HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-13, Page 4THE • CHAMPS—St. Columban, Senior Boys Soccer Team.' won the Huron-perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board championship recently IVlichaells-of-Strat ford - by 4-1. The team membereare (back row, left to right) Sean Lane, Tom O'Reilly, Kevin- Melady, Allan O'Reilly, Martin Feeney and Ter.ry Cronin Cyril Brown, County of H Perth and ibbert.Township VVeed 1nSpector reported the ("PrIrlition. bf `the ToWnShip with regard 'to weeds river the past year. - Generally the , township was in good shape. Rocket, Milkweed, Velvet Rocket, milk' Weed, VeiVet La, Celts Foot, Leafy' Spurge and Wild Carrot but it Was being contained. A sample ot velvet leaf was shown to Council, which was over 12 feet expres- sed concern abotlt .wpeds. being brought into the town- ship whilst constructing tOtids„., particularly in should - and atea and (middle bw) Nick Klaver, Joe Ryan, Mark Former Brodhagen residents Swart Kelly O'Leary and Paul Menheere and -----Mike-Schoenderwoerd- and 7John-Ryan:--A-bsent- Grafs m _ ove back o — (front row) Mark Ryan, Mike Kelly, Dave Barry, coach Joe,VieSer. • (Photo by Gibb) Stciffa holds community night Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Elmgrove Woraph's Instit- ute frosted thict.mth South District execu eeting and fall banquet in St. Pauls hall on Tuesday evening. Attending_ from_Staffa were: Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Char- les Douglas and Mrs. John Templeman. Staffa Women's Institute sponsored a community night.in the towhship hall on Friday evening with a good Young and old entertain crowd in attendance. The president Mrs. John Miller Was chairlady. Katie[Kerslake started the evening' off by giving a demonstrations on how to Make her straw dolls and ornaments. She also has several completed articles on _ display. Both the local Brow- nies and Beavers were pre- sent. The Brownies along with their leader, Mrs. Dave Brown. explained and dem- onstrated their opening exer- cises. The Beavers along with their leaders, Mrs. Robin Dayri ard and Mrs. . John Scott and their representa- tive from the cub pack, Mark Cronin, demonstrated their opening and , closing exer- cises and sang some Beaver songs. Both Mrs. Jean Carey and Mrs. Bert Dap- ard delight.- ed young and old alike with 'their entertaining readings, Mrs. • Carey's monologue about visiting a sick friend and Mrs. Dayn ard's about hand milking cows. A piano LCW plans Christmas social Mrs. Margaret Scherbarth opened the November meet- ing with the hymn My Hope is Built on Nothing Less, The topic for the evening. Theology and Me, was under the leadership of Carol Alec with Norma Elligson. Marg- aret Scherbarth and Lucy Siemon participating. They said all can practise thcoty. in our actions through faith in Christ, Carol conducted Bible Study on the theme. A short tilm strip based on the life•of Martin Luther and Reformation .was shown by Carol Ake and 'Heather Rose Robinson thanked the group and presided over the business In the absence of the secretary Margaret Scher- barth gave • the secretarial report. Last month's Thank - offering report was very grat- ifying. 21 member responded to roll call. During the pas month a number of ladies had attended the Western District Assembly at Ovven Sound; and also a social evening at St. Paurs,Ellice. The ladies served two fun- eral lunches. • They arc asked to cater to the Swing Bowler's Banquet on November 14th. Plans were discussed for the An- nual L.C.W. Christmas So- cial Dec. 19th, With the East Group in charge of the meal and the West Group provid• ing entertainment. As a special Christmas Project it IA as decided to do social work in tfie Horne Missionatl also visit Pith B of.E plans tech program review by Qilleen Maloney The Perth County Board of Education has 'approved the formation of committees to resiew present Secondarv School technical programs. Programs facilities and equipment autornotii.e and farm mechana s. clectricitv and eleitroniis will he examined In Nias 1(1-(4 the hoard ` established an ad Mx com- mittee to thoroughl% ree technical education In Perth schort5s Part of a report ht the cornnuttee said "in ,crder pros ide the necessary ttats,ttrt het% pen secrindarl: industrs and post-sec.mdars institutions (t :s recarrttrerd ed i the hoard appr cse the formation of achisory .tom mottees for major technical program,s taught in .Perth Counts secondary schools to considtr such matters as curriculum content. curricu- lum relesance. equipment. and facilities and to make recommendations to the board rergarding the matters The report said the ration- al for establishing the corn-, mittees was "based upon 1 the reaiizationt that the task Of analysing each technical .0111112EMEIEft.MI CARPENTRY MURRAY HENDERSON Renovations, Additions, Sheds, Sun decks. Framing. Any _ home irnprove- ments. FREE ESTIMATES 527-0131 program thoroughly and rec- ommending necessary changes in content. Num- ment and facilities is too massive. and requires speci- fic knowledge in too mare.' specialized teChnical fields ro be preformed* by aris one group b' Each committee will be tom prised one trustee. one technical director. three representatives of industry. one community college rep- resentative knowledgeable in that field and one representatoe administration all shu ins of the congrega. t' 13%esent visiting commit- s are: East Group - Ella loor.• Helen Wurdell. West roup - Doreen Bennewies. ki Siemon. Carrie Buuck and Louise Benncwies who are both hospitalized were each re- membered with an auto- graphed card from the group. Members hope and pray for their recovery. Lunch was served by Vicki Siemon and Minnie Vock during the fellowship period. instrtimental "Ott Parade" played by Joyce Fell was enjoyed by all. A variety of stepdancing, clogs, jigs and reels " Was accompanied by Mrs. Gary Quance on the piano, Nelson Howe on the violin and Ivan Norris on the guitar.. - Those stepdancing were K aren Norris -(1-eel) Andfea Scott (reel) Debbie McLeod (reed) Tracy and Trudy Quance (clog and reel) Shar- on Fell (clog, jig and reel) and Shirley Miller (clog, jig and reel). The singing of 0 Canada, accompanied by Mrs. John Scott, brought a delightful and ente -aping evening to a close. Mrs. Clifton Mille flew to Alberta last week where she is visiting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wilson, Calgary and other relatives. Quite a number from this community were guests at the Chappel -Harburn wed- ding in Hibbert United Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bur- leigh and Joan. Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Skin- ner. Mitchell, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family and Mrs. Orpha Norris. FARMERS: This Is Your Invitation To Attend • -FARM PREVIEW "81" RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL CORN PRODUCTION IN 1981 ogOsoAM 9 .I'leet 2.CO pm MOT LUNCH PROVIDED) GUEST SPEAKER: , DONALD G CLARK UsA1).70H rvtiA^ZE COUPAN T. t °NOON OW ACRO N •,.7., I ./.,It. ea ,-. ppo ,... ;,.. ., .• n -.10 PONSORED BY AWSct4ALutg4s EatitPuvrr DEKALD CANADA DEHLEN DRYERS & STOAAGE 01445 CHIPMAN INC - . Dovea. DANK 0K CANADA PLAN NOW ro ATTEND THE FOLLOWING MEETING ihurs , November 27, 1980 _ . EXETER ,.;..., ,-. i -ON RECREATION CENTRE vs(TORIA ST E Happy Anniversary ANNA'S DRESS SHOPPE in Brussels 887-6062 tt celebrating her 2nd year in Brussels Sale Ends Saturday, Nov. 15 For a great Christmas gift 20% offf sH:int sd,kannidt :arvccik .et sHolidaysla k Slacks Sweaters and Blouses Love Jeans & Cords - impressions Sweaters only $19.00 SPECIAL DISPLAY RACK OF DRESSES 25% OFF IF YOUR PURCHASE IS WRITTEN ON A GOLD STAR RECEIPT YOU, COULD BE rA GIFT CERilFICATE WINNER. Corresp2ndent MRS. HERMAN LEONFIARDT 345-2419 • The baskets 'of flOwers in the chancel of St. Peter's Lutheran,Church at the wor- 'ship service Sunday morning were from the funeral_ of the -late Edwin Rock which was held on Thursday. They were placed there by the be reav- ed family. Mrs. Lavina Horst of Han- over spent last week with her son . Arthur Horst and Mrs. Horst and family. Mrs. Lenore Hessell of Neustadt is spending several day this week with her daughter Mrs. _Horst_and_Pastor Horst and family. Mrs. Dorothy Elligsen at- tended a farewell party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John cring Materials, It Was stig- ge$tecl ; that the shoulders he,Sewn with birdsfoot trefoil ki-kpep out Other Weeds. He 'congratulated the Road Stip, : erintentiOnt on his efforts, and, sald'there. was complete co-operation, with the Road Department. Reeve McPhail .expressed-council!s thanks, A delegation appeared be, fore Council requesting that the "McMillan Drainage Works be cleaned out there Was discusgion as to whether the lower portion wis a natural water course or a municipal drainage works. Cptincil accepted the peti- tion, directed the Clerk to inform the Conservation Au- ' , thority, and place the peti- t • SW itzerlland da for the appointment of an tion on the December Agen7 Engineer. Bender in, Kitchener, for Mr. and Mrs. Hans Graf and family, who were residents of London, and are moving back to Switzerland to reside. Many from this area will - remember him as he was employed with the late Edgar Elligsen. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Edwin Rock and family, in their recent be reavement. We Ire pleased to report that Mrs. Carrie Buuck has improved at the University Hospital, London. Mrs. Dorothy Elligsen was in London recently attending the fall convocation at the University of Western Ontar- io, at which time Ken Hull receiv_ed his Master'5 clegree in music. 'Ken is married to the former Margaret Elligsen. They have one daughter and .reside in Kitchener. He is presently teaching at Conrad Grebel college, University of Waterloo. Lydia WettlaufeiTavistocki L uise Saunders, and Minnie L onhardt, spent Tuesday afternoon with Clara Stahl- baum and Pearl Shore Strat- ford. 56 refugees in Perth schools Refugee students entering the Pbrth County system have altered total enrolment figures slightly, said R:J. Mac Arthur, accountant, at the Board of Education meet- ing. Oct..21. As of Sept. 30, 56 refugee students had enrolled in P_erth schools this_year_ _ Month end figures show 7578 students in elementary, 5018 shidents in secondary and 39 students in schools for the retarded. DARLING'S THIS FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4 P.M.- 10 P.M. 4 54-e me Lte cm -mals Ptspect cur eleof acc,ert cr.,t31 &4.tot-er why Dortng Ora cr.;alty 54.8III 0,4 MtOt y) wr^li yo,, p.46.tels 4 fel et -A, exerr477 the ae • Chet* ct.4 otrtes c.44 1,0,p etrtro ta4.44;s frtdt.ly BUY NOWT and beat the expected dramatic increases in beef prices. You'll be dollars ahead. BEEF VALUES FRONTS HINDS Heifers 51.39 lb. Steers 51.45 lb. fer $1.89 lb. Steers $1.95 lb., SIDES Heifer 51.591b. Steers 51.65 lb. LOINS Heifer 51.99 lb. Steers $2.09 lb. - 46— Ai& SIDES OF PORK 9% WHOLE PIG 97( • lb. LAMBS 1/2 or Whole $ 1.89 Ib. The employment of Ross • Smale as part time sno-Vvplow operator was approved at the same salary as fall time operators, but no fringe benefits. Standby time to be $100 Per week. from Decem- ber 15 to March 15. By-laws were approved for The Big Drain", "Black Creek - tvlousseau", "Police Village of Dublin - Anne and Nelsen Streets" aud a Zon- •ing Change., in The Police Village of Dublin. : General Orders bathe sum of ,205,V7.31. which includ- es School Payments, County Levy and balance of „budget payments for arena, plan- ning, Committee of Adjust- ment, Protection Inspection ^ Conunittee, honorariums etc. and roads for $23,286.12 were approved. The Clerk was instructed to apply for further subsidy payment from Ministry of Transport and Communications. ' The Road Superintendent reported that the detour. for _ the "Bruce Bridge" Con. 12/13 Lot 15 had been completed and was open to traffic. Soil test's had been completed and Ken Dunn of B.Iv1-----ttois--and— Associates was preparing 'criteria. estimates and speci- fications for the propoten new Bridge. Council denied permission for the construction of a driving, shed, which under the new by-laws did not comply with the set -hacks required. ' The meeting adjourned at 1:30 a.m. , November 66-0P Inside Frost Light Bulbs Stock up now at this low CO-OP price 115-125 volt. Two bulbs per package 40 watt 60 watt 100 watt 00 587-090 .587-092 587-094 Fan Forced Portable Heater 299.39 Features adjustable thermostatic control. Reliable fast - heating. 1500 watt coil °foment Safety tip -over switch. Chromed reflector Childproof grille Almond colour with Woodgrain Accents 541-227 Fan Forced Baseboard Heater 4699 It Thin and low design fits snugly against watt. takes (Ottle room Dual Thermostat holds temperature at desired comfort levet. and protects agamst,over•heating 1500 - watt mstant blower forced heat Off white case and grille 36" tong 541-762 C.G.E. 3 -Speed Humidifierr S9.? Water -wheel humidifier. Automatically starts and stops to maintain desired humidity level. Output ,n24 hours at 75°F/244C of 14 gallons. Features water level indicator, refill light, auto. shut-off, 7 gallon removable tank. Swivel casters. SEAFORTH FARMERS 527-0770 Seaforth