HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-06, Page 260 Deputy reeve DON BRODIE Donald Brodie of R.R. 1, Brutefield is running for deputy -reeve of Stanley Township. Mr. Brodie, a farmer, has served on council for the past eight years. He is a member of Brucefield Lodge and of Brucefield United Church. Mr. Brodie and his wife Alvina have two children, Sally, 16 and David. 21. •"Selecting a reeve:" •"Yes." 0"1 would favour some minor changes in the secondary plan. regarding severances." . DON McGREGOR Don McGregor, of R.R. 1, Brucefield, is running for deputy -reeve in Stanley Township. Mr. McGregor, a township farmer since 1962, has served on council for the past six years. He and his wife Eileen have three child- ren - Brian, 20; Sandra, 18 and Randy 15. _Mr. McGregor is a mem- ber of Brucefield United Church. Clarence Rau Clarence Rau, of R.R. 2, Zurich, is running for one of ethree seats on Stanley Town- ship council. Mr. Rau, who has been a councillor for the past four years, has been farming all his life; His wife Sharon and_he_bave five - children - Robert, 11; Ger- ard, 9; Steven, 8; Kenneth, 5 and Vicki Lynn, 1. Mr. Rau is a member of 0"Since this -is -the town- ship's first election in 10 years, I just hope the voters turn out." • ."I've been on council for six years, and I've been satisfied." • "I am satisfied with the secondary plan but think it should be reviewed in the next year." the Stanley Township roc- reation board and has been a member and chairman of the Zurich and Area Fire Bard. "There are ix) big issuesin this election." "I feel that the 'previous, • conncils have done., a good job." "Our secon,dary plan is not 100 per cent theyolicies on seVeranee should be change - Council For the first time in a decade, there's an election in Stanley Township on Noy. 10. The candidates were each askedthree questions and their' responses are published in the order the questions were asked. • What do you see as the most serious matter facing voters in this election? What can you do about it? e. Are you satisfied with the work of previous councils? If not, what do you feel needs improvement? •. Are you satisified with the land use proposals in the township's official secondary plan? Would you favor any amendments to the plan? •.H.ensail Reeve HARRY M. KLUNGEL Harry Klungel of 96 Queen St.. Hensall. running for reeve of the village. Mr. Klungel has been a village councillor. He is the former owner of the nursing home in the village and. is now a residential landlord with apartment buildings tn Sarnia. Clinton and Exeter. Mr. Klungel is a member of the Christian Reform Church. and as councillor has served on the roads. drains and property committee. He also repre- sents the village on the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority. the candidate and his wife have four children. two sons and twodaughters. 11"The gradual deteriora- tion of the Main Street shopping area. caused by competition from large de- partment stores in Exeter and London. Henseli businessmen and shop- keepers shourd try to e.stablish a Chamber of Commerce or the like." 0"Yes. of course it is easy to have hindsight" 0"Councill should be able The questions: Voters, in Hensel] must choose a reeve for the village. and elect four councillors. The candidates were asked to comment on the following questions. 1. What do you see as the most serious matter facing voters in this election? What can you do about it? 2. Are you satisified with the work of previous councils? If not, what do you feel needs improvement? 3. Do you think cranial can make Hensall's downtown core more viable? -to you favour the formation of a Business Improvement Area (BIA) program? Public Utilities Commission There are four candidates running for the two seats on the Hensall PUC. These candidates were asked the same questions as those running for council. to give certain suggestions and be instrumental in helping the local merchants forming an association. Another area is recreation where wc leave much to be desired. Hensel' coula stand another service club, for instance. Service clubs,in my opinion, create unity. We should be in- strumental in attracting new business. Another of my points is senior citizens' housing, the type which is geared -to -income: people who lived all their lives in this town should not be rooted up and placed where this type of housing is available. During my campaign. 1 became aware of many ratepayers who are not too pleased with the shape of our sidewalks in some areas of the village." geared -to -income senior citiziens' housing for Hensall." The candidate added a survey is still being done to determine -which- seniors would be interested In the housing •"Yes. I feel that the previous councils have done a decent job but there's always room for ' im- provement of course." •"Yes. I do favour in B1A. I think council can beautify the downtown to a certain ex- tent." PAUL NEILANDS Paul Neilands, of 11 Rich- mond Street South. Hensel!. is running for reeve of the village. Mr. Nellands has been a Hensel' councillor for the past ten years. During that time, he served on a number of council committees. ineluding the property committee. The candidate is past president of the Hensall Legion and chairman of the Hay-Hensel,- -Tuckersmith Area Fire Board ***Wen, I think the most serious matter is to provide A 1 HAROLD KNIGHT Harold Knight. the rec.% e of Hemell for the past four HOWARD ARMSTRONG A cliegi er for Rat"on Stanley Township council is Howard Armstrong. of R.R. • 1, Zurich. If elected, this will be his first public'office held. PUC GARY MAXWELL Hensall resident Gray Maxwell is challenging for a seat on the PUC Nov. 10. If elected, it will be the first time Mr. Maxwell has held political office. He has been an employee of the Ministry of the Environment since 1979, and is a member of the Hensel! Kinsmen Club and the Hensel -Hue department. Mr. Maxwell and his wife Ann have two children, Sher- ri, 9, and Tracy. 7. years and a councillor for 15 years before that. is running for a post on the Public utilities Commission (PUC). As Reeve he served as chairman of the PUC. Mr. Knight, self-employed since .1973. previously worked for Drysdale, Home Hardware and Fink Plumbing and • Heating. Mr. Knight is a member of thc Hensel! Kinsmen (past district officer). served • as centennial chairman and was chairman of the area committee He and his wife Marg hese two children. Steven. 22 and Anne. 23. On KC •"If the annex goes through, negotiation ser. ices available ler des elopment -- •• •y, -s ' •"Yes. with better operation from Main. St bustnessmen.•• (111. HRISTIVIAS SHOPPERV BONUS DRAW 60 30 BONUS t''"e" GRAND PRIZES PRIZES 10-$100,000 50- 00,000 r abs-4.-rtnr *400 eet 6 $100,000 , 241425 000 Here'syourchance torealirplqSanta. on Iles orb , tow op no 46 40,01 leap low ot! Wsrtorco hos baY.girua sok!u o pe- „ haeddy Prrzes the Chestreas Shoppers' BCP1US Draw. With over $5000,000 1 in tax-free prizes, Including weiekee'e $1,5C0,000 in Bonus Prizes, it's your "ve chance to really play Santa the year! tab The severedi0 Bonus Draw ticket nurnber gives you o chance to win one of 10-W0,000 or 50- $10,000 Bonus Prizes • °. 4# I Bc- s ;77- --esc - • 4'0 exa,..-:v re crv 774 "se &ay,- cou' al be S0,00C ee S700.000 SO's.": reg -Lo' six-dpar t. Jet 'VP -0 number gives yoi., o cl-,o^ce one of 6- ST00.000 or 24 - 525000 Grand Prizes p1us 33,91:$ °the, prees. That's $3,618,000 worth of toe -free or,zes! NOIL13 GEL' YOUR TICKET NOW $1•00 Mro Arrnstrdng has farmed since 1960, ; has been a, nittnlOPI. the , • Stanley recreation. committee Sill,CP it was formed in 1975, and is also' involved in minor sports. Mr. Arinstrong is a member and elder of Goshen United Chutch. — He and h'is wife Joyce have three children, Julie, 18, Jill. 16 and Dean, 14. • • I believe the governing powerare being taken away the municipal teeet, and going into the fiends of higher levels of government. I would work to keep the development of our community within the municipality - the people. • I believe that careful study should taken by council on the land division policy. Amendment's may be re- quired. elACKCOLEMAN Jack Coleman. of R.R. 1, Zurich, is running for Stanley Township council for the first time. Mr. Coleman. who has been farming all his life. is a 'Past Master of Huron, Lodge #224, AF and AM, Hensel!. The candidate has also served on the Stanley Township recreation commit- tee and is a committee -"member of the Huron county Bean Producers. • He and his wife Eleanor have three children - Michael 17; Sandra 16; , and Janet. age 9. "There is no issue." O "Yes" •"1 would favour some amendments." BILL CIIIPCHASE T,TV THE HURON EXOOSiTo cutoTtan Brucofloo resident Dill ChipcItase talges h. ftrst run, at munielpal politics Nev. 10 when he ettallenges ifor c01.111e11, , Seat 113 Stanley TOwnSbilp, Mr. Chipchase, who is employed by Hill and Hill Farms, Varna, *here he has worked since 1973, enjoys baseball in Stanley Township. He and his wife Linda Have two children, Shawn, 6 and Chad, 18 menths. •Yes ' •1 think farmers should be able to sell property that is of no use•to them rather than let it fall down. The government is trying to have old gravel . pits landscaped. so I think that older farm buildings should be either torn dowii, sold or kept in good state or repair. keeping in mind that Sariley is a , farming township and that whoever buys the land or buildings must put up with odour, noise, livestock and whatever it takes for today's farmer to make a living. pefl For Councillor Logan Township "With a sincere desire to serve you I hope for your support at the polls on November 10th." DAVE DEVRIES For Seaforth Town Council — Age 31, mar.ried, Marlene is a nurse at . Seaforth Hospital — 4 years as produce manager at Seaforth IGA — Owner/Operator of Seaforth Contract Cleaning — Past Sec. /Treasurer of Seaforth Optimist Club — Volunteer fireman — Continuation of street reconstruction — Business Improvement Area for a strong Main Street — Preparation of Industrial Park with concessions for industry I would I appreciate your support on Nov. 10, 1980 SAFE & SECURE Conoco Savings Bonds ore o safe. secure investment They re backed by oil the resources of Canada CASH ANYTIME The new Bonds ore easy to cosh anytime so you re not locked in NO INTEREST RATE PENALTY There s rto rnteresr rote penalty when the new Bonds are coshed offer December 31 1980- you wil) receive earned Interest for each ftil rronstleopsed since November 1 1980 GOOD RETURN Thp new BOndi Pr)rn o good retUrn On yOtar money- 01/2% every year for 7 years EASY TO BUY Thee re ease r0 buy for cosh or on Instalments In amounts • stort.19 o• $400 ip o a 'oral purchase tumir of $35 000 And you hove o choice of Bonds ere s Phe flegu[ar fr,reresr Bond for onnuol ancorne and the Compound hrerqst Bond for sovyngs growth Buy YourS,OC.10v vA,epver you bank or revest NEW CANADA SAVINGS BONDS NOW ON SALE! trA% EVERY YEAR FOR 7 YEARS ALWAYS G Canarg