The Huron Expositor, 1980-11-27, Page 5, GIRL GUIDES IN DUBLIN -The Girl Guides, as well as the Brownies, have started Packs in Dublin this year, and included in the 1st Dublin Girl Guides Pack are, back. row; Maureen Dearing, Tracy Ryan, Margare,t, Ann Ryan, Betty Ann Deloyer, Janet McCarlhy, Terri Van Loon, Leader Mary AnnFeeney, second row, Lori Cronin, Susan Dearing, Cheryl Shewan, Debbie McLeod, Brenda McKinnon, front row, Tracy Brown, Laurie K. Rowland, Lori Lynn_ Stapleton and Tracy Schrader. Absent from the photo are Taunya Van Allen and Michelle Vandervliet. (Photo by Ellis) had a Very reeent letter front a lady in Toronto saying how „Much she and her frie.tida who used to live and spent their early days in this She said she missed Ty writing of the St, Colum - Dab Cehunn, and while .she : did net suig#Cs.I start again, . • she was wondering if I could do somethipg to get it started again. sp happened that at the sante Wee 1 hau contacted Mrs, C. Ryan who lives at the eailtern end of the hamlet and I ant liappy to say she has agreed to give it a try., She said while I live at the wet end she would expect I could jMi be in on happen- ings here, It must be remem- bererkth,et anyone who has a news worthy item, phone or Win turkeys at Columban PTA • Correspondent CECILIA RYAN The annual P.T.A. Turkey bingo brought a large crowd out on Sunday Nov. 23 held in -the St. Columban church hall. Following are the lucky winners: Game 2 Gladise Pride, Consolation Brenda Boyd; Game 2 Olga Eckert, Conselation Marie Hicknell; Dublinjady visiting in Londo Correspondent MR. DON MaeRAE 345-2842 Postmaster Don MacRae ed in the Ottawa area \e. a ek-end renewing old aquainta ces gained as a Sgt. Flig t Engineer in the R.C.A.F. ecend War while stationed at Arreprior and Pemblton in the Ottawa Pembroke Valley. Mrs. Teasie Costello spent a few days in London with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Groskof. Winners for Dublin and .Mitchell TV Bingo •on Channel 12 were: Ivan McKellar, Seaferth; Donna O'Connell, Mitchell, Gladys Pride, Mitchell, Jerry Fuhr, Dublin, Janice Smith, Mitchell, Glen Prince, Kingston. Dublin and District Athelitic Association Bingo Winners for Friday Prove to yourself which is best on your farm , Three popular brands of high yielding seed corn to choose from Asgrow . .Funk . .Pioneer Good varieties still available MILTON J. DIETZ Ltd. Purina Chows - Sanitation Products - Seed Corn - Provimi Feeds -Ventilation (Wholesale & Retail) - Pesticides - Spraying Equipment Seaforth 519-527-0608 •0 0 Nov. 21 Winners were: L12 Brown, Helen Anne •Elliott, Mrs. R. Govenlock, Mrs. Doer, Glen Prince; Special - Jean Hodge, K. Essey - Lola Rohfritch, Frall, Mrs. Elec, Helen Chesse I, Helen Chessel. Special, Mrs. Earl Dick, Anita Chessel, Robt, Govenlock, Helen Anne Elloitt, Annie Cronin, Dora Tayler, Jean Hodge, Mrs. Ed Neeb. Special: Fred Sears, Mrs. Ed Neeb 22.50 Fred A. Shean, Mrs. Ed Neeb, Jean Hodge. Door Prize. Mrs. E. Lee Jackpot Rachel Reihl - This is the last Bingo 1980. Next Bingo January 9, 1981, Friday, 8 p.m. St. Patricks School Gym. Game 3 Mrs. Margaret Shea; Game 4 Jean Van Drunen; Game 5 Annie Cronin; Game 6 Mrs. McGonigle; Game 7 Mrs. Carter, Consolation, Gladis Pride; Game 8 Mrs. Joe Regan, Consolation Joe Ryan; Game 9 Kevin Melady Game 10 Cory Glanville, Consolation Bonnie Cronin; 'Game it Celesta Nicholson; Game 12 Mary Lou Maloney. Mrs, Clayton Looby is a patient in University Hospital,London. We wish her a speedy recovery! Post Office - 9:00 till 12 Noon; 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. daily and 8 a.m. - 12:00 Sat. - Closed Dec. 25 - 26 Open Dec. 27 - Closed Jan 1, 1981 Open Jan 2, 1981 - Cash Only on C.O.D. Staffa girls get achievement awards Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Mrs. John- Templeman hosted the annual meeting of the Marion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary at her home Tuesday, November 18, with 14 members present. Mrs. Templeman opened with a poem on Faith ana a selection on record by the Mitchel, and District High School Glee Club. As her topic Mrs. Norman Harburn read -a Odds & Ends article by Elaine Townsend. Mrs. Alec Miller chose several short articles for her special, tncluding "Let's See When Was That". Mrs. Templeman read a poem. on Remembrance by Helen Barker The president. Mrs. Alec Miller presided for the annual meeting reports which show -ed a very succesaftzl year for the group. Mrs. Robert gpresented the slate of officers for 1981, They are: Past President, Mrs. Duncan Scott, president, Mrs. Alec Miller, 1st vice- president, Mrs.Robert Laing, 2nd Vice-president, Mrs. Jean Corey, secretary. Mrs. Carter Kerslake, assistant secretary. Mrs. buncan 'Scott. treasurer, Mrs. Lorne Elliott. assistant treasurer. Mrs. John Templernan. pianist. Mrs. Ivan Norris arid assistant pianist. Mrs. Robert Lain. The Work Committee is: Mrs. Duncan Scott, Mrs, Lorne FJliott. Mrs. Larry Gardiner. Assochte Members .are Mrs. Larry Gardiner and Mrs. Carter Kerslake. The Programme Committee is Mrs. Alec Miller. Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Mrs. Duncan Scott. Flower and Card Committee is Mrs. Gordon SWI. Mrs. Norman Harburn and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Frjer.dship and Service • Mrs. baleen Hamilton. The Norrainating Committee is Mrs. Loreen Hamilton and Mrs. Robert Laing, Auditors are Mts. John Miller and Mrs. Larry Gardiner and in charge fthe Press is Mrs. John Templeman. Supply secretary is Mrs Lorne Elliott and from glad tidings and literature is Mfs. Jean Corey. Representative to Managers is Mrs. Jean Corey. Staffa No. 2 4-H FINALLY! A MUFFLER SHOP THAT HELPS YOUR C RUN BM scG) Any muffler shop' can sell you a muffler. But only Muffler\tVortd keeps a licensed mechanic on staff so we can offer you first plass tune-ups, oil changes, lube jobs and brake jobs. So the next time you're due for a new muffler, drive onto MufflerWorld. You'll drive out with a great muffler and a better running car. FORD • .Sales • Service SEAFORTH MOTORS LIMITED 220 MAIN STREET, SOUTH-SEAFORTH 527-1010 SALTS DEPARTMENT OPEN: ' SERVICE AND PARTS DEPARTMENT OPTN:. Monday through Friday 9 oan. till B pars. Monday through Friday 11 a.m. Ill 5:315 poi Saturday 9 a.m. 111 5 p.m. tell her about a. Since Iihave retired from‘ writing,„ this place is even more beautiful. N_ew horhea have been built, and others rebuilt! Sometimes you would think there was a contest as to who had the nicest home. the most flo- wers, etc. One ;fling I know myself, iffy wife and •Tes Maloney are the only oldies here no and for how long St. bin o Homemaking club, the Nutty Knotters, and Staffa No. 3 4-H Homemaking Club, the Happy Hangers, attended thc achievement night program for Your Corner of the World" held at Upper Thames Elementary School on Wednesday. November 19 Staffa No. 2 leaders tt are. Mrs. Debbie 'Renate and Mrs. Joyce Vivian. Staffa No. 3 club set up and presented an exhibit entitled Picture Perfect. with commentary by Li5:3 Renne and Diane Schoenderwocrd, Leaders fi3r this club are Mrs. Sherri Hunshurger and Mrs. Kaye Smile. Receiving their cminty honours for successfully completing six H Homemaking clubs were Susan Harburn and Katie Kerslake f. Staffa lee 2 club and Heather Clarke and Diane Schaonderw eyetd. Staffa Na 3 club Recce, mg their peeeinseal honaurs for succeasfu completine twelve 4-b Homemaking Clubs were. Jill Wens. Staffa No. -2 and Linda Renne. Staffa No 3 Receis ice her advanee honours tau- suceessfully cornp^xtine 18 441 Herre- n/alike clubs s‘as- Mary PteW. S•affa No .3 dub ('ongrtulaierins girls Wanda Michelle. Julie and Rebecca Marts n. Russeldate. spent the weekend eitto Mr. and Mrs. John Temelenrian arid farrailv Cash specials were won by Marie Hicknell, Mare Shea, Lawrence Ruston,'Mrs. Palin and Ron Murray and Russell Smith. A share -the -wealth $50 prize was won by Mrs. Louis Maloney. Two door, prizes were won by Joan Wood • $10.00 and Donna Nolan, $5. F. Jack *Stapleton of Lin- wood, Ont. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray and Colleen on Sunday and with Mr. and Mrs. Danny Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murray and children. Mr. and Mrs. Rain War- ren, Chris and Michael of London and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ryan and Matthew of Melbourne, Ont. spent- the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan. • - We are,. sorry to Mrs. Vineent Lane patient in Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Malon- ey and family returned home Sunday after spending the past week in St. Petersburg, Florida: While there, they said the weathef was a little on the cool side. The Knights of Columbus monthly 50/50 draw went to Strathroy. , Don Moylan is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. We hope he'll soon be home again. report is ,a McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company We've moved Our new Betatron 91 MAIN STREET SOUTH SEAFORTH Ph:527-0400 1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEly113 , )reniains to be seen. This was another wonder- ful crop year. It started out rather cold and backward, but soon as the weather got warmer things really popped. The fall was good also and I think the °farm work is completedgie. Ev efi-F Oostveen-had a d crop of leaves; it tbovsmen with a truck to capture them all and truck them away in aa truck to be burned. They call this country around here .green gold. Land is selling, or probably I should say they are asking for $2400 an acre. If I was a young man I would go into the grocery business. They get the most of your 1 R 27, 1906 xoney„ Agymny,'s if yo0 de- cide to do that, we have one in the hamlet that 'is , net. itt. use right now and • with a little effort and expense, it could 'pay off better than anything. ' I will now turn this over to a very fine and intelligent , lady. Please give her your support -Vincent S. Lane Oh yesi As 1 was getting on a bus last week, a lady with 10 kids was also. I said to her "are those yours or are you going to a picnic?" She said: "Yes they're all Mine and its no picnic." • area • news * Be practical • • •- • • give someone you love,- a room for Christmas this year Gift certificates available.- GRAVES WALLPAPER '& PAINT 'Shop at home this Christmas" participant 527-0550 n Seaforth • lb • is is • - • a . • 'IN'"Nren," - • 'Nye"' 1:11=11:11011rWarr .110•111.001•11••••••' • • • • • • • 40' COME IN AND BROWS AROUND SUGGESTIONS Broiler & Grit59.95 Electric Broom 48.95 Hoover Vacuu 99.95 Deep Fryer 20.95 Crock Pots 26.95 - 35.95 Blenders 45.95 - 57.95 Wok Cookers 54.95 G.E. Food Machine 69.95 Spoon Rack, 15.99 a 29.95 Jig Saw 21.95 Flashlights 2.29 - 9.69 Yogurt Maker 18.95 Hot & Cold Carafe Set 11.95 Elect. Corn Popper 17.95 Lap Trays 2.69 Bar Set 7.95 Kitchen Tool Sets 11.95 Onion Soup Bowl Set 17.95 ‘s' 14i Card Tables 23.95 Weller Soldering Kit 31.95 13 & D Work Bench 79.95 Bernzornatic Torch 15.45 '/2" B & D Rev.Drifl 44.95 Drill Guide 15.95 Old Fashioned Cannisters 4.59 Old Fashioned Bread Box 12.95 Sawhorse Brackets 46' 2.99 Table Legs 3.89 - 7.29 Compass 10.00 Pocket Fisherman 14.95 Mess Kit 3.45 Camp ,Tumblers 1.35 Hunting Knife 6.59 Gun Cleaners 4.2e - 8.29 Coleman Lantern 32.95 Drill 38.95 Christmas Trees and Decorations, Hockey Sticks and Equipment, Roast Pans and Christmas Cake Pons. •11 HORle Hardware 527-1620 "Something for Everyone" SiLLS HOME HARDWARE Quality Goods with Quality S'ervi6e 69 Main St. Seaforth