HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-29, Page 4Ir FTAl3Llfiil$1: 1573 THE W1NG.HAM TIMES. H. B. Bft14IQ T. Pusr.ISuxR Axn Pnornrason THURSDAY. NOPEII.BER 29. t906. NOTES AND' COMMENTS. The bye elections t i fill var'anoiee in the Rouse of Commons were held in St. Ann's and St. Mary's divisions of 1t oat er91 last week and in each case the Lib Oral aandidate was return -41. The ap ooh from the throne wish whish Berl G:ey op:ne1 the Disiui.a Parliament on Tinned sy, forahadowed, in aidition to the revision of the tariff, the following legislation: -A bill to amend the election act. A bill to amend the postoffioe act. A bill to amend the Dominion lands not A bill to provide fo: the more effective supervision and inspection of Oauadiau food products, meat and fish. A bill relating to the meuafaoture and sale of patent medi- cines. A. bill to give increased represen- tation, in the House of Commons to Alberta and Saskatchewan. A. bill to ratify the commercial treaty with Jap- an. A bill respeoting juvenile delia- queuts. is, there is general oomplainiu„ as to the. slowness of business, Qheioe butcher cattle, however, are always in good de- mand, and the market for this class is firm. The following are the gnotatious t Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Choice .... ... ....... $4 60 $l: 76 Medium......,,.,.,4 25 4 40 Bulls 3 50 3 75 Light 300 3 50 Cows 3 50 3 75 Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards 3 75 Stockers choice 3 25 " bulls..,,., ..,.. 2 00 Butchers' - Picked 4 40 Choice 3 75 Medium 3 75 Cows.... . ........ 2 60 Bulls 2 25 Hoge - Best 6 40 Lights 6 15 Sheep - Export ewes 4 50 Bucks.,., 300 Guile.., ... 3 00 • Spring Lambs per ib.. 5 50 Calves. each , . - 200 ACHING KIDNEYS Made sound and strong by Dr. Will- iams' Pink Pills. There is probably no one in the town of Paris, Ont. who does not know Mr. Samuel G. Robinson and who will not readily accept his word when he says that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured him of an obstinate case of kidney trouble after all other treatment had failed to give him more than temporary relief. To a reporter of the Star -Transcript Mr. Robinson freely gave permission to pub- Iish a statement of his case in the hope th his experience might benefit some other sufferer. He sail : "I have suffer- ed from Kidney Trouble for about three years. Sometimes my back ached so severely that I was unable to w-rk, and at times it was almost impose • e for me to straighten up. I had to • mate very frequently and often h : to get up several times daring the ght. At diff- erent times I was ande he care of Doc- tors, bat only g t reli for a time. I also tried a nn.. •er • f medicines and backache plaster. •nt none of them helped me and I b gan to think the trou- ble .could not be cured. One day during a conversation with a friend he asked me why I did not try Dr. Will- iams' Pink Pills, saying that he had used them and they had done him much good. I decided to try the pills and it was not long before I was greatly bene- fited. I continued using them for some time longer and I am glad to say that every vestage of the trouble has disap. petered and I am now as well as ever. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have proved a blessing to me aad I gladly recommend them to anyone similariy afflicted." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the great- est pure in the world for all the common ailments of men and women -for all weakness and weariness, and backaches and headaches of aneamia; all the heav- iness and distress of indigestion; all the painsand aches of rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia, and 'di the ill health that follows any disturbance of regngarity in the blood supply. All these ailments a e caused by bad blood and Dr, Williams' Pink Pills actually make new, rich, red bloud They strike straight at the com- mon root of disease. But von must get the genuine pills with the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around each box. Sold at 50 cents a box or six boxes fhr $2 50 by all dealers or by the Dr. Williams' Med- icine Co , Brookville, Ont. Elmira ratepayers carried a by-law to expend $25,000 for waterworks. George Whi•e was burned to death in a fire that destroyed his dwelling at Chatham. The coasting steamer J. H. Jones has been wrecked near the Christian Islands, and over a score of lives have been lost. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresoleno pith the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 103 in stamps. [•rc,nse, liars Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4oz r.tve Stook Markets. Toronto, Nov. 27 -The run at the City Cattle Market to -day was 63 loads, with 715 head of cattle, 2,200 sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs and 76 calves. Although there was a very light run at the market to -day, trade was slow, and prices were barely holding steady. The butcher trade is rather draggy this week, many of the wholesalero having quite a little stock on hand. Good bright and sharp weather would, per- haps, liven the trade up a bit, bat, as it II ,.. . i,! i.6 Y.. WeaJLwzqs .1 Bronchitis: For over sixty years doctors , have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, _ weak lungs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust a - medicine the best doctors ap- prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. The hest kind of a tentl:noniel-- "Sold for over sixty veers:, Mthsbi.J.0..A r CS.. Larmit,Wass'. Argo manufa tur,:rs or P SIIt54VAt.1Ltls fW (,yrs ntiR. Ws hsts ro *bey r11n a es c hew' els r . the formulas otall Our tats, b:es. Aysr's Pills keep the ho° egular. AA Velertable Arid grntty laxative. 4 00 3 50 2 25 4 60 4 121j 4 00 3 00 2 60 4 85 3 60 3 50 6 00 6 00 WINGHAM NARRET REPORTS Wingham, Nov 28th 1906 Flour per 100 lbs.. . 2 00 to 2 60 Fall Wheat .,,. 0 69 to 0 72 Oats 0 32 to 0 34 Barley .... ..... 0 42 to 0 45 Peas ... 0 68 to 0 70 Buckwheat 0 65 to 0 55 Butter ............0 20 to 0 20 Eggs per dos 0 22 to 0 24 Wood per cord 2 60 to 3 00 Hay, per ton........ 800 to 10 00 Potatoes, per bushel new0 45 to 0 50 Tallow per lb Lard .-- Dried Apples per lb Live Hoge, per owt. Turkeys, drawn Geese, " Ducks, per ib .. , Chickens, per lbs 005 to 006 0 15 to 0 15 O 05 to 006 610 to 610 O 12 to 013 O 09 to 009 0 08 to 0 10 008 to 010 - THE - Berlin Business College Write for oatalog o, the school that places more students in nog - dons than any similar school in Western Ontario. All graduates get positions. Enter at any time. W. D. EULER, - Principal ryrvuernm [trxx str Near By Health Resorts A few days at the Mineral Spriugs of St. Catharines, Mt. Clemens and Preston, has benefited the health of hundreds. Nothing is equal to the treatment. Best of hotel accommo- dation at moderate rates. TRY IT. All s'taated on the G. T. R For tickets and full information call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. J. D. MCDO ALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. THE BEST PLACE IN WINGHAM TO SECURE A Piano Organ OR Violin IS AT DAVID BELLS Terms to suit purchaser. YWINGHAM Machine Works Having secured a first-class machinist, I ani prepared to do all kinds of repair- ing on the shortest notice. Also CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER I ani also building a few Portable Sawing Machines -something now. Call and inspeot befero placing your order elsewhere. 1 Mr ■ 11 V illla TUE SVINGIIAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 29, 1906 WOOD WANTED: At Wingham Salt Works. We are prepared to pay the highest market prioe for all kinds of good Wood delivered at the Wingham Salt Works. Call at office for particulars, Gray, Young & Spading. NOW OPEN FALL TERM IN THE Central Business College, TORONTO, ONT. Enter any time. Twenty teachers. One hundred and twenty Typewriting Machines. Unexcelled facilities for assisting graduates to positions. - Write for new Calendar. W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge & Gerrard Ste., Toronto. Turkeys anted ! We want to bnyj your Turkeys, and will pay the highes market prioe. Write for particulars, and state how many yon have. Mention this gaper. THE . .... Canada Poultr _ & Produce Co. Limited STRAT RD, ONT. i t 1 it t HOWSON, HARVEY & ;i BHOCKLEBANK, The Leading Commercial School CAENT RRALL6/ ,01 STRATFORD. ONT. This school is recognized to be one of the best Commercial Sohoole in America. Yon can safely judge a school by the applications it receives. This term we received applications from firma in six large Amerioan cit- ies and from far more towns and cities of Canada, including Saskatoon, Sask., on the west, and Charlotte- town, P.E I , on the east. Oar reputation means ma 'h for our graduates. Write for our Catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. Farm • rs' Poultry We want or dress HIGHEST 11 your Poultry, alive d, and will pay ala PRICES for it. Your Poultr may to delivered at WITGHA LucKNo\ BRASSE BELGRAC BLYTH, ov. 8. McMillan & Co. , buyer wanted. „ 15 (4 „ .. " FLAVEL ES, LIMITED LO DON, ONT. WINGHAM Flour Mills We are often asked by farmers, which is it better for them, to get wheat gristed, or bay flour, grist- ing is the cheapest, yon will save from 25c to 30o on each bag of flour, and then you get our flour, which is the best. We have our chopper running again and can chop from 4,000 to 6,000 lbs. an hour, eo their will be no waiting to get your chop done. PRICE LIST Five Lilies floor, bl, $2.10 to $2.80 Prairie 3 oeo " " 2.00 to 2.20 Star - " " 2 00 to 2 15 Cream Pastry Flour 1.x,0 to 2.05 Low grade.Ciour,tou 26 00 to 27 00 Bran, per ton • 17.00 to 18.00 Shorts, " • • 18.00 to 20.00 Screoniago - 18 00 to 20.00 Ohop - - • 20.00 to 25 00 Winter Wheat, bus. .09 to .70 fxoaso " .60 to .02 Manitoba it " .75 to 85 Goods fuelivered promptly to all parts of tho town. • • iaxweZ & -- FOR--.---. GlothinA and • Men's FurnishinAs ammimmemeimaimam Our Custom Tailoring Department offers excellent service to the man who requires good fitting and good appearing clothes. We have an un- usually large and handsome range of Woollens from which to select your Overcoat, Suit or Tro •sers. You wi:l find us up-to-date in everything - in fabrics, in ideas, in workmanship. Moderate prices. Our Men's Furnishings Department is full of all the newest that can be had in that line- -Hats -Sweaters -Mufflers -Ceps -Gloves -Scarfs -Underwear -Shirts -Collars -Neokwear -Mitts -Hose -Handkerchiefs -Suspenders, Umbrellas in fact, all the requirements of men and boys in that line. Call and see what we have ; it won't cost any- thing to look. Boy Wanted, to .learn Tailoring. + ++++4' ie++3-3- +444.44+++++++ 3•fi+++++++++++++4•+1'++++++++ +4. GEORGE MASON $ DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY 4. :1- GOODS, SOUVENIR GOODS, ETC., ETC. 1 * ¢ ,' 'i, 1=rr i y .n., r .ITc S'!'st: ,^ i i7 _ •l' .1.;t Y' ' l a 1II R iM l 'I tl li : ,t. .1.MASON BLOCS, WINGHAM. + 4- Tho above block was erected by the late Mr. John Mason, of London, 4. in 1879. On the 1st of December in that year George Mason started a Book 'i' + and Fancy Goode business, wI which has continued without interruption since ,'i'1, that date. On the let of December the 28th year begins with a formal open- '1' .1, ing of the old "Odd Fellows' Hall " and balance of the flat devoted to a large ... + • display of Christmas Goods, embracing - 4* 4. Fancy China, Book, Toys, Etc., Etc., + 4. e• where we believe will be shown one of the largest displays of goods this side '1' of Toronto. .dt. Including the "annex," which is nearly as large as the Dominion Bank, + + practically the whole of the block will be devoted to the uses of the business. •i- •41• On the upper flat will be the old Hall -a beautiful room for a large 4 .l. display of goods. The s de rooms will be used for private office, stock room, .I• + ladies' parlor and reception room, dressing room, etc., for the convenience of •l- * our large circle of customers. d• I desire to thank my many friends of Wingham and the surrounding 4- country for their very liberal patronage for 27 years, and treat our business •'1p relations may continue by meriting a large share of your Ohristmas trade. George Mason. 4' 4-E+++++++•'r++-1 ++ :••1•+4 4;tel tee- ++ +4444+++++++++++++++++++++ ••♦•••••••••••••••••e••s•• ••••••••“:••••••••••••••••• TOO MUCH FURNITURE And Not Enough Money ! ! ! * o We must sell $2,000 worth of Furniture in the n 4r knew what we are selling Couches and Parlor Suits 4. this week. • SIDEBOARDS. -Seven, worth from $12 to $1 , your choice, while they $9.00 i COUCHES. --18, worth from $9 to 411, your choice for - - $7.50 EXTENSION TABLES. -18 Tables worth from $8 to $10, your choice for - - - - $7.60 to $8.50 t DININGROOt1 SUITES. -3 high•olass. ii cut Oak, polished, buffet, i extension table, leather upholstered chairs, worth from $90 to $100, your choice • $75 PARIAH SUITES. -6 Parlor Settee, worth from. $35 to $i0. Your choice • from - - . 0 days. If you yon would have one 4 $25 to $32 Call at once if you want a parlor suite. • BEDROOM SUITES -We have .them worth from $12 to $14, Your + • choice for- $10.00 Wo have other high-class Spites at low priors. Come aril get the bar- -t gains, for we must have the money. IAll kinds of Ohairs in half-dozen tote at from $3.00 up, z All above prises are for CASH ONLY. Springs, Mattresses, Iron Beds, Fancy Rookora, Contra Tables, eto., at -N.s4.-Y-y-1•+4 •4••-a.•M. +.+. Walker's Furniture Store. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING.. 110111111111111111.11111111 411. F THE BIG STORW," - WINGHAM, ONT. JNO, KERR. Ciristmas Groceries At this t.'Big Store" you'll find a splendid assort- ment of first-class, clean, fresh Christmas Groceries and Fruit. We'll be pleased to supply your needs in this line. Crosse & Blackwell Peels are the best in the world. We have them. Don't buy cheap Peels and pay as much for them as you'll pay for the best. Lemon Peel 15c lb, Orange Peel 20C lb, Citron Peel 3oc lb. New Valencia Raisins, the best that money can buy. They are a little higher this season. 13c lb. or 2 lbs for 25C. New Malaga Seeded Raisins, full pound in each package. Owing to the advance in price of Valencia, we have purchased a very large quantity of Seeded Raisins in packages. These are first-class, fresh fruit. We're selling them. at 2 for 25c. Remember they are 16 'oz. to the package. New Currants Re-Cleaued roc Ib. New Figs 5c, ib. Pure Spices Fresh minse Meat roc package Icing Sugar Ioc Ib. or 3 lbs for 25c. Pink Icing Sugar 2 lbs 25c. Icing in packages, Pink, White Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, Lemon, &c. toc a - package Gelatine, Plymouth Rock piiik and white, Cox's, Knox's, also sheet Gelatine at 5c an oz. Chocolate, sweetened or unsweetened, all sizes. Cocoa, Van Houten's, Bensdorp's Walter Baker & Co's Epp's, Webb 3, &c. Baking Powder, Royal, Imperial, Dr. Price's, Magic,. Kerr's Baking Powder in r lb. tins i 5c or 2 tins for 25c. Baking Powder in bulk only toc a lb. Jelly Powder, Raspberry, Pineapple, Peach, Cherry, Orange, Vanilla &c. i 1 VVVv,•VVVV,Vv,VyVVVVyi,vy, •Vir7iVViVVVViVViVVIVIP E 4 7TV',,? Special Announcement forj, Fall and Wiuler1 T. A. MILLS IS OFFERING HIS STOCK ;14 AT SPECIAL PRICES. - DRESS GOODS. • • I have determined to clear out my Dress Goods stock at greatly reduced C prices this Fall. As the season goes on, many lines are going at lase than ► 75o on the dollar. Black Dress Goode a specialty. PRINTS. ► Fall and Dark Winter Prints at Cost. FLANNELLETTES. I purchased very largely by the case in all kinds from 50 per yard up . ► Can give you heavy, 36 in. wide, all colorings, at 10c. Grey Flannels and Flannel Shirtings. And a nice variety of Shirts made to order. E HOME-MADE BLANKETS. From the Wroxeter, Teeswater and Kingsmill factories. Pare stook, 111. ▪ well cleansed and very cheap, at the prioe wool has been this summer. Call and see them it in need of a pair. Sheeting, white and grey, 36 and 72 inches. UNDERWEAR w I keep the celebrated STANFIELD Shirts and Drawers, made from Nova P Scotia wools, soft and flexible, and guaranteed not to shrink, sizes 36 to 46 . Ladies' Wear in the Puritan make. The bast brands iu Canada. Also Misses' and Ohildren's in all sizes, from 15o each up to the finest. HOSIERY.. From the Welleley Knitting bolls direct. The best wearing goods in 4 E Canada, made from pare North-west wools, and at prices that cannot equalled, quality oodtiidored. 4 1 4 4- 4 4.4 4 4 4 11. 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 be 3 READY-MADE CLOTHING. I have decided to clear oat my large stook of Clothing this fall and win - ter, and can give you. great bargains. A nice Overcoat for $4.00, meetly 89 . A good, serviceable Snit $4.00, and large stook to select from. Boys' School Suite, splendid variety.' A good Work Pant for ,$1.00, worth $1.40. Carpet, Oilcloth, Linoleum. A large nnnibsr of ends in All -wool, Union, Tapestry and Brussele, at about half prioe. Call and sea them and get prides. Some oheap Hemp Carpets and ?Nate to offer. Linoleum in 1, 2 and 4 yards wide. Oilcloth in 1 and 2 yards wide, Men's and Women's Fur Goods. Con, Wombat, Russian OW, Deg and Bishop Ooats for Men. For the Ladies, Astrachan Wats that o in't be beaten for values and quality. Work- manship guaranteed, Call and see them. Bats, Caps, Gloves, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Greeeries. - Hatter rSrSege kwlny nus - Metter not Tartar Xing- Oats wonted, ♦♦♦b+7N 1iN ri t1 i .l, iN e iN NN_ i /►i '' '$"I'►AA/CA SIMMA 'ISA T. A. MILLS. 4 S 4 4 4 .4 t 4 4 3 1 3 “AiditiAAZAAAEICKSJUMMODMI