HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-06, Page 23ikikijoOtt EXPOSITOR,i4OvemBER 6. low AREN'T WE SCARY? Ghouls and goblins and witches and • bobbed.for apples, played a variety of games and enjoyed free clowns, spme of them prize winners, perform for the camera at hotdogs and drinks. Free skating at the arena followed. the ' Hallowe'en party at the Optimist Park.. Kids HULA HOOPING —Young Darren Coleman had a ball with a'hoola hoop at the Seaforth OptimistsHallowe'en party Friday night About 50 local children attended the outdoor event (Photo by While) Correction Legion News Continued from page 9 171'417111Zri and their wives commencing at 6 p.m After the pot luck supper the Veterans are invited to attend two World War films to be shown at the High School starting al 1.3fl p.m The film program k made available by the generosity' of Richard Bur2ess, the man responsible fa7 the Historical Film Society What a fitting way to end a weekend of Remembrance. 1 havehad the pleasure the last couple of weeks, of hearing. the old war songs, such as Tipperary. Lilli Marlene, Mademoiselle from Arrnetiers etc. being sung by the children of Seaforth Public School as they get ready for their annual Remembrance Day Service. During the past fifteen years I have had the privile ge of watching these services. I can assure you that November 11 has not been forgotten by the students in Seaforth. This year the Memorial Assembly will take place at the Seaforth district High School with students from Seaforth Public School putting on the service. I am sure they would welcome any one who would like to attend. COMING EVENTS Nov. 8 Banquet and Dance Nov. 9 Church Parade Nov. 11 Remembrance Day Service Nov. 19 Stag Euchre 4L-4144411•4•4•4•-••••s/da A story from the Stanley Township ratepayers' meet- ing. in the Oct. 23rd Huron Expositorincorrectly quoted Robert Peck. Stanley To ship -Bayfield represe ative on tfie Huron County board of ezkrcation. Mr Peck told rate ayers at the meeting, "I'm yery proud of the very efficient manner in which our admin- istration is operating the tem as compared to sur- rou mg hoards" despite recen ttctsm expressed by fo CT trustees Mit r •••"szr • JoOrt. ••• ••• • • 4 it 474—' HANG IT AM! 7 weeks from to -day is • CHRISTMAS Make a list -check it twice. For materials needed to complete your project BEFORE the big day. Decorate your home for Christmas. WITH MATERIALS FROM GRAVES Wallpaper & Paint Main St. -527-0550 Seaforth ZZ4=4;'',Z41! Z-Z,Z: .464 4 it Spooks plan return About 50 to 60 kids attended the Seaforth Optimists' first Hallowe'en party, and that's encouraged the club to plan a repeat next year. The kids bobbed for apples played games and had their costumes judged outside on the ball diamond. After free hot dogs and drinks. it was off to the arena for free skating. Prize winners were in order of placing: (six and under, Jason BeutenmIller (Mickey Mouse); Kalen Carroll (Space Man); Christa Morris (Witch); Allison Morris (clown). A skeleton. Jeremy Miller. won first prize in the seven to ten age group, followed by Michelle Barry. a long nosed lady and Jason Rodney (box man) and Chros Anderson (hobo) Randy Becker won first prize in the 11 to 13 age group. as Dracula. Hobo Johnns Miller was second and a a•CA-An. Judy Nigh anti another Dracula. Danny Prirneau. tied in therd place WSHALLI1,11cPHgE The silencing ' Of women ' through the centurieshas,not been a deiiheratexclusion: v, I But if 'women , ant more input .in future ideas and-, tomorrow's culture they 'must start acting no*. . •. Dr. Porothy Smith, a PrOfeSSor of sociology from the linlversity of Toronto, addressed a group,of over 2 . woinen with this thought at a • recent tneeting in Clinton. . Women from ,,tt variety of interests and ' livelihoods, from their early 20's to senior yeari.came out to hear Dr. Smith speak to the Huron County Women Today group on October 23. Dr. Smith explained that women have had little say in , some , a as-rfaillifitradh"- or our culture has been male dominated. ' The unintentional silenc- ing began over 500 years ago when men joined togethefin exchange ideas, thoughts and to write books. At that time, the circle of scholars and intel lectuals were like a social group and NVerifen were not purposely rejected. "The social process worked and women were just not there to take part," Dr. Smith explained. Since that finte, men have held dominant positions in all parts of society, in politics, . , art, literature, religion and indastrY' "The work, of wolooll,In thP-1bme ha5.heen invislhle • Work," ,Dr, Smith. stressed, • "even wo (Women) •couldn't see it as a work process." But She noted that in the last century there have' been rumblings in SoCiety and wotnen, have begun realizing that hoUsewOrIc takes time, effort andskill and is an important and necessary part of our culture. • - "It's the .general view of society from which women have largely been omitted," she noted, explaining that in the past work has gone on to keep women in their place. • However, Dr. Smith referred to the - 'underground Liver of ' women," a Continually sur- facIng group of intellects and talented women •who have taken important places in society. Despite few opportunity to expand their talents in the male dominated world, many have been able to overcome the barriers and obstacles and women like the Bronte sisters and Emily Dickinson, for instance, produced classic literature and poetry in the 1800's. EXTRAORDINARY SKILL "Women have produced work of extraordinary skill," TOP APPLE BOBB Hallowe'en party left and Lisa Andreassi mouth full as ERS they bobbed for apples anyway. Here Bev Campbell, Wet faces didn't bother kids at the Optimist have each picked up a (Photo by White) H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service 8 Installation of pipelines & arirgt, milking parlours 887-6063 R.R.4 WALTON SERIES 84 TRACTORS When it comes to performance, we've got yournumber Veer the newr-3. —cr-rlers et the 114 rent4 With standard features you CV' I c,Itt •sr. nmdes Sertes 81 trattars Offer the kmd of mete/mance Va3 ',eel • marke your farmng operation a lot more orottatte gotrrrar-.4r1*,77.es range from Q prroPlo m the ktorter 1.84 to 68 PTO .e - Model 784 rj synoltrornesh teatsrmsscon rnears 0'=7 reed St',= lnrtarge getair$ o fzght roertedlurt struire 001 yZa..) can mate fasro- more Waver., FarkWard;remrse chaitvas Great work Series 84T,atttrs frava a clear tzmeurtered deo* '-r easy motmlang from Otter Srde Coontitts are grOuVed by knot/ran For Molt ooeratrorn. tevers are coriverttenizy tor,ateu tin the rtgrtt nand console. and the tefl hand console contamS al the r,arSITISSVOrt controls mere are many more reasons you shred look roto otsr rtroed new trattor [metsb — greateT statIttay, easter marraenance — but wed tdre to show them to you hrst hand Why not drop by When a comes to performance we've Rat your number m the rntemational Harvester Senes Si Tractors Four standard chadetT 3 row crops and 2 four wheel ctrwe NITER4A71004AlMARTISTER CANADA .40 ...a A...sit, • ;It • SEAFOlitill 521.0120 FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED StAFOPTH • AYR • CAIVIBMOGE • WOODSTO(' P • 4 • 4.• •^4, 14 P. 4 4 4 440e,-40 4' 44-4, .4 AI 44 4-4 ..44. 4 44. 4 irt 4i. - Z-41":,4. 4,4.41".,4*-it*g 42ir • Pr , Smith explained and -encouraged' that, quilting,' a domestic chore of the Past is .. now regarded as an art and is ' gaining prominence in •cniture4 *past, women who attempted" to ..speak up in spiritual or political leader- ship' were actively sup- pressed, Jane I3oughten and her . daughter Lady .1Couge were burned at the stake In • the .15th century for their attempts to •interpret the Bible. Anne Hytchinson was banished from her eontmunity. when she tried to Others were guillotined as an example of what would happen when women stepped out ot place, and in the-eafly-190(Ys-rar*meric Mrs. Packard,. was institutionalized in an insane asylum for holding religious opinions different than her husband's. Husbands had this right; •Dr. Smith explained, but Mrs. Packard was able to win her release in the widely publicized case. Women have also been systematically excluded from religion and politics in the past and Dr. Smith said that in Canadian and American medical schools, a seven per cent limitation Was set for the number of women studying in the schools. Some progress has been made since then, encouraged Dr. Smith and she added, "We don't see this savage. process in North America LITTLE AUTHORITY Dr. Smith stressed that she wasn't implying that the elementary teachers didn't have an hnportant place but stated, "Women are not located in positions where they have a say or any authority." "Men have an authority in the world of culture and thought." she went on to say, • explaining that the position of authority not only comes on an individual basis • but men are chosen for these positions because of their sex. • "Their authority is like an organizallon," Dr. Smith noted. "They don't appear as themselves alone. Their words count for one another." In California. research has shown that ,, men' may interrupt yvonten, but when a , woman interrupts a mano she is penalized and her behavior is disapProved. of. 414P1.6010e#40,iinpprtiiiit d'igu,§0*. men wlI liave more inj,ut 410.wooro may Mao, be present but Pr, Smith reasoned, "Men 4941 40 04 to women, it's !Ike 4: pattern We've:all learned and we keep it ping,'ti like a 0116 she explained and said that when men discuss topics like_they're tossing a, hall to one another; if a twomen Interjects, even.' though the ball hasn't been passed her way, her idea is usually passed over or remembered later when a man picks it up an-ashis own thOugutti. s-ayS, TrfS7h77.1fr,r7 "What Dorothy meant was .• ',gilt -the future doesn't hive to be this way. Already women are widening their bounds and opportunities for better professional - and personal lives are increasing. "But you have to begin with oneself," Dr. Smith told the group, "So your children may growup a little different. You have to talk together and try to do things differently.," Speaking from her own experiences Dr. Smith said, "I used to be a quivering. piece of jelly 10 years ago. You may now say she speaks with such authority, but this didn't come naturally. I had to work on it" TAKE YOURSELF SERIOUSLY Toil have to take your—i-d.11- seriously first," she stressed and said that women interested in change and improvements need good assertiveness training and networks, like the Women Today group. The county wide organization has scheduled another meeting on Thursday, November 20. Women of all ages and interests are invited to this 7 p.m. meeting at the board of education offices at the corner of Albert and Princes Streets in Clinton. Proposed toPIcs of discussion for this evening will include: dealing with hostility and disinterest: learning net to be afraktand improving your self Image. A special film, a guest speaker and mTreshments will also be included BOB & BETTY'S Variety and Gifts Seaforth Open 7 days a week 9 a.m. 011.11 p.m. XMAS CARDS by Coutts Hallmark For the best possible —selection shop early and avoid disappointment SINGLES BOXES SERVIETTES When you care enough to send the very best. 1 Radio /Melt JUST CAN'T WAIT FOR XMAS. SALE NOW IN FULL SWING CASSETTE RECORDER Now Only $ 34. 88 [ L 4stici Reg. 46'5 CTR -52 Large selection of remote toys end electronic games COME IN AND SEE OUR NOVEMBER FLYER FOR BEST BUYS AND VALUES Large selection of new toys - games dolls - models ENERGIZED SPIDERMAN SPECIAL VALUE PRICED AT ONLY $ Your 288 Radio Ihaelt Headquarters • 2- It. 2 za—'4