HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-12-11, Page 24E HURON EXPOSITOR, .,t).0.91'ovfoOri, it, 190.- IY,S11414r4210-11:q Ar p yot aseranieror a smasher?Do you fi4c1 • yourself shed of breath', with :Sharp pains in your chest or intear? At , one time or another eYeryone.experiences one or knore Of these feelings for they ali tie into one common, but complex' emetion, anger. Gaining g better understanding ef the emotion, what spts it off, how to control If and how different people react to it was the topic of discussion when Hurons Women Today met in Clinton on November 27. Susan McPail and Arlene Timmins, organizers of the Htwthdfne Counselling Want a Dublin phone book? It's yours if you call Bell and ask • Delivery- of the .1980781 edition of the telephone directories for the Stratford - 13 -061m ana London-Scaforth areas should be completed by December 5. This year, Bell subscribers In the Seaforth area who want a copy of the Stratford directory, whicn includes Dublin, Brodhagen and Hibbert numbers, can obtain those white pages free of charge by calling the Bell Canada business office. The number, which can be called free -of -charge, is 1-800-265- 8515. Dublin and Brodhagen subscribers can obtain the :Londot;Seaforth di -rectory the same way. Pcter Croome, local Bell Canac14 manager, said 232, 000 directories will be delivered this year, 12,000 more than in 1979. The new books include an expanded introductory section and a new, separate Blue Pages government listing section. ' Some of the new features in the introduction are emergency numbers such as police, fire and ambulance numbers listed- on page one under the heading Help! Phoney charities can cause real problems Especially in the pre - Christmas goodwill spirit, it's awfully hard to say no. The caller is smooth and convincing, appealing to your emotions. Yes, the product is a little More expensive that usual, but it's for a good cause. Most fund-raising organ- izations are legitimate and really help those in need. But a few phoney. unethical, slick operators can cause real heartache: the underprivil- eged children may never get a penny. and you are out your hard-earned ollars. Worse, you may lose aith in charity. If you donate mo y to charity. make sure you know who you are dealing with and where your money is going. Whether you are being solic- ited over the telephone or door to door. ask questions. What percentage of the - money raised will g� to charity?How much for oper- ating costs? Do you recog- nize the name of the organiz- ation. or does it only sound Eke a familiar name? When m drsubt. check an organization's name and rep. mation with the Chamber of Commerce or the Better Business Bureau which maintains files on most of these groups. Give a dona- tion only when you are sure that your money will actually be .used for a worthy cause . Once you have made a donation to a phoney c,harity. however. your name and the amount given may he written on a 'tap' card which may then he sold to other such organizations. In otber words. you have been 'tagged' and the solications may continue. For the low-down op the types of phoney schi'mes used and for some guidelines for donations,#ask for the free pamphlet. Phoney charities: how to be a cautious donor. at the Consumer Information Centre, .555 Yonge Street. Toronto; or write to Consum- er Ontario, Box 10, Queen's Park, Toronto. M7A IN3. The7 custemer eernplaints section of the telphone book has been altered to 'include examples ..of typical compaints and the steps that can be taken by a customer who's having , difficulty resolving a problem with Bell Canada, One other addition to the phone book is information on Vow ,to contact, without charge, the new Telecommunication Centre for Special Needs (Disabilities) in Toronto. The office is open weekdays from 8:30 h.m. 5' p.m. - Government alphabetical listings, once separated under the federal, provincial and municipal .government sections, are now together in a separate "blue pages" section. These listings follow the white pages listings. 'To further assist 'people who don't know the appropriate level of government responsible for specific services, a reference list of frequently requested services for all levels of government has been provided in 'an inter -listed format. Bell Canada will have one directory per household delivered again this year and anyone whd doesn't receive a copy by December 5 should call the local Bell Canada business office. positor i• i r-71, rr I f i"'"" 1. & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service & installation of pipelines & IL milking parlours R.R.4 ALTON It at •1 7-6063 Collective in London, met with the 15 women presbnt to talkd about the complexities of anger. The women, from Clinton Goderich, Exeter, Winghain and the area exchanged thoughts and asked questions about the emotion that Mrs. McPhail described as an imPortant one to study because, "We have so many weird and wonderful ways of expressing it." Mrs. McPhail, who in the past has been involved in\ psychological studies on the embtion said that anger is one cot the most poTv—erful feefings_that humans possess alio it snapes peopTe-s'ei: periences more than many realize. "How we feel about our anger shows a little about how we feel about ourselves," she noted and added. "If I say I don't get angry then that means I'm Shop at Seaforth WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 910.00 OR OVER GET A TICKET ON A -FREE DRAW. 1 st.prite gas barbecue valued at $200. 2nd prize food processor vatued at$140. Draw Dec 24 prob,ably' emotions." Because of its strength,' violent and aggressive implications, most people are afraid of anger. Many fear that if the emotion is unleashed at full force they'll' be out of . control, do something they'll regret later, offend others, make a fool of themselves and the greatest concern of all, fear that they could be angry enough to kill. The soMetimes un- controllable, irrational • actions that result from anger are not only psychologically eentrolled. In _ fact, when the emotional spark to anger is lit, blood leaves the brain and organs and concentrates in_the limbs and parts of the body where it's powercan be discharged through the violent actions of striking someone or something. hiding my • With the rush of blood from the brain, the emotion can easily take control a the mind and logical, -clear, rational thinking can be made nearly impossible.„ But • accerding to Mrs. McPhail there are ways of dealing with the emot,Idti before it reaches this desctructive level. When she, for instance, feels the fierceness of the, emotiop- building up to a peak she takes three deep breaths, "That settles the anger down and calms me. It make me stable and grounds me." "Once you're more went on to tell group, "Then you can talk without laying the blame on someone 'else," "Destructive name-calling is useless. Anger doesn't have to be an explosive thing," Mrs. Timmins. Anger's Jelease does not have to have the power of dynamite._ This is what the Hawthorne councillors term "dirty anger," a real explosion that's built up for a long time. Instead they stress the,„ use of "clean anger," by letting your feelings be known I and dealing with the problem on a small level, instead of waiting until # -number of augers accumulate. DeITAte anger's negative connotations the emoli-O-n- 'does not have to be de- structive. When handled properly, anger can be a positive force. - --Anger demands-changeTit says that you're caring for yourself and other people. "Anger gives us energy to deal with the problem, but if we always put a lid on it, then we become depressed," she warned. By blocked the emotion . - . and turning it inward people may become very hateful and lose their self respect. Keeping the feeling inside can also lead to a number !of physical problems , like migraine headacnes, ulcers, chest pain and even tooth decay. According to Mrs. McPhail and Mrs, TimniinS It's'bpst to knov0 the, extent and ory kvr angerand if wo t comes tThworst; set up a 1,Mohing nag in Me basement, beat It mattress with a tennis racket Uor whallop your bathtub with a dish towel then talk about it, o - ekill 'Insurance that's yours MAI/ s BRUCE SMITH Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street , Bus: 348-9975 Res: 348-0975 the co-opeatorg dt) the co-opezatoe INSURANCE ANDIINANCIAL SERVICES LIFE•HOME•AU1'0iBIUSDIEgt•FAIIM WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS -11 :s, PART BACKS ATTACHED FRESH! CHICKEN FRESH 'CHICKEN BREASTS PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING TUES. DEC. 16 *1.38 FROZEN UTILITY GRADE TURKEYS 84 FROZEN FINEST "A" GRADE TURKEYS ALL SIZES ALL SIZES ‘rarliarsirmart.m.wmomiN 1.757.1=1MMER SAUSAGE.) PEPPERONI -COOKED SALAMI BEERWURST-THUMNGER SCHNEIDERS COLD MEATS St ICE D • 5613 gram PKG. REGULAR, ALL BEEF OR MAPLE SCHNEIDERS MINI -SIZZLERS SLICE AND FRY `t. BEEF AND PORK OR USE IN YOUR FAVOURITE STUFFING CAMPFIRE FROZEN BURNS BREAKFAST STYLE SAUSAGE SMALL LINK MEAT ROLLS , SAUSAGES SCHNEIDERS FAMILY PAI BEEFBURGERS 1 KG CTN 4.29 ( 'SCHNEIDERS TANGY FRESH SAUERKRAUT 900 ML POLY BAG 1. PRIDE 'OF CANADA CHOPPED SUET 12 oz .97' MAPLE LEAF ENGLISH STYLE BACK BACON 175 gr. PKG. 1.59 MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED SMOKED COTTAGE ROLL Ib. 1.29 !MEI FINEST "A" GRADE DEEP BASTED TURKEYS ALL SIZES • 10 CHOICE VARIETZ—Th SCHNEIDERS MINI -DELI COOKED MEATS "A" GRADE BONELESS RUMP ROAST OR EYE REMOVED OUTSIDE ROUND ROAST 278 A DELICIOUS WAY TO SERVE TURKEY LEFTOVERS \ TURKEY TETRAllINI ounce, spaghettt iiro .2.01" I 7 eups eider, diced ,irm tom, on the par kage I)rain cop green peppers died Fang. OVIIMS minced pound mushrooms thin!, shred 4 cop hotter M. shortening 4 cop Nor cups min I 1 pound grated cheese 2 teaspoons salt I 4 teaspoon pepPeY I 1 teaspoon typrioram rooked turkey I 4 rt.15 Werrs, joilaZigzr03fl cheese. ionic the 3 eler, green pepper onion and mushrooms n the hinter omit the, are render Blend tn the floor Add tho mirk and ,tir oniti the satire to rPAMl Nild the,graled hee,e ,alt pep pet Marjoram turke, al:Pi-shorn Conk osier toe heal until /be ha, melted Pour the sAM p as or the ,paghell Stu' to blend Place M a 3 a‘serore Sprinkle with f'drmet-in Rake in a Ilia o‘en 20 to 25 minutes of ZEHRS OWN SMOKED -FULLY COOKED BONELESS DINNER HAMS ,298, BONE -IN • "A" GRADE -FULLY AGED FULL CUT ROUND STEAK SPECIAL AT THE DELI COUNTER SCHNEIDERS SLICED • MOCK CHICKEN LOAF) lb 1.99 BURNS ROUND STYLE DINNER HAM SLICED PER Ib. 2. 79 L" AT THE WHARF" FRESH FISH COUNTER FRESH ATLANTIC FILLETS BOSTON BLUEFISH (NOT IN AIL NIAROT Ib. *L6