The Huron Expositor, 1980-12-18, Page 841 THE HURON EXPOSITOR! DEORMI3ER 18, 1980 er a tittle bit, of self-analysis I Can confidently report hat there are voy'foe'things in this *Md. that frighten ° 111103 Can add,.•thongh, the few things that de.; shake Me. i4 , Aettlail$ 'there are, 'two events: Which can Set these alotnpers n14:ehattering.: ("Jitie 'which We all share; I: • ,itt$peetaS aiw ultimate demise; And it's not sctlyanch the rea0attan that it will inevitably happen but the question of how. AnYway, !temp* suppresaion has permitted me YO 'siric the tioug}it deeP, into the mind where it is difficult to retrieve,. • The seeond,fetir is the oneyou have to live with every six tfOntlis .(or so they say). Yhe 'twice annualfear is, of `course; the hgonizing trip to the dentist. There is'a stream of • „psychological n thought which says an individual's perSonality is comprised ef several different features, among them an adult characteristic, a parent trait and a childcomponent. If these researchers ever need further evidence that there is, in fact, the child element, they only have to join me on one df my visits to'the tooth repairman. 1 have to give Myself credit at least for recegnizing.this weakness and admitting it openly (although I'm sure the driller could tell by the beads of sweet on my forehead and the knuckles whitened -from frantically holding on to the arms of the dentist's chair). MINT SHIFTS It was only sheer, endless pain that drove me to visit' most recently. It was 11 years ago that the Royal Canadian Mint shifted its premises from Ottawa to the interior of my head. A sinful 14 cavities,. at the time, which had to be repaired in three painful steps. Having survived that agonizing experience, I promised myself I wduld never violate the dental creed again - brush regularly, and visit your dentist every six months. It worked, and for nine by sHerb Shoveller . years I Was the prid,e of the Canadian Dental Association. Thenfpr some reasnril lost tbe faith two years ago. It :may have been overconfidence induced by dental praise -• vvho can tell these things but I hegan to feel this mouth had 'bee'ome omnipotent. That wasn't the. case, and sure enough the pain made a return krisit and I was on my way fornnother engagement with fear. "I'm' telling you right now, doctor, that Pm as big a chicken as you'll ever get in 'here," I admitted, proud, though, that I was willing to bare my soul, • "On c'mon now, you've been through this before," was the, reply. ''lao many times." "It won4t hurt hardly at all," was thesnext attempt at reassitrance..__ - -- "Somehow I think I've heard that before." Al! that Was before I'd even sat in the chair of death. I didn't even handle the x-rays with an adult -like calm. The film, neatly tuckedbetween upper and lower sets on either ,side of the mduth, is only in place for, in total, about ten seconds. But that was long enough for me to start,gagging like a skid row bum. DENTIST'S DEMEANOR You have to admire the calm demeanor of dentists. If I had been a spectator at my own gagging episode I am certain I would have been thorou ghly digusted (not that there were any visual displays, but the .sound in itself can stimulate a good imagination). This fellow was 'cdoi.' In aroaratn*ar fact, he seemed to understand and offered:a gyitnpatheti conunent. I appreciate and respect him for that, I know conldn't spend eight hours a day, with my weak stomach, listening and, watching that, . "You only have three cavities,"'he said after studying the pictures and poking around in my mouth . "You have a pretty gged set of teeth_there, actually." That floored Me. Here! ani in incredible pain and he says I have good teeth.. Evidently the molar didn't get the message. turned• ,out the fillings needed are in awkward positions and need to be repaired on separate visits. The fit -St was that day , and it was to refill a filling gone bad. "Woh't take much drilling," he explained, "Just a little to get the old hole smoothed off. Really don't need to freeze it." "Freeze it!",.I prefer that needle to the bit! 'You'll hardly notic it, I promise.:' "Eve' less too, if you freeze it." 'Well . ''Freeze-it-Get-me-good-andstoned,-get me head to toe. Knock me across the back of the neck with a crowbar. As long as I don't know what is happening." There I was, the child elment. of my perSenality in full control, and the dentist, an intelligent man, I think realized the worthwhile theory you don't argtie with a child. I got the needle and went tinder the drill, and it turns out he was absolutely right. It didn't hurt . , . much. r But I'm still not convinced. Tomorrow part tivo of the three 'part visit with the Dentist series takes place,, and the mere thought of it sets the heart to pumping and the palms to sweating. Once a chicken). . Gauges to monitor potential flooding The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority ap- proved a motion at their general meeting Friday to install a revised flood warn- ing system, costing 556,700, over a fwe-vear period on streams in the area subject 'to flooding. , One of the gauges to moni- tor potential flood conditions will be installed on Silver Creek, upstream from Sea - forth. Other gauges, which can provide hourly readings, will be installed on Mud .? The new gau. ges, will be Creek, upstream from Port monitored by. a central com- Franks; at Varna, to prdvide a six to eight hour warning to Bayfield residents in the event of a flood and at Parkhill to provide advance warning for Grand Bend. Bill Mungall, authority resources manager. said while the authority -now has a flood warning program in. effect. advances in technolo- gy have made the system obsolete STRATFORD FAIRGROUND'S presents 1ALL NIGHT ROMER!SKATING SATURDAY;'DEC. 20 8:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. Grades 7 and Up Admission $5.00 Skate Rental $1.00 No person 16 years or age or under will be allowed to leave between the hours of Midnight and 7:00 a.m. unless picked up by a parent STRICTLY ENFORCED ADULT SUPERVISION • HOLIDAY ROLLER SKATING EVERY AFTERNOON 2 - 4 P.M. Except Dec. 25 EVERY EVENING 8 - 10 :30 P.M. Except Dec. 24 & 31 FOR HEALTH SAKE ROLLER SKATE simmuiris TUES. DEC. 30 MAX.WEBSTER -wit tt special' guest B.B. GABOR in concert MORRIS TOWNSHIP 125th Birthday QUEEN CONTEST RULES: 1 Min 16 -yrs by Jan 1st. 1981 2. Max 19 yrs as of Jan 1st. 1981 3 Singie 4. Morris resident 5. Registration $2.00 6 Sponsors required BEARD GROWING CONTEST RULES: • Open to anyone • $2.00 registration • Beards started before Jan. ist may register • Trophies given ,4! Registration for both contests from Jan. 1st to Jan. 10th,, 1981.- • TO REGISTER CONTACT: Lloyd Michle Don Nolan - Diane English Doug Machon 887-6472 887-6402 357-3056 8874345 puter teminal at the author- ity's head office in Exeter. Mr. Mungall said 515.000 has ,9een included in this year s budget to start instal- lation of the new gauges. The first two will be insta,lled at Port Franks and the Klondike area south of Grand Bend. The resources manager said hopefully municipalities within the authority will draw up pre -arranged emergency plans in case of flood danger warnings. He said the only municipality which now has a contingency plan on paper is Bosonquet Township, in Lambton County. John Sehlyindt. of the au- thority staff. introduced members to the new Erosion Control Assistance Program, available to anyone owning land in the Ausable-Bayfield watersheds. The program is designed to help landowners deal with minor erosion -problems. and to help them preserve soil and reduce watercourse sed- imentation. Mr. Schwindt said the authority will help landown- ers draw up designs for projects involving stream - bank improvement. sheet, rill and •gully erosion. and improper tile outtets. The Authority will also provide financial assistance to aid an the completion of apprmed projects. • Mr. Schwindt asked au - I thorny members to alert landowners to the program. He said authority staff would like to find some appropriate sites to start working on. excluding municipal drains or lakefront erosion. The authority will pay 50 per cent of the costs incurred during completion of the erosion.control project. up to a maximum of 51.000. When the project is completed. the authority will erect a MOS to identify the project. In other business. the au- thority members approved a motion to adopt the Bayfield Erosion Control and Slope Stabilization Study as a 1981 project The Goderich road. which parallels the south bank of the Bay -field River. was sliding into the river and the authority will sp'end 55.000 for sheet piling to prevent further erosion. Walton Thu nit of the t ( hetd their Christ - n -as Treeing at the home of 'virs G MC'siu hal and every- .1.ric moved a noon meal put the loosing side of the copper tontesi Mrs G McNichol opened the meeting The Meditation "Hope.. cz as given to Mrs `feNichol 1 The offering v. as taken ie. Mrs. Mr, M. Flackwell Mrs. 6. Love Sr gave the topic a Christmas theme "Times, for Memories. • • Mrs. 6. Love -Jr. read a Christmas reading. ' Mrs. M. Dennis. president presided for business. Mrs L Godkin g„sve a report on nominations. Authority members also approved a motion to pro- ceed with the next phase of the Grand Bend Erosioh Control Project. The 54,000 program will implement ero- sion controls along the river from the Brazier property through to the Green Forest Motel. The authority also voted to make improvements both to the authority's headquarters on Thames Road in Exeter, and to the Parkhill workshop. Resources manager Bill Mungall said staff would like the workshop area in the administrative headquarters to be removed completely to another building. He asked that the authority earmark 525,000 in the next year's budget to start this•project. A motion was also ap- proved to give Stephen Township a right-of-way of 2.8 acres on Con. 5,6 of Stephen to build a new bridge and approaches over the Atisable River, near the village of Crediton. In ex- change for the land, the authority will receive a smal- ler parcel of land and S500. • Other 1981 projects for the conservation authority in- clude floodline mapping of the Ausable River in the -Crediton area, further con- struction on the Rock Glen Conservation Area's inter- pretative centre, scheduled to open in 1982, and the start of some demonstration pro- jects on reforestation and streambank improvements near the site of the 1982 Plowing Match on t6 edge of Luean. Authority members also learned that watershed plan- ner John Small has left the authority to work with the London office of the Ministry of Transport and Communi- cations. oomoses11111f#01111410115111,11 I itilgailOONsfifill 111011.1"1"111... ei a Mon, ci&L.,Tpueecs: 14242 & F,.,3 1111 aa...rani.:_17 Closed Christrnas.bay & Boxing Day • Y Dec. 25 & 26 4 legul'or Ho s Sot. & Sun. ,,,,,c1•110,pc.111111/11H11111111.209161 tom iP 1 j• I v 40 MI al 1111 ar • a 114* 00 111 lig kV' • a in41.1411111144 4 _4 esapasiaaamars a tha.4••• Seaforth 527-0180 To thank you for your patronage 111840111111 101165 With every pizza (While quantities last) • an old fashioned 16 oz. Coke Glass Eat in or Take out - HOUAS OPEN Sun. - Thurs. 11 A.M. - 12 Midnight ' Fri. - Sat. 11 A.M. - 2 A.M.. Gift Certificates available z for Christmas giving 1111 `r 4.01/. 111i I I 1 1 11 rA404tAttatviemovialktwatiornAwieviRkdtweestAnmewmookkAil A CH CH CH CH Make ThLs Christmas The Beginning 0'a Year FiHed With Entertainment. SELECTION 2 -NBC BUFFALO . CH 6 -GLOBAL CH 11 -HAMILTON 3 -EDUCATIONAL CH 7 -ABC BUFFALO CH 12 -LOCAL 4 -CBS BUFFALO CH 180ia -W.LNINGDH0AR. NM CH 13-KITCHENE 5 -TORONTO ON* GIFT CERTIFICATES -**4 $21.40 INCLUDES: Installation and 2 months cable service $26. 75 INCLUDES: Installation and years cable service to an extra TV in your • home. REMEMBER: INSTALLATION IS FREE TILL DEC. 24 /80 f CHANNEL 12 CHRISTMAS LINE UP THURS. DEC. 18 7:00 P.M. Seaforth Old Timers Hockey PLAYERS: 1. Gar Baker 2. Don Morton 3. Ray Scoins 4. Ray Anstett 5. Ed Dolmage 6. Bill Weber • 7. Roger Pauli 8. Dick Bedard 9. Bob Beuttenminer SUNDAY, DEC. 21 "BiH Cele Benefit Concert" 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. Cable TV will be present filming portions of the entertainment for playback in the new year. "Plan to 10. George Conveney 11. Jim Watson 12. Ken Doig 13. jack McLlwain 14. Paul Rau • 15. Bob Cheoros 16. Ernie Ahrens 30. Jim Collins et -A, •attend'' --- pd. - FRIDAY, DEC. 19 10 KM. . Mitchell Hawks vs Seaforth Centenaires This will be a tape delay of the Friday Dec. 19 game ' beginning at 8:30 p.m at the arena. Our thanks to Don Ple-tsch of Seaforth Electronics for the loan of equipment to make this possible. TUESDAY, DEC. 23 5:40 p.M.Clark Moses (Mitchell) 6:50 p.m. Santa Claus , 700 p.m. Lion's TV Bingo TUESDAY, DEC. 30 5:40 p.m. Rev. Ure. Stewart (Seaforth) 7:00 p.m_. Lions TV Bingo LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS TO BE READ ON CHANNEL 12 CAN BE SENT TO SANTA CLAUS c/o CABLE TV, P.O. BOX 969, MITCHELL, ONTARIO. JANUARY TV Bowling will resume every Wednesday at 6:40 p.m. Send in your pen pal card now and you could be a winner! • tinge -Bowling -Cash Prizes -Local Hockey and Personalities -Parades -Special Events - Time -Temperature -Local Messages 24 Hrs/Day Together with 11 Channel Selection A MUST FOR 198 Have A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ••••.• MINCABLE- TV -345-2341 AhleAway40\4810100~avoAvviioiyiyohmiemiemonosa,(*.ftwoktoo