HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-12-24, Page 4THE HURON: XPOKOR D cotwies 1980 Y COLLgN MALONEY , An enrol Ment. drop of, ' 371 students in Perth County Schools, bytbe end of ,1985 .khzt$ becu predicted following the Completion of a 5 YPa! PTV:Wet enrolment, plam. A report Presented to the Perth County Board''of Edit.- . cation by accountant. R.J. MacArthur said, while the ' official projections are„hased on sound statistical methods they are subject to litnitat- i•oartS,. The, proleced enrolments for 1982 to 198$ are based on tirIO'previott's year's projected enr01111ent; therefore, minor differences in the early years become magnified when pro- - --ratell—ftl—tareTT yeatyS7-1 report said. Trustee C.E. Dearing ex- pressed concern about de- clining enrolment at Eastdale Public School, Listowel and Falstaff Public School, Strat- ford. It looks as if there should be some concern if you look at41ie size offtbos4. schools five years down th4 toad , - said Mr,' Dearing- . Enrolnient at Eastdal,e has been predicted to drop from 173• to 11Q students. A drop from 145 to 104 students has been predicted for Falstaff. The projections are used in .plarining such diftigs as future staffing and accomo- dations of schotalS,. They. "identify areas that require, our attentiournow and we will 'betlooking at thoSe,- said Director of Education Ken Self. Mr. Dearing said he was surprised by the predicted drop in elementary school enrolment. we7-do--h ave. is- a continued increasing decline in secondary, schools. We expected that. I don't think we expeded a continued increasing decline in second- ary schools. I think we expected that in 1980 we had reached the (bottom." said Dearing. B of E doesn't dispute facts BY COLLEEN MALONEY Trustee Barbara Herman, said the Perth Board of Education does not dispute • the facts in a report released by provincially -appointed fact -finder Jeffrey Gandz, but criticized the. "unfor- tunate choice of words used. Mrs. Herman's comments came after the hoard receiv- ed a letter from Premier Bill Davis suggesting •'any ques- tions you (the board) may hay e as tulle accuracy of the F1ict Finde.l's Reports should be taken up with professor The report. released Nov. 3, criticized the board for failmg to negotiate seriously with its sek titulary st.hool teachers. Mrs. _Herman said the board is exasperated with the fact finder. The board w9s "moving very well toward a settlement under our own steam," until the report was released. It was Mrs. Herman's :understanding that the fact - finder knew how dose the board was to -a settlement with •the elementary school teachers. Despite the report. she was optimistic at the Board's meeting Dec. It). that the settlement would be reached sometime during the week. Asked about a settlement with thc secondary school teachers, Mrs. Herman said. "we've got a long way to go on that Okay exchange exchange with Netherlands lohn Hoftee. Director of Business Eductition at Lis towel Distrikt Sekondarv hool, has been granted permission hs the Perth Counts Hoard of 1-duLat ion to apple for a teather-exkhange m the Netherlands for the 19141 82 s& scar Hofstee. a natioc the Netherlands. has been a teak her at 1 isttra el Doorn. t 'ick tuition, Shoot for I 1 wars Appointed dire, tau of Ins department in Pr' hc has also served as ad% twr of the photographs- dub and Chnstian student fr 1k0v. ship group le a letter to the hoard requesting permission 10ap ph, for the rift flange. kir Hofstiee card. "All in all. 1 (evil thc e ang(' ill he a uoirrh‘a hide perterue F of A has. 75% membership in McKi flop n'T 444 K Mop F ecleration of. Agri, ilittire gained 11 new members during a mcmher ship rime held rct ent NOS% arrnr r; otg ov ('r 3!'• per (*CPU 414 ih'e aktive township hL Iong the feder atittit addition to titc tow richap dirt tors alre ad' listed took part in thc dri cBoIl kiw,r,v. nri \dal fst/ i‘ rrt WI 3, benefits 'both to me per- sonally an. '‘) the pupils and staff ill Listow el District Setondary Director of Educat ion {4ten Self. said there is northing mandatory about the cx• 4:flange "If we are not satisfied that thc person ommig in (from the.Nether• lan(1s) can meet the needs of our students we do not have to proteed with it Night school hos , more pupils *Ugh! School enrdtment in Perth (. aunts InLreased bs ib pct tent in 1480 to a total of 1.1 ift students participating tr atademtr. techntcal. and !a - irrational torarses ' ght stfulcil enrolment seems to go in waves.said K P Thompson. Superan tenderit of Program A few ,ealts ago Mitchell had the Largest enrolment. but nov. Mc wase seems to be build ing rn Si Marvs. Thompson said. Trustee Nano, Cameron asked about the tancellatton of a (mice in English for Neu anachans that was to base t.fed at 1 istovi et ffiistrio Secondars School Sir - Thompson elplained that the number of nevi ( anadiaris snrkmng shift v,ork for( ed the t nurse to be 4 3P4,115ed X44;t4,4";4* Hope you've served up a great big tasty Christmas! THE FORGE RESTAURANT Jim and Ginette Nash and Family and Staff 527-1964 MAXWELL HRH COFFEE 1 LB: BAG 279 PUR INIZED iMITCHELL'S APPLE JUICE PURE VEGETABLE 011 BONNET MARGARINE -09 4802 TIN 3 LB PKG. CLUB HOUSE PIMENTO MANZANILLA OLIVES 17 oz. Jar LIPTON'S ONION SOUP MIX • 2 ENV PKG 79° STOKELY'S FANCY HONEY POD PEAS 214 oz 7 TinsN ............*e***,,,••*".•ro4r*Ivw..44444 UNCLE BEN S tissioprE STUFF 'N' 607 vt` 4` REGULAR 28 02 OR RUM E. 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