HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-13, Page 6'1*-,TH.E..1704110N...expOpi Ok..NOYMAPPO...13, ..t900 i 'visits •::ah•Ot...1.0's TittP;OTte visits to the sick. an ,Wit,irts ,Made by Mr's: C,X) ;Sins-ard mrs. Mccuidy,weip..rcport, ,ed to,MeMbers 6f St James's Catholic Wornen's League at eNOveirther meeting by John Segeren, COM- Mtinity :life convenor. Mrs. Herman Hoste, pres- ident, welcomed all and otnrimented on the large attendance at Holy Mass and the meeting. Mrs. Evart • Wilson, spiritual convenor spoke about November being the month of All, Souls and read a prayer for the Souls in • INIrgatory. rfaig read the minittes of the October meet- ing and correspondence wa read by Mrs. Sid Wocks. - Mrs. Ken Vincent and Miss Barbara Jordan attended the rtcent Deaner' meeting at Goderich and Mrs. Vincent gave an excellent report. • , Arrangements for the • annual bazaar Nov. 29 were discussed and the following conv,enors named: Tickets - Mrs. Ewart Wilson, Mrs. Maurice Huard, Mrs. Dan O'Rourke, 'Mrs. Sid Wocks; Sewing -Mrs. J. Van Dooren, Mrs. Jno. Van Doornik, Mrs. Gerald Groothuis, Mrs. Cor Dorssers; Tea Room -Mrs. ' John Segeren. Mrs. Gordon Nobel. Mrs. Alvin Smale, Mrs Ray Hutchinson; Baking Sale -Mrs. Wm. Hart, Mrs. -Zack Ryan,- Janes— Devereaux. Mrs-. ,Louis Coyne; Penny' Sale- Mrs. Ken Vincent, Mrs. John Klaver. Mrs. James Palin. Mrs. Antone Poland; Candy• Mrs. William McMillan. Mrs. Michael Coyne; Gift Boutique -Mrs. Terry Craig., Mrs. Robert Kistner. Mrs. Dave Nigh. Mrs. Larry McLean:- Mystery Boxes - Mrs. John Shea. Mrs. Cor Dscorte; Decorating Mrs. Harry Hak. Mrs Robert McNaughton. Ticket returns rias be made in church after Satur- dat, and Sunda,' rmisses and the di', of bazaar ( onsenors are asked to 4,orrie to the school 'pm Fridas. No 28 p m. Next meeting will be Tuesdas. Dec' 2nd be ginning with a pot luck supper at p rn There w ell he a gift exchange and a siker 6 011e6 lion for the nussioes un, h w as %en rd M1,1; ri C‘M1f 'sirs T eft" ( rate and Mrs John Ian '64' PI Fellowship. group plans for trees Fireside FelliexstiT met cro the Sunda honl room of ihe ,hat h Nos ern her 4th with Mr and Mrs Ted Cosford and Mr and Mrs Bab %Is Michael on •harge Thr President. Brnwn opened the meeting Ted Cosford read two Re- memhrance Das poems Pie Scripture ‘s as read te, tan ( asforil to.hr Patterson said tv..e Christmas ircc5 has been purl hasell Mr Patterson .17d ( ocford t& ere in charge ,4 ts;1r,ne, a A oat ra,k for oe„, „e„r„ hec, .1r4r4rp,1 Pearl f Ar'rrc than;korg' r p for Ore Of" -f a •a.1,g, arl tape re •' Trr. s report was read me,,tscr !I•iring a cIc,r,rAtt," for !Ile neN".' CI,rstmas 'res rl•te Onrstreas reeetIre DtNenl., her 2rd -a '111 Mr and Mrs B1:7 B -,0a n and -Re‘ and Mrs Doke in 1-•arge The calle:ten was taken Fe, Bob McMichael Yt:17* and Mrs Viater Bewtel shroxerl rncure{ nf FInVancl. Vim,. Ridge and Normands Beach They had bee'n there this past summer on a trip arranged through the Royal (anadian Leginro 11-ies sal. the p9aces where Canadian soldiers had been fighting during the last World War An interesting feature of their trip was that they were billeted in Dutch homes where they weri made very welcome. Every home with visitors from Canada flew the Canadian flag while they were in residence. They were thanked and presented with a gift by Mabel McMichael. BURN'S BVBFiSWBBT SLIQBC0' 1 LB. PKG. AVAILABLE THIS STORE ONLY. •STORE SLICED OKED HAM 89 LB. AVAILABLE THIS STORE ONLY. FLORI DA NGERINES SIZE 120 AVAILABLE'THIS STORE ONLY. GREEN iANT. NIBLETS "YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SUPERMARKET" JELLO JELLY POWDERS 3 OZ. PKGS. FOOD TAKING TOO BIG A BiTE OUT OF YOUR BUDGET? VAL WHITE OR COLOURED KLEENEX TISSUES 754 - PKG. OF 200 PLY 1,11trilllIr VALUE PRICED FROZEN FOODS HIGHLINER IN BATTER BOSTON BLUE FISH McCAIN S DEEP 'N' DELICIOUS,9 0, CAKES PKG 14 OZ. PKG. PlisoNEY- COMBS 4000 PKG. McCORMICK'S GRAHAM WAFERS OR CRUMBS 400 PKG. 1'9 PLFFIE VEGETABLE CRISCO SHORTENING 3 LB. TIN 2" OUICK COOKING 1 35 KG INSTANT 1250 QUAKER OATS PKG 155 REGULAR OR MARSHMALLOW CADBURY'S 5000 HOT CHOCOLATE TIN 55 RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY ST. WILLIAMS JAMS (WITV-I 24 02 PECTIN) JAR WIA—CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE /89HEINZ°,' •SPAGHETTI WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE AYLMER • 59 28 OZ TIN AVAILABLE THIS STORE ONLY. Boston Brown BEANS AYLMER CHOICE LIBBY S FRUIT TO AYJ.MER CHOICE C 0 SLICED JUICE PEACHES KELLOGG S RICE 48 OZ TIN KRISPIES 89° AVAILABLE THIS STORE ONLY. 575 G 'PK SUPERIOR. WHITE. OR R'ROWN BREAD IG3EAVER ASPIRIN 100 TAB BTL 14 OZ TENS 1007 TIN 10 OZ TIN' 165 594 149 BAYER FLAVOURED CHILDREN'S 24 TAB ASPIRIN BTL .••••••=•••m 53. BEEF OR CMCK EN OX0 CUBES CRY POWDERED CLOROX -2 BLEACH AUNT JENBMA REGULAR OR BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX 29 1 KG , PKG. KLEENEX BOUTIQUE TOWELS 2 ROLL PKG 09 NEW FROM GAINES SELECT DOG*FOOD 189. 2 KG BAG Seperior VALUE PRICED QUALITY MEATS "FRESH" UTILITY GRADE ROASTING (5A-/ 41. LB. CHICKENS "FRESH" "BACkS ATTACHED" 18: 95. CHICKEN LEGS SCHNEIDERS SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS- SCHNEIDERS SLICED SIDE BACON B 249 500 PKG SCHNEIDERS SKINLESS OR DUTCH TREET WIENERS 1 LS. PKG. 198 168 SCHNEIDERS BEEF BURGERS • 1 KG BOX SCHNEIDERS MINI -SIZZLER SAUSAGES 500 PKG. 108 SCHNEIDERS SKILLET STRIP SOO PKG. 178 (SERVE IN PLACE OF BACON — ITS DELICIOUS). SCHNEIDERS (9 VARIETIES) LUNCHEON '‘MEATS 175 G PKG. SCHNEEDERS (3 VARIETIES) SLICED BOLOGNA f 500 PKG. 188 EVERY DAY LOW PRICES rI• PARTLY SKIMMED 3 It bag MILK HOMOGENIZED MILK . MILK 3 qt bag 1.97 2.07 PKG OF 1.2 61 or 'PKG 79' 279 HUMPTY DUIVIPTY POTATO 200G 1 09 CHIPS PKG. NEW FREEDOM .MINI‘ PADS 6M1 Seperisor VALUE PRICED GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE PRODUCT OP-U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 FLORIDA ORANGES LB. BAG 1.494 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 SPINACH moz 59° CANADA NO. 1 GRADE -CARROTS' 2 LB. BAG 3.9° CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ONIONS 2 LB. BAO 39 DESSERT TOPPING DREAM WHIP 3 OZ PKG 3 RC I OR SPAGHETTI CATELL PASTAS f KG PKG 1" CATELLI SPAGHETTI SAUCE . FOR A TASTY SNACK CHRISTIE'S TRISCUITS CHRISTIE'S BITS 'N' BITES 2802 TIN 2000 , PKG HERSHEY s CHOCOLATE BROWN COW SYRUP 400M1 BTL, FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS CASCADE DETERGENT DETERGENT 6501 PKG 29 389 1 BIL 189 ASSORTED VAR/ETIES ALPO DOG FOOD 14 OZ.' TINS 89' 5% Discount for Seniors Wednesday Only) Cipen Thursday, Friday Night until 9. BULK/ BAKER CHOPPED Pre s effective ciritl Saturday. Nav. 15,19a3. Cm Most Serperior Stores WALNUTS 2 69 We reserve, the gght to Cirria quarditfes to'normal requIretnents. 450 GRAM BAG a 1-tOSTESS DONUT SNACKS PKG OF24 1'9 HOME PRIDE • STONE GROUND BREAD BAKE RITE CREME HORNS 24 OZ. LOAF 75' FA 29 SEAFORTH supERr. ukMARKETR "Serving You Better -- Saving YOtt MOS" SUPPUED AND SERVICED BY ELUOTT MAftR & CO., LTD.