HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-20, Page 7lit.JRc)14 EXPOS!TOR0 NOVEMBER 2O,1�8O BY MABEL TURNBULL Rev. A,R. Yie1d/00011e! Bible Church took the chtirch seraice on Wednesday, Tho- se taking part included Mrs. Yeilding, Mrs. MeOonigle, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs, Sie- mon. Mr. ,Yeilding said for an art contest the subject was "Peace." The pieture tat won the prize piettatsd a mighty 'Storm and a small bird looking for peace, 'safe..' ty, in a crack in a rugged rock where it sheltered itself at peace, Heaven N pictured as -a place of rest at peace, streets of gold, and gates of pearl. The_Bible is shrOuded in nnystem The outer man perisheg,- the inner man is _renewed. . . ,--,..- -_--;------ -0. ___..-- 0,-- -..f.,--,--- _-,-. ,..0- , ________. • -% '--%-'_----- - -..._ ---....--.- .--,-,---„-,- -- 2....---- .-.../..„-,-. -,- --- -- -,-,------ --- -..-----,,--- -,--- --- --% *le told of his own exper- iences iq the Ministry for SS years. Jesus is called a shepherd we are the sheep* he Said, The psalmist writes: I lay'me 4ow0 in Peace. The neece of God passeth all understanding, Delicious cookies and fruit juices were served as our snack lunch. VISITORS Dave Rea, London, and Bayfield, with Gladys Bright - Jack Frost, St, Thomas, with Mabel Tynbull. Mrs'. 'R. A,ikens- Ritz Villa, Mitchell, with Rueben with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. McComb, Holland Centre. Mrs. George Stephenson, Varna., came and took her sister, Ruby. Anderson to her home. Bingo results; Straight line, Charlie McKay; Lines - Ruby Anderson. Full Card - MarY Ryan, Oliver McKay, 4 the first tittle Ogre has cell three NI cards, \ Birthday Greetings to Cla- ra DepeyY, her niece from the West visited her on this occasion. John Tiernay, Alliston, visited his uncle Jack Tiernay and drove him to his old home near Blyth and to old familiar haunts which he enjoyed very much. Pattie Muegge, came and took her grandmother Mrs, Anna. Hoegy to her home Saturday for the day. - Mrs. Ella Hulley, McKil- lop and Brucefield is our latest resident. ' G.A.,Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. SteWart were Sun- day visitors with Oliver and Charlie McKay, Anna Hoegy and Mabel Turnbull. , • Mr. and 'Mrs. AUstin Matheson Clinton formerly of Seaforth visited her aunt, Mary Layton, Thursday. Delis 4ackney visited with B:essie Smale. ° Indoor games ° are More lioimlar now, with colder weather. Results; Bowling; Lucy Bushie 112, Mattie Aho 109, Ruby.Anderson 102. Crokinole Winners were: Jim Baker, Lillian Edmiston, Ruby Anderson, Thelma Bode. Flower news; Jean Durst renewed our table bouquets again. She told us she couldn't sleep so she got up and looked at the thermo- meter to find it above freez- ing so braved the weather to go out and pick the yellft mums at the side of the house but she reports these will be the last. Thanks, Jean for being so thoughtful. We'll miss our guess if she. doesn't find something to decorate in season. Christ- mas, is coming, CHRISTMAS SEAL TIME—A flag raising ceremony in Court House Park, Take it from a Cap'n High Liner - [HIGH LINER FROZEN COD FISH STICKS14 oz. HIGH LINER FROZEN ,COD IN $ BATE& 4 0-z-. HIGH LINER FROZEN 'FISH & An unIPS32 oz .09 HIGHAINER COOKED (IN BRINEi, WHOLE rt LOBSTER 'country oven IN•STORS RAKE SHOP SPECIALS .....~.........ffsortmemommovammor•••••••••••=soommeo FRESH JAM OR LEMON BURS PKG 8 $1,09 FRESH LOAF CAKE DATE & NUT 109 FRESH TASTY CRUSTY 11 EIS poz 990 HO CARNATIO NSTAN 8's SA WICH BAGS G2L:saRAND *1.69 4A VANISH 1.19 CREST 1.29 BOWL CAit 1 4 Kg TOOTHPASTE OEG OR Moly! 100 mi WEIGHT WATCHERS 6 TOMATO KETCHUP 11 oz DOTTIE REGIRAR STYLE WHITE, 'YELLOW, PINK, AQUA, PUMPKIN ROYALE TOWELS 2 ROLL PKG. SPECIAL! CHOCOLATE NEOPOLITAN VANILLA MAPLE BUTTERSCOTCH 10 DELUXE OR PEPPERONI TOTINOS PIZZAS CARNIVAL ICE CREAM 2 LITRE CARTON ORANGE JUICE 97' OLD SOHT • FoOZEN FROM FI,OnIDA 18.6 or TIN COLBY CHEESE LACK DIAMO12 or BLOCK HO $ i .49 'STOK LY VEGETABLES 5 C 10 oz TINS 11 f B1CKS;ICKLE$ SvkiET MIXED VUMyulvr OR 1 LITRE JAR 1.39 BICKS PICKLES 1.09 wet ET GHE COONS 375 rot JAR WESTONS BUNS JAM FILLED 89 IMPERIAL 114 LB PORTIONS $2.59 MARGARINE 3 tg liEILSOid ICE CREAM NOVELTIES '';:;".`;:` '1.39 VACHON APPLE STRUDEL LUNCH SNACKS 6 P,'!'" 99' HAVARTI OR MOZZARELLA BADEN CHEESE 7 "•99 NEILSON FINE QUALITY SOUR CREAM _ro r. -99! GAY LEA , ..... ONION CHIP DIP 260 g 630 SCHNEIDERS CHEESE & ONION 200 g BUICK LORRAINE_ ” IN CLOVER LEAF CHUNK STYLE LIONI ruNA LARGE 500 ml. BOTTLE SCOPE MOUTHWASH SAVINGS .$$$$ AT ZEHRS SPECIAL! SPECIAL! - SPECIAL! CALIFORNIA SWEET NAVEL ORANGES SIZE 138 s er N CALIFORNIA GREEN FRESH BROCCOLI LARGE 780 BUNCHEXTRA ONTARIO GROWN SNOWY WHITE FRESH ' MUSHROOMS VALUE • $ [b 1.29 BC FANCY RW OR G010 AA DELICIOUS APPLES, SO PRODIICE OF USA NO 1 SWEET 49 0 GREEN PEPPERS c, 1 13.0 FANCY GRADE A D'ANJOU PEARS ib 68r BUD OF CALIFORNIA NO 1 HEAD LETTUCE EA 68' ONTARIO GROWN NO. BRUSSELS SPROUTS/ fl& Tr , FLOWERING RIEGER sit do BEGONIAS 4'POTS )0 CIE ar-ls E 10 POWDERS 3 AR fp 2StirpuPS 3 oz PKGS EVAPORATED MILK CAAHATeor,72 386 g TIN 99' CANADA DRY Ct1143 SOP.) TONIC WA iff 390 G4HGE;i441E PL 5 • 750 mi u€Pc,sit POTATO CHIPS 89" HOSTESS G OP P)41) srrLE 200g PKG TENDER vingus 500g '1.09- INSTANT BREAKFAST 5 VAR CARNATION 6 , 159 OESSERT TOPPI51 car ;cod° DREAM WHIP 3 -7 HEAD & SHCLILDERS LOTION SHAMPOO S 1.29 inAL NEC' CR NEUTRAL ANTIPERSPIRANT $7.89 SCHNEIDERS SHRIMP 200 „ OUICHE LORRAINE 1.IY 8010 LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6 C°Tc? $319 REGULAR OR NEUTRAL 4`) DIAL ROLL-ON 169 -tivILL -Ott OVEAVEDIOURVE YOU1N: 'HWY. -"AL it X GODERICHAURON RD • OPEN W 0„,-THURS., fitia,„ VIKINGS - bug MANA6Ei IS:RAY HORD 1146fitytal6gaajlifidfilk' 'at • LOBA euhre The L.O.B.A. Euchre held their regular 'card party in the hall with It tables play- ing. Ladies_ high - Rachel Rhiel, Lone Hands - Helen McClure, Low - Ann Agar; Men's high - John Reid; Lone frands - Wilbur Godkin Low game for men - Jack Rivers. The lucky, draw was a ba,stet_ of apples won by Delia Slavin. The next euchre will be held on Mon. December 1Sth at 8 p.m. with special prizes and lunch. Seaforth last Saturday‘ marked the beginning of the Huron -Perth Lung Association's Christmas Seal. Campaign.' Taking part in the ceremony were, left, Art Dunsmoie, chairman of the asthma committee for the Huron -Perth LungAssocia- tion; Beryl Dunvngre, executive dire6tor of the Association; Gordon Wright, Seaforth, Christ- mas Seal Campaign Chairman for the Associa- tion; Goder' ich Reeve Eileen Palmer who represented the county on behalf of VVaFden Bill Morley who was attending a conference in Ottawa; William Kinahan, President of the Association and Dr. Brian Lyhch, Huron County Medical Officer of Healtti. The double barred Cross �f Lorraine on the flag has represented .the fight against TB for more than 70, years. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Council briefs Seaforth town council Tuesday night defeated a motion which would have given the town's en- dorsement to a res(lutio by the Regional tvlunicipalit of Peel asking the provin ial government to amend motor vehicle legislation. The provisions. which are tO be forwarded to the Premier -of Ontario. Were: a) That the Ministry, in consultation with the manufacturdres of motor vehicles and other interested bodies. establish an acceptable and measurable level of noise created in the operation of motor vehicles whtch would be deemed not excessive. ty) the Implii•mittattari of some form of .licensing or identification of mini btkes as an additional form of control •cl the authority for the police to seize and. sotnect to a lodge's appros al. to cont)scate mini bikes and trail bikes when they are being operated unlawfully. Councillor -Gerald Gnaothuis asked if such \ provisions could be provided )for by municipal by-laws, rather than appealing to the provincial government. Councillor Henry Mem was concerned aboot private use of vehicles and how such changes would affeci this. "I don't like the government telling me I can't operate a vehicle on my own farm." he said Mavor John Sinnamon stud he elhin't thunk the resolution could be supported without study This isn't 0 prablem hert. in !divan no. hut it could become a problerro.' et Owned the 51)0‘.07 "I'M in favor of turning et damn nov. ' saod Mr iothuis In a vote the motion was defeated unanimously. Two other letters, both frpm the. City of Stratford, seeking endorsement 'for two resolutions, were supported by the Seaforth council. The first resolution is aimed at urging. the Government of Canada to "embark- on a program of involvement n the development of fusion technologr It was passed unanimously with no discussion. The second resolution frorn the City. of iStratford asked for support an petitioning, the NI:rev:ter of Education lei "make changes, 4c1 that the menthe:ship of boards of ertti„,:ziti,iii rnme adequatetv refle„! student populata-ur and educattnn taxes rani” The msz.thittnn was also pascel tavin c•ith.r..” tDc-..stYln Retired teachers volunteer The Good Will Committee Huron Perth. Distrut 9. ,Superannuated Teachers got their work off to a good start .at their first meeting held in OctOber at Clinton, foilowino their luncheon. Nine volunteers wen. preserit Chairman Mary Wigh2n-r20 Of Btyth. Vic Dinnin.• Zurich. who is a senator of S.T 0 Norma Coutts and Margaret Mundell. Wingharn, (,err O'Brien and Edna Stevens. Goderrch: Helen Brvans. !Mitchell. Effie Stephenson. Seafuith. and Melia M.rElroy. Myth Several vallunteers were unable to he present parts of Huron and part of Perth were disided into sections fop the administration of Good Will Gon-d WIII lnnperattr•14 shoz.gd proNe t• -b he a tog cn-ent on the adrnintstratronnI Good woil) Each Teacher became are f the territ.ar, tov.hs villages and tmvnships for vkhh she cr he Ix as respvnsNe Mrs Rrar mtferrd ti cirgani7e. sth Perth and Ann Srnath an:5 Margaret ScOet-.e. of 13ms.seX offered to rz.mheazhers in !Elect area . Good Wilt will take the form of ,,tcats to private homes nursmg homes. hnspttals teCeph,-r*e (Os. the serdimg of cards and nates mhen the r..?ed artses, offerme a drme to a shopping (entre as to ch,z2tch etc The asssstarie of Huron resideotc ad tearbers both active Old inaqe n flc.at.. Ing superannuAtea teaZ•hers who hase Pro taught in Horan but vl rma resle here .m.o.-071 h reatvap• predated h; Wi emrxdr111-tee rrernrs You are invited to our OPEN HOUSE e Sunday Nov. 23rd 1-5 p.m. We furnish quality. style & bonlentment, Please drop in and browse Our pricing poiocy makes it ‘Kiorth the drive '‘ Open T1 '0 Se! 9 3-0 a m - 6 p m aiGt DG v(i3905 • FREE DELAVERY SERVICE rt•ur 930a"•6p m . Fr4days 9 30 a m - So" . CIosezt Mondays Mtn Street. Duboin Thzepttone .345-2250 • — '11 000( ETTLE1( 6146[41 Fine Furniture '