The Huron Expositor, 1980-12-04, Page 5LIVESTOCK LOST IN BARN FIRE -Ivan
Norris, of RR 2, Staffa, lost 134 pigs in a barn
Lots of winners
at St. Patrick's
Winners at the St. Pat-
rick's Dublin Turkey Bingo
held recently were Betty Ann
Reinen, Pat McCarthy,
Michelle O'llOurke, Alice
Beuerman, "520.00 special
Norma Rose, Bonnie Cronin,
Rose Murray, Colleen Ap-
pleby, Michael Dow, $20.00
Special Rita Porter, Danny
Cronin. Mrs. Carpenter.
Mrs. Eckert, Share of the
Wealth Michaek Murray,
Kathy Kelly.
Winners of the door prizes
donated by: Stacey Bros. -
Nancy Ernst, MacRae's
Market-Ressy .• O'Rouke;
Ruby's Market -Alma Ryan;
McCreight Hardware- Anita
Looby; Goettler Furniture -
Colleen Appleby.
rented from H,JA Farms, owned by the Scott
brothers of. RR 2, Staffa. The fire broke out at
night, and Mitchell fire department responded
to the call. (Photo by, utson)
: • .
A large crowd attended
, . the annual 'Knights of Co-
lumbus turkey bingo held at
St. Colurnban Church hall on
,Sunday, Nov. 28th. Follow-
ing are the winners of a
freshly killed turkey. Game 1
-Cheryl F hr, Game 2- Mrs.
G. Wolf amp, game 3. -Ed.
nsolation Cheryl
Moye, Share the Wealth by
Rita Mommereteeg, Game 4
Clem Krauskopfs^ game 5
Louis Maloney, consolation
Mrs. Roy McGonigle, game.6
Margaret Devereaux, Share
the wealth Leon Maloney,
Gladis Pride, Nell Doyle and
ArT_ISTILY)game 7 .Ron
Ryan, consolhtion Kris Bald-
win, Irene Flannigan, Gladis
Wolfcamp, Margie Nolan
and Jennifer Rolph, gaine 8
Mike Wright, game 9 Ron
Ryan, share the wealth -
Margaret Hicknell, game 10
Judy Dorsey, consolation
Debbie Riley, game 11 -
Dave Crocker, share the
• wealth -Diane Wettlaufer,
jAnnie Cronin, Jean Maloney,
'Denise Rau and Charlie Rau,
game 12 -Mrs. Norman
Breen, consolation Mrs. B.
.; Austin. Two ttoor prizes were
• won by Mrs. Mildred Cronin
and Mrs. Joe Lane.
• The sympathy of the
comm nity is extended to
'Mrs. elady and the
Melady family n the sudden
traffic deat of James
Melady whos& funeral mass
was held Monday morning at
St, Columban LC, Churell.
Rev. ,Fr. Thos. Melady,
Oshawa, Ont. was celebrant
of the mass assisted by Rev.
P. Oostveen, pastor.
Rev. Fr. Dill, Dublin was
present in the sanctuary. Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Melady and
family, Brighton, Ont. ad
Mrs: Glen Butters and her ,
husband of Edmonton,
Alberta were home for the
funeral of their brother. Also
attending the funeral were
Mr: and Mrs. Jerry Melady,
Port Ritchie, Florida; Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Melady, Tor.
onto; Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Melady, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Melady, Peter-
borough, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs.
. Bernard Daly, Toronto and
Mrs. Angela Smith, Toronto.
-Aehie-sierrieiir -Night -
was held last Thurs. at the
Seaforth Public School.
McKillop #4 club, under
the leadership of Mrs. Carol
Ryan assisted by Mrs. Beth
Klaver, participated. Nine
girls received spoops and
certificates. Margaret Hick-
nell received County honours .
for completing six projects.
Mary Jane Visser completed,
15 clubs. Suanne Murray,
Ann Ryan, Margie/Nolan,
Linda Poppe and Kim Mc-
Laughlin completed 3 clubs
and Colleen Maloney and
Lisa Poppe 1 club.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lane &
Debbie, London; Mrs.
Harold Allen, Goderich and
Marlene Goutreau, Clinton
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Vincent Lane on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.' J.D. Mac-
iIa4Jenny, and Ian, London, , Karen Ryan glacnr Sunday Nasi, to the liandet.,,Oary has
anct- Mrs. Jim'84bieeta. with Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence pnrautsed the bolne,of the
Carrie, Ryan and JeffreYc-----Ityan. tate Mrs. Mary Duchartne
,Kitchener: Olaci .0errt, and , We Wiatj ta'weleame Gary and Moved in .on Monday.
Brodhagen children confirmed at St. Peter's
Sunday was confirm tion
day at St. Peter's Lutta.:ran
Church, Brodhagcn. Five
• children were confirmed by
Pastor Horst. They were Lori
Scherbarth, Beverly Beuer-
numn, Janice Beuermann,
Derek Ritz and Allan Rose.
Mark William /oak, son of
Mr, and rs. Douglas Vock,
was led at the morning
ser s day. at Si. Peter's.
Gucsts h Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Beuermann and family
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Hillebrecht and family,
RR3, Mitchell. Joyce Parrott.
Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Siemon, RRI, Born -
tom. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Bcuermann and family. RR
3. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Siemon and family.
RIt5. Mitchell and Mr. and
Mrs. Orval Parrott, RM,
West Monkton.
Guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Don Beuermann and
family Sunday were Rev. and
Largo or small, well fix
them ail -
Our repair soxp•rts ilI
herr your appliance In tip
fop shape fest, Call us to -
Mrs. Arthur Horst and Ste -
P• •
phen, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Osborn, R.R. 2 West Monk -
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Osborn and family. Tiverton,
and Mr. and Mrs. Constance
Boyd and family of Mon-
Mr. Henry Kelber moved
to thc Mitchell Nursing Fri-
day, after being a patient in
Seaforth Community Hospi-
- for some timo.-We wish him
Mr. Ron Beuermann is a
patient in University Hospi-
tal. London. where he under-
went heart surgery last
Thursday and is getting
along very well. We wish him
a' speedy recovery.
Thc flowers on the altar in
St. Peter's Sunday were red
carnations placed -there by
the confirmation class.
Mr. • and Mrs. Harold
Wnrdcll. RRI. Barnhohn,
observed their 40th wedding
anniversary Sunday. No -
',ember 3tith. They placed a
beautiful red azalea plant in
church at the ntorning set -
'e Tree Trunk
5 Main SI.. Sea:forth
Tcrn a.-42 Dawn Papp:e
St cre 5274514 Res. S27-0940
Just in time for Christmas...
we have some new
We also have good
used furniture -
bedroom suites.
tables, chairs and more
For good ratur
.Srnort Santos
rherk thP Trop Trunk firgt
Ceramic Christmas Tree
and Latch Hooked
Wall Hanging
Draw Wed., Dec. 24
vice in St. Peter's.
- Guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Schcrbarth and
family Sunday were Lori's
, sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mikel and family, RIt5. Strat-
ford and Dr. and Mrs. Calvin
Gilck and family.
Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Jackson, Strat-
ford; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Jackson, Mississauga; Mr.
and Mrs, Milton Love and
family, Stratford; Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Elligson,
Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Elligson. Warren and Terry.
Marianne Kale. Mr.. and
Mrs. Min Elligson. Mr. and
Mrs. August Schcrbarth.
Tracy Babb. Terry Siernon
and Rick Ryan.
Dr. Calvin °Heir.) now of
Warrington P.A., spent the
weekend with his family.
Many focal people attend-
ed the 40th wedding anniver-
sary celebration for Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Wurdell Friday
evening at the Brorthagen
Community Centre.
Gums with Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Vock Sunday for
Mark's christening were the
sponsors, Wanda Vock of
Cambridge and Bill Vock,
Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Sallows and
Mrs. McArthur, Seaforth,
Mr. and !vim. Dennis West -
man, Hespler, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Vock and Mrs. Hilda
French, Mitchell.
Sympathy of the commun-
ity is extended to Mrs. Wm.
Bennewies and family.
William Bennewies passed
away at the Stratford General
Hospital Friday. The
funeral 'Service was held at
St. Peter's Lutheran Church,
Brctdhagen. Monday with
burial in the adjoining ceme-
Mrs. Irene Hinz, Kitchen-
er and Mrs. Bruce Naylor,
Toronto, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred on Saturday.
. More Dublin
area news on
page 24.
I IFI' and Mortgage Insurance Plans
Income Tax Deductable Regtsteted
Reitrement Sasings Plans awl Annotates
Income 1ser2gmg Annotates
Ask for mar neo. Hcxoble
Premium R R
Te1.527-0410 Sun Life Assurance
GODERICH ST. EAST Company of Canada
SEAFORTH for 21 v WS.
The l'AInistry of Natural Resources has the following parcels of land
available for lease for the 14111-12-S3 season:
Ashfield- 4
Port Albert 17 to 20
Mullett -
Lotto Road West
east & West of
Arthur Street
10 3
18 3
11 6
1 5
It & 20 6
. AREA &
37 Acres Crop land
4 Acres Crop land
2$ Acres Corn land
20 Acres Corn Iona
47 Acres Corn ians0
35 Acres cern tuna
40 Acres Hay land
50 Acres Hay land
45 Acres Hay land
1. the term of the lease will be from January 1, 1431 to December 3), 1431. Howaver,
the lessee can renew th•• lease for 1412 cmd again for 193-3 by subrnitting a new ap-
on or bof aro thar expiry dote.
2. Any casts payments are to be in the form of a cheque payable to the "Treasurer of •
Ontario" and must be received before a tease will be issued.
3. Subleasing will not be permitted.
4. There will be no compensettfon or crelfustment for damage to crops as a result of use
by wildlife and/or hunters.
5. The Ministry of Natural Resources reserves the right to enter upon the preportios
and Carry out any necessary activities.
4. Persons using property of the- Ministry will do so at their own risk.
1. Terscibids shall be in the ferns 04o cash offer per acre.
2. No residual herbicides are to meat:luring the final year of the leases.
Corn kmat:
1. Tender bids shall he int'is form of a percentage of the crop to be left standing in the
2. The portion of the crop to remain standing will be selected by MN.*. staff in Sep-
tember of each growing season.
3. Corn is the only crop which may b• grovrn.
4. Corn cropsrncry not be plowed down until the following spring.
S. Ha residuat herbicides are to used during the final year of the lease.
Hay land:
1. Tender bids shall be in the form of a cash offer per'acre.
2. if the property is not already in a hay crop, the toss.. most In the first year sow
spring grains (barley, wheat. oats) and underfeed with a grass and 14:grime Mix of it
lbs.facre Timothy; 4 lbs./acre Alfalfa and 4 lbs./acre Clover.
3. Nay or seed harvest are not to exceed $O% of the total acreage and to be cut in •
minimum of four equal strips alternated with an equal number of uncut strips.
4. The cutting direction of hay and seed harvests shall be alternated 9* percent each
5. No tutting is to be done tater than September lst.
For complete tender documents or more information contact the Ministry of Natural
Resources, Hwy. No. 4, South, R.R. No. 5 Wingharn, Ontario NOG 2W0) 519-351-3131.
Tenders will 13e received until 9:00 p.m. December 141e. Tenders will be opened tor
public review 01 9:00 a.m. December 22,
right) Daviq- O'Reilly Mickey Vere, John O'Drowskv, and Michael
Connolly of Kippen were honoured for their contributions to the board at
a banquet in Stratford Friday. (Photo by Oke)
for the .
for everyone
Santa and his helpersi
will love these -
cozy slippers and
soft soled casuals.
So*comforting on
Christmas morn
• ..every morn 1
Main Street
Seatforth 527-1110