HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-29, Page 5iwr x T IVI GJL.M TIMES, NOVEMBER BEllw 2J I9u THE gfI G HATS $U0, 30RSALINQ HATS 110.Fi0 Crowder's Ten Dollar Suits nd Overcots irQA_YRIGiiTCD BrIlICA'WAIDz500.1906 If you have the idea, Mr. Buyer, that because $1o,00 is all you care to put into a suit or overcoat, that you'll have to take something a bit lacking in style, forget it. This big clothing busi- ness owes its existence to the fact that it takes better care of the man with this amount to spend than any other store can or cares to do. That it gives him the same smart, smart styles, the same high standard of fit, the same painstaking and intelligent attention that it gives to the man who spends double that amount. OVERCOATS. --Judge the variety when we say that at $lo.00, we show in black alone 4 destinct styles and cloths. Fancy stripe and overcheck effects in this seasons newest patterns and shades. All made with splendid broad shoulders and perfect fitting collar and lapels at these three prices $IO.00 $12 50, $13,50. SUITS. A magnificent range of the newest fancy patterns in hard wearing English worsteds & Scotch tweeds, blues and blacks, etc., single or double-breasted styles, all splendidly tailored and high-class trimmings,unmatchable values at - - $10.00 and $12.50 We are sole agents for 20th century clothes, the best Wade in Canada. Boys' Overeoate and Suits at bargain prices. Men's Coon Coats, Oalf Coats, Dagskin Coats, Wombat Coats, Far lined Coats, Fur Cape, etc. MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR CHRISTMAS. We have just received a large range of Men's Ties, Mufflers, Gloves, Shirts, etc. Oommencerag Deo. let store open every evening till 10 o'clock. The CROWDER CO. 1 Vvvvvvvvvvvvvavvvvvvvvvavv vvvvvavvvvvvivvvvvvvvvvv Chrislmas •Presents ! 1 E. Now is the time to select your presents, while E. the assortment is large. Select them now and = have us lay them away for ou. We have a ▪ large assortment of i Neeklaees, Brooches, Fancy Bracelets, Etc. CFine Watch Repairing a specialty. Jewelry made to order. :. KAISER, the. Jeweler 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 N 4 d 4 1-41d -AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAlkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIe lovictus Shoes For Men In the newest shapes, Made from the best materials, perfeet fitting, and guaranteed to give the best of sattsfaction in every particular. Also very fine Iinee of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes. Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Boots, etc., a great variety to choose frown, et very moderate prices. R. Johnston SHOE DEALER. . WIS.v*Ctli.'iDi r3Ei(e RAY0 Telephones have been eetabiirhed i ell the leading bpsipess houses of th village. A box eootel, under the auspices of Trinity Church, was held in the Forrest. era Hall, on Nov. 28th. Atter the bona were relieved of the good thiogs, a lisle of Ladies work was held atter whio:l. a short programme was rtiven. We are very t:grry to chronicle the death of Mies Agnes Swindlehuret which toots place recently at the home ct her uncle, Mr. W. G. Nieolson. 141e13 Swindlehnrst was a young lady of ex anent character and will be ration missed by a large circle of friends One of the pioneer residents of this section passed away on Friday last in the person of Elizabeth Rath, wife of Mr, Richard Stonehouse. Deceased has been ailing for some time and her four daugh- tees, Mrs. Thos. Russell, of Sagt-aaw, Mich, ; Mrs. T Nixon, Rapid City, Man, ; Mrs. McBurney, Exeter; and Mre. Thos 0. Wilkinson, of Saskatchewan have for some time been at her bedside. The deceased was highly respected sad restat- ed the age of 73 years. The bereaved will have the sympathy of the commun. ity. You Nay be Sick To -Wight. Without a moment's warning pain springs upon us. At the outset it is int scantly cured by Nerviline. Surprising what fifteen drops of this marvelous medicine will do. It's external action is no less certain than it's wonderful et. feat when taken internally, Of course Nerviline is powerful or it couldn't be so penetrating. But not irritating or caustic. There are other pain remedies, but when you use Nervili le you see the difference. That dilrerenoe is this, --- others relieve, bet Nerviline does cure sprains, strains, swelling, earache, tooth- ache, neuralgia, lumbago, in fact all muscular paine. Large bottles 25o at all deaters, GREY. R. C. Armstrong, who has been on the sick list: for the past eight weeks with typhoid fever, is able to be out again we are pleased to notioe. Misses L. and M. Richardson and Ethel Smith, of Clinton, were visiting friends on the 4th line. The station on the G. & G. Railway Iine between Walton and Monorieff is to be called MoNaught, we understand. Geo. McCartney, of Moose Jaw, has come over to see his wife, who is ill at her home hers. Ile will probably spend the winter here. George Barrows has sold his fine farm west of Walton, containing 127 4 acres, to Robert Holmes, MoKiliop, for the sum of $7,000, The purchaser will get speedy possession it is said. Mr Barrows' health has not been very vigorous and he may take a rest from farming for a while. We hope he and Mrs. Barrows will not remove from this locality as they are highly esteemed people. Tona.lous Form of ISyetemathc Catarrh. Not an easy thing to cure, and a remedy that makes good deserves the credit. Oatarrhozone cured Chas. H. Webb of Woodstock, N B., who writes: 'For a number of years I was troubled with systematic catarrh. It was a very tenacious form of the disease and noth- ing helped. I -used Catarrhazone and got relief. To build up my system I used Ferrozone. This combination oau't be beaten, They oared me." Your case may be ohrosio bat Catarrhozone will drive oat catarrh and keep it out. Two sizes, 25e and $t.00 at all dealers, sold under guarantee of satisfaotion. JAMESTO WN. Mr. A. F. McDonald has been engtged to teaoh in S. S. No. 10, Morris for 1907. G. E. Coombes' have left their farm at Jamestown, and are now comfortab- ly settled in Mole sworth. ,We wish them success in business. The people of Jamestown are endeav- ing to 'form a Literary society for the winter. It is a pleasant way to spend the winter evenings, and the meetings are also very instructive. William Hogg has now returned from Washington Territory where he has re• sided for the last few years. Mr. Hogg intends to remain in Grey for some time, Crawford Strachan returned from Pine River on Taesday. He visited his broth- er and sisters at the lake. the pnrchae. ed a fine colt from his brother and brought it home by train. The beef -ring is closed for the year. We had one of the best of hatchet's and • eveyone was satisfied this summer. The final meeting of the shareholders vrill be held this week. The Tremble] of Old Age, With the advance of years the vital functions of the body slow down. In consequence the organs of secretion suf- fer, the action of the bowels are lessen; - ad and there is no longer healthy ciren- latlou. The brain is congested with blood, giddiness, trembling and cold ex- tremities are Common. No assistauce is so potent as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I3y their direct action on the stomach, liver and kidneys they cause an immediate change. Mild, tree from gripe, strength- ening and cleansing the whole system, no medicine is so valuable in old age as Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Try these Pills, 26e per box Mall dealers. Council met on Nov. 20th. Members present. Jae, Donaldson Reeve, Geo. Falconer, Wm. Baptist, Jae. Kuntz, 5, L. Purvis being present. ' Kuntz--Baptist.—That Geo. Falconer, be appointed chairman of the finance in the abgeneo of Purvis.—Carried. Thos �e,liaatH [h ffi e and Officer o a d the Chairman of the Board of Health pre- sented their reports of the Sanitary eon dltion of the Township for the current year. Kuntz ---1 beonee.—That the report of the Medical Health Officer and Ohair• man of the Board of health be received and adopted. ----Carried. Baptist---Tantz.—That a job be let to gravel about 20 rode on the 6th totem - stern opposite lot 25 as the Ned is in bad condition the same to be let ;,y Geo, Fat- coner,—Carried. Kuntz --Baptist.•-1 hat tel Saml. Lind - nay has made complaint.that one day of hie Statute was returned undone by the Pathniaster, and the same was charged in his taxes. He claims that his Statute labor was performed iu full and requests the ilouncil to refund the money'. That the matter be laid over unlit next meet. • 40.4)44400000'0'00040 Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like to call it, is one of the most weakening diseases known. $aott'4 Emulsion, which is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphiites in easily di- gested form, is the greatest strength -builder known to medical science. It is so easily digested that it sinks into the system, Itpaking new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. Use Scott's Einal,acion after Influenza. Invaluable for coughs and Colds, ALL DRUGGISTS; 8Oc. AND $1.00. 44044604.40444•44404100000 ++4++4++++++++++++++++++++ 44++++++++++4+4++++++++44+ R. KNOX'S ANNOUNCEIVIENT 'c TO GW ST AS BUYI RS ! I } { H ving such a large stock of Chi.mas Goods, everything will be sold at prices that wi sell then See I our stock and prices before purchzsi elsewhere. lI EADQVABTE a FOR 5 • Watches, Clocks, Gold and Plated we y, Silverware, Silver and Ebony Z s Novelties, Fancy Sets and Boxes, t Wood and Leather Guide, Fancy Chinaware and novelties, Gold, liver and Pearl Umbrellas. Specta- cles in gold and silver. Fancy Stationery, Gift Books, Novels, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Childreu's Fancy Goods, Christmas Cares and Calendars, Picture Books, Dolls Toys, Musical Instruments, Cameras, Comic and Sonvenir Post Cards. 1 Opposite Queen's Hotel. cilw 25c in cash or trade allowed on all purchases of $5.0o worth of goods. Fine Watch, Clack and Jewelry Repairing a specialty. R. KNOX < W1N(HAA2 4++++++++++++A+++++4++++++ +++++++++♦++++++4444+++++1 ing.of Council for further inquiry.— Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques is'ned in payment of the accounts:—Swartz & Eedy, spikes, 57c; A. Schaeffer, covering culvert, 50; Jas Day and others, repairing hill and sink - bole, $103.;39; A Beingessner, gravel, $8 81; J. A. McLean, hemlock lumber for snow fence, $29 40; Jesse Johnston, eelecting jurors', $3 00; Wm. Sproals, grading and building culverts, $42 00; Hy- Marchant, 00 yards of gravel $0,30; Wm Casitelr,,bnilding snow fence, $27; Win. Case, 35 yards of gravel, $2 45; Dr, Stewart, examining indigent and pupils in school and services ou Board ot Health, $5.0,; Wm. Backing, covering bridge and building railing,$143 08; Wm. Richardson, putting in culvert, $30 20; Win. Taylor, gravel, $3.01; Dr. Gilles, examining pupils S. S. No. 5, $2 0:); A. Simpson, inspecting contract, $1.65; Jno Turner, suiting hill, $40,00; Jas. Why - tock, repairing hill, 75c. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Deo. 15th as per statute. CMAs. BUTTON, Clerk. Mr. Adam Simpson, of the 2nd con • cession, has sold his farm, the old home- stead, to Mr. Miles Moir, who for the past three years has been on W. J, King's farm. The price paid was $2,- 800. Mr. Simpson will likely invest .in another farm. David Ritchie, whose death was re. corded last week was born in Tortes - shire, Scotland on lith of January, 1828 At the age of eight years he came to Canada with his parents who, after liv- ing for a short time in Montreal settled on a farm in the County of Chateangay. When the deceas. d and his elder brother became young men they to ,k up fame in Fertile Creek, Que. In the year 1856 he was married to Mary MoKell, who still survives him. In 1869 he 'told out to his brother and coming to Oulrees settled on the farm on which he resided until his death, He was a hard workiug and industrioas man, when but a mere lad he drove a horse and care on the Beantbarnois Canal and worked at carpentering at tinges besides clearing his f' -ams. He was ill oult two days with pneumonia. He vat s life-long Presbyterian and was op;•• - d to the use of the organ and he i•• t book in public worship. Ia politics he was a Liberal. 110 %ICK. On Tuesday, November 20th, Nancy Jaques, beloved wife of Charles .i3. Harris, departed this life, aged 85 years and 9 months. Deceased took sink with pleuro -pneumonia, which gradually be- came worse, and she passed away after Established .1579 Whooping Cough, Croup, llronthitls Cough, Grip, Asthma, (Diphtheria Cresolefte is a boon to Antllat`..fici; Boca it not seem trtoto ore, nv . to latathe in a remedy to cure disease of the 1 re. tbing organ, than to take the remedy into th!stomach r It cures because the sir rendered strongly anti- septicis carried over the ditiea-ed sur.;,' with every breath, giviat/ prolonged and constant treat. mens. It is tavahsable to ns.,at:rs ui:1( small ebitdr n, Riwseafrteansumptu'e ". se tendency find immediate jf relief groin coughs or in. p,t� dorsad conditions of t1;6 . 110 t1ii tt. Sold by dtugetsts. Seadpostalf rbu.l ler. 1,u,>;At1+16:litt.to en., e.I t„c...,.,:tt.,nt. real, Canada. goy intense suffering. Mrs. Hsrris was the 4th daughter of the late John J.tq¢e3, and was married to her now bereft nus band 12 years azo last June. These few short years were spent on the farm two miles south of Furdwich. By their no - ion throe children were bora —threw boys, the youngest a babe of tsva weeks and three days—to whom she was ever *true and kind mother. Iavalnable For Nursing Mothers. With nursing chines an unceasing strain on the mother's vitality. The blood -is weakened Nerves are irritable throagh lass of teem. Acxiety and cute break down even th.+ strongest. Expert. ease teaches that nothing is more help. ful than Ferrezene. What au appetite it brings! No blood former or item tonic more potent, no medicine known that so steadily brings back the health, vigoc and spirit that mothers r'quire. It's because Ferrozane nourithee, be. utilise It supplies the material for re- bnildiug that it does such permanent good, 5Oa per box at all dealer's. WEST WAWA IN OSii. (.nonoil hitt as per adjournment, on Nev. 17 Members an present. Reeve Bailie In the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. The Treasurer's statement showed balance on hand of $618.89, read and fl e4. The Reeve nncl Clerk were instrnnted to prepare a by -las and have ebentures ready by matt meeting for Kirk's drain, on motion of Murray and Anderson The Clerk was ills ructed to notify the Sterling Bank not to collect any taxies a for Dec. 15th. Jas. Campbell was paid grave' tree net -'cif $5.36 due since 1905, on motion ot Meted and Murray. All accounts nisei/1st the Township must be presented by Drc. 15th lir they will not be honored after that date. Taxes not pail by Dao 15 will have 5% added after that data. A number of claques were issued which will appear in the filianeial state• ment. Council adjourned to met t on Dec. 15th at 10 o'clock. Andrew Knight, 8th line, disposed of a 5 months old heavy draft colt recently for the handsome figure of $170 00. The annual entertainment and Christ- mas Tree of the Sunshine Sunday School will be held on December 18th. The anniversary services of Jackson's church, 8th line, Morris, will be held on Sunday, Dec 2nd, when a former pastor, Rev. Win, Fantail, of Monktou, will occupy the pulpit. Patrick and Mrs. McCabe, of Ottawa, are welcome visitors at Thomas Russell's 0th line. Tho first named is a brother to Mrs. Russell but they had not suet far 52 years, The 100 acre farm, 7th line, known as the "Davey Maxwell" property, has been purohased by Thuell Bros., of Brussels, from 3' & J Heffron, of l3Iyth. Price is said to be :3,200. There aro 12 aeree of good hardwood bush still on the farm which will be of considerable valne to the new owners for running their el'ctrio light plant and chopping mill at Brussels. Sunday', Nov. 18th, the spirit of Miss Mary Letitia, youngest daughter of the late John Cook, Oth lino, soak its flight. She had not enjoyed very rugged health far the past 5 years and had been eon- tidetably worse for two months prior to her demise but was only in bed a week before the call °ante Dropsy was the (anile of her death. "dire Coote was • THE LE WWN STORE a BIG u.. Cut Price Sale Shill Going On We've satisfied hundreds of customers with big value giving since this sale began ; and there's no reason why every visitor will not go away well pleased with value received. We sell what we advertise, and live up to every promise we mike. Tables of Bargains. TABLE NO. 1—Fauoy Plaid Dress Goods Sic TABLE NO. 2—Boys' Heavy Fleece Lined Underwear 35c TABLE 1tO. 3—Ribbons, all colors, plain and fancy 15c TABLE NO. 4—Wide Neck Ribbons, worth `150, for 20e TABLE NO. 5 -Flannellette Blankets, nice size, .. fisc TABLE NO. 6—Heavy Ribbed Seamless hose, 35e, for 25c TABLE NO. 7—Mill Beds Factory Cotton, reg 10 to 12/c, 7c TABLE NO. 8—Ledies' Vests, worth 25c, to clear at • 20c TABLE NO. 9—Wide Flannellette, fast colors, sale • 5e TABLE NO. 10—Ladies' Fancy Silk Ties, worth 35c, for 25c CLOTHING. Big stock of the best makes of Clothing on second floor. We save you honey on every -dollar's worth of clothing bought here ; the right style and fit guaranteed. See our Suits and Overcoats at $6 00 -- big value. Overalls 75c. Smocks 75c Pants $1.25, Boys' Reefers, only $2.00 FARMERS. WANTED—Large quantities Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, P. Potatoes, Poultry. We pay the highest price for Dry Picked Fowl. Agents for New Idea Patterns. Price on• -.1 }sar Brunswick Hotel, Win with every Irina. and stvl Toupees, B tugs—wavy ea 3 p in every length and shale. His Art Styles are know Be sure to visit his Show Rn He will, free of charge. d ^ti; suitable and becoming to yo and Younger A•rpearauc-. Gentlemen Who Are Patent Feather Weight T heads. T'l5'ali.,6•,5 1y IOC ie.irsidislinclAskieE� PROF, DOHENWEND Ob' TORONTO The fainc,us 1-1.413 NODS ARTIST IST IS CODING ' He will be at the gym, - Thursday, Banner fith of Lilies' null Gentlemen's Wigs, sin fronts. 5 vitohes of ail l;ng hsir otnpleoars, eto and worn by alt clas4c+s evarywh'ro one at hotel and ewe nis nrw tenign4 iu itr rte by fittln.,A you what is ul- t Their use a les Health, Cam:ore a,ld eueald investieste anti sqa his p.!es ani Wigs, worn 00 over 75 030 PLEASE REMEMBER DAY AND DATE e+4044•*4+4e44otte tn.es enemas PC$+44444444440••+++4•!!!!A 4 4 4 2 0 •• •• • • • • ••• 4 • • • • • • • e • • •4 • • FUTUE! RJflNITURE 1 • For the Fall Trade.• • • S. Gracey has a very fine assortment of new and up -to- i • date Furniture, in • Sideboards, Buffets, Bedroom Suits,• • Parlor and. Extension Tables, Couches, 2 Mattresses, $ pring . Beds, etc., etc. •• It you want anything in the Furniture line brie full, before yen bnv come • and see what we have, iia will be pleated tc Wear carr go•':le. We think we have snmothine that will be to tentr tieing, 2 and at very rt unable pri.-ts. • • If you -,tent one of the le et Sprin., i'i- !e that is made, try tee "IIEEICULE5" • SPRING We have than. th-'y ere the best for the motley. Yen • een try them for it month, (I U,1 if not natiefactory rot aria theta. • • i ewe Lava a few pintos of rlleilVilD1J;`i`h and a few 1�'I,C)l)l1v It CGS • • (Art t siert to to ell outs et 1 ar at a mire. •• • - 4. iC7 i IntInin; neetee.aa nee:Il;nen .A. : n lenT tteel.�.r' -'�7- • +iltgoer sl t;tin- vis,tl twsepia:- .a S•41, RAC ' 1 oen on the farm on which sale died and W.119 „4 rear(' of t14aUPI` l ro,?ne-re aro a .nt .r ' • m. and Juo , et eferrttt. sirr-i ,i•tmef+, of • ' r nee". • Haurilton. Mro (leak tit ti years ego, 1"arnitUi"t°i; iDealelr and l ➢rill;tit a Undertaker end Mr. Cool: pain °lature'b debt last • • • 5eptember. N44444444•4.444t444444+14• 4444A444444^444444444e'444ir