HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-13, Page 23THE HURON EX Mentien. the lanniber 13. and you strike' feat into the heart of a lot of people,•ut not likely entlyin)30b, And Betty. They own Boband Be0ors, naulapurpose store on the main Street in Seaforth, and this week they are celebrat- ing' the store's thirteenth antiversary. When it first opened in 1967, the business occupied only a small portion of the ace it now covers. At the space it was strictly a milk convenience variety store. In 1969 the Beutenmillers purchased the building and three years "later a complete _expansion and renovation of the store was undertaken.T6 an original floor space of 33 feet(depth) an additional 57 was joined on. -"We started out with only Q,PIT.O.F.1;'NC.1)iPlY11.3.P..Ft 13 1980 'tbe corner at the 'front,- eOlained)39b, '!At the time 'there 'Were doctor's offices at the rear Of the store:" The ...ytpanded floor space meant the, business could extend •and diversify its stock, which climaxed in 1978 with a ' Radio Shack distributorship. The idea for the store first carne to Bob from a friend in Exeter who was having re- markable sucCess with a similar project. At the tinie, Bob was working for his father, who owned Ipron VVholsaler. Bob, who was raised in Stratford, came` to Seaforth in 1959 when his father bought the wholesale bust - He -rit'tended— Sehool here for one year before jo)ning his father. Seven years later, Bob and Betty's was born. lirYIE,:`, ler After saing his husiness in 1972,'Beh's father Gorden joined the store staff. He is • kept•husy at the front part of the business, the variety section, front Monday thros ugh Friday. Bob spendS• much of his time in the stere0 section at the rear, of the store. In its 13 yearS the StOre has been a marvelous.. Suecess, and Bob is cinife Certain ,Of the reaSen. for it. "The of our success is the peOPie of the 'conimunity Who have patronized us to a very great extent.". , The town has also benefit- ed from Bob and Betty's, particUlarly the girls who work at the •store. "We 'employ four .girIS who work nights and weekends, we have a very high ratio of girls who .go en to college or University," he added proud- ly. He and his wife Betty, who does the bookkeeping at- the business have three children; Lisa. 14, who now WerkS in the store, Bradley, 10 and Jason, 6. Bob is well knownfor his work in spdrtS throughout the communitY, both as a player and coach, He is also a member of the Seaforth Lions Club. Successful bazaar held at aueensway The Qeeensway Staff and residents wish to thank all who helped to make .,theix Bazaar and Bake Sale so successful on Saturday. Rev. Kashbough condUct- ed Church service at the home assisted by Mrs. Lash- _ _ - Visitors with Irma Wilds were Kax,Cockwell and Mr. and Mrs. John Milds, Mrs, Annie Kinkbeiner, Nora and "Win the race against time"..: Exclusive toggle -trip high -clearance beam design International 720 Semi -Mounted Moldboard Plows No ' other non -automatics can match these for ,time- saving performance t3eams are designed with'high pivot point especially for,itsrkon these modern high - clearance IN plows Toggle trip swings bottom high and clear of obstruction And you don't have to back up to reset—lust raise plow with tractor hydraulics and bottom's own weight drops it back into plowing position You're ready to go - See us for details.' again—with no shifting, no fuss, no both- er Also easy to trip by hand and pin in "up posttion for changing shares. • Available in 4 to 8 -furrow sizes with 16 or 18 -in spacing, plus big 20 -in model in 5 ,6-turrow size • High 33 -in vertical. clearance handles heavy trash wilhout plpgging • Clean rugged backbone and beam de- sign SEAFOIZT11 521.0120 Tilin Dogan. Mrs: Irene visiting with film were Ina Congratulations tb Finlayson and Mrs. Vera Johnston visited their mother Mrs. Volland. Wilfred and Ruth Schantz visited with Nell Kendrick. Pete and Violet Marks visited Muriel Irene Neeb and Annie Finkbeiner, Dunn who was the lucky Roy and Mabel Alderson winner , of the cake draw which was donated by Lou visited Mrs. Vivian Aide"- Erb. Thanks to Mary Ginger. son. Michelle and Owen ich,ftJen Gingeria, Muoi O'Rourke, Celisana and Lud . Dot McCauly, Grace . Adrianna Dedont visited all in, Stella Gingerich, • --Triebner-,--tvIrs7-Vielet-Bishop- and frnclly_L: • 1 FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED SEAFORIli • AYR • CAMBRIDGE • WOODSTOC,K visited Mrs. Irene Kalb- Reformed Ladies visited resi- who put on a program for the waited quietly for his owners outside Saaforth Manor Saturday. Inal e ft eisch. Mrs. Herb Jones dents last week and played residents. It was very much anor residents had a huge variety cif hand made -toys, crafts and visited her husband, also Bingo and gave treats. appreciated. ceramics on sale. (Photo by Alexander) Afghan won at Constance Foresters fan dance Correspondent MRS. MARY MERNER 482-7143 Courst Constance and Constantine Foresters lodge held their fall dance on Saturday evenhig November 8th at the Seaforth Com- munity Centre with Solid Ivory providing the music. Court Constantine made their draw for the I st prize -a Afghan with Michelle Stanley of Ilderton being the, winner. Second prize, a cushion was won by Joyce Hodgins of Parkhill. 5280' was realized for cancer Research which will be pre- sented at the Fall Assembly. 4Mitchell, Ont., NOK I NO \AtottliBus: 348-9975 Res: 348-9975 Oflk 81;kr Insuronc• thOt S vow* tryly the co-operAlo6 BRUCE SMITH Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street e• the co-opeatoe sl) INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES LIFE•EIOME•AUTO•RUSINESS•FARM PERSONALS Samsack and Manychanh Banouvong and—their baby daughter Thidaphone of Laos ' have moved to Canada and are residing with Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos, Steven, Sharon, Kenny, Michael Andy and_Kathy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods and Michelle of GananOque, Mr. and ,Mrs. Cacti Pattersdn of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Kim and Grey of Winthrop visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and , Mrs. John Thompson attended the Awards Night at Humber College in Toronto on Tuesday evening November 4th. Their daughter Sharon received on award for her progress in the retail flora - culture course. They also visited with Mrs. Andy Thompson and Jeffrey of Oakville. Odds n'ends by Elaine Townshend that things are getting out of hand. The damp dreary mess of the past few weeks was one thing, but this sudden cold blast is something else. I have yet to meet anyone who is ready for winter. Most agree it is too cold too soon. Some are considering mutiny. What do you inted to do 'about it? - . 'A month or more of Indian Summer frost on plowed- ground in the morning, sunshine in the afternoon and clear skies at night - would sooth some crusty spirits. A &Listing of snow in December - enough to give us an official White Christmas but not enough to interfere with travel - would please many people. An open winter, with drifts stategically placed to keep skiers smiling and motorists driving, would be appreciated. You did a good job last winter. but let's be honest. Anything would have looked good after the winters we endured earlier in the 70s. Southwestern Ontario is notorious for its hard winters, and residents have proved their perseverance time and time again. Can't we break from tradition? 1,, for one, believe we deserve a break today. Check your woolly caterpillars. and see what you can do about it, will you? Yours truly. and freezing. Dear Weatheman: Somone sueaested I should write to you before I become too busy pestering 'Santa Claus. I didn't take him seriously _until today. I opened the door this morning and stepped outside, The wind blew me back in. . I tried again, and snow pellets stung my faces.. My nose turned blue before the car warmed up. This is autumn? Winter does not officially begin until December 21. Therefore we should be in the midst of sunny, crisp and colourful fall days. Where have you been? On a Florida vacation? ' Granted, you turned out a few good days in early October. They were perfect. They showed us what autumn is all about. They were too good to last. and they didn't. . A peculiar thing about those days was they started on Wednesday and ended on Friday. Like cleckwork. the sun went down on Friday night and the rain clouds came out on Saturday. Some people, who were -cooped up in an office or a classroom all week, took exception to that, sir. Farmers didn't enjoy hauling corn out of the mud, either. 1 realize your job is difficult, and nagging from me will not make it easier. But I thought I should bring to your attention itaAVS BOB & BETTY'S VARIETY & GIFTS and Radio fine 13th ORkSTEREOS We specialize in Yorx stereos. Over 15 models to choose from. STEREO FM/AM CASSETTE RECORDER with 8 track full size semi-automatic tOntable Reg. 5499.95 ANN. SPEC . $429i; 95 ..." ..\, -,•-itt%t*e.14\\ \ w \ c,A 50 \ et2:43 C,4- \/' q \ ' \....voN2......--- \(sIA cp2i ' \ - \ ..-! v 0 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. Till 11 P.M. BACK ROW: Bob, Betty Beuttenmiller, Gord Beuttenmiller FRONT ROW: Parn CamoHenderson. Losa Beolttenmoller Primeau. Lynn than. Noreen SUPER SPECIALS Stock Up For 'Xmas to il> 4C1 rtadielhaek Come in and check out our 61, Nov. 8 Dec. Xmas flyer specials. LARGE SELECTION OF REMOTE TOYS AND ELECTRONIC GAMES . Something for.everyone in the family KODAK Film • C110-12 Reg. 219 Ann. Sp. 1 .39 C 135-24 Reg 3 19 1 .99 Ann. Sp. ea Reahst.c ,, Super Gold CASSE.TTE Tape , 60 min BUY 1 GET 1 FREE 90 Min BUY 1 GET 1 FREE METRIC Calculator Natoonal Semiconductor Reg Ann. Spec. 21: 95 Ciacg 8 Track FM Stereo S200 Reg ;189 95 Ann. Spec. 1 89.95 Motorola 8 track Reg 109 95 . . Ann. Spec. 64' 95 Kodak Handie Camera Reg 48 95 Ann. Spec. 28.88 Bic Lighters Reg 1 39 Ann. . Spec. Hosuss Chips Ail Flavours Reg Pr:ce 1 19 • Ann. Spec. , 89c Neolsons Willopacks Rosebuds, Slow Pokes. Nut Fudge - Clusters, Will° Crosp Reg 1 39 Ann. Spec. 99 Turtles 14 oz choc R. 5.69 Arm.- Spec. $ 4.39 Sate items from Thurs. Nov. 13 - Sat. Nov. 22 THANK -YOU FOR SHOPPING AT BOB & BETTY'S VARIETY & GIFTS Bob & Betty's Variety & Gifts 527C1680 SOO • ALL STEROS ON SALE DURING OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE WE ALSO HAVE: —• Xmas cards by Coutts -Hallmark —Toaits Toys games _ w — Timex watches — Magazines — Brigham pipes — Plastic models & — Name mugs — Truck mirrors — Box chocolates — Wall plaques — Giftware & pottery Paint a Main St. Seaforth `r.