HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-13, Page 19‘5,„ • .20 THE HURON EXPq$1TORNOVEMBER 13;1980 , &Coming Events SOCIAL Tea Sponsored by Vanastra and Diatrict Lioness on Saturday, December 13th 2 to 4 pan.' Speaker famous. Claitvoyant Vera McNiche,. Tickets ayailabfe from members and Vanastra 'Factory Outlet. 1-79-1 CATHOLIC Women's League annual Christmas Bazaar, at St. James School ,gy mnasium. Saturday, November 29th, no 4 p.m. 1-79-1 JOIN the "dried ' flower" arranging group at the Van Egmo,nmd House Thursday nights 7:30 p.m. Registration fee of $10.00 includes partial supplies. 1-79-1 CHAf4GE of date for after- noon euchre from Nov. 19 to Nov. 20th at 2 p.m. sponsored by Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge 117. Lunch served. Held at 100F Hall, Seaforth. 1-79:1 BAKE and craft sale sponsored- by Past` Grand iP Club Edelweiss Rebekah lodge 117 in I.O.O.F. Hall, Wed., Nov. 26th 2 p.m. Draw. " 1-79 xl 1 Coming Events CHILDREN'SiXONdRT: fun and education Making Music Together with Eric Nagler, folksinger. Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, Nov. 22, 2 p.m. Reserved seats 52.50 at the door or call 523-9300 or 53-9636. 1-59-2 WATCH • for more information regarding the appearance of Mr. Boris Brott, internationally famous conductor of Hamilton, in Stratford. Mr. Brott ios the 1980 National Honorary Christmas Seal Chairman. It is hoped that Mr. Brott will conduct a benefit concert of a local Sedondary School Band in Knox Presbyterian Church, Stratford. 1-79-1 LOBA euchre will be held Monday, November 17, in the LOL Hall. LunCh provided admission $1.00. 1-79-1 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 p,m. 1st regular card 51.00. Re- stricted to 16 years or over. 15 re"..0ar games of 515.00; on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200.00.. Must go each week. 1 -)78-tf ALL STAR TOURS PIONEERS OF ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" WINTER SEASON Choice ol 14 Tours -12 to 23 Days Pensacola -Efficiencies -12, 14 and 19 days 7 departures from $299 Daytona Beach -Efficiencies -14 and 21 days 7 departures from S429 Disneyworld (incl. 2 meals/day) 14 and 21 days - 7 departures from $459 St. Petersburg (Princess Martha Hotel) 14 and 21 days - 7 departures 7 -NM S439 Florida at its best -14 days -7 departures from $499 Gulf Coast and Disneyworld-14 days -4 departures from $529 Grand Florida Circle -16 days -4 departures from 4599 Texas and New Orleans -14 days - 4 departures from 599 California and Historic West -23 days- , -7 departures from S1069 Hawaii Waikiki -Efficiencies -16 days -4 departu es from 99 1981 School Break - 3 Choices Departs Mar. 21 Daytona Beach - 9,days Disneyworld - 9 days Pe9sacola - 9 days from S32§ from S299 from $289 1-69-1 1400 Bishop St., Cambridge 623-3030 or foll free tnazttWeyoit 1-800.265-8620 malb> 4( -4( 4( Classified Rates Charges are based on the number of words Set of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers phone numbers (sr prices courit as one word per set Words joined by hyphens count as se'parate words FIRST INSERTION --- 15 worth 52 50 10c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -No copy ,hanges. per word, minimum $2 00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 52.1' per column inch SUBSEQUENT LNSERTTONS SI Rg per column mch (M:nimum-size in this category. I ' , riches Accepted in multiple's of half inch BOX NUMBERS TO ;HIS OFFICE -- 50c per insertme. BIRTHS - 15 words. 12 50.1(k per word thereafter MARRIAGES. • Engagements. Death Not,,e‘, 15 words 52 50, each additional word 10c EN MEMORIAMS 52 50 phis irk per line of i.erse COMING EVENTS 15 words 52 50. each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words 52 50,each additional ward 3c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON LN WEEK OF INSERTION No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon. Tuesday Deadline for classified ads N 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone -527-0240 -4 "--4.-4k. ,voigile. 1 Coming Event's BAZAAR FESTIVAL, 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday No- vember 15, 1980 at Ontario Street United Church, Ontar- io Street, ,Clinton. Featuring homemade baking, delicates- sen, cOuntiy produce, sewing and handy work, plants, flea market, Messenger sweets 'n- treats, -festival boutique centre, tea room. 1 -Th -2 The family of HOWARD AND JEANNE Preszootor invites family, friends and neighbours - to help celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary Fri. Nov. 21st at Saltford Dancing 9 to 1 Best wishes only Have your message read by 3,600 people Free On Cable cast 12 345-2341 w Courtesy , Mitchell-Seaforth ' Cable T.V. 1-78-tf 'SEAFORTH Minor Hockey Association Dance November 21st„ 1980 9-1 p.m. at Seaforth Community Centre. Music by: Free Spirit 56.00 per couple • age of majority card only. Ladies please bring sandwiches. 1-77-4 BINGO every Tuesday evening at V ANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5. Clinton 1st regular card 51.00; 15 regular games of 515.00: 3 share -the -wealth. Jaekpot S200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1-78-tf Blyth Lions Bingo every Saturday night 8 P.M- BLYTH NEEMORIIAL HALL Jaelrpot$150.00 In 60.calls 1- 78- '4 Help Wanted • 4 Help Wanted Wanted Experienced Tractor Dump Trailer Driver required Experienced only need apply Apply in person to: Louis McNichol 'hacking Ltd. Seaforth 4-78-2 MEIMINIM4 REQUIRED IMMEDIATfiLY Experienced Welders M.C.C.R. ticket required. Apply.in person Monday November 17, 1980 at ROBERT BELL INDUSTRIES LTD. 15.6Main St. South Seaforth, Ontario. - 4-79-1 HELP WANTED General Labourers Welding shop experience preferred. Apply in person Monday November 17 at: ROBERT BELL INDUSTRIES LTD. 156 Main St. South Seaforth, Onario 4-79-1 5 Bus. Opportunity DO you run out of Money before you run out of month?/ Turn the tables with extra " income from -interesting part- time work. Local Amway distributor trains you for splendid opportunity. Phone 527-0898. 5-78-tf EARN a second Income. Learn Income Tax Preparation at home. For free Brochure write U & R Tax Schools, 118 4oxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4. No Obligation. 5-79x1 GROUND floor opportunity to make you wealthy for founding Multi -,Level Distributing. Only one per town or city needed. Write Canadian Ways. Box 7500. London, Ontario. N5Y 4X8. 5-7911 An Expositor ,Classified %Al pay you dividends. Have vou tried one? Dial 527-0240. 8 Farm Stock. • /OVEN ready chickens 41/2 • months old from 7 to 12 lbs. Darren Beuerrnan 345-2306. 9-79x1 TWENTY -Four Hereford calves George Love. Walton. Phone 527-0637. 8-79-1 HOLSTEIN bull calves 345- 2209. 8-79-1 OVEN ready ducks and geese, ducks 51.00 per lb. geese 51.20 per lb. ready the last week of November. Phone 345-2515. 11-79-2 9 Farm Machinery INTERNATIONAL 414 Diesel Tractor. new paint. good rubber. excellent mechanical condition. SI,900. Bill Southgate. 527- 0812. 10-79•1 10 tised Cars Royal 1977 Pontiac Ventura AM/ FM Stereo cassette excellent condition certified. Call 527- 1IIinter Fair 1703 or 347-2334 after 6 p.m. 10179x1 Wednesday, November 19 for information phone 482-7262 4 Help Wanted LICENSED Mechanics required immediately 512.30 pet hour. Modern. fully equipped 10 bay shop Jerry Ford Sales. Phone (403) '23-4441. 11ox 39, Edson. Alberta. TOE OPO 4-19x 1 Energy Distributor seeks Dealers and Sores People in your territory We offer the most com- plete line of energy man- agement equipment ap- proved for sale in Canada. R,esidential, commercial, industrial and rural. Exceptionally compat- ible sideline for electrical, heating and refrigeration contractors. For furtwr details call 519-655-2181 4-78-2 69 Firebird 400 convertible 327, 4 speed Phone 527-1846 10-79-1 • 1973 Ford LTD., power steering, power brakes, new tires and new brakes body fair, as is 5450. Phone 527- 1167. 10-79-2 " Situations Wanted 11 Articles for Sate WILL do babysitting in my own home. Phone 52- 054" LAYING and finishiu con- crete floors for basements. garages. drive sheds etc. Call George 482-3291 ---8-tf EXPERIENCED 21 year old seeks work on farm fot winter months. Please call in the mornings or after 6 p.m. Ask for Eric 345-2032. 7-79-2 CUSTOM corn combining. Second combine for large acreage. trucking available. Brian Wilson 527-1123 7-76-4 8 Farm Stock PUREBRED Yorkshire boar 71/2 months old. Paul Dodds 527-0686 8-79-1 • WANTED to buy reasonable priced h Phone 347-2623. e: 79x2 11 Articles for Sale 11 Articles for Sale 14 Property FOR Your family and friends at Christmas, let us show you our fascinating musical figurines and boxes. 512.95" up. 482-3679. 11-79-1 PUREBRED Beagle pups. 527-1715. 11-79x8 BROWN leather reclining chair excellent condition; also, green 12 x 20 carpet; 26" cabinet colour T.V. set. green leather rocking chair, Call after 5 p.m. 345-2705.. I1-79-1 METAL Detectors ,8z Acces'sories Mark II 579.95. Also Fisher, Bounty Hunter. For information send 51.00 refundable on purchase. Buried Secrets, 17 Main St. Catharines L2N 4T5. 11-79x1 2 snowtires C-78-14, mounted on 5 hole rims fit Maverick cars. 527-1239 11-79x1 ONE Bell • Howell Focus -Matic Super & zoom Movie Camera Model 491F; 1 movie screen; 1 Bell and Ho -.:1 Super 8 Movie Projector; 1 super 8 movie light. Phone 527-0726. 11-79x1 ALF Dale's original oil paintings for Christmas giving. Scenes and still lifes. 527-0510.„ 11-79-4 RCA Radio record player console model. In. good condition. Mrs. Jean Ryan 345-2383. 1972 Ariens snowmobile, good condition. Call 527-1771 11-79-1 Brunswick 8 ft x 4 ft pool table and accesories for sale. In good conditoin. Phone 527-0729. , 11•79x2 HIGH oil prices. cold winter we have feathers to cover you and keep you warm. Down filled comforters. pillows. We also do reupholstering on furniture. For information please contact T. Kcss. R.R. 1, Belgrave 357-2718. 11-79-1 FOUR sheltie collie pups to give away. 5 weeks old. Ken Gemmel!. 527-1689. 11-7912 HAND knitted toques and mitts, also scarves and berets.. various sizes and colours. Telephone 527-0855. 25 John St. 11-797.2 6 black lab puppies 5 male and one female 527-0704. 11-79-1 SEWING machine demon- strator sale. Choose ,from White. Elna. Husqvarna, Janorne, Save' Save! Save! Sew 'n Save Centre,' 149 Doiw- Street (2 doors south r of Hudson%) Stratford. hone 271-9660 .( ?Used Mon ys. 11 78-tf LARGE quantity of R 12: • fibreglass batts will sell reasonable price. Inquire at 527-08a9 11-79-2 1980 Artic Cat snowmobile trail cat 440 Independent front suspension. Driven one month. New 53200.00. Calla, 527-0520 after 6:00 p.m. 11- 79x1 a Mahogany wall cabinet. corner cabinet, drop leaf table, and four lyre back chairs. 527-1123. 11-79-2 A stereo with extra's and desk all in good condition. Phone 527-1587. 11-79x1 Cold Hands! See the wide variety 0 work Gloves & Milis now in stock BELL'S CROWN HARDWARE 527-1420 14-7Q.) 444--44AINIAR 4- 4. 4__4_ 4,44e. -SiteelLIME 444 -4-4 KEYBOARD SALE Wurlitzer pianos. orga others Big price reduction during Noxember 40 FREE Lessons with organ purcha e Special to seniors ov r 60 We pay the tax! See Henry at PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth O'pen 10 to 4;30: cleseci noon and Wed. 11-78-4 APPLES Special U -Pick 2 bushels 510 Excellent Northern Spys No bitter pit Also Delicious While they last Bring bushel baskets Open every day ROSS MIDDLETON ORCHARDS 1 mile east of Bayfleld north of river 1. 11-78-2 SIXTEEN new holding stalls for dry sows. After 5 call 345-2088. 11-78-2 • CALL Anne, your Vanda Beauty Counsellor for those hard to buy Xmas Phone 527-1587 1J -78x2 GIRL'S suede coat, white fur trim, size 12; girls tweed ,hooded coat, size 14; quan- tity of girl's dresses, slacks, sweaters, size- 12-14. Perfect condition. 345-2665. 11-78-2 LADIES full length all wool fur trim med. grey coat, size 14. Excellent condition. Priced to sell. Phone 527-1587 11-78x2 DRY firewood cut and split. Phone 345-2277 after 6 p.m. competitive price delivery can be arranged. 11-76x5 12 Wanted to Buy OLD brick .buildings for wrecking and salvage purposes. Ross Lumley 1185 Murph•Road, Sarnia, Ontario P-hbrie 1-542-4088, -42-79x1. 14 Property for Sale DELTA. Price reduced Sunoco gas bar, store, mobile home park. Financing available. Call Del Wilson 613-928-2734 or 613-342-7693 Albert Gale Real Estate, Brockville. 14q2x1 DISTRIBUTORS: Official tests at San Bernardino, California showed improved engine performance and gas savings with our Patented Fuel Induction System easily installed in minutes and sells for 579 with a 30 day money back gbarantee. No franchite fees - investment secured by invq(ntory. For detailis, write International Marketing Services, 3 Book Rd., Grimsby, Ontario L3M 2M3 or phone 416-945-5461. 14-79x11 Anigrgis: Ideal executive home for professionals. Office included. Four bedrooms with many extras. - hone Del Wilson 613-928- 2734, rep. for Albert Gale' Real Estate. Brockville. 613- 342-7693. 14-79x1 STAFFA Mobile Home 12! x 52' on a large lot priced to sell at 510.500. Contact Charles or Myrtle Walkom. 348-8197 or 229-6149. Repre- senting Torn Reidy Realty Limited , 14-79-1 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phons: 4124311 50 acres' general farm in Hullett Township. CLINTON Central location red brick- 2 floor duplex, low down pay- ment could handle. HARDWARE and, farm supply. store with apt. Rural Village. , • • • • • •• 50 acres farrowing operation on paved road near Brussels. Additional land available. • • • • • *,i, • Restaurant and gas bar, main interseCtion, Blyth. *,.* • **• • • • 61/2 acres vacant land on No. 8 highway 1 mile east of Seaforth. •• ****** 1 acre 5th line of Morris Township iititiOarly new bungalo 1r,, house on property .acely treed. 14- 79-1 Additional Classified on- ' next page for Sale 14 Property for 'Sale FARM FOR SALE' 100 ACRES 90 workable, 4 bedroom house, large country kitchen, 2 baths, dining area. Bank Barn 40' x 80. Shed 20 x 40. • Located4near McKillop and Logan Township boundary. Askinng $175,000.00 for quick Sale. -Open for an offer! Owner will hold mortgage. " MAUREEN WILDFONG 482.3224 EGMONDVILLE - Owner will hold 1st mortgage.on this custom built home. All your living on one floor with lower, level for family, guests and entertaining. Fayed "drive. Low taxes.. • - McK1110P TOWNSHIP 50 acres with a custom built 3,000 sq. ft. home, attention paid to every detail.' Double garage.Paved-drive. _ JAMES STREET- Prestigous older 2 storey home, paritally remodelled. Located on A beautiful large corner lot. Make an o HULLETT TOWNS Hu - 5 are hog operation everything automat , renov ted 3 bedroom house, 2nd barn ready for xpansion. Try your offer! MARKET STREET - New Listi 1 3 bedroom brick and aluminum bungalow, la e ' kitchen, full basement. Close to schools 540's. MAIN STREET, NORTH - 11/2 sten, , 3 bedroom•( home, modernized kitchen, separate di ing. Located on 3 lots. Excellent location. • "iliE SIGN THAT SE MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224. TOM SCHOONDERWOERD 345-2459. 14-79-1 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMsmA 482-9849 SEAFORTH: HENRY MERO 527-0430 REDUCED TO S49,900.00 Take advantage of the 101/2% mortgage available on this cute and cozy, 2 or 3 bedroom home. Together with the reduced price makes a great buy. REDUCED TO S56,500.00 This truly elegant 4 or 5 bedroom home features a full finished basement and large lot. A super bargain with a 121/2% mortgage available. 14-79-1 uev459oper Ciass,Fred 4d:Art.15mq " ,e,,ngs Great Resuits! AAA: ikkAA-4fr'-k MAMA' - 4- 4c 4i 4r4- -4444 4 44444444 • 444 .4444 444 -4444t -4- 4- 44,4 4 44 4 44ile 41.1111ide.4*4-42r 4Nik 416A: -42 A Ae, 4- •