HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-20, Page 34'E)cp()ssiTon rlOveivsBER 2 1900 f.mr114 Your will IS ..91ways .your. BY PAUL ROSS John Donald McBride had a real thing againsthis daughter-in-law. McBride felt so strongly about the woman who took his son from home that when he drew his Will, he included the following clause: Upon the death of my said wife, if my son Robert-Niel:hide is ,narrie1-toOerald- ine Elizabeth gibbons, wffo formerly resided at 14 Cavell Avenue, Mimic°, to divide all that then remains of my estate in equal'glares among: (i) The Ontario Heart Foundation, (ii) The Canadian Cancer . Society, (iii) The Ontario Society for Crippled Children. Upon the death of my said wife, if my son Robert McBride is not married to Geraldine Elizabeth Gibbons, to pay, transfer and convey all that remains of my estate unto my son, Robert McBride for his own use absolutely. In a nutshell then, McBride said that if his son divorced Geraldine, the son -would get his inheritance, but if he remained married to her, hearts, cancer, and crippled kids would benefit. Ah -the problem of being a Judge -- who to favour Char4y? or True Love? Happily for true love, the Ontario County Court Judge ruled that the son„ shOuld benefit. Judge. Henry said that what John McBride was trying to do in his Will was to promote .divorce which is against public policy, and since it appeared that "thc charities were never intended to benefit except as a device to induce termination of the marriage," the son should succeed. And here you thought that at least in your Will, someone would listen to you and do what you wanted --- Is nothing sacred? Not the Will. and that's ler sure! Few people know for example that when you solemnly instruct your Executor to give you a simple cremation and burial, he can ignore you and do it his way. You and your spouse have decided definitely that you will never let his Cortispondent • MABEL, TURNBULL Rev. J.. Va,nslyke, Northside United Church took the service.Ttiesday this week on Armistice Day so the service was a lesson on Peace. He gave examples of peo- ple who couldn't be at peace with each other in our. daily living. Unit 2 of the U.C.W. came parents, or your fiakey sister be the to assist Rev. Van slyke. guardian of your children. You both decide • Visitors were Mar2aret Mc - to name you dear friend Alice FreeSpirlt Cowan, Grace Scott, Mary who' lived on a commune in B.C., to be the •Smith, Del Dennis, Mabel kids' kuardian. You go to your lawyer and Crouch whci accompanied the discuss it. Later. your lawyer presents it to hymns at the piano. you and it says, ' 'In case of the death of my In St. John's Gospel we wifelefore_allmy_children attain_the_age.-of---rearreater-1, o;ie-liatir =- majority, it is my wish that Alice FreeSpirit of Cannibds, B.C., be appointed guardian of my infant children...." What do you mean, "it is my wish," you ask. It isn't a wish, I command my executor to name Alice as guardian --- after all, they are my children. • Forget it! When naming guardians, all you can do is express a wish, and their leave it up to your exeoutor --- Is nothing sacred? Well at least, you say, the Court can't tell me how much to leave to anyone --- five bucks, $50,000 or nothing. That, at least is my business. It is, after all, my money. That's what Mrs. Gold thought when she drew her Will leaving everything to her son by her first marriage. Husband number two was a little upset when Mrs. Gold's ' Will was read --- after all, he had paid off the mortgage on the matrimonial home owned by Mrs. Gold, and had used his savings to maintain himself and Mrs. Gold. The Court ruled that notwithstanding the,. fact that he had not been mentioned in the Will, Mr. Gold should receive a benefit out of the estate. Blame it on the vokanoes. atomic testing, or slipping standards of morality, the Will is not what it used to be --- your last chance to tell someone how it is. Today your Will and your last words can end up in court with a judge telling you the . way it's going to be.... Ah well, take heart --- at least YOU don't have to listen to him!!! (Editor's note: you and the Law is a series written for the Expocitor by Seaforth lawyer Paul Ross.) The Tree Trunk 5 Main St., Seatorth Tom and Dawn Nipple Store 527-0514 Res. 527-0940 man than he that lay down his life for4his friends." We are told to love one another. If we can't love each other how can we expett peoples of different races and ids to be at Peace? To be in the army, navy, or air force, Medical science dentands the highest ' health standards which is sacrificed by both' themselves and ehemies. • It is 62 years sifice the . Armistice was signed in France and there are still rumours of difficulties within nations and among peoples who haven't been able to reconcile their differences which mount to the verge of war. ID two wars in our gener- ation we have lost so much of the flower of our youth. It is our business individually to heal our differences and love our fellow man. no matter what our colour or creed. We leave so much to such as the United NatiOns or other ruling bodies to settle our troubles when each of us should do our part to keep Peace. The glories of war such as stirring music and attractive uniforms appeal to WRIC. Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with "me". These died for young men who their country gave their all, their lives. It is right that we remember them:AsI used to do. I was not able to attend Our local Remem- brance Day service at Victor- ' ia Park, ' I Made sure I could get the the Ottawa service. I ad- m(red the setting for this with the beautiful Canadian scene to the rear of the memorial. The service left nothing to be desired. It. made me proud to be a Canadian, • I hope my readers were fortunate enough to see tlzissintluding the dignitaries who placed the wreaths at the memorial. Many niemor- les croWded my mind espec- ially the day when many boys in our crowd proudly left to do their duty for their king and country which was threatened ‘by would-be ty- rants. We should be more than thankful for this vast free country, the like of which is not duplicated anywhere in the world. Let us count our blessings. forget our differ- ences and unite together for common good. t us remember what have done for us. verydayinot just one day in , the year. VISITORS Clarence Drager. Mitchell called to see his sister Ella Hulleyi and Anna Hoegy. Mrs. George Cameron, Brumfield visited her mother • Mrs. Ella Hulk Sister Mari. Lewis and Father Caruanna. Si. James" th -Church visited Kilbarchan and gave CommilniOn and the benedietion. Thursday seemed to be a day for .visitors. Ruby Re'ed, Staffa visited with Bessie Smale and Mable Turnbull, ' Visitors with ,Ruby Ander- son were Stephen McClinch- ey, Grace McClinchey. Cath- arine Robinson all of Goder- • ich. Visiting with Mary Layton was Mrs. Bob Walters. Kip - pen . Shirley Luthers S.A. Hen - sails called on and took Ada ArmstrOng to visit her sister at Huronview.itn_her return she had -a short hymn sing for the residenti' of favourite hymns. In Flanders Fields the poppies grow between the crosses ,row on row. The poppy is the beloved emblem of Remembrance Day, the red of the poppy represent- ing the blood. shed in the interest of freedom. In a field adjoining my brother's backyard at Walton -on-Thames. Surrey. Eng- land. poppies grew which were similar to the Poppy emblem of Flanders. Little Valerie. about two years old, would go out. pick them and bring them in for a bouquet. They soon wilted even when placed in water. Mr. and Mrs. George Williamson. Walton visited with Oliver and Charlie Mc- Kay. Kilbarchan staff held their Christmas party in the form of a pot luck simper at the • home of Faye )ievereaux• :Hteir vivid desciption of the luscious food didn't sound like potluck. Various games 4 H'e. rs hove party §eaforth 111 Exquisite r tertainers met November 11 at the hotne ' of Lana McIntosh. The meeting was in the form of a party: With 4-H Achievement Night approaching. members discussed their •skit which is entitled, "Everybody cook - party". Throughout. the en- tire meeting all wer volved in a contest. Eve one was given a clothes -pin • and if you noticed someone with their legs crossed you got their clothes pin. The girl with the most at the end of the meeting won. Another game that left all out of wind was blowing up balloons. A small number of the mem- bers.. including yours truly, could not get their balloons blown up. , Members enjoyed a smorgasbord that all contrib- uted to. Some of the food was lasagne and a variety of cheese and fruit trays. A ‘‘ork meeting waS held on November 17 at the home of Denise Dupuis. This meet- ing was to organize , and prepare for the skit at Achievement Night. All members contributed ideas and it looks like a great skit. so everyone come if you can to the 4-H Achievement Night. Nov. 27. 7 p.m., Seaforth Public School. by Heather McLean Ki1harhnn Notes 4 :!`"""tr bridge, Frank Ryan visited Mat* Ryan, 1^-7-t Bingo 4ar4v, Ruby Anderson, straight line Jim Baker, Ralph Hales. completed an enjoyable eve- ning for this spirited group. ' Bingo Friday, no bridge, 'sorryl My humble apologies to Isabel Murray who came for IBuy a friend a $35. AUTO CLUB' MASTE'1 MEMBERSHIP and we'll give you a FREE CHRISTMAS PRESENT... A Deluxe Set of BATTERY JUMPER CABLES CLINTON 7 HATTINSURT ST. EAST 442-9304 , 41.11.0jrz time for Christmas... Royal Albert florets (Trillium, Crocus, Moss Rose 014 Country Rose) figurines Jewellery, Photo Albums, Jewellery Boxes ,,,,........- ---... tamps, Croft \Kits, int! Tobles, * ‘t -4 Zs. ' Coffee Tables, \i, ( Coaster Sets , * .4\•.< „A .--- pt - --- "We've got gift ideas for everyone on your list this Christmas" • 3 BIG FLOORS TO SHOP IN "Come see us today and we'll help make this Christmas the best ever" 44kNDMA GRANDPA Fancy Cups & Seute_, Fancy (cokes, Crystal Bowls, • Vases (other Otte* in Pinwheel), Trillium, Cornflower, Loncharnp Patients) Writing Pap4r, Hasti-notes, & Dried flower ▪ ARRANGIMINTS Smokers Foot Stools Playing Cards • Magnifying Glasses Pipe Holders with Comfortable &ammeters, Ho Train S. Accessories, Clock: - Battery and Electric Cuckoo Clocks, Billfolds, Rey Chains, Crokinole Boards 'orzwins7alktil and %3046,40 - LAZY BOY &AIRS ci _ Hj i -----11 if LITTLE SISTER Table and Chair Sets China & Plass): Teo Sets, ▪ Nurse Kits. ,40 Bond Puppets, ▪ Games, Putties, t Abv• „ Colouring Books , r Crayons & Colouring Pencils old o large selection of DOLLS & TEENS Cedar Chests by Lane Key Cases. Zwiesel Bavarian Stemware, Chino & Crystal BOYFRIENDS & TEENS Chess Sots, Backgammon Colcutators, Key Cases • Pen & Pencil Sets LEATHER WALLETS by 8U X7014 LITTLE BROTHER Tanks & HySitt Trucks farm Machinery by Erii Mestano & Lego Sets Models of Planes, Ikon, Cars, Vans, Trucks, Tanks, etc. MATCHBOX TOYS Petit Point Jewellery Coffee Mugs Latch Hook Kits, Afghan & Crewel Kits Ceramic Christmas Tree and Latch Hooked Wall Hanging and DECORATIVE CANDLES Large Selection of Fisher Price Toys, Blocks, Books, Banks, Telephones, and DAX1N PLUSH ANIMALS family Bible, Oil Paintings Caret Table and Choirs Chesterfield, Bedroom and DINING ROOM FURNITURE UNCLES - Pen &Pencil Sets y Sheaffer and Paper Mate, Wallets Men's Jewellery KEY CASES CREDIT CARD HOLDERS SCOTTSDSTEOPIXIERTME14:4618-f3V2hell .:.4titbn"!Y Di:Op,&•Sttoria. SEE OUR LARGE stualom0f.... Bows, Serviettes, Paper & Plastit TabinfOtht, Christmas Cards, Gift Wrap. Rlbbon Lapel Pins and Decorations.