HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-06, Page 18.; ee IL17, 71, 17.7 TF AMON EXPO ITO 7 NOVEM8ER 6, 19E0 20 Auction Sales , 20 Auction Sales adefte, gecjVsiorialeTh-- 1 Auction Sale KIPPEN PROPERTY BY AUCTION —We-haet-been-instructedeby-the-owneietoeofferebr Public Auclion a 50 acre parcel of land with buildings. Sale to be held at the location Lot Part 15, Concession 2 on Saturday, tet‘lovember 15th - 11/4 miles East of Kippen. LAND: 50 acres No. 1 soil, suitably tiled, 4 acres bush flat land 2900 heat units. BUILDINGS: 3 bedroom 11/2 storey frame house, Kitchen, Living, family, and utility rooms on main floor. Full basement, oil heat. Barn set up for Farrow to Finish, Capacity 40 sows New Stabling with Stable Cleaner. Terms • Phone RathweRs - Viewing upon request - 527-1458 Irvine Ferris and Family Proprietors 20-78-1 VSLoce.ezieJ AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST SEAPORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519/ 527-1458 22 Legal Notices 22 Legal Notices Notice of Poll Township of Hibbert and the Police Village of Dublin A poll will be held in the Township of Hibbert anpierPo)ice Village of Dublin to elect to the Office of Councillors and Trustees. Polling Day will be Monday, November 10th, 1980 Polls will open At 11 o'clock in the morning and will close at 8 o'clock in the afternoon at the following locations: Township of Hibbert and Police Village of Dublin for Three Councillors Poll No. 1. (Con. 1-3. Lots 1-30 and The Police Village of Dublin.) - Township Office, Dublin Roll No. 2. (Con. 4-9, Lots 1-30 and the Hamlet of Staffa.) Township Hail, Staffa P011 No. 3 (Con. 10, 11 & 12 Lots 1-30. Cons. 13, Lots 5-30, Con. 14 Lots 8-30. N.T.R. Lots 22-27 and the Hamlet of Cromarty.) Cromarty Church Hall, Cromarty Police Village of Dublin only - for the election of Three Trustees. The William Feeney Building, Mill Street, Dublin. Voting by Proxy Electors eligible to vote by proxy must take application to the•Cierk for a certificate to vote by proxy before 5 o'clock in the afternoon on: Monday, November 10th, 1980 Charles Friend, A M.C.T Clerk, Township of Hibbert 22-77-2 Drains topic at McKillop Drains were the main topic of discussion at the McKillop Township council meeting Monday. . Don Diegel. John George. Brian Godkin and Peter McLaughlin attended the session to discuss the Boyd Drain report with engineer Bill Dietrich of the Kelly Engineering firm of Kitchener. Court of revision for" this drain which is being improved, repaired and closed in, will be held at the -next council meeting on December 1. Those ratepayers affect eel by the drain Will be invited to attend. An amending by-law was approved for the completed Eckert drain which cost S12,890_ or 93.40 percent of the estimated cost. Land steer aitees were given township approval on properties owned by James Cronin and Keith Simon Farms. Passed for payment were general accounts totalling S17,797.25 and road accounts of S12.230.46. Bill Shortreed of the Walton Recreation committee attended , the meeting to report that the contents and equipment owned by the conimittee was estimated to be worth about 58.000. This will be insured , with the Seaforth Insurance Agency Ltd. A meeting will be set up with Huron Library Board which shares the building with the Walton recreation committee. 22 Legal Notices 22 Legal Notices 41114441144, ELECTIONS INTHE -TOWNSHIP OF-HUILLETT will be held on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 To elect One Reeve and Three Councillors Polls are open from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. No. 1 Polling Sub-DIvIslon at the Forester's Hall, Kin - burn No. 2 Polling Sub -Division at Residence of V. Fox, Con. 12, Lol 5 No. 3 Polling Sub -Division at Residence of T. Flynn, Con. 4, Lot 22 No. 4 Polling Sub -Division at Lonclesboro Community Hall No. 5 Polling Sub -Division at Auburn Community Hall ON THE SAME DATE, THE VOTERS OF AUOURN WILL BE ELECTING THREE TRUSTEES FOR THE VILLAGE OF AUBURN, WHICH POLL WILL BE HELD AT THE AUBURN COMMUNITY HAU.. HARRY LEAR Cleric Township of Hullett Township of Stanley Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Stanley that an Election will be held on Monday, November 10, 1980 for the office of Reeve Deputy Reeve and Three Councillors Polls will be open in the following places from the tlOWS Of 11 a.m. to 8 p.m Poll No. 1: Milton Schreiber, Pt. Lot 2. Plan 2, Con. 1 Poll No . 2: Everett Robinson. Lot 7. Con 3 Poll No. 3: Township Hall, Varna. Poll No. 4:"Gladwin Westlake* Lot 12, Con LRE Poll No. 5: Russell Snider, Lot 21. 22; on LRE Last day for applying for a certificate to vote by proxy is November 10. 1980 at 5 Mel Graham Returning Officer Township of Stanley 22-76-3 NOTICE OF POLL TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH A poll will be hold lm the Township of Tucker -smith to elect: 1 member for Deputy -Reeve 3 members for Council POLLING DAY WILL BE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, 1980 Polls will be open front I1:114 o'clock in the morning and will doss at S:60 fro the afternoon at the following locations: POLLING SUBDIVISION 1 - Ed Royce's Residence, Egmon- dville. POLLING SUBDIVISION 2. Igethel Bible Church, Egrnon- dville. POLLING SUBDIVISION 3 • Alex Townsend's Residence, Lot 46. Con. 3, LAS. POLLING SUBDIVISION 4 - Rena & Jack Caldwell Residence, Lot S. Con. 11. HRS. POLLING SUBDIVISION $ - fturonview. POLLING SUBDIVISION 6 - Vonastra Recreation Centre. PROXYVOTING A parson who has been appointed o voting proxy may apply to the Clerk not later than 5 o'clock In the after- noon of Polling Day to receive a certificate to Wife by proxy for the Polling Subdivision in Which the person appointing the voting proxy Is entitled to vote. Given under my hand this 21st day of October, MO. J.R. McLachlan, Returning Officer, Township of Tuckersmith. 4 4 4 -4 4 4. -4 4.. -4- 4 4 -4 4, 4. 44-44-4114164444 -4444E,-.16 4 494,4 4 •22 Legal Notices' 22 Legal Notices NOTICE OF POLL Notice is herby given to themvpjoipaL._ electors of the TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS that whereas more candidates have been nominated to each of the following offices than the number required to fill such offices, therefore, polls will be held upon the dates and at the time and places stated in this notice for the purpose of electing the holders of such office. Offices for which poll to be held: Deputy Reeve .•• one to be elected Councillor - three to be elected for the township of Morris. Regular Polls: NOVEMBER 10, 1980 Locations: Poll 1 - Ken Shortreed's residence S1/2 Lot 18 Con. 9 Poll 2 - Township Hall Poll 3 - Institute Hall, Belgrave Poll 4 - Tom Miller's residence S1/2 Lt. 15 Concession 2 Regular polls will be open from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. Proxy application A person who has been appoin d a voting proxy may apply to the clerk nf,t later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day to receive a certificate to vote by proxy for the polling subdivision in which, the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to NANCY IMICHIE Nancy Michle Returning Officer 22-81-2 In the matter of the Ontario Heritage Act 1974, S.O. Chapter 122 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE TO: CITIZENS OF SEAFORTH JOHN CARDNO ONTARIO HERITAGE FOUNDATION Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth," on the 15th day of October. 1980, decided to designate the lands and buildings known municipally as The Cardno Block,. 39-47 Main Street, as property of architectural and historical value or interest under The Ontario Historical Act. 1974. S 0. Chapter .122 SHORT STATEMENT OF THE REASONS FOR THE PROPOSED DESIGNATION CARONI° BLOCK -The two storey buff brock buildinq. butit on 1877 has a di stonctive mansard roof with a clock tower .vhich stands 68 feet hogh. making 11 a ma;tor Jandmark. The exterior oiaddong of the mansard roof and dock tower Es slate tote The second floor facade has seven Romanesque fitalianate styled wondows There are five small round windows on the Mansa-d roof including one on the dock to''Nveortoce of objection to the designation may be served on the Clerk wothin thirty days of the 23rd day of October. 108:0 Datedat Seaforth, this 23rd day of Octet er. 1980. JAMES CROCKER, AMCT Clerk 22-76-3 ,v)er oss 4"ed eldweer.5.r r, , trf, 13.,,n635 areaestpf-51 4 44 4 4.4 4 -4 44-4 4 4 4 4 4 4.4411.444 4'4-4 21 Tender Wanted Town of Mitchell Tender Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed at the Municipal Offices in Mitchell until 5:00 p.m. local time. Friday, December -S, 1980 For the purpose of municipal Garbage Collection within the Town of Mitchell. Contract documents may be obtained from the Municipal Office, 169 St. David Street North, Mitchell, Ontario. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Donald J. Eplett A . M . C. T. Town of Mitchell 169 St. David Street. N. Mitchell, Ontario NOK I NO 21-78-2 22 1.egal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN I lit. ESTATE OF ALBERT g. 5IEMON All persons having clsirns against the retate of Albert E. Sieinen. late of the Township of McKillop in the County of Huron. Retired Plumber. deceased. who died on the i I th do: af July. OW. are hereby notified to send in full particelars 61 their clams to the under. signed on or before the. 13th day of November 1980. after which date the assets wi" be distributed. having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Staforth. Ontario this 21 st day of October. 1980 McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Seaforth, Outsrto SacItors for the executors Treasurer's Sale 61 LAND FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTII County of Ffuron To We Bs s settle re a warrant issued 11N. the Mayor of the Toe n of Seaforth under his hand arid the Seal of the Corporation. hearing date the 21st (la,. of AIN. 1480. cafe of anei's in arrears of taxes in the n 61 Seaforth viri;1 be held in the Town Hall a; 10 00 o'ciock in the fore noon on the leth da‘ctf December. IgRO. i2 e s the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice' is hereby given that the list of lands for sale of arrears of taxes IA as published in the Ontarro Gazette on the 6th day of September, 1980. and that copies of the said list may be had at my office: Dated at the Treasurer's Office this I I th day of September. 1980. JAMES CROCKER Treasurer 22. 70- I 3 24 Card of Thanks . I wish to thank friends, neighbours and relatives fo r all the gifts and cards we received in the hospital. Cathy and Mark Vock 24-78-1 _ We would like to thank our family, friends and neigh- bours for making our 25th wedding anniversary such a joyous occasion. Also a very sincere thank you for the beautiful gifts, flowers and cards. Everything was great- ly appreciated and will al- ways be fondly remembered. Art and Marie Bolton 24-78-1 I wish to thank Dr. Mallets and Dr. Wong, the nursing and kitchen steffs of the Seaforth Hospital for all their kindness to me when I was a patient recently in the hospi- tal. Also thanks to friends for their visits, phone calls, cards and letters. Rev. J. Ure Stewart 24-78x1 We wish to thank all our wonderful neighbours, Box Funeral Horne, Gary Betties. Bill Smith and the Seaforth police, Goderich OPP, Sea - forth Community Hospital, Doctor Brady and the ambu- lance people and all Joe's teenage friends, the proba- tion officers and all the others who did their jobs, but still were very considerate of us ahd the other children. Our heartfelt thank you. It meant so much. Betty Gauthier, Dan Evans. and thC kids at the group home 24-78x I Just a note to say a big "Thank You" to my family. friends and neighbours for the cards, notes. flowers and gifts. Special thanks for the food brought in when I came home from London hospital. Grace Kerslake 24- 78-1 I would like to thank my neighbours and friends for their kindness and thought• fulness to me following the death of my- wife. Thanks as well to the nurses and staff at Seaforth Community Hospi- tal for their kindness to her whde she was a patient there Albert Horner 24-'8-1 I wish to thank my blends for their cards. flowers and visits while in Seaforth Hospital A special thank you to Dr. Malkus. Dr Rodney and the nursing staff Mary Dalrymple 24- 782.1 _ 1 would like to express .my sincere thank you to all my relatives, friends and neigh- bours for the many cards. letters. flowers. gifts and \.isits while I was a patient in Stratford General Hospital Special thanks to Doctors lohn Moore and D Tamhlyn. Monsignor watsh. Fether Reck the nurses and staff at 226 Your kind thoughtful- ness %ill aCw a,.s he ren -tem - Mrs Frank Aran) KrsirteT 24-'8-1 rcr..nai Flapp‘ Fortieth, Mom and Dad Our parents. Lorne and Frelrn Carter will be cele- brating their 40th wedding anniversarr oi November crth We. their family would like to alsh ahem all the very hest of happiness for the future and thank them for all they have done for us in the past Ron and Glorit Don and Carol P 5 Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa Love Glenda. Brian. Joanne. Janice. Bradley and Julie 26-78-1 2- Births VOCK:Matthew and Michael would like to announce the safe arrival of their brother Mark, 1 lbs. 1 or. Proud parents a re Doug and Cathy, and grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Gord Sallows. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vock. 27-78-1 27 Births SCOTT:To Bill and Karen Scott of Waterloo, a son, Jeffrey Wayne on October 29, 1980. A brother for Christopher and Timothy. 27-78-1 BUTT:To Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Butt of Seaforth on November 2nd, at Seaforth Community Hospital, a son, David Wayne. A wee brother for Angela. 27-78x1 BOWMAN: Robert and Eliz- abeth, thank God for the birth of Andrea Jean, Sept. 22, 1980, at Cambridge Hospital. Jeffrey's little sis- ter weighed 5 lb. 14 oz. and is doing fine. Proud grand- parents are Leslie and Dorothy Bolton of Cambridge formerly of McKillop Twp. and Henry and Hope Bow- man of Moorefield. 27-78-1 Remember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240 Housing, Ignguage are probleps for refugees , BY JUDIE HORSUP Two prime worries of the newly arrived Vietria- mese refugees into Canada are adequate housing and language stated John Do Trong Chu. Mr. Chu. who is the co-ordinator for thc Viet- namese association in Tor- ontoiwas guest speaker at a recent meeting held in the Chnstian Church in Vanes- tra. Mt Chu spoke earlier in the day to 16 Vietnamese students about life in Can - Ma. One point he made was for the students to become independent and -- participate in Canadian saucy,- as fast as possible. The meeting was orga- nized ba Margaret Ailey. "who teaches English to the refugees. at Conestoga College. and her students_ It was open to ail area Viet• rornese refugees and their sponsors or host families in an effort to bring about solutions to any problems. The opening of the meet- ing ...ontained the Canadian anthem as well as the Vietnamese anthem Mr. Chu taMeci to the guests about life in Vietnam which leads to the desire to leave friends and fatrot . done under often dangerous cir- cumstances "If life in Vietnam can he said as Hell. then life in a refugee camp is purgatory". Mr Chu said. It is often a king and lonely trial for them. according to the speaker Asaaable al the ineettng were s.artous p amphlets. hooks and newsletters deal - mg with the culture and language of Vietnam. . One newsletter contained a pea M the form of a letter from a 15 rear old boy.. He requested rnor,es to hiay medicine and food for his sick sister and starving brother A shocking remind- er ccf these people's plight was in a story called Phuong's Beautiful Eyes" with the subtitle "nearly two months surviving on human Mr Chu ended his talk by asking the host families. sponsors and friends to en- courage the refugees to use English and to help them with 11. "They are very shy people." be concluded. The students assisted throughout the meeting singing Vietnamese and English songs. A greeting to the guests was in Chinese, Vietnarnese and Loatian. Pham Mguyen cplayed a selection on a guitar from his homeland. The students also acted as Master bf Ceremonies in the setting up and running of visual aids. 44 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 as_444AL-4-444441 44 =4A641.41.41.4A644-44L416411-46A4-.466414iia441&iliJikAsdic4imikai