HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-06, Page 16CHRISTMAS SEASON Choice of four 10 -day tours (Dec. 26-Jan.4) 1. Pensacola Beach and Grand Ole Opry 1. Pensacola Beach and Grand Ole Opry from $349 2. Gulf Coast and the Magic Kingdom from $399 3. Daytona Beach and New Year's Eve at Disneyworld from $379 4. Disneylvorld and Central Florida from $339 Also Florida at its best - 14 day (Dec. 22-Jan.4) from $5191 Nashville for New Year's Eve -6 Day (Dec. 30 -Jan. 4) from $269, I 41' .4!' l'Corning Events - • BAZAAR FESTIVAL, 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m,' Saturday No- vember 15, 1980 at Ontario Street United Church, Ontar- io Street, Clinton. Featuring homemade baking, delicates- sen, country produce; sewing and handy work, plants, flea market,- Messenger sweets - 'n treats, festival boutique centre, tea room. 1-78-2' The family of Richard and Pearl Tayler of Hensall invite all their families, neighbours and relatives to celebrate their parents'50th Wedding Anniversary, Friday, Novem- ber 14th at 9 p.m. Best wishes only. 1-78-1 FES1TIVAL SINGLES Dance, November 7, 1980, Victorian Inn, Stratford, Dancing 9-1. Welcome all singles over 25, No blue jeans. 1-78-1 The family of HOWARD AND JEANNE _ _Preszcator - invites family, friends and neighbours- ' to help celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary Fri. Nov. 21st at Saltford Dancing 9.to 1 Best wishes only CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday. 8:00 p.m. 1st regular card S1.00. Re- stricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of 515.00; 55. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot S200.00. Must go each week. 1*-ilt1.171;7A5' 1 Coming Events St. THOMAS A.C.W. Christmas Bazaar, Wednes- day, November 19th, 1980. Time 3:00 p.m. at the Parisle Hall. 1 -78 - The Brussels Child He,alth Clinic for November has been cancelled 1-78-1 BINGO every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE II.R. 5, Clinton 1st regular card 51.00; 15 regular games of 515.00; 3 share -the -wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1-78-tf The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, at Health Unit office Seaforth Community Hospital on Thursday, November 13, /80 from 9:30 • 11:30 a.m. for: I. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Fluoride 1-78-1 /. ALL STAR TOURS PIONEERS OF ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" 400 Bishop SL, CattibOtig 623-3030 or toll free atu 1-800-2654620 my Classified Rates Charges are based on the number of words Set of nuirnerals as for serial numbers. street numbers, phone numbers CT prices count as one word per set Words joined by hyphens count as wparate words. FIRST INSERTION - 15 words 52.50 ICk• per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -No copy changes. 8c per word. minimum $2.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 52.17 per column ineli SUBSEQUENT E1SERTIONS $1. 89 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category lmites. Accepted in multiples of half inch. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 15 words. 52.50 10c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES. Engagements. Death Noticec. is words 52.50. each additional word lOc. IN MEMORIAMS - 52.50 plus 10c per tine of verse COMING EVENTS 15 words 52.50. each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS -30 words 52.50,eachudditional word 3c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Norm. Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon -Tuesdays Phone -527-0240 1 Coming Events SEAFORTH' Minor Hockey Association Dance November 21st, 1980 9-1 p.m. at Seaforth Conimunity Centre. Music by: 'Free Spirit $6.00 per couple - age of majority card only. Ladies please bring-sandwiehes. 1 77-4 RECEPTION for Bruce and Marlene McDonald (nee Cunningham) Friday, November 7, 1980 South, East of Walton. Music supplied by Ian Wilbee Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. 1-77-2 HAM and Egg Supper on November 12th at Hibbert Unittd Church. Time 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Adults $4.50, Children $1.50. 1-77-2 EVERYONE is cordially in- vited to see and hear Dr. James Dobson. Focus on the family, film number four. "Preparing for adolesence. The origins of self-doubt". To be held on November 12th; 1980- ut---8"-p-aao---iiT Clinton and District Christian School gym. 1-77-2 CHRISTMAS Tea and bazaar at Seaforth Manor .Nursing Home, Saturday, November 8th 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Featuring teddy bears, 'other .crafts, home baking and ceramics. 1-76-3 ni a SEAMAN CntAR:D ...it • .•t • If t'd ROYAL AGRICUTLURE Winter Fair C.N.E. Wed. Nov. 19,1980 Toronto p, 4 °Vetting Hofie'Shoal, Bus transportation and admission to grounds S24.00 per person Call now for reservations 1-784 Have your message read by 3,600 people Free On Cable cast 12 345-2341 covitegy Mitchel:LS/Worth Cable T.V. I -78-tf SEAFORTH Minor Hockey Association Bottle Drive - November 8th, 1980 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Please save your empty pop and beer bottles and help support your minor hockey. 1-76-3 Blyth Lions Bingo every Saturday night 8 p.m. BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL Jackpot S150.00 in 60 calls •1-"8-tf 2 Lost, Strayed CAT, smokey colour. at rabies clinic at Hibbert Township shed. Children's pet. 527-1347 2-78x1 4 Help Wanted 4 Help. Wanted 4 Help Wanted PART TIME work for a -- student on Seaforth area dairy farm. Evenings and weekends. Own transporta- tion required- Apply to Box Number 3459, c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario, 4-78.1 REGISTERED NURSES to work in a 53 bed nursing home, pari -time positions available, excellent wage and benefit package, experience In geriatrics and supervisory role preferred. Please send application to: MR. CLIFF THORNTON ADMINISTRATOR SEAFORTH-HENSALL NURSING HOME 100 James St. Selforth, Ontario NOK IWO' 4-18-1 SOMEONE to clean house on one day per week, hourly rate. Apply to Box 219, Seaforth or phone 527-1141 . 4-78-1 EARN 55$ from your home shewing better ladies' fash- ions at discount prices, mini - muni investment 5500.00 or arrange shopping parties. direct to our warehouse in Toronto. • no investment necessary. Personal inter- views held Sundays only 10:00-5:00 at Fashion Mar- ket, 1177 Finch Avenue West (between Dufferin & Keele) Toronto. 4-78x1 HEAVY Duty . Mechanics re -it -tired by southern Alberta tractor and farm implement dealership. Top wages hnd full benefits plan are avail • able. Contact Francis Dunlop 403-362-4024: 403.362-3552, 4- 78 x 1 Energy - Distributor seeks Dealers and Sales People in your territory We offer the most com- plete line of energy man- agement equipment ap- proved for sale in Canada Residential. commercial, industrial and rural. Exceptionally compat- ible sideline for electrical. heating 'and refrigeration contractors. For further details call 519-655-2181 4-78-2 BABYSITTER needed start. ing November 15. St. James School or Notth Main St area. Call 527-1084 anytime. 4 • 78x1 An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends Have you tried one 9 Dial 52'-0240 .Seaforth Fireman's Ball Saturday, November 15th Seaforth Legion. Hall PROCEEDS TO MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Dance 9 to 1 Lunch provided • TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM ANY FIREFiGHTER • OR AT THE DOOR Dance 9 to 1 Lunch provided 1-78-1 Wednesday, November 19 for information phone 482-7262 1-78-2 Aren Manager required for Tow of Seaforth Apply in writing to: Seaforth Community Centre Board c/o Mr. James Crocker Clerk!Treasurer P.O. Box 610 Seaforth, Ontario NOK The successful applicarg should be a graduate in an Arena Management Course and have a mininium of two years' ,,experience in Arena Management. Job description available from the under- signed on request. Salary Fiange - 1980 - $12,698-15,430 1981 - $13,205-$16,688 Excellent fringe benefits. Deadline for applications • 5:00 p.m. • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1980 4-78-1 Wanted Experienced Tractor Dump Trailer Driver required Experienced only need apply Apply in person to: Lords McNichol trucking Ltd. Seaford: 4-78-2 Wanted Auto Body Repairman Class "Er We offer -Good working conditions A fully equipped shop Hourly pay Accident Sickness Programme Contact: CARL'S AUTO BODY 887-9269 Brussels, Ont. 4-78-1 S Bus Opportunity 8 Farm Stock DO vou run out of Money before %our run out of month? Tutn the tables with extra income from interesting part- time a ork Local Amway distributor trains you for splendid xpportunity . Phone 527-08a 5- 'S•tf MAKE money in your spare time Eearn Income Tax Pre- paratir For free brochure. no oblia.oton„ write U & R Tax Sc h •,,'s 118 Roxborou gh Drive . T arena°. On ta rio M4W 1 X4 DO sa.- -zin out of kfork-k before run init iv1 month' Turn tab C' 1.0 extra tr.orr,- mte-ect+nR part time v, '-k Local -Naas av distribli• trains v nu for splend•,1 •vpportionitv Phone 52--089fk 5- -14 \A: anted WILL babysitting nrov n borne Phone 52- 154- - -8 2 LAYING and finishing crete floors for bliements. garages drive sheds etc Call George 482-3291 7-78-tf CUSTOM corn coMbining. Second comb;ne for large acreage trucking available. Brian Wilson 527-1123. 7-76-4 8 Farm Stock - 40 Hereford calves 400-500 pounds Bud Chamne) Auburn 26-7799. 8-77-2 TWENTY-FOUR Hereford calves. George Love Walton 527-063' 8-78-1 ATTENTION cattle feeders Order buyers working on all major feeder markets in Northern Manitoba. Ashern. Lundar. Ste Rose Du Lac There are large numbers of top quality calves and year- lings at these sates For more information contact 204-242-239' 8-'8x1 HUBBARD Golden Comets. • top quality brown egg lavers. 20 weeks old Available this fall To order call McKinley Hatchery, 1-800-265-8536 9 Farm MachinerV. INTERNATIONAL' 414 Diesel Tractor. new paint. good rubber. excellent mech- anical condition. 51.900. Bill Southgate 52'-0812 11. 78x 1 10 t sed Cars 19-.2 Dodge 4 door hard top • 8 cvlmder. power steering and power brakes and radio Selling as is. Asking S500 or best offer. Elsie Southgate 52"-0812 after 6 p.m. 10-78-1 11 Articles for Sale ONE DOUBLE keyboard Electrohome organ: cr Heintzman Upright pianii both in excellent repair Phone 523-4223. THE HURON EXPOSITOR- NOVENMER 0 1000 11 'Articles for Sale SIXTEEN new holding stalls -for dry.,,sows, After 5 call 345-2088. -11-78-2 SEWING machine demon- strator sale. Choose from White. Elna,, Husqvarna Janome, Save! Save! Save! Sew 'n Save Centre, 149 Downie Street (2 doors south of Hudsons) Stratford, Phone 271-9660. Closed Mondays. 11-78-tf FISHER -PRICE riding horse, 2 years old. Half price. Very good condition: Phone 527-0415 11-78X1 DISTRIBUTORS Official Tests at San Bernardino, California showed improved engine performance and gas savings with our Patented Fuel Incluctjon Systems. Eas- ily installed in minutes and sells for $79 with a 30 -day money back guarantee. No franchise fees -Investment secured by inventory. For details write International -Marketing Services,-3frok Rd.. Grimsby, Ontario L3M 2M3 Or phone 416-945-5461 1l -78x1 CALL Anne, your Vanda Beauty Counsellor for those hard to buy Xmas gifts. Phone 527-1587 11 - 78x2 GIRL'S suede coat, white fur trim. size 12; girls tweed hooded coat, size 14; quan- tity of girl's dresses. slacks. sweaters, size 12-14. Perfect condition. 345-2665. 11-78-2 LADIES full length all wool fur trim med. grey coat. size 14. Excellent condition. Priced to sell. Phone 527-1587 11-78x2 QUANTITY of window shades. 46%" x 70". Other odd sizes also. Graves Wall- paper and Paint. 527-0550 - 1 I - 78-1 A Beach wood burning enameled kitchen range. with reservoir. Frank Reynolds 527-1207 1I -78x1 RACKS for a Ford pick up Phone 345-2966 11•78•1 DUAL-aire combination wood oil furnace 3 years (ad Phone 527-0284 11 • 7'•3 TO GIVE AWAY to a good home male pup • part German Shepherd arid Collie. Call 345-2867 after 6 p.m. 19-4 300 T & T ski doo Hasa rebuilt motor and in excellent condition. Phone 345-2933 AR9E Grandfather's Clock Walribt Case. Westminister Chimes. also Gun Cabinet eight gun Sin. Phone Mitchell 348-8002. 11- 77x 2 t AD1FS 2 piece snowmobile suit Size 14 Worn one season Phone .145-2806 11- "6- 1 DRY firewood cut and split Plione 4S21- after h p rr competitive pnce deliver, can he arranged 11•'6x5 MUSCOVY ducks Oven ready 4 to 5 lbs or "to fl His Robert Coleman 52--1645 11-'8 1 GRAIN roller with 2 h motor in new condition 345-2489 11 --ft 1 fit(d-f nt price'. (,‘Bei ts inter We have feat!i-r t coxer vou and keep arr- Dow n filled ornforters pillows We also do rc upholsterine on furniture For information pease contact T 'K ess R R 1. Belgrave 15--2-1R I1.tf Sf WIN(, ma, hint der -on strator sale (hoosc from White. Etna Mucci% arna Jannme. Sae ' Save' Save' Sew 'n' Save Centre, 144 Dounie Street (2 doors south of Hudsons) Stratford Phone 2'1-9660 Closed Mondays 11 - -tf Remember It takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad Dial 52'0240 .111.61111,41 ,411. 414 4 4 .4. 441 4 4,-4-4.411 4144. 44 4 11 Articles for Sale KEYBOARD SALE Wurlitzer pianos, organs, others ' Big price redaction during November _ 40 FREE Lessons with organ purchase Special to seniors over 60 We pay the tax! See Henry at PIULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth Open 10 to 4:30; closed noon and Wed. 11-78-4 APPLES Special U -Pick 2 bushels $10 Excellent Northern Spys No bitter pit Also Delicious While they last Bring bushel baskets . Open every day ROSS MIDDLETON ORCIaltlic- -- 1 mile east of Bayffeld north of river 11-78-2 13 Wanted WANTED A seat on Tuckersmith CouncilJim Papple, R.R. #4. Seaforth. Ontario. Phone 527-0699. 13-77-2 WANTED: A place to feed 100 cattle for the winter by the pound gain. Apply to Box Number 3460 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario 13-78x1 GOOD used furniture 482. 7922 13-78-tf 14 Property for Sale STAFFA Mobile Home 12' x 52' on a large lot priced • to sell at SI0,500, Contact Charles or Myrtle Walkom. 348.8)97 or 229-6149. Repre- senting Tom Reidy Realty Limited. 14-78-1 14 Property fin Sale P. If. EA LT Y 1:ANIrrEn 5 Acres: PA mile south of Seaforth on paved road with a lovely 4 bedroom split level home app. 12 years old ready to move into. Newer barns set up for ovar a 100 sow,' implement shed, drilled well. 3 Bedroom: Attractive 11/2 storey home, newly renovated outside and in, spacious newly decorated living room, modern kitchen with plenty of . cupboards 4 pc. bath' attached garage, just the home for newly weds wanting to live in Seaforth. 100 acres: of rich corn and acres workable in Logan • Twp., bank barn, attractiVe red brick home. 125 Acres bog farm in Hibbert Township, 3 hog barns, implement shed, heated work shop. Lovely 11/2 storey home with pool, paved drive way. Country Home: 11/2 storey 3 bedroom, recently renovated in and out, 10 minutes from Seaforth in McKillop Township. 20 Acres: On 23 highway' 3 miles north Mitchell new hog barn. 2 storey brick home. JOE O'REILLY 345-2465 348-8823 14-78-1 Additional Classified on next page EGMONDVILLE - Clean. Lovely, Cozy and priced right' What more could you ask for? One floor 3 bedroom house. spacious living room. with wood burning fireplace. walk in closets. Cedar Deck. Extra Large Lot. 530's. EGMONDVILLE - New Listing; Custom built. one :Avner home. All your living on one floor. with lower level for family. guests. and entertaining. Paved Drive leading to a double Car Garage Only 560 000.00 CHURCH STREET • Prestigous older 2 storey double brick house. family room. modern kitchen, large living room. fireplace. Beautifully landscaped. EAST WILLIAM • Older 2 storey home, nicely decorated throughout. separate dining area, family room. full basement. Double Lot. Make an offer! FRANIGIN STREET.- Excellent Retirement Home. featuring 3 good sized bedrooms. spacious kitchen, large living room. Open for an offer! CHALK STREET -WHY RENT? When you can buy this one floor 3 bedroom house. well maintained. Spacious corner lot. Utility shed. MeKTLLOP TOWNSHIP 50 acres with a custom built ranch style borne. attention paid- to every detail. Double Garage. Paved Dri've.-Steel Shed, and more' MARKET STREET - New Listingl 3 bedroom brick and aluminum bungalow, only 3 years old, close to school. Large lot! Open for Offers1 MARKET STREET - Compact 2 bedroom bungolow, separate dining area. Spacious living room. Attached Garage. Open for an Offer! "THE SIGN THAT SELLS" MAUREEN WILDFONG 432-3224. TOM SCHOONDERWOERD 345-2459. 14-77-1 , ...