HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-12-11, Page 18, . .Ht.).R.I.;)0:.. rna news X '"'Orrrm. Cptresp'94etit., , ,SfOr„,. a f1aiiniliaph.as it wurycllgs-E.41-; ;was told by SoottiCOUitt and 482-99q; Thkdrner. Roets house ln the'village has ti4Oh, Aold tO C./erry and lean •Re4L who tnoVed *001 Bayfiel4 to Wheatley la-st June and are returning to•this area. Gerry is a fisherman employed veith V.d.Siddall. Their boy S; Doug and Dale, are, happy to be Coming back to Huron Cen- tennial Scoot , , Darlene 'Hayter , of Fort MeMittlray arrived home on Saturday' for some holidays. Joe Laurie's father passed away last Wednesday follow- ing a lengthy illness. He was a resident of Milverton. Members nf the Sunday School presented the White Gift worship, service in Varna on 'Sunday. .14,:jui Taylor and Lori Consitt were.,the leaders. Dianne Kirton de- monstrated The Innkeeper's Julie VVeirSter 66,, inlliiceeP- ers, and Jim , Hill ag. their little boy. The second Advent candle as lit by Pat Taylor , and Naficy VVebster. Rev. Brown confirmed the Christ- mas story on, the "story bo.ahl." r POTLUCK SUPPER A potluck supper with our refugee family will be held •on Friday at 7:00 in the township hall, with crokinole games to follow., Hiep is making some Vietnamese dishes for us to sample. She has been a very busy woman, as she teaches French to 'several classes in Kinkora each morning, then returns to Conestoga College at Vanastra for a secretarial course. Her teaching job will be finished on the 19th. Her husband Tai is employed at Fleck Manufacturing in Hur- WILDER — BAKER - Vicki Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker of Hensall and Lionel Wilder Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Wilder of Zurich, were married on Dec. 6 at Si, Boniface Catholic Church, Zurich. Father Mooney pflicidted at, the ceremony. The maid of honour was Tammy Preszcator, cousin of the bride and the bridesmaids were Laura Wilder, the groom's sister,' Nina Knee. friend of the bride and Valerie Baiter, thp bride's sister. The flowergirl was Jenny Smale, niece oPthe groom and the ringbearer was Rayrnon Regier. nephew of the groom. The bestnian was Gary Love, a friend of the groom and the groomsmen were Raymond Ralph Mathonia. the groom's friends and his brother, Jetty Wilder. Ushers were Bryan Baker. the bride's cousin and Ervine Willem a fnend of the groom. Following the wedding. a reception was held at the Hensall arena. Guests attended from Windsor, Zurich, Exeter, Hensel! and Listowel. After a wedding trip to the northeastern United States. the couple will reside at R.R. 01. Zurich. (Photo by Phillips) H. VAN MOORSEL INSULATION R.R.s mnuita LTD 348-9376 ISPRAYED IN PLACE URETHANE FOAM • BLOWN INSULATIONS NEW: FLAT ROOFING & REPAIRS --Insulation Plus a New Roof FREE ESTIMATES Agricultural & Industrial Bldgs. • New & Older Homes • 40 F1'. BASKET TRUCK SERVICE OR RENT BY HOUR OR DAY AsuosmmesatmousomommmmomIIRIIINIMaMMIIIIIIIIda AiffilirObk0 Te0949/P ? ----'--"--- -.._,_..-.-,-_=_,...,--.. ----......-•:--IPt----r- : ..._. _ , - in Area (,hurehes First PRESBYTERIAN Church h . 54 Goderir h Si V* .. Seafort h Mhilster: Re% i a 1 0,14, Oruanisi: ‘1.. El SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14 11:IS Worship Semite, Sunday School & Nursery 700 CGIT National Vesper Service ALL ARE WELCOME ST. THOMAS Anglican Church The Rev. Jame§ R, Broadfoot B.A., M.Di, . Seaforth SUNDAY; DECEMBER 14Th Third Stind-ay In Advent sO 10 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon Sermon "Stop. Look and Listen " NORTHSIDE United Church 54 Goderich Si. West, Seaford: Rev. J.G. Vanslyke SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 11 a.m. Chtikh Service Church School and Nursery at the same time. Area congregations are Inv ited to take advantage of the church directory to announce th, ir ,. hutch ser v lc es each week Church directory anni.iimernents .are available for a minimum of 26 consec utio- weeks in units of two column inches at 52 per unit Changes in copy may be made each week but must be received , before noon on Tuesday. PrX,, where 40:•ftas \ been Working overtimp',:rno,st days. Slibiey Hill's loy/OlY •spaclottS'horne ',The set- ting for the/ c'ilichU.C.W. - meeting of VarnU.C.W.Forty me bets -and forfner members erkjeyed.a delicious' potluck supper. Lucky plate winners were Clara Johnston and Doris Wilson. Dianne Kirton had the birthday nearest Christmas, and Peg- gy Reid's wedding anniVer- sary was closest. An inspirational worship service was presented by Elva Webster, Debra Rath - well, Shirley Hill, Joan bei- erling and Beatrice Taylor. Joyce Dowson and Debra sang a duet. Beatrice provid- ed- some fun with Christmas riddles in 'Verse, Eleanor McAsh conducted ,the business. She announced there would be a Christmas open hoe at ARC Indust. ries on Thursday and Friday, Dect,11 and 12, from 910 4, witb'rnany gifts and craft hems for 4ale, 'There will be tours of 'the nursery and bakeshop, too. The acimmis- tutors of Camp Menesetung are looking for people to help with the cooking etc. next summer, especially for camps such as Youth Week- end and Family Week. Fam- ily and Children's Services will be sent a donationof 550 to help with their Christmas extras. Fifty, dollars was also given to the Youth Group to assist in sending four of its members to the Toc Alpha Conference in Hamilton. _Mose registered are -George - Wilson, Roger McKinley, Brian Chessell and Liz Mc- Nutt. Boxes (If fruit and plain cookies for shut-ins will be packed at Mary Chessell's' Hensall group hears , Hensall Dnited Church was filled on Sunday morn- ing as the congregation were led once again to the manger of. Bethlehem through the annual Christmas pageant' and carol service. The Sun- day Schpol stndents portray- ed the night ofJesuS' birth with the Junior and Senior Choirs adding to the mes- sage in music. Rev, McDonald, who pro- duced and directed the pageant, conducted the ser- vice. Nan Britton became the grandmother of the kinder- garten children and told of her memories of Christmas as the Sunday School stu- dents acted out the Christ- _ _Inas story'. The service open- ed with the lighting of the An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends, Have .you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Jesus central figure The people of the Christ- mas story and their signifi- cance in the world of today were recalled by Alma Lang- ford of Exeter when she spoke ' to the December general meeting of the Hensall UCW, ,De- cember 1st. Members of Chiselhurst U.C.W. were invited guests at the Meet- ing. The angels brought the message of peace ant the end of fear: the shepherds. humble though they were, hastened to worship and serve: Mary and Joseph placed parenthood on the highest levee Simeon and Anna !portrayed, hope and worship: the wise menwere the seekers and the first Gentiles to -receive Christ: the inn -keeper served as he was able. Herod depicts the ugliness of sin and innocents betrayed. but Jesus in the cradle was the central figure. Nan Britton introduced Mrs. Langford and Florence Slade thariked her and pre- sentdd 'her with a ,z)fr ikk meeting was held in the Church and conducted by The U.C.W. President Diane Gerstenhorn. Audrey Joynt. Helen Searle of Upit one and Kay- Elder conducted the devotional Thc Christmas story was read and thoughts on expressing the love of Christmas were given. After mums!, remarks by Audrey Christie everyone adjourned to the Fellowship Hall for a Christmas lunch served by Unit 2 The annual Regtonal meet - mg will be held at Brucefield United Church on January 26th and a spectal events day will he held at Central United Church in Stratford on April 13 Hensall U.(' W. annual meeting will be January 21 prece ded tis a poi luck supper Donations were voted to Seeds to /are. The Research (entre at l'vlitchell. Family Seaforth Manor The volunteer euchre club met Tuesday afternoon with five tables of euchre in play. Prizes went to Elmer Bokcsy. Erle Don. Mrs. Frank Smale Maxine Elliott. D. Wills was also celebrating her birthday 50 everyone joined in singing Happy Birthday to Doris and also she received several cards and gifts from friends and family Charles Ross thanked everyone for coming arid also the next -euchre will he postponed until after Christmas Also celeberating a birthday on Tuesday was Maria Potocgnial. Jacqueline Racho took a number of residents In her van on Friday evening to see the Christmas lights at Simcoe.. 'Residents reported the lights were spectacular and all enjoyed the trip. Later on Satv'rday Santa Claus visited all residents at Seaforth Manor which \vas quite exciting for al., Grace Smith vitfred with Bessie Davidson. Minnie Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. • Robt. McClure. Also visiting with Miss Davidson were Ethel Dennis and Edith Dunlop. Welcome to Elizabeth Burns and William Miners who this week took up re- sidence at Seaforth Manor Nursing Horne. and Children's S er yice. Alma College, Manse Oebt. and the Scouts. Mernoriaf, money received is to be used to donate a Braille hymn book for use in the church, NEW OFFICERS The slate of officers for 1981 was presented by Rev. Stan McDonald and Grace Drummond and was accept- ed by the members. Past - President Grace Drummond. Pesident-Diane Gerstenhorn, 1st Vice -President Hilda Payne. 2nd Vice -President -Joyce Pepper. Secretary Helyn Drysdale, Treasurer Shirley McAllister. Steward- ship and Finance Chairman Mary Goodwin, Communi- cations Co-ordinator Hilda Payne, Leadership Develop- ment -Vacant; Church in Society Chairman - Audrey Christie: World Outreach Chairman -Kay Mock; Kippen Correspondent IVIRS. RENA CALDWELL 262-5935 Kippen East Women's Institute will hold their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Vern Alderdice on Dec. 17 at 8:30 p.m..with Dianne Gerstenkorn as guest speaker. Members are re- minded of the gift exchange and to bring a piece of Christmas Cake. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Gibson. Wroxeter spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Cooper and family. London. spent Sunday with Mr. and.. 'Mrs. Vivian Cooper. Mary Jane McGregor. Brantford, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs James McGregor Christian Development Chairman -Kay Elder: In Church Chairman -Mrs, Mona Alderdice; Manse Committee Chairman -Diane Gerstenhorn; Nursery -Hazel Corbett; Nominations Chair- man -Grace Drummond; Unit Leaders -Unit 1 Vacant; Unit Soloist at Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted_service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day afternoon and spoke on -Live To Witness". Mrs. Robert Taylor presided at the organ and led the choir in the service of song. The Van Wieren sisters sang three numbers. Sunday December 14th the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be ob- • Christtnas Candle by SteVeri Gerstenkorn, representing the teens ,of the congregation flowed by an anthem by the Juninr Choir. ' Jim Thrower.. and Peter Cook sang a duet As the Shepherds watched their flocks in the fields "/,s Lately They Watched" anct Pam Gackstetter sang "Away in a Manger" as Mary and Joseph looked on the baby Jesus in the man- ger. The Pageant closed with Belva Fuss singing "Thank God for Christmas Day". Joyce Pepper was pianist for the service with Mary Mof- fatt on the organ and Rev. -Me-Donald-as-director-of-the junior choir. Those portraying the first Christmas Were MarY, Dianne Hamilton; Joseph. Rodney Parker; the angels. Janet Mowatt, Susan Flynn. at UCW 2 Joyce Pepper; Unit four - Nan Britton. The Christmas meeting of the Hensall Women's Insti- tute will be held at the United Church on Wednes- day December 10 at 8 p.m. All area women are invited t� join us for this meeting. Carmel served. Ron Fleming will be guests soloist. Sunday December 21st a special service combining the talents of the Church School children and the Youth Group will be held at the hour of 1:30 p.m. A joiat candlelight carol serVice for the three congre- gations will be held Sunday evening at Carmel Church. Hensall. SWINE MANAGEMENT (Storting the swine form to morketing of the final product) Centralia College of Agricultural Technology and area OMAF personnel in co-operation with Canada Employment and Immigration Commission offer this CONTINUING EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY WHEN: January 13 - March 17 Tuesdays from 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Centralia College, Huron Park FOR MORE INFoRmATioN CONTACT: OMAF Huron. anion. Ontorto (519) 82-34284 Continuing Education, Centralia College of Agrkultural Technology OntAlsi Akoroity or rauffttro cod rood Huron Park, Ontario (519) 228-6691 • Beat next Spring's income tax problems! And suve for your first home! See your Credit Union for n REGISTERED HOME OWNERSHIP SAVINGS PLAN (R.H.O.S.P.) • Deadline day for the 1980taxation ye -or is December 31. 1980 • We poy o competitive rate of interest into your plan. • We hove no administration charges, and no withdrawal charge after 6 months. • Save on your Income tax - your deposit to your R.H.O.S.P. reduces your taxable income. Clinton Community CREDIT UNION 70 ONTARIO ST. CLINTON 412-3467 - - _ JIMMIMMIrenoltIteegauthstaml1 OLD,:TOWN NALL BUILDING EXETER _ 23S-11640 NOIMIORIO. Panla Bozatto and Elizabeth Thompson. The Shepherds 'WetejJohn O'Brien, Michael .NleOregor and Rick Tpti the 'Wise Men Were Brian Topp,. Tim Brock and Mark MeGregor. craCe Drummond greeted the worshippers and Brian Br and Glenn Slade were the fishers for the service. During the special White Gift Offering .before the manger approximately 51150 was given for the needy children of the world. • The BiRe Study Group held at the Bibi', Church each Tuesday morning held their last study for thi. unit on Tuesday. This group has Weil a trelne-fidiaus stiecess NNith an exceptionally large attendance at each study as the group studied the gospel of John. For this closing study the group remained at the church for a noon hour luncheon and time of fellow- ship which was enjoyed by everyone. Mr. Gordon Schwalm re- turned home' the end of the week after spending rhe last number of weeks .with his grandchildren Debbie and Paul Coghlin of Fordwich while their parents Donald and Pat Coghlin were on a tour of Australia. New Zealand. Fiji and Hawaiii. Mrs. Hazel Luther has taken up residence in the Elizabeth Courts apartments ' We wish to welcome Mrs. Luther to our village- ami hope she will enjoy her new home here. Mrs. Ron Mason of East Lansing, Michigan. visited last' week with her mother Mrs. Ruby Bell and also with Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bell. QUEENS1,VAY STAFF - TO ENTERTAIN The staff and residents. DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD., SALES WITH SERVICE The Place To Buy Appliances. NEW AND USED Henson 262-2728 Closed Mondays of Qtteensway Nursing •101lie are entertpining 'the volun,, teer groups. to, a Christmas Social on Monday December 15th' from,'2 - 4 p.m.The Family.Christtnas Social will be held on Sunday, Decem- ber 14th Visitors with Louise Mitchell and Mrs, Kendrick were Mr. arid Mrs. Keith McLaren. Iva Ridley and Chester Dunn visited Vera Lammie and Louise Mi Mary Oesch visited ith her husband Pat Oesch. Don Rozendal visited with his wife Alice. pes'. Hargraves of Thames Road held the Wor- ship service last week. Neil ladies Regan wwith9 on t11,6e, high bowling score for men with 12/ and Edna Yowl, won for the • - HOCKEX SCORES last OHnenWsaeildnmesidnaoyr evening Athletic Association teams played games as follows: Hensail Atotn versus Mitch- ell with Mitchell winning 5-0, Pee Wees versus Elma- Logan resulting in Elma- BpLolaagnyateandmYlsEthlWmPoiartn-L79-g6-a0.t; a Bantamsndthe Make your best deal on new Arctic Cot and... WE'LL REFUND an amountequal to youR TAX Don't wait any longer. This offer definitely ends December 31. Make your best deal and still save 7% We take trades *a VARNA, ONT. TRADE UP TODAY minas (HWY #4, NORTH OF HENSALL. LOOK.FOR THE SIGNS') 262-3318 or 262-5809 We take trades , Have fun this Christmas 0 V 110 r0 tq 1 J d when - - , it time to stuff / some of your favorite stocki4s. , Scented Assorted BATH JELLY FANCY SOAP .79c pkg. .50c bar Walt Dismey - Personal . CARD GAME .95c PLANNERS $1.50 , Tootsietoy 100% Nylon TINY TOUGHS WORK SOCKS $1.39 $1.99 . -, "fa • Santa SEE OUR vik Saturday Santa makes a return NEW trip to Larone's this • Saturday from 11.30 TOYLAND 0 a.m. to 2 p.m. Larone's Your enjoyable Christmas Store Seaforth 527-1960 Make your best deal on new Arctic Cot and... WE'LL REFUND an amountequal to youR TAX Don't wait any longer. This offer definitely ends December 31. Make your best deal and still save 7% We take trades *a VARNA, ONT. TRADE UP TODAY minas (HWY #4, NORTH OF HENSALL. LOOK.FOR THE SIGNS') 262-3318 or 262-5809 We take trades