HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-13, Page 207 71 fl r" 7 Ir. '77.'7 7.P. THE HURO E)(ROS1TOR EMBER'..1.i..19.09:' •11.111011111.1.1.1......1.00100000041.1000.""ar 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale -e Area Farmers concerned about Absentee Ownership" here is your chance Monday Nov.17 1980 Farms on Show McKillop Township LOT. 20 CONC. 3 LOT 18 CONC. 4 LOT 21 CONC. 3 LOT 20 CONC. 4 LOT .).” ,y) CONC. 4 LOT 21 CONC. 4 LOT ' 17 'CONC. 4 . LOT 0 CONC. 5 LOT .26 & PARTOF LOT 27 CONC. 6 STARTING POINT AT LOT 19 CONCESSION 4 AT. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. View and purchase some of the -best farmland in Southwestern Ontario. Financing available to qualified purchasers • For further information please contact: DON HAMILTON. REAL E etATE 414 IN SU RANCE LTD. flIROPCIgU SEAFORTH • Steve Murray 345-2172 527-0460 Bill Henderson 527-0995 House for Sole Well stituated. close to churches clinic and main street. Two bedrooms lovely dining room, living room, kitchen. 3 pc bath. Entirely redecorated. Two storey barn. garden. Must be seen to be appreciated. APO,' Keith MacLean 527-0225 14-78-1 ONE HUNDRED Dolkrs For 514800.00 You can own this 3 bedroom. kitchen, Living and dining room town house unit with a foul= piece bath- room and full basement.. Beautiful refinished walls and plenty of closets. Monthly payments only. 5160. including principal _ . and interest and we will give you 5100 towards your nioving expenses. Located a few miles south of Clinton on Hwy. 4 in ea quiet „town in Vanastra beside Church and Conestoga College. Open House SATURDAVND SITNDAY between 12 and 5 rem. . Phone 4.82-3828 14-79-1 Remember/ It takes but a moment to Pace an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. 13 Wan ted WARD LTD. Seaforth, Ontar )- 519-527-12:077 1"n Street We have interested clients for dairy farmswith approximately 100 to 200 acres and cash crop land with 200 to 600 acres, We also have available approximately 5000 acres throughout Southwestern Ontario. REPRESENTLNG SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO Dawn Rathwell Bruce Rathwell Res. 432-3120 'Res. 482-3120 "WORLD WME REAL ESTATE COMPANY" OFFICE LOCATIONS Europe, Montreal. Embrun. Winnipeg. Saskatoon and Seaforth 43. 14-79-1 ' 1 Property for Rent TWO bedroom hose for rent on Centre Street. Apply Scott Poultry Farms. 527-0847. 15-79-1 , TWO bedroom apartment. s)frig and stove, utilities , supplied. Between 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone 527-0636, 15-78-tf GOOD used furniture 482- 7422 13-78-4 IS Property for Rent BRODHAGEN 3 or 4 bedroom brick house 1 mile froth Village on Paved road. Available immediately. Please call in the mornings or after 6 p.m. 345-2032. 15-79-2 AVAILABLE November 15th modern 4 bedroom home IV, bath on paved road between Seaforth and Hensall. Phone 262-2928 or 262-5768. 15-79-tf THREE, bedroom house for rent 527-0610, 9-4:30 p.nri. or 527-1244 after 7 p.m. 15-79-tf 4 3 bedroom farm home 5 mile east of Hensall. Available December -f§t-. • Phone 262- 5988.. • 15-79-2 DESIRABLE large home on edge of town, reasonable rent. 527-1971 15-79-1 3 bedroom farm house close to Henson. Completely reno- vated, Wall to wall carpet. 5200 per month. Phone 262- 2928 or 262-5768. 15-784 LOOKING for person or per- sons to share five bedroom farm house. Cali after five 527-1343. 15-78-2 2 bedroom house, dose , to uptown. Available December 1st Phone 345-2685. 15-78-4 TWO bedroom apartment available immediately. Phone Monday -Thursday 527-0920. 15-784 3 bedroom townhouses, new- ly decorated. Located in Vanastra. 2 miles from Clin- ton. Quiet location. $229.00 per month, including heat -and hot water.- TV cable available. kpply at office - Block H. Unit 1 or phone 482-3828 between 6:00 and 10:00p.m. 15-78-tf Remember moment positot 52/ 0240 it takes to place an Want Ad but a Ex - 19 Notice • 19 Notice SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Fast •efficient service. Write or Call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth 527-0284, 19-78-tf LIGHT bulldozing, landscap- ing, backfilling, Larry Bailey, 523-4498 • 19=78-tf PRY Hardwood, Maple, Hickory delivered. Campfire wood, hard and soft, 482- 9250, , 19-79-1 _ ATTENTION FARMERS! Sheep and cattle clipper blades shtipened while you wait or send by mail, 52.95 per set. Special on 83AU/ 84AU Clipper Blades $12.95 per set. Verbeelcs Farm & Garden Centre, 22 Isaac St., Box 70, Clinton, Ont. Phone 482-9333. 19-731 Complete Custom From Needlepoint, crewel, photo, oil paintings, etc. Regular or non -glare glass. Ready to hang:, 48_ hr. serVipe. HAROLD TYNDALL Clinton 482-7409, 19-79-1 VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter - 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING ' and .. PROCESSENG , •Kill days - Tuesdays* Our specialty -Home cured and smoked meats Processed exactly the way you like it. 19-38-tf EAVESTROUGHING Seamless rolled on the job to length required. no leaking joints. A eailable in five colours. residential - faren commercial. Ken Mccann Enterprises Ltd. Phone 234. 6401 colleen Crediton Ontario 19.'1 FUEL 011, FURNACE Repatr and Cleaning 24 Hour Seriice PARATCHE K'S MAD+ ttAN� Dublin 345-2235 19- 78•tf SCHOLL'S ABATTOM Hensall 262-2017 262-2041 Ctilstorn Staughtering and. Processing • S(ondays Beef Tuesdays PorVig County Appointments Non -County Councillors Certain appointments are made eachyear by the County of Huron to various local boards or conirniftees. For 1981 County appointments are to be made as follows: • Huron County Land Division Committee • Huron County Public Library Board. All present members of the Librarv Board and all members of the Land Dilision Committee except one are eligible for reappointment ff interested. submit details in %; rittng (including telephone number) and indicate committee or board on which yoli Ocier to serve Applicants for the Land Division Committee shonid be from the northwest part of the County. Submissions to be received by the undersigned by DECEMBER 5, 1980. B.G. HANLY Clerk -Treasurer & Administrator `. County of Huron Court House, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 19-79-1 19 Notice , 19 Notice ATTENTION FARMERS! Wanted Dead or Disabled Cows & Horses Stocker cattle, calves and swine pick up Free of charge Top -Prices Paid For fresh animals over 500 lbs - $1.00 a hundred weight. Cows and horses Over 1500 lbs,. - $20.00 4 wheel driveradio-dispatched trucks 24 hr. service -7 days a Week ' For fast efficient service call us first Brussels Pet Food Supplies 887-9334 or 887-6064 Toll'Free 1-800-265-4267- 19-57-tf The Tree . Trunk 5 Mali:St., Seaforth A complete line of New and Used Antiques and Collectables •Buy•Sell•Trade•Swap Tom and Dawn Papple 527 -0514 -Store 527-0940 Home 19 -78 -if DISC. JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK 'N ROLL Good recorded music for weddings. dances. anni- versarles, parties etc. Phone Brussels es enings 887-6159 19-'8 al Henspll Livestock Soles SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All clas-ses of livestock WE INVITE VOLT CONSIGNMENTS , Greg Hargreaves ' 262-2619, Hensall Doug Carothers, 237-3734, Dashwood Victor Hargreavesi 482-7511. Clinton Barry Miller 236-2711. Exeter and '229-6205 Kirk -ton co -self VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 mils% south of Clint on Highwoy No. 4 ! [.._ •NEW OR USED 1•19ME FURNISHINGS •APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS - Open: 6 days a week 482-792.2 19-784 R.S. Box a Funero0 Home 47 High Street. • Seaforth Phone: 527-0885 19-78.. if Painting & Decorating All kinds of painting exterior and interior. Also wallpapering »»and carpentry. 23 years experience. G. HANSEN 262-5175 19-74-8 • Custom Slaughtering and Processing IGIL Day Wednesday fiiIZIZNZR*S DASHWOOD 237-36 7 I 9-1t-tf SANGSTER Plufribio„g. Heating. Electrical. Gas Fitter and Oil" Burner Mechanit Government Certified 125 King Street Hen salt, Ontario Phone 262-2726 24 Hour Emergeroc Servo:A, a 19- - 2n Auction Saes Richard Lobb Aut. rtInet" T AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 Sat. Nov. 15 at 10 a m Antiques. furni- ture etc at Richard Lobb's . Clinton for Mrs • ert ROCA, den plus a ditions 20- 78x 1 USE EXPOSITOR - WANT -ADS Phone 527-0240 'rieasole„theieeemilasesaitheisiedelelieea,-_ • 20 Auctiat Sales •• • •• • R.G. Gethke GENERAL AUCTIONEER' , Serviifg Perth and Huron Counties with many years of experi- ence. For, reliable service at reasonable rates. Call 347-2465 Collect b. 20.AuctiOn Sales LARGE AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture, appliances etc. .to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Mrs. Bert Rowden plus additions. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 at 10 A.M. Clothes dryer, twin (lib washer, bench saw, oval chrome table and 4 chairs 26" Colour TV, nine, piece dining suite, walnut bed, upright piano, three piece' bedroom suite w/mattress, antique hall seat w/mirror, rocking chairs, wicker., 'rocker, 4runks, dressers W/mirrors, chests -of drawers, mantel clock, washstands, chesterfieland chair, davenport matching chair, extension dining table, two press - back chairs, four modern maple captain chairs, high chair, lawn chairs, flocir and table lamps, six dining "chairs, spool bed, humidifier, wet & dry vacuum, upholstered chairs, small tables, large black board with stand (new) steel beds, electric train, vacuum cleaner, crocks, pots and pans. dishes and glassware some antique pieces. oil lamps, small appliances, . -bird cage. Ariens garden tiller, lawn boy lawn mower, electric lawn mower. lots of garden- tools, wheelbarrow (good one) large offering hand and garden tools, plus our usual large offering. TERMSCASH Auctioneer Richard Lobb 411 20-79-1 elagoell g,2LeeialeraliTh KIPPen Property by Auction • We _have been instrueted by the owner to offer by 4 Public Auction a 50 acre parcel of land with buildings. Sale to be held at thc location Lot Part 15, Concession 2 on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15Th 1". miles East ef Kippen. LAND: 50 acres No. I soil. suitably tiled. 4 acres bush flat land. 2900 heat units. Buildings; 3 bedroorri. ; storey frame house, kitchen. living. family. and utility rooms on main floor. Full basetnent. oil heat Barn set up for Farrow to Finish. Cape(' ty 40 sows. New stabling with Stable Cleaner Tenni! 510.000.00 personal cheques acreptcd payable to Rathwell and Associates Posgession • 60 days. Equipment: Allis Chatmere CA Tractor. new tires aloe seeeeeter; 14,-(.ccerrreet WiS trailer. good working cndition lntcinatrnr.al tthto Rater. John Deere 3 furrow trail- plow. 9' internatienal Tratt Cultivator; international 15 run dnable dice gram and fertilizer drill: Allis Chairr,ers '5 btu poll type. 9" Fairbanks 1 MOTTi4 Hammer Mill. 2 h p Fiecim Grinder. Hardy Power Washer (new). Homy tep tent tralter • pull type: Wood kitchen conk stMe Irvine Ferris and Family Proprietors 20-79-1 (i -de/ y- ./5.jortate..5 • / r 7 (Th, AtiC.Ir'NEERS IJOt.,1)AToRs APPRAPSERS 7'' -'AN ST SEAFORT)4 ONT ARCO NOP< IWO 519; 527-'458 21 II nilf r awed Town of Mitchell Tender Seated tenders ttrll he receiyed by the under- signed at the Municipal Offices in Mitchell until ; 5 Oki p rri lc,cal time Friclay. December 5.1980 F171 the purpose of municipal • Garbage Collection %strhin the Town of Mttchell Contract documents ma7. he obtained from the Municipal Office. 169 St. David Street North, Mitchell. Ontario. The lowest or any ender not necessarily accepted. Donald J. Eplett A.M.C.T. TomT of Mitchell 169 St. David Street. N. Mitchell Ontario NOK INO - 21-78-2 4 SonDahady Wants,. What ?on Don't Need! SELL. Through `Huron E xpOsitor Classif ied TVaiit Ads Additional Classified on next page