HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-29, Page 81 8 TRE MINGI[AN TIMES NOVEMBER, 29, 1906. 1( 6Iothin Dress Goods Beautiful, Rieh and Stylish Furs and all lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's fine and seasonable Underwear, come direct to D. M. GORDON'S. No house -no matter how much noise they make -can give you better value than yon will find here. And then you are sure of every article beiug the very newest and up-to-date in every par- ticular. Our stook of Glothing must be sold. We need the room, and therefore Clothing must go, Come and get the greatest bargains ever offered. D. ri. GORDON. IfIORJIs. The council met according to ad jour- ment on Nov. 19th. Members all pre- sent; the Reeve in the chair, Minutes reed and confirmed, A petition was presented by Mr. Robert McKenzie and others asking the council to appoint an arbitrator to con- sider the advisability of forming a Union School Section in the vicinity of Bel - grave. Kelly-YouilL-That no action be taken. -Carried. Tenders were received for the con- Etrnction of the proposed Kelly drain, and the tender of Nicholson & Regan, being $84,39, for the work, not including culverts, was found to be t he lowest. Kelly-YouilL-The above mentioned tender was accepted on condition that satisfactory security for the completion of the work be furnished. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows: -C. Praetor, putting in culvert, e i drain and put- tingP. Ellison, cle,.n pg P ting in culvert, $18 50; McHionon Brcs., filling on 4 h lisle new Belgrave starer:, $27.77; Roble 'Purvey, drain across road I en tad line, $3 50; Wm Turvey, drain eee099 TO i? pit end line,. S`.3 50; •T' seph Yonill, digging ti W.`,1 si Luckett drain 140- dentv.1)3g tt'd and putting m culvert, 017 50 ; Joseph Ycuill, drawing tile, .$1,S5; Robert Shedden, putting :n cal - vert, $1-25: Jno Colc:ongh, grading and gravelling, 1123; Wm Wells, tile culvert oa south boundary, $5; D, McDonald, repairing bridge, 06 50; Bielby & Phelan, repaicirg bridge, $10; Thos Bielby, cement culvert, $4; Wm Taylor, plank, $1,40; S. Walker, use of scraper, 50o; Wm McCracken, culvert, $1.50; Wm Anderson, repairing road, $1 50; D. W. • Campbell, repairing bridge, $3; Wm Rutledge, putting in drain, $7.10; D Jewitt, gravel and damage, $5.49; Jor- dan and Cardiff, drawing tile and pat• ting in culvert, $8.50; Jno Manning, tile and work, $5 85, Edward Bryans, wire for east boundary, $6; Wm. Riley, gravelling on east boundary, $30.25; James Bolger, inspecting on East bound- ary, $7.50; T. S. Brandon, expenses re Provincial Audit, $6; P. McNabb, drain and putting in culvert, $7.90; R. B. Alcock, cleaning drain $3 50; R. B. Alcock, filling and digging drain opposite 14 on Gth con. line, $75.00. The council then adjourned to meet again on the 15th day of Dec. next, W. CLARE, Clerk. Charles Reynolds of Stratford was Jellied at Woodstock on the railway track. Dr. Brown, eye, ear, nose, and throat, will be at Queen's hotel, Wingham, Nov. 29. Hours 8 a. m. to 2 p. m.; eyes tested and glasses supplied. -The TIMES wants two hundred new subscribers. The TIMES to January tat, 1008 for $1 or the TIMES and Week.y Globe to January 1st, 1108 for $1 35. --The Act passed by the Ontario Gov- ernment in 1005 regulating the width of sleigh runners was repealed in 1900, as was also the power heretofore given county councils to legislate in the mat- ter. There is now no set rule for the width of runners and builders can go on manufacturing as before. CHRISTMAS FANCY GOODS LITTLE LIVES SAVED, Many a little life is lost because the mother does not have the means at hand to aid herlittle one et the first signs of illness. In homes whore Baby's Own Tablets are kept the mother always feels a sense of security. These Tablets cure collo, indigestion, constipation, simple fever, diarrhoea, teething troubles and other minor ailments of babyhood and childhood. Baby's Own Tablets always do good -they cannot possibly do harm, Thousands of mothers keep these Tab- lets in the house and use no other medi- cine for their children. Mrs, Wm. Brown, Deer Park, Toronto says: "I find Baby's Own Tablets of the greatest help to my little ones and would not be without them." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bex from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brook- ville, Ont. MARRIED C - Hnv�-Wr.I..a. 7 St. All nada (:hureh, on November 20th, gbyRev,Pathe I aurendean lair Ndwlyd Hay -0 of Nlae tr•i Meeting of the Cou The Couuoil of th:{t will meet in the sou Town of Goderich, a the first Tuesday I All accounts to come must be placed with the day of the meetin Huron County County of Huron oil chamber in the 3 o'clock p. m., on December next. before the council the Clerk before W. LANE, Clerk. Dated Nov, 20th, 1006 LAKESIDE ST)CK FARM. Shorthorn Cattle - Leicester and Oxford sheep. Our present offering °s 4 Young Bulls and some oboice Feryiles. 30 choice Shearling and Ram .samba. 20 good Ewes. Prices right. PUB liS BROS., Lucknow, Ont, HOLSTEIN COW WANTED. A choice milking Holstein Cow wanted, be- tween the age of 3 and 7 years. Must be heavy milker. A registered oow preferred, acid one about to f reshen, or early in spring. A good price will be paid for a guaranteed cow. Persona having a cow of this description please write the undersigned, giving age and price. W. RUTHERFORD, Hardware Merchant, Wroxeter. FARM FOR SALE. The north half of I of Morrie, is offered cieared, ten acres goo pasture land. Good with kitchen 22 x 17 ; with stabling under: 28 x 60. Plenty of fences are in very go church and school. done. Will be sold o on the premises to T t 13, Con 7, Township r sale. About 75 acres bush, balance slash and neer brick house 22 x 20, od frame barn 40 x 60, ath; frame straw shed od water and the d repair. Convenient to bout 25 acres fall plowing reasonable terms. Apply OMAS RUSSELL, Sunshine P. O. EXECUTORS' SALE -OF- Valuable Town Property The undersigned Executors of the will of Richard Armstrong, deceased, will offer for sale by Public Auction , at the Brunswick Hotel, in the Town of Wingham, in thaQounty of Huron, on Saturday, the 8th day of Decemb- er, 1006, at 2 o'clock p. m., by Alex, Kelly, Auctioneer, the following valuable property namely: -Lots one end two on the east side of Josephi,,e Street and nine and ten on the west side of Martha Strict in Jane Sadler's third Survey in the Town of Wingham. There are on °the property a good frame cottage 22 x 30 with kitchen eat ached 14 x 30, and a new brick house 1;.i storeys high with frame kitchen attached ready for veneer,,and the land is in excellent shape for market gard- ening, Tenors OF SALe-The property will be offer- ed in two or more parcels to suit buyers. Ten per cent of the purchase money of each Parcel on the day of cafe and the baIenee wain 20 days thereafter. There will be a reserve rice. P Further particulars and conditions will be made known on the clay of sale or may be had VP}s., to Miss Nate VPelah of �`G. Ati lla@}g0;" " On applicarion to the undersigned, + - S R. VANSTONE 1 Executors. 'DIED Jilin„ A.',.4eLEAN ToasirorsE-In Belgrave, on November 'Wingham, Nov.':.l, 1000• 2lyd, Elizabeth Rath, wife of Mr. Richard. Haatouehouse, aged78years. Executors' Notice to Creditors. xul..-In Fnn•ick, on November 20th, Mrs. Charles 1±. Harris, aged 35 years and 0 months. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0.1 Mai \E. -In Wingham, on November 25th, 18N, Chap. Sec. 33, that all tons having aged. 88 years. Scott, wife of Mr. Chas. Milne, claims against the estate of Richard Arm - a LouGNE strong, late of the Town of Wingham in the Lo, Dorothy, i Wingham, eron f ander County of Huron, Market Gardner, deceased, . Dorothy, infant daughter o4 Mr, who died on or about the twentieth day of Mrs. David Lougheed. October, A. D. 1906, are required to send by BELL aged 80 years,m on sNov.d.15th,cl Edward Rost prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanetone, Bell, years,i 11,months and 20 days. Coca, you gest a, on Nov. 18th, Mary Solicitor aof December A. D.1906, theironam s, Letitia, youngest daughter of John Cook, aged addresses and descriptionsand a full state- ments, and 30 of particulars of their claims and the nature of the securit y (if any) held by thein T duly certified and that after the said day the net opened -most elegant designs in Tinted Centre Pieces, Onshion ' Tops, Shoo Bags, Button Rage, Der- - lin Wool Slippers, Wall Pockets, Whisk Holden, new designs in Scrim with ribbon embroidery ; also the newest Christens Stationery and Christmas Cards -all new and up -to - : date. Will announce our Toy Depart- ment later ; imme*a a stock. Also fine China up to the Crown Derby. K. M. FISHER Gregory Bloak, Wingbain, 1easurer's Sale of Lands Executors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the deceased among the parties entitled for Taxes, thereto, having regard only to the clams o which they shall then have notice. Dated this 13th day of November A. D. 180G. R, VANSTONE, Wingham, P. O. Solicitor for the Executors. Town of Wingham, County of Huron, To Wit ; By virtue of a warrant under the hand of oration f the a or and seal of the Cot o the M se y P Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, bearing date the twenty-fourth day of Novem- ber, ]906, and to me directed commanding me to levy upon the Iatds mentioned in the follow- ing *c dueher . and list for arrears of taxes t eo , cots therein set forth, 1 hereby give otice "that, unless the said arrears and osts are sooner paid, 1 shall proceed to s the said lands, or so much thereof as shall a necessary for arrears and costs, at the T..*n Hall in the said Town of Wingham, on 5, urdny, the 2nd day of !'larch, In the year 1 t 7, at the hour of two o'clock 1n the after on, in compliance with the pro7isions f t .. Assessment Act. Arrears. Costs. Total Lot No. 6 on the ear de of Scott street, C. Tai cott's 15 39 $2.90 $18.29 survey, patented Lot No. 7 on the east sida of Scott Street, 0 Tait Scott's snrvey,patented 1400 A Lane about ten feet wide between Lots Nos. 3 and 4, C. Tait Scott's survey, pat. 214 Lot No. 10 on the east side of Shuter street, government additional survey,ppateut'd 42.50 North part Lot No, 1.2, Peter Fisher's subdivision of park ' Lot No. 25, patented 3.31 Lot No. 22 north side of Mc- Intosh street,Petor Fisher's original mill reserve pat84 'Lot No. 23, north side o. Mc- Intosh street,Peter Fisher's oreinal mill reserve, pat,.84 South part Lot No. 10, west side of Catherine street, Leet and McKay's survey patented 508 2.75 783 J. 13, FERGUSON, Treasurer, Datsd, Treasurer's office, Wingham, Nov. 29th, 1000. 2.05 16.85 2.75 4 89 3 55 40.05 2.75 2.75 2.75 6.06 3.59 3 50 Established n fl YEARS N(1J A R S 1870 �7U AtRome This magnificent building and grounds is the reward of our 30 years of honest and earnest efforts. gill Open for New Year, Wednesday Jan. 2, 1907. The new home of the The Canada Business College FARM FOR SALE. CUT PRICES -- ON Heating orCookiogStoves WOOD pa COAL, We can save you from $2 00 to $5.00 on a stove. We need your money and will give you good value. Bargains in Second -Hand Stoves. Bishop & Baal. THE CENTRAL HARDWARE, WINGHAM. Lots 4 and 5, Concession 17, Howick Town- ship, containing 200 acres, more or less, belong- ing to the estate of the late John Ritchie. There are about 165 acres cleared and balance in swamp and wood land. 7 he farm is under - drained and fenced. throughout. There are on the premises a two story brick house with stone foundation, brick kitchen and stone woodshed, cement cistern, furnace, etc. There is also a good frame barn with stone founda- tion and stabling underneath; large driving shed, pig and hen houses A drilled well with plenty of water forced to House and stable by a 16 ft. windmill on barn. Windmill also used for chopping. This farm is located five miles north of Gerrie and three and a half miles east of the village of Beimore. Close to school, etc. Any one desiring a first-class farm in a good locality at a reasonable price would do well to investigate. Apply on the premises for full particulars. THOMAS RITCHIE, Belmore P. O. CHATEtAtI, ONT. Canada's Greatest School of Business. Its 80 years of high•class worlr, backed by this splendid equipment of building and sinal Dollars, eonpl'd with (heap Board and the paying of your Railway Fare • all of these combined. with its advantages se far above its cantemporaries that it does not pay the student to go elsewhere, and is drawing students from Newfoundland on the East to British Columbia on the Went. The English Spaaking World is our field. 400 Students placed in good positions last year. December is one of the best uroliths in which to start. If you cannot come to Clietharii and want to learn Bookkeeping, Shorthand or Penmanship, we can train you at your home ip these breeches through our Courses ByMoil, OM magnificent catalogue willtellyou all About these conrtos. Catalogue Ji' tolls about the 'gaining at Chatham Catalogue R tells about the Roma Cloureea. Write for the one you want, nieetiontng this paper,eddresaing in. LACZU. t (Sr CO., tniattha:m, 'Ont, ANYONE WISHING A . PARTICULARLY DESIli, ABLE 5 per cent, Investment KINDLY CALL ON ABNER COSENS 50 Giris 'Wanted Loan and Insurance Agent. vwwVWVVVVWWVVWVWWVv.V (PERFECTION/ is a pretty high mark, but that is exactly what is being aimed at here. Not In one thing only, but in everything pertaining to the .Z" business, namely: CHINAWARE, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Coffee Excellence, The coffee I handle is of an ex- oeptionally high grade, and having spent many years studying this line alone, I have every confidence in saying that it is the best on the market. Ask those who drink it. The prices are, per ib,, 25o and 40c Dates, Figs, Bananas, Oranges, LemOns, Grapes (Malaga), Ciacoes, Iladdie, etc , always on hand. Don't miss seeing my CHINA• WARE stook, We a good one. Dried Apples, flutter, Eggs, POtatoss,'eto., taken in trade. - To learn to operate hosiery knitting iachines. Beginners paf l $3 00 per week and pus on piece work as sun as they can earn more. Should be earning from $1.00 to $1.25 per def in from 6 to 8 weeks. Expert operators earning as high as $2 50. operators, We will procure good b applicants, if desired, We have the largest, best equipp ighest wages paid to experienced and at $2.25 to $2.50 per week for d and hosiery factory in Canada, running all the }-ear. This advertisement will be withdrawn as 1100n as these positions are filled, Apply early, to most comfortable Clir�aon K itting Co. CLINTON ONTARIO. J. Henry Christie Grocer and China Merchant WZNGIiAM, ONT. Ltd. ri5"c�i�S�c$•n ZD �Cjr!stfflas!: CiristmasClistmas a 1 RI sail • �C e What Will 1 Get For My Friends at Christmas? - . Don't worry ! For W. G. PATTERS,ON has something swell that will suit everybody. Never before has there been in Wingham or in any towel of its sis.e such a large stock of the latest and best Jewelry and Christmas Goods of all kinds We want the people of Wingham .and sur- rounding country to call and be convinced that there is no need to send to the cities for goods. We feel sure you will be convinced after seeing our stock. We will sell our high-class goods for less money than you can buy themfor in the cities. Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, of all the beet makes and newest designs - the largest stook north of Toronto to ohoose from RINGS -All prices and all designs ; nothing makes a better Christmas gift. DIAMOND Rums from ............. $10.00 to $250.00 NECK CHAINS - Solid Gold Neck Chains from $5.00 to 50.00 Our line of Gold Filled Neck Chains can't be beat ; from '1.25 to 12.00 BROOCHES - Solid Gold Br000hes-you should see them. From .... - 3.00 to 50.00 A large line of Gold Filled Brooches to choose from. From SOc to 10.00 CUFF BUTTONS -Solid gold, from 3.00 to 0.00 GENTS' TIE PINS -Solid gold, from 2.00to 15.00 A large line of Silverware and Novelties Of all kinds. • A line of Fine Leather Goods which will make swell Christmas gifts. In fact we have everything that you would wish for, to make a nice gift. Come early and make your choice, for our goods are selling. W. G. Patterson THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR WINGHAMV1, . - ONTARIO. .C/ 4 4 1 1 1 0 1 DOMINION BANK DANKOF HAMILTON na.o�o�oa T,aa�,o. WINGHAM. Capital paid up, Reserve Fund and Undivided profits Total Assets, over $3,000,000 $3,839,000 - 42,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts Bold on all points in Canada, the United. States and Europe. 5 4VINGB DEPARTMENT -Interest all wed on deposits of $1 and. upwards, and added taprinoipa180th June and 81st December each year. Dy T. HEPBURN, manager. R Vanaton., Solicitor. Capital paid up, $2,500,000,00. Reserve Fund, $2,500,000.00. Total Assets, 430,000,000,00. Presi tent- 110N. Wm. (lrssozs. V erPresident and Oenerel Manager -J. TAnNuncr., desistant Gen. Manager -18, 11. WATSON DIRECTORS John ?rootor, Chas C.Dalton, Hon J.B.leendrie, Geo, Rutherford, Cyrus A. Barge, In,peoior-B. Willson. BAVIN GS BANS, In'erest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and up - war is, and added to principal on 610 May and 30th November each year. Sp vital Doposite also received M o,Tr.nt rates of interest. 0, P, EMITS, d.iant31 DIC XINBON & SOL MEB, Solloitorr. THE CANADIAN 'MANN OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO 'B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND A general Banking business transacted. Accounts may be opened and conducted by mail with all branches of this Bank. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay what- . ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. Your Interests. When you find a store not selfish, but always studying the interests of its customers, you feel a security in trading there such as you feel nowhere else. Attained a Point: This store by earnest effort has attained a point of exoellence and won the confidence of the people so that busy parents do not hesitate in sending the children to do the shopping, knowing that their wants will receive the_ same prompt and careful attention as they would -were they present them- selves. Just a Dint of t for Ty Made -to -Measure Clothing. We have a splendid stook of Eng- lish, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds and Worsteds which we are making to special order in first-class style. Best trimmings, and fit and finish guaranteed perfect, with price saving to you of from $3.00 to $5.00 on a suit. Won't it pay you to investigate our offering i Bargains eek. Greatest Value Underwear. You can't form an idea of what the above statement really means. A visit to the store and a look over the goods will make yon a quick buyer. Men's heavy wool fleece Underwear 40o ea. Men's fine heavy all -wool Underwear 52o each ; special $1.60 line at 80o. Ladies' good weight ribbed Under- wear at 190 each, Extra valves in Underwear for the Girls and Boys. Stamped Linen Centre Pieces and Doylies. A bargain -clearing lot, assorted sizes, beautifully stamped in floral -designs, your choice, each 25o. Newest and Best in Dress Goods. There feee magnificent advantages in choosing here. Everything that's new for Fall and Winter. The earlier you can Dome the better, Scores of pretty weaves, designs and color effects to select from. Our prices mean a saving to you of from 20o to 50o on a dollar. Ladies' Jackets and Furs. "Unequalled values" is our claim for this department. Orders have been issued for a olean sweep of every Jacket and Fur in the store. Come with big expectations and they will be fully realized. We also offer tremendous bargains in Ladies' and Girls' Raincoats. A Fortunate Purchase. We have secured another bargain lot of largest size Flannellette Blankets, grey and white. They'll go quickly. BIG SALE PRICE• -Carpets, I.inoleums, laceCurtains. Trade Winners -Our Grocery prices are great trade winners. Produce taken same as cash. For Sale ---4 good Heating Stoves will be sold cheap. The Gigantic fi/Ioney-Saving Sale goes merrily on. THE BEE HIVE CO. MN TEE CABEY STORE Opposite l3runswick Hotel, Wingham, Ont,