HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-20, Page 19CHRISTMAS SEASON Choice of four 10-dsy tours (Dec. 2& -Jan -4) 1. Pensacola Beach and Grand Ole Opry 1 - Pensacola Beach and Grand Ole Opry • from $349 2. Gulf Coast and the Magic Kingdom from S399 Daytona Beach and New Year's Eve at DisneyWorld from S379 Disneyworld and Central Florida from S339 Also • Florida W3i3 best - 14 day (Dec. 22-Jan.4) frorn S4-19 Nashville for New Year's Eve -6 Day (Dec. 30 -Jan. 4) from $269 3. " 1 Corning Events 35th Wedding Anniversary Dance for Bruce and Bon Armstrong of Staffa on November 28th West of Hensel Best WieheLenly. , 1-80-2 ST, THOMAS.A.C.W. Euchre, Tuesday, November 25th. Parish Hall 8:00 P.M. . 1-80-1 TEEN Dance Seaforth Community Centre Saturday, November 22, 8.12.Everyone welcOme. Sponsored by the Seaforth Leo Club. .1-80-1 'e• THE Seaforth Happy Citizens -are having their Christmas party on Dec. 10 at 6 o'clock in Legion Hall. Anyone interested all Mrs. Grace Pepper 527-1285 or Mrs, Hazel McNaughton. 527-1088 before Nov. 28th. 1-80x1 Coning Events iitutoist County ,,-Wojnen Today, neXt Meeting, November Vett 7:30 p.m. At Huron Couety Board of gdttcsvi'on Clinton. Topic Dea1n 'with hoatility". F STIVAL Singles dance N vember 21, Victorian Inn, StratfOrd( Dancing 9-1. Welcorneell/ainglee over 25, no blue 1-801 , s; SOCIAL Tea sponsored by Vanastra and District Lioness on Satuedaya Deceniber 13th 2 to 4 m. Speakertamous , ClairvoYant Vere McNichol. Tickets availal3le from members and Van e ra Factory Outlet. a The family of HOWARD AND JEANNE Preszcotor invites family, friends and neighbeurs- to help celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary Fri. Nov. 21st at Saltford Dancing 9 to 1 Best wishes only 1-80-1 CHILDREN'S CONCERT: fun and education Making Music Together with Eric Negler, folksinger. Blyth Memorial H*11, Saturday, Nov. 22, 2 p.m. Reserved seats 52.50 at the door or call 523-9300 or 523-9636. 1-59-2 1-80-1 The HuroreCounty Health Unit invites you to attend the ADULT. HEALTH Guidance Centre held at the HEALTH UNIT OFFICE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1980 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Test. 1 Corning Events, A 3 gAltogy AND Margaret Werdell etheng , with aheie family cordially invite 'all their relatives, friends and neighbours to join with them in celebratinealaeir 40th Wedding Anniversary. Friday, November 28th 8:30 p.m. at Brodhagen Community Centre, Best Wishes Only. 1-80-1 1-80-1 An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends Have you tried one? Dial 527.0240. 1 LL STAR TOURS PIONEERS OF ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" 400 Bishop St., Comb. cige 623 3030 or toll free trtd,you 1 800 265-8620 loyally Have your.rnessage read by 3,600 people Free On Cable cast 12 345-2341 cqurtesY MItchell-Seaforth Cable T.V. 1-78-tf • SEAFORTH M'inor Hockey AssOciation Dance November 21st, ' '1980 9-1 p.m. at Seaforth Community Centre. Music by: Free Spirit 56.00 per couple - age of majority card only. Ladies please bring sandwiches. 1-77-4 Blyth Lions Bingo every Saturday night 8 p.m. BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL Jackpot SI50.00 In 60 calls 1-78-tf BINGO every Tuesday evening at V ANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5. Clinton 1 st regular card 51.00; 15 regular games of 515.00; 3 share-theeweelth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1-784 • Classified Rates Charges are based on the number nf ,xnrds If eurnerals as far serial numbers. street nareheta pheee numbers ce prices 'count as cine v•Td per set Words jained by hyphens count as separate wands -FIRST INSERTION - 15 Win•ds 52.50 lee per ward thereafter SUBSEQUENT LNS- ERTIONS - Na copy changes * p-er 'Word. minimum 52.00 SUM -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 52.17 per column inch SUBSEQUENT LNSERTTONS 51.89 per column indi (Minimum size in this category 111; inches Accepted in mnitiples of half inch BOX NLIVII3ERS TO 11115 OFFICE - Sftc per insertion BIRTHS - 15 words. 52.50:10c per word thereafter MARRIAGES. Engagernents, Death Natires words 52.50, each additional word 10c. EN MEMORVLMS 52.50 plus 10c per line nf verse co:vivo EVENTS - 15 words 52.50. each additional word 10c. Theee insertions fat the price of 2 CARD OF THANKS - 30 words S2 SO. each additional word 3e. 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FIRDAY NOON ri WEEK OF INSERTION. No cancellation of muitiple insertioei advertiserrierift after Noon Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdrlys. • Phone 527-0240 RCM' P SHOWBAND performs at Blyth Memorial MTh Sunday. Nov. 30, 2:30 p.m. Folk Music to disco. country to showlunes. Reserved seats 53 adults. 51.50 children. Call 523-9300 or 523-9636. Proceeds for Memorial Hall Building Fund. 1.602 - 411elp Wanted Lensed Mechancrs Wanted Permanent politin. henefits pazitage. maying expensea will hp coosidered Write to: Swan City Chraaler 1250' 100 Street. Grande Prairie Alberta. -r8v 4112. 401-512 ';‘643 4-80x1 TUe'KERSMITH Dav Nurser. (Vanastral requires a reacher E C F trained. Experience with handicapped preferred Send written applIcation and reetime including references before November 28 to Karen McEwing. Tackersrnob Day Nursery R R es lonton 482;76.34 • 4.80-1 FI -1.1 tome office clerk re:l)tted Please seed hand written resume detailing edepeattat and experience to 3461 The Helton ExPosiroe Seafeeth. Ontario. 4-80.1 Applications will be teemed ha undersigned until SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1980 for the position of Secretary - Treasurer for the SEAFORTH A GM -CULTURAL SOCIETY Denies to commence . February 1. 1981 KEN MOORE EgreondeiTle, Ontario NOK 527-0508 4-80-3 4 Help Wanted Remember h takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240 :fleip Wante A _ FARM MANAGER required immediately for large broiler farm in Dublin, Ontario. Residence supplied. Contact. HORIZON CHICKS LTD. *never, Ontario • 519-364-3200 ' 4-80-1 Town of Seaforth Police. Constable Applicatons fir the above position will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1980 in a sealed enveloile clearly =eked "Application - Police Constable." Applicants must have, successfully completed Part "A", Aylmer Police College. Resume required on experience, personal tharacteristics, with 3 character references. • Salary and benefit schedule on request. JAMES CROCKER, AMCT P.O. Box 610 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 'WO Phone; 527-0160 4-80-1 Volunteers Needed To assist With organized activities and programs. Contact AomINISTRATOR Kilbarchan Nursing Home 46 Church St. Seaforth Tel. 527-0860 4-8041 5 Bus Opportunity RECORDED Dance Musk One of Canada 'e largest companies specializing in reeneded enterteinment coming to Southern Ontario. If you are interested in financial independence. the franchiee for this area is available if you enjoy working with musk and making enstornere happy. Pharte or write today for full details. The iris -cement is approximately 58.000. Write Director of Franchising. "-Geaeary. Robertson Music Services:T(16 Tache Avenue Winnipeg. Man . 112H 11.6 ea phone 1-204-247-8883. 5-8011 MAKE Money in your spare time. Learn Income Tax Pre-, paration. For Free Brochure. no obligation. write 13& Tax Sceeeele. 118 Roxbaraugh Drive, Toronto, Ontario l'af4W 1X4. 5.8011 Stuattons Wanted LAYING and finishing C1141 crete Come for basements.. garage. driee sheds ete Call Genre 482-3291 tf CUSTOM plowing. Phone 887-6533 nt 88"-6"" -8Z1 1 8 Faran Stock WANTED to buy a reasonable priced horse Rome 347-2623 8-'912 THREE good home grown beef steers average 800 ptionds. Fed by the gain. Phone 345-2517. 8-80.1 AT Eirndew Farms. Filday, November 28 1:00 p m . a 60 -head 1Landrace Ptoduction Sale inducling 15 bred Gilts Donald Lowry, R.R. 03. Alrneette. 613-257-2083. 8-8011 10 Used Cars 1973 Ford LTD.. power steering, power brakes, new tires, and new brakes. body fair. as is. 5450.00 Phone Ken Preszcator 527-1164. 10-80x2 1968 Beaumont 2 door hard- top, excellent condition, 5900.00 as is. 51000.00 certified. 527-0401. 10-80x1 ArAk40.46AhAlgliiiiAttWt 10 Used Cars ')(1,1 Articles for Sale ONE brOwn woodgrain arleatite table 45" x 47" with two self storing boards, table seats up to 10 people also 5 lucite swivel chairs (golden brown seat covers) all excellent condition. One Franklin heater with fire screen and grill and some pipes 5100.00 523-9287. 11-80x2 FRANKLIN fireplace and an acorn fireplace. Phone 527- 0844. 11-80x1 TWO Sheltie pups to give away Phone 482-9178. 11-80-1 • STEREO with extras and desk all in good conditoin. • 527-1587. 11-80-1 1973 Aetre G T 4 speed 56.000 mace. needs painnas Is 5650. or S'75. certified. Phew.: 345.249' 10-801 - - - 11 Arttcics for Sale CHRISTMAS SHOW & SALE of new stoneware and porcelain by Addy McPhee and Rehert Tetu. M the Studio SAT., NOV. 22 and SUNDAY NOV. 23 NOON TO 6 P.M. 21/2 miles north of St. Columba." on MeKIllop Stderotc110 345.2184 Wine & °new will be served. 11-80-1 WOOD for -sale. 482-3203. 11-80x2 DRAPES with insulated lining, muted dark green, 8,3 inches long to fit opening 125 inches wide. Off white sheers, 94 inches long to fit opening 125 inches wide. Excellent condition. 527-1055 11-80-1 TWO baby bunting bags, crib and mattress sleigh, stroller chair 527-1791. 11-80-1 LARGE quantity fibreglass batts reasonable price. 527-0849. of R 12, will • sell Inquire at 11-79-2 •Mahogany wall cabinet, corner cabinet. drop leaf table, and four lyre back chairs. 527-1123. 11-79-2 PORTABLE WE4 CO generatee, 3 hp motor, 345- 2869. 11-80-1 A side of beef 527-0438. 11-80-1 ONE set of hag scales. 527- 1167. 11-80-1 ONE Carr:tore Airtight down draft almost new, 5150.00 One Feankfin Fare Place 575.00 Phone 229-8768. 11-80..2 KITCHEN cupboards - birch 40' including broom closet, room divider with glass china display. 200 gailen oil tank. Antique light fixtures. Piiote 527-1065 11-80-2 FIVE puppies to give away. Part Collie and Lab. Contact Allan Siernon. 345-2438. 11-80-1 HONEY for sale, 1,2 & 4 lb. pails. 1 & 2 lb. jars. Wilmer F. Kelly arid Son Apiaries. 101 James -St., Seaton", Phone 527-1023. 1140-10 Cold Hands! See the wide variety of work Gloves &Mitts now in stock CAMPBELL'S CROWN HARDWARE 527-1420 11.70.) PUREBRED Beagle pups. 527-1715. 11-7918 ALF Dale's original o 1 painting e for Christmas giving. Scenes and still fifes. 527-43510. 11-79-4 FOUR sheltie mine p-aps to give away. 5 weeks old. Ken Gemmel,. 527-1689. 11-7912 HAND knitted toques and mitts, also scarves and berets. various sizes and colours. Telephone 527-0855, 25 John St. • 11.791.2 SEWING machine demon- strates' sate. Choose hewn White. Etna, Husqvarna. Janotrie. Save! Save' Save! Sew *n Save Centre. 149 Downie Street (2 doors south of Hodsons) Stratford. Phone 2'1.9660 Closed Mondays. 11 .7R-tf KEYBOARD SALE Wurcitzer pianos. organs. others Rig price reductian during November 40 FREE Lessons with organ purchase Special to seniors over 60 We pay the tax! See Henry at PUISIFERMUSIC Seaforth Open 10 to 4:30; closed noon and Wed. 11-74,4 DRY firewood col and split Phone 345-22" after 6 p competitive prire delivery can herarranged. 11-76x5 12 Wanted to Buy 14 Property for Sale DISTRIBUTORS: Official tests at San Bernardino, California showed improved engine perfoeynance and gas, savings with our Patented' Fuel Induction System easily installed in minutes and sells for 579 with a 30 day money back guarantee. igeefranchise fees - investment secured by Inventory. For detailis, write International Marketing Services, 3 Book Rd., Grimsby, Ontario L3M 2M3 or phone 416-945-5461. 14-79x11 STAFFA Mobilp Home 12' x 52' on a large lot priced no sell 'at S10,50(b. Contact Charles or Myrtle Walkom. 348-8197 or 229-6149. Repre- senting Tom Reidy Realty Limited. 14-80-1 A metal insulated chimney suitable for a wood stove. A small gas heater with closed combustion chamber suitable foefa bedroom. 527-1552. 12-80-1 13 Wanted - GOOD used furniture 482- 7922 13-78-tf Real Estate Ltd Clinton Phone: 482-901 • 50 ACRES general farm in Hullett Twp. essiosaal • CLINTON Central location red brick 2 floor duplex, low down payment could handle. 50 ACRES - Farrowing operation on paved road near Brussels. additional land available. irseise 61/2 scree vacant tare' mit DB highway 1 mile eas"W!teterth. RESTAURANT and gas bar, main inter- section. South End of BLYTH • Hardware and farm supply store with apt. Rural Village. OOOOO WALTON 11/2 Storey Ft;arne Home • nice)), renovateci•garage. Treed lot. 14.80-1 14 Property for Sale 14 Property fpr Sale REARING? Here's your chance to own your own custom built brick bungalow. now under con- struction. Your choice of colours through out. Attention paid to every detail. 2 blocks from uptown $50's. EGMONDVILLE - Excellent starter Hornet 3 bedrooms; large living room with Open wood burning fireplace, new roof, full basement. Located on extra large lot 530's. EGMONDVILLE New Listing! 4 bedroom custom built bungalow. Rec. room with wet bar. electric heat. Large steel workshop. Excellent set up for mechanic or body shop. BUYING, SELLING OR RENTING. Give Us a CaB We've Got them all! "THE SIGN THAT SELLS" MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224. TOM SCHOONDERWOERD 345-2459' 4-80-1 POWELL REALTY LTD. RLALTOR Ile: 11 TN I./111 II- 1) BOARDERS. reasonable weekly rate. Call 887-6956.. 13-80-1 RECENTLY DECORATED - Attracttee Pe; storey 3 bedroom. large living room, modern ktichen, attached garage. in Seaforth all reacv for you and yours for Xmas Call us about this one. only asking 532.000 00. LIVE IN THE COUNTRY On paved road in lovely 4 bedroom split leeel newer home. hog operation for 90 sews all nn 5 acres, close to town 100 ACRES of g. op drained land 98 wetkable in Logan Township modern brick homes. goad barn, implement shed, drilled well 125 ACRE Hag farm in flibbert Township. newer barns. implement shed. drilled well, with a lovely house, priced to selli owner will take back mortgage. COUNTRY STYLE 11/2 storey 3 bedroom newly renovated, close to town in McKillop Township. JOE O'REILLY a 345-2465 Mitchell 348-8823 14-80-1 Somebody Wants What You Don't Need! SELL Through Huron Expositor Classified Want Ads Charming Executive Home in Country Setting - Kippen Very charming and well maintained 21/2 sterey brick home situated on quartet acre cenintry setting. Workable kitchen with many cupboards. fireplace and original wainscotting in dining room. double French doorketo, living room. open staircase to second floor it 3 large hedroorna with closets. Upper balcony. stained windows. Walk-up attic, rear mud room. full basement 2 story small barn. This home has character that can only be found in an older home. Reduced to 546.400. WANT TO SEE THIS HOME? CALL JO ITN MATT-1E11S 455-1121 IF BUSY 666-1010 RES. 455-7309 GLEN POWELL REALTY LTD. Realtor 14-80-1 lc Property for Rent COTTAGE for rent. winterized in Bayfield, 262- 2.536. 15-804 BRODHAGEN 3 or 4 bedlam= brick house 1 mile from Village on paved road. Available immediately. Please call in the mornings or after 6 p.m. 345-2032. 15-79-2 AVAILABLE November 15th modern 4 berirexim home 11/2 bath on paved road between Seafeeth and ilensall. Frame 262-2928 or 262-5768. 15-79-tf THREE bedroom house tor rent 527-0610. 9-4:30 p.m. or 527-1244 after 7 p.m. 15-794 3 bedroom farm home 5 mile east of Hensall. Available December 1st. Phone 262- 5988. 15-79-2 TWO bedroom apartment available immediately. Phone Monday-Thutsday 527-0920. 15-78-tf 2 bedroom house, close to uptown. Available December 1st. Phone 345-2685. 15-78-4 ProperR for Rent 3 bedroom town haul se s new- ly decurated. Located in Vanastra. 2 miles item Clin- ton. Qeiet locative. 5229.00 pet month, incieding heat and het water, TV caWe available. Apply at office - Block H. Unit 1 Or pheee 482-3828 between 6:00 and 10:00 p.m. 15-784f Additional Classified on next page