HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-20, Page 9ertestiO0dent. ,TviRs:,!iEgr suoginiuu.K 5134250, was Ob;. served on .$undaywith varithistnenabera coligre$7 on participating. Oreeters.. were ' JIM Jameis�n- and Lorne:400i* ushers were Donna Shaddick, Joan whiqpir:01.6cW.heA0..491th .Gospel song was • Roe, Scptt. v.10046.4_4 and, announced .thitt; Sunday, 1hfirn0; 'Read • it "jnj.Fftiron-Perth'Ev angelism committee sponsor - sing EvangellincTi the 80' s .the--sanie-eveningReV Lane of NOW Zealand will be ,guest speaker, On November 28th a bus is leaving at 5 Rap, to Len- -dotirs.Tiuntley Stre t Rally. Sunday School Cro ole ,partly is Nov, 21. Goodwill bulestriestruCk will bepiek- ing tree donations of eSe.di clot1ithWal'1404eaitd,Pleetir,. cal applianCeS on Ttteidoi' Nevethber 25 at 10a.M. at :the church, Please note date and tiine. • Call to worship was led by. LawSenf . prayer of', approach Dthier, SeriPtPre *EtS' rad Bert Lyon and .:Edythe Beacon. .story by (Shirley Scott demonstrat*1 a ,turtle in a hard";sliell having to first Ptit: out head to see,thee his feet. We sonietirlies, have to stretch °dr tZck. to see rigfirferett Anima; -With' terreherewere Joan Illepherd, Lena and Brenda Nesbitt. LIONS..... Londesboro Lions mystery Remembrance Wciiton theme Correspofident Mrs. Allan McCall 887-06,71 The Tuesday night euchre , was, held iti the community • 'hair with 8 tables euchre in play. -• Prize winners were Iligh Lady- - Rena Watt, Blythe Low Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, Ifigh . Man Ted Bunking. R.R. 1, Auburn, Low - Torrance Dundas; Ladies Most Lone Hands - Mrs. Jehn Simpson, Brussels. Men's Most Lone Hands Dave Watson. Wilfred Short - reed had -the birthday of Nbvember 12 closest to that night. Institute hostesses were Mrs- Dave Watson, Mrs. Bill Humphries, Mrs. E. Stevens and Mrs. G. McCall. You are all invited to the next euchre, Tuesday, November 25 at 8:30 p.m.. • WA1TON UNIT MEETS Remembrance was the theme for the Walton Unit Meeting, Wednesday evening November 12. Mrs. Nelson Reld.opened with a poem. Mr.fP-i Ray Huether was pianist. Scripture was taken by Mrs. Reid. Mrs. Herb Traviss gave the meditation on "Little Things". Mrs. Reid read. a poem on Remembrance Day. Mrs. Ray Huether had many drawings and pastors on display for her timely topic for this time ofthe year, November 11, evicting a • poem "A Soldier oth Crutches". Mrs.. Huether said we have a call to a better world. we wonder if we should try to be better people, we must • ear, tour is tobe held Saturday ' November 22 'Registration is12 neon to 1 P40.- at Ole Pall., Come and , - brit* 4 friend. Lees $5 Per car; prizes for winners. Linich available fene*le8 , , :tour: - A bar load Of ladies Visited on ' Thursday' •,with Jewel .CoV,van and Mary. Rehinsonin ,Hanover; They were 'Edythe,, . Beacon; Laura Lyon; Marg- aret. Good, Myrtle ri A n t. Shebbroek.' pard party, •Friday 21$t. at 8.:30..,p.m. All wel ome. ; c . • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shob, • brook Ooot SandaY, with theii daughter 'Thelma Ellerby and family honouring their 51 wedding anniver- sary. • • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen spent the week end with his, brother Dr. and Mrs; Lester Allen at Watford. REM,EMBRANCE DAY Flullett Cenfral pupils held their Armistice Day , service at the United church on Monday November 10 at 11 a.riiiinterestea parents" also attended a parade from tbe school, the chure, pupils and teachers. The drimiiners were Susan .Grass and Jeff McNairn; flag bearers, were representing the Explorers Lori Bromley; Brownies Marelyn MaYhettY ceSc:e4i.4°,3':e9s:t"tvy:Qavse.Srbh°;;n7be.:rss' David Whyte.. -Master of • Ciltae 100o by Mts. $np- eaper,,mesie teacher. , .Scripture was read by Jeff. MeNatru., The , remit "In • Flanders Field's'. was read . by Lisa Watt. The names of den, from Hullett Township who lost their lives in World War were read by. Duizer. They were Fred Oifney, Charles Bromley, Earl Watts Prank Williams, James iam- eison and Lewis Steven. • The reason for the two minute silence was explained by Debbie Preszcator. Last post and revielle-were played by Angela Schneider.- -,Gr e .,§ and Serripr choir sang Let\there be peace" and Remembrance thoughts accept ourselves be betty ourselves, apd discipliqc ourselves. We think of re- membrance day, live think of the last two wars. Mrs. Alex Gulutzin pre- sided for The business. Mrs. Howard—Fiackwell- read- the -- minutes and 22 members answered the roll call. COPPER CONTEST The copper *test leaders gave their- report for the year. Mrs. Ian Wilbee and his side won over Mrs. Bill Coutts' side. It was decided to have a supper on - Thursday, December 111 at 6:30 p.m. with the losing side making preparations. There is to be a small gift ex' ichange. Mr. Dorothy Sholdice gave the treasurer's report. A collection was taken for a local girl who is • being married a gift is to be purchased for her from the unit. The U.C. W. general meeting will begin with a supper on December 3. Mrs. Reid reported that a quilt would be put in at Mrs. Viola Kirkby's home the first of this week with another on to go in at Mrs. Harold Bolger's the following week. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bit Theater, Mrs. Alex. Gulutzen and M lph Traviss. Mr. and Mrs Robert Lilly - crop and fa 1ly, London spent the weekend at the home of her parents Mr. end Ms. 'Harold Bolger. Sorry to report Mrs. Edna Hackwell has been a patient in Seaforth Hospital for the past few days. WI roll call lost bargains WI meting was held on Yiednesday, November' 12th with Genevieve Allen at piano. President Alice Buch- anan welcomed withva kind ozrd is never lost." Ro1 call was atiswered by "a Xrgain you bought that wasn'tftwith 20 members and 3 visitors present. Minutes and finan- cial report were read by sec/treas. June Fothergill. Correspondence included an invitation to Auburn W.I. Novemba 18 at 12:35 noon, Clinton W.I. card party is November 24 at 2:00 p.m. Thanks from Hatti Wood and Dora Shobbrook for the hon- our of representing the W.I. at -St.. Helen75th Anniver- sary dinner. ' Londesboro W.I was or- ganized in 19_09 to 1942 when it disbanded in form of Red Cross. On May 4th, 1950 the group was reorganized. The new stainless steell colatider was on display. $400 was donated to ',Tides. boro Lions ball park wash rooms; $25 to Karen Scruton for Huron County Dgikcate exerqse-aethon; SIO to Blyth Lefeon for Remembrance; and SIO to Myth skate-arthon • trecerriber 10 Meting will be a.' pot luck. supper. (6:30 p.rn.) for Christmas parir family night.Shut in names are to be handed in. Marjorie Dirtier reported on a district direqu's meet- ing at Holmesville.A bus is going to garland Lee MI* 011 Dec: 3rd.scost S9. Take a box tench. Sire also reported crewel embroidery would be held after Christmas.. Barbara Rosman sang . a solo from. Anne of Green Gables Album. Hazel Reid introduced the guest speakers Barbara How- son of Blyth. She is a yerlunteer helper of the Clire ton Banal of the Canter society. She made an appeal for volunteer helper and told 6 Please turn to page Gaunts hold celebration ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt were honoured on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Londesboto United Church when 30 relatives and friends gathered for a hofftirkby, dinner on Saturday November 15. Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt were married at the hone of the brides's parents the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lynfi in Londesboro, They were attended by the bride's:twin sister Mae Hesk and the griiom's brother Andrew Gaunt. They farmed near Luckpow until 1947 moving to the 10th concession of Hullett township. The retired to Londeslioro in 1961 where Earl worked in the R.N. Alexander seed cleaning plant till ill health forced him to quit. ,In 1974 they moved to Merieset Park near Goderich where they still reside. They , have attended Londesboro , United Church since moving to tfie Londesbofo area in 1947. They have beth been active in church activities, Earl was'a memberef the board of stewards and is still an elder. Olive belonged to W.A. ,a.nd-W.M.S. until later years. . They have a family of two, FayeMrs. Harold Dalrymple of Brucefield and Ken of Hanover' and 11 grandchildren. They received congratulate -1.y messages front M.P.P. tvluiray Gaunt. Were read by Maher Johns,, ton. The ProgrAirt also thclu- , ded the story of Cher -Ami by GleUyee MeOblehey; The Victorian CrQS$ by gqsseti Ilehitt and the laying of the :;;Isste'h s':::Icfe'rrPni.wa9sah Mr.e14.07. 400 one PepPY Put« en the 'Hai -laud from Clinton he was thanked by Shawn Seers, "W)W1,1-17aellie'atk" by Anita Delin0 and ,Ann Marie Thur. low and Remembrance Day Prayer by AO. Scott. • .i.j1KOAN UNIT The BeOrean unit held their reeetiegNovember lith ie the Sunday school rooms. Leader • Helen Lawson wel- corned all and led devotions, reading "They Shall .Not Die." Hattie Wood played,• piano. , :THEHURON Meditation was 4 Story of John „:1vIcCrae reading Re- membrance -Day at b,) baY an Indian combiunitY' at Alcleville, Ord; and story of meitterial at Ottawa, . , Business included, the Duraminutes by secretary , Sbohhrook; Treasurers report by. Laura Lyon and Happy • Birthday 514 for Isabel Airdrie: Roll Rail Was a verse or poem concerning wo,sue are., Remembrance Day by 12 members. . Clean brass for December is Vi Burns. It was moved to make a donation for Karee Scruton on Exercise-a-thon for Day care. Mary Longman reported for nominating, net complete. Edyth Beacon reported for U.C.W. general. *c• Hattie Wood and Ida •Dur- ini were in chargc•of worship and the theme was 'Jesus ealithe his disciples,' Rattle gave reading 01 Jesus calhng his diSeieles- 1de closed with PtaY0t. Lenchwas 'served by wytb Beacon and "Mary' ...Longrnan RERSONALS, Congratulations to Mr. and • MO. Donald McGregor on the birth of ababY girt 011 •igfilv ember 14th --in Seaforth HOSPital, M. Ken Hulley was ad. nutted to Seaforth Hospital on November 12th. • • Mr. Guy Leiper had surg- ery in St. Josephs hospital Londoe on Theirs& Rove ber 13th.. Mr. Emorson4lesk spent last week with his daughter ' Mr. and Mrs, Ron MacLen- • ivn ,at Mount Hope. P SITOR NO* 513.20,1P8o, apd area news 1111111111M -s ANOTHER COUNTY HONOURS WINNER— Sandra Hunt was another who received a county •honours certificate at the 4-H . Aqhievement program on Thursday night (Photo by Rahney) & TV °MI Audio HITACHI More than 15 different Hog Scales Canadian -Made 14" COLOUR T.V. .f OnlY 95, 4UUN HITACHI STEREO A.M./F.M. CASSETTE RADIO While supply lasts. Part -Times Studies at WESTERN- -Interested In beginning university? , -questions re current programs? -Summer School 1981 -future programs? Ms. Sandy Raid, Mature Student Adirisoi, and Or. Ron. Martin, Director of Part -Time Studies, Faculty of Part -Time & Continuing Education, The University of Western Ontario, will tkitSWer. these . questions -at • GOOERICH: Tuesday, November 25 from 4:30-6:00 doderich District Collegiate Institute, 260 South Street, Room 30 CLINTON: • Tuesday, Novembec. 25 from 6:46-8:09 p.m. Central Huron Secondary School, 165 Princes a Street t ast, Room 135 KiNIOARDINE: • Wectiisdky, November 26 front 6:30-7:30 p.m. _ — Kincardine„District Sebondary Sctiool, 85' Durham Street, Guidance Office .11.111.1111111=111=MMINNE=Follsamermarzsmr..a.. • WRINIAMOSINSINSII0=INNINE colour TV's. on display! Laminar 20 • Fuji Beam Colour The Wollner 20 system is so reliable that Hitachi offers a 20 year warranty on all Solid State parts In all the Lurninar 20 chassis,. 3 Year Parts &Labour ° • 25 + 25 MIMS • Belt drive tutntable • 3 way speakers • Stand • Cass. dee*, optional • ' Save $300.00 , only $699 • 95 $220•1" 10 packages on display • We Service What We sell • Free Delivery & Free Set -Up & Same Day TV Repair or Loaner TV Provided Free • Revolving Charge Accounts • Bat* Terms 'Available * Lay -Awa Plan A it T1 TV -AUDIO' Where customers send their friends 9 Main St. Phone 5271015 Seaforth Open 10-5:30 Fridays 10:00-9:00 Closed Wednesday