HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-12-11, Page 23“Wed, Dec.
Dear Santa,
'How Is Rodefl? And how is
Blue TOO' Are there many
letters in yet or is this ,!,the
Brat letter, My natne is ate
Paiipie. I Want eelne-P010
[Pops or Pash-cm7p1ate, I am
seven years old ,and in
gr40 two. My teeher's nerrie
is Marg, Raker and
mother's name is Janet ,rny
father's nano Jim my
sisters name is Jane my
brother's name is Ty. Jane is
in grade five. Ty is in A
My mom,
•is writing. ,
Hi my name is Aimee
Talbot and I am 4 years old.
My sisters.wanted to write
their own letters so my Mom
is writing mine. Fwould like a
Strawberry Shortcake doll, a
dinosaur piano, Play -doh,
Beauty Shop and anything
else Santa thinks I need.
I am trying to be good and
will leave something for you
and Rudolph to eat by the
Ainiee Talbot
R.11, 3 Kippen Ont
'We'll leave
some stuff
My name is Tracy Talbot 1
am 9 and I am staying in R.R.
3 Kippen Ont. For Christmas
1 would like _the_ _computer
Fabulas Fred and Crayola
Caddy and tapes for my tape
recorder and I am getting a '
bedroom for myself so I
would like some things for
my bedroom and I try hard to
be good and we will leave
notice of public hearing
Ottawa, 21 November
The CRTC will hold a
public hearing,
beginning on 12 Jan.,
1981 at the Conference
Centre, Phase 4, 140
Promenade du Portage,
Hull, Quebec to consider
the following 10.
Mitchell, Seaforth, Ont.
and surrounding area:
Application (801062100)
by John C. Ward,
Gowanstowri, Oat. to
amend Its cable
television broadcasting •
licence for the &bays
locations, by adding a
distant head -end to r re-
ception of CITY -TV
Toronto. Local ad-
dresses: Town , Hall,
Mitchell; Town Half,
Anyone wishing to com-
ment on an application
must submit a written
interveritton, stating
clearly and concisely the
relevant lacts and the
reasons for the inter-
vener's support for,
opposition to, or pro-
posed modification ot,
the application; also
whether or not the inter.-
vener wishes to appear
at the hearing. Deadline
for receipt of ititerveri-
tion at the Commission
and with the Applieant:
23 December 1880; to be
sent by registered mall
or personal delivery to
, Applicant and CRTC
Ottawa, Ontario K1 A
0N2 with proof of ser-
vice. Most be actually
received on specified
date, not merely posted
on this date.
Interventionto the
CBC applications
Should be addressed
CBC, 1500 Bronson
Aveaue, P.O. Box 8470,
Ottawa, Ontario.
address given in this
notice and at the CRTC
Central Buitding, Les
Terrasses de la
Chaudiere, 1
Promenade du Portage,
Room 561, Hull,
Quebec. Further
infOrrnation • is outlined
In "Rules of Procedure"
available for the sum of
$1.50 from: The
Publishing Centre,
Department of Supply
and SerVices,'
OtieVseo. Information:
iii,fqte to CRTC or phone
0119,1497-1027 or 997-
11328. (PN -111)
'''penedien $tedieeteievislon sled
Tillettonenutrlistrote, Coneniselon
Conseil d.la nollodlittislon ettlei
geoconorepleatIons canadienoes
some stuff. My nante is.Steven, 1 am 7'
Love Tracy 'ral.b44, yearswotii1014111c.
B-11.3 Kipper( . play 'Hockey ,iti” Mitchell -
e Flippopotamus.
and Mr, pop and 4 f440411,'
, .
r would likea:
Steven. Krauskopf
• R -B, 2 Dublin
.„. .
my' IsJ n fl
,la‘ri,1 ya rs ola
P 3Kppufl
ne-,A) Mc)
'se bn
I I-) e:Li\--10) likr)
BLb r-yrr).1)
eiecfrow(c 90 rnel.k o
1 R c./e) my
ci ii cthi-d
L umci-f of)6 Or
#r .
' ,1 vv‘ TO
Pr) \ vest the -
hr_/ Doocl, cd )yoU
How are yoo s& MtS. Claus,'
44 tfio reindeer? I would like
'134hy That Cries, & the
barbie camper, easy bake
oven and a SVVing nt4Chine,
Could you bring: somettlin&
for my cousin Angie; Who is
almost I yri am almost
WE'LL LEAVE SOME COOKIES—Danny Nott, left is too young lo write
Santa this year so his sister Loretta wrote for him. They/are the children
of Don and Phyllis Nott, RR 4, Clinton, Danny wants, a 'truck from Santa
and Loretta would like a Budgie bird.
" Santa, vvill leave settle -
thing for you & th tolude
to eat on C1fas Eve.
'lilt Wood
• xxxx
COZY IN THEIR NIGHT CAPS—Kei(h MacLean. complete
with curlers and bath robe, supervised a whole float full of
youngsters in the Optimist entry in Saturday's Santa Claus
Seaforth -
(Continued from Page IA)
Santa into town, he set up
court at Larone's where he
and some elves dispensed
candy canes to hundreds of
kids. At one point the wait to
sit on Santa's knee was more
than a half hour tong.
, Parade chairman Irwin
Johnston said he got many
favourable comments and he
added "it certainly rates with
any of the Santa Claus
parades we've had here
before." If there was any
problem at all WW1 this
parade and others in recent
years, it's a shortage of)
Icands. he said.
Senior citizens . from
S forlb nursing Nunes h kl
a warm comfortable Iranta e
point from which to see the
parade. They were driven to
the showroom of McLaughlin
Chev. Olds.
Peter Bakos
• "V
parade The kids on this Optimist float wore warm snowsuits
urtler their nightclothes (Photo by White)
•5••.••••••• •
1 11 ‘‘ftft hr
,inwIc Toornuhot goTnt thong 1.,1 • tr \
2 Turn \ our ( )lriNtniaN diNpl,1\ on rtr, h.,
for eleLirlot\ ‘nd p!caNt.•. rc:n.ncrrh.' to .‘ktJ
fledi •
3. \ h,ipp ( N,IIC hn•thl,l• 1)1•,ard
that Nhok\ \\ car or dania,.• and titakc \ttr,: 4111\ ar,' rn,tf ,:•(.1
t( anadlan Standard. ji
OUR REST WSJ- i 1)0N-1F.NRRCX 1,Si, 11- WISEL\
•Please bringl
a toy truck
• .1 would like a Barbie Doll
Set and a Pet budgie' bird.
also could you Please bring a
toy truck for. my Little
brother Danny. f4Il leave
some Cookies dr The table
fel. you.
Thank you Santa.
am ,sevon year's old J think 1
have been a Goad girl I
Would like you to bring me
Baby Cries for you. 'Dolly
Pops Dolly housVower Paff
Musial Wtggies,Medical Kit
house coat beeause my is to
small Frippopotamus Grand
Prix "label top Pinball,Tobor
the Robot You just have to
bring thp stuff that you thing
1 should have. thank you
Santa Claus
Thank you
I would like a bow and
arrow set and an art set I am
six years old. Thank you. I
will leave you a snack.
David Soontiens
have fun
Bring stuff you • in Brownies -
think I should
My.,.pamt. is Tracey Ben-
--riett.'l live in Walton Ont. I
My name • is Annette
Krauskopf I am in Grade ,
Three lam eight years old.
and I amin skating lessons
and I am in Brownies and
have lots of fun. My brother
Glen would like some ors
end trucks andtwotilkl like 4
roppol playeg and a white
pair of skate, warmers 4riciA
would like a Das modeling
Kit. My little brother:Glen is
three year,s old and my other
,brother is seven years old.
Santa we will leave some
cookies and milk on the
A Annette Krauskopf
R.R. 2 Dublin
611ake6pcarc Ontario
• for the
Christmas crafter
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