HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-06, Page 331 BURNS GOLDEN BASTED FROZEN CHICKEN LB 49 10. THE 11 NOVEMB.ER.:14..1P0 „ , avifashiancl 116'. Iatest TV controvesy '',revolves ar040.44WS thtusc daredevil Stunts to '- 1 boost their ratings. - lman Jet a thre.640.11 elephant -walk on him; 'another drove a car, underfour butili4.040410Pqt gra .'week sOIPPe.nOW idea was sMOted:,..fin0 *Weis got their vicariousthrills. Outnoi all stunts work. A man Aried to run through a flaming tunnel; most of his body was . spt ablaze; his hands were ' burned beyond Use. ' A motorcyclist tried M jump over fountains in front of Caesar's Place in Las Vegas. The most famous daredevilof all, Eval Kneivel, had tried the trick earlier and failed. • The latest attempt resulted in failure as well and sent the yong motorcyclist to - hospital in critical, condition. • Five thousand people had gathered to " watch; several were injured when he 'rammed the wall, in front. of them. According to professional stuntmen , too many things can and do go wrong. They clairn inexperienced stuntmen are used, and in some cases, not enough precautions , are taken before a stunt is staged. The public is beginning to question the ethics of the whole scene. But, _as the ratings continue to rise, producers might argue they're giving the public 'what it / wants to see. ows ethic' i MostryiOw ra watchoutOf cu-tiosityl' , some out or a nriliation. A Sick percentage " might secretly lik6., to see the gay "wipe ' out." • , Some people defend the events with the .. argument wherewont+. the world' without daredevils like, the WrightIlro7 thers? ,, 1; .. Another fear has been expressed ..'iliat . some viewers, especially children, may try some of the stunts with tragic results. The show that has receiyed the most - criticism lately is aired in early evening in 4orne parts of. the U.S. and, Canada. The painstaking research, preparation and precautions that are a, part of each trick are explained, and viewers are warned not t t it -Sotnetimes the thing We are fold not to cici is the One thing we want to do. • Arguments have been'tnade thatfantity movies like Superman carried no'warning. it:was reported that a little boy jumped from an apartment window, after seeing the movie, because he thought he coaldfly. Similarly TV and movie heroes come out of lights, falls and car crashes without a scratch. Real life doesn't work that way: even good guys gelhurt. 'Seeing a, stunt map crack up may drive reality ho-rne or . give spectators vicariOus thrills,' but it doesn't balance the risks or waste involved,. UNICEF funds technology It is apparent . that in.. Tioducing new technolog- ies. UNICEF must take ex- treme care to see that these do not. conflict . with local customs, or they may do more harm rhan kood. Tech- nologies should be adapted to the people - not the people' to them - and should evolve naturally from those already in use. This year., UNICEF Can- ada is funding projects in over 108 developing count- ries = these clrojects not only include programs of educat. ion and health-care. but also programs of intermediate technology to provide im- proved water supplies and sanitation. and nutrition. The work of UNICEF is based upon the belief that the needs of children and mothers are basic. With im- proved basic services. in- troduced through UNICEF - funded projects. these people will be allowed to develop their potential to live full and useful lives as mem-. belt of their community. UNICEF seeks to encour- age and to assist govern- ments to provide these basic services and, in consequence sees 'very gr -da- pore -riga in the application of appropri- ate technologies to this end. UNICEF funds its basic se rvices projects in part by the year-round sales of greet- ing cards. A selection of cards, gifts and stationery is available 'now. For a free brochure, call toll free: • ,l -800-268-6362. Operator 508. ARNOLD J STINNISSEN I IF I Jnd Mortgage Insurancc flans Intonic 1.1% 11/cdotiablv Rcgis.tcrcd Reilrynicni S.Ring% 111.in% and Antlintics Intonw 1‘craRing Nnmostre.. .ffir nf.-t%IIuihk Prrniturn It U S 1' HI PRI SI Te1.527-0410 1E7 GODER1CH ST -EAST SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada for 21 years. • ATTENTION SENIORS AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT ONTARIO PROPERTY TAX GRANTS Waiting For Your Grant? • If you sent in your Property Tax Grant application but haven't received your grant please be patient Many of the applications which contained incomplete information or arrived late because of oWai disruptions are still being processed IT'S NOT NECESSARY TO CALL ABOUT YOUR GRANT A large number n' senors ha,e aiready been contacted in this regard The rerna,nder xv'F be contacted or have their grants paid by NOVEMBER'30, 1980 Turning 65? • v- rea(t age 65 between IA/ 1 and December ° • arP becomingegbe for. the Old Age Security z Mav eVe tor Ontario Tax Grants for U ot 1980 -ax c,rah! apvicat4ans and Sales Tax Grants win be AUTOMATICALLY rnae.-d !o you BY JANUARY 1981. Not Eligible for OAS? • you are a se—or who has not resided in Canada tong enough to oLiailfy 'or The Otd Age Security Petision you may slill be eligobe for. these g -ars You should contact the Ministry of Revenue as soon nOSI,'F,t:e 'or a^ eiigibility form Reminder • yr),,r or,'-cpal residence throughout 1980 IS a nursing home. home fOr the aged chronic care facility charitable institution. home for soec,a• care or other simitar institution, you are not eligible for the granthe institution in whIch you reside pays munocipai and school taxes. and your rent payments are not government subsidized • Apolications for the 1980 grant can be submitted any time before December 31 1981 Ministry of TM.Russell Revenue Deputy Minister Ontario 77 Bloor Street West, Toronto, M7A 2133 Lorne Mack Minister , • The ' fall dinner of th,e Huron; Women Teachers' Association was held on Wednesday, Oetobcr 22 at The , White Carnation, HolnIPSvfile. * kTlie husines7neeting was conducted, -after Whi„ch Doris. flarrison,'F.W,T.A.O. Gov- ernor, installed * the new executive.. Executive rs are president. Marjorie I, Free- man; past president, Mary Joan Rathburn; first mice - president, Jean Turnerirsec- ond vice-president, Dixie Lee Arbuckle; treasurer, Donalda MacDonald; recording secre- tary, Joan Shackleton and Corresponding secretary, Sharon Brown. Five new teachers were inducted as, members of and after dinner, • three',?retired teachers were • honoured. _ • QIWSt speaker for the eveRing.? Was Pat Carson, Provincial President of the 'Federation of Women Teach- ers' Association pf Qntario. Part timely address about , Affirmative Action Was well received:,by an interested audience of Huron County Women teachers. USE • EX.POSITOR - WANT -ADS - s Phone 527-0240 F -s' TEACHERS' - BANGOET—Federation of VVorben Teachers' Associations of Ontario held a banquet On Wednesday evening Octob er 22 at the White Carnation, Holmesvill'e, to honour three retiring teachers in Huron County. Approiiimately 100 attended. New teachers In Huron County are (I. to r.) Susan Supeene, Hullett; Barb ,Farrish, Walton; Beth McKillop, Grey Central; Christine Balkwill, Wingham; and Cathy McPherson, Clinton - FULLY_ AGED FOR TENURNESS CANADA "A" GRADE PRICES EFFECTIVE 6 DAYS UNTIL CLOSING TUES. NOV. 11 (1 FOR YOUR FAVOURITE STEW BONELESS -NO WASTE CANADA 'A' GRADE BEEF FROM THE CHUCK CROSS CUT RIB ROAST 7,41 STEWING BEEF. FRESH NOT FROZEN PORK HOCKS Olt FROM ONTARIO PORK smart ...Es 77, FROZEN BEEF 5009 PKG 4111111M14•111011•11. SCHNEIDER§- MEAT ROLLS SANDWICH STYLE 6 VARIEITES 250 g. CHUB SCHNfilnla BEEF LIVER PREVIOUSLY FROZEN LB aU zehrs ep,a pte 44044teutttaad mzehrs BLADioR SHORT RIB BgFP9A§TS (WITH E • DEVON BRAND • SIDE BACON SLICED RINDLESS 500 g PKG CUT FROM THE CHUCK DELICATESSEN COUNTER COUNTRY KITCHEN•STORE SLICED MAPLE LEAF HAM Le *3.49 SCHNEIDERS BEERWURST. JAGWURST OR.e4s SPICED in rig, Y SCHNEIDER L CO KED MEATS • SCHNEIDERS RING BOLOGNA LARGE SIZE SCHNEIDERS SAUERKRAUT 900 MI �9 SCHNEIDERS SWEET & SOUR SLICED PIC -A -DILLS 2J4A'Fr *1.59 6 vARIET.JEs ROUND STYLE 175g PKG PRIDE OF CANADA REGULPARK WIENERS 1241 STYLE LB G •• A MAPLE LEAF 250 g PKG PEPPERONI STICK '1.47 AT THE WHARF FRESH ATLANTIC JI ea A A / COD FILLETS L. vl•YO BURNS BREAKFAST STYLE LINK SAUSAGE 148 LB PORK & BEEF ZEHRS ROUND BONELESS DINNER HAM $2. ell VAC PACK ' FULLY COOK ED WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO .REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMLLY REOUIREIVENTS