st, 1981 3. Single 4. Morris resident 5. Registration $2.00 6. Sponsors required BEARD GROWING CONTEST RULES: • Open to anyone • 52.00 registration • Beards started before .Jan. 1si may register • Trophies given • Registration for both contests from Jan. lst to Jan. 10th, 1981. TO REGISTER CONTACT; Lloyd Michie 887-6472 Don Nolan Diane English Doug Machon 887-6402 357-3056 887-9345 Mitchell-Seaforth CABLE TV For service, account installation, local announcements, line locates Cali 345-2341 11 Channel selection! Supplying 8 networks and independents to over 1,450 homes. 44•1101 11*. ort1401111111. 11.41111ge$116•111 Seaforth 527-0180 Front Row: Brenda, Vicki Back Row: Kim, Kathy, Bob Myriam :0. Wed., Dec. 24 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Closed Christmas Day & Boxing Day Deo: 25 & 26 Regular Hours Sat. & Sun. tEt t.o.• alasatilaaarnaula 1 q.1111 11 11? •