HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-11-06, Page 5i•77- 77- s -77
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ploy:EM0ER....ti; 1980.
Were some spooky goings-on at St. Columban
School last Friday afternoon. The names behind
the masks are (back row, left to right) David
Cronin, Chris Maloney, Sandra O'Reilly, Jean
Ryan,-LaurjeCrontn, Rob S I ogn, Pail! Ryan and
Michael Schoonclerwoerd and (front row) Mary
Maloney, Patricia' Maloney, Margie Ryan,
Daren Murphy, ,David Kelly and Mike Kelly.,
(Photo by Gibb)
•Brodhagen man hurt in Edmonton
Wilfred and Maude Ah-
rens attended the Graduation
Party for their niece Misa
Colleen Ahrens, at •the home
of her parents Don and Linda
of Burlington, Colleen is
attending Queens University
in Kingston.
Mr. Merle Hoegy son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Hoeg))
Brodhagen had the misfor-
tune to have a wall fall on
him last Wednesday at his
job on engineering. He un-
derwent surgery on Saturday
in Universitsq Hospital in
Edmonton, he has a broken
pelvis and a broken leg, His
mother Mrs. Hoegy, and •
Staffa WL hears
:banking tips
Mrs. _Loreen Hamilton visit-
ed 'Friday with Mrs. Eliza-
betb Hunkin, Teeswater.
Quite a number from this
community attended the 40th
anniversary party for 'Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfrid Annis on
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Temple-
man, Carrah and Cain were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Chuck Ebel, Strat-
Mrs. Carter Kerslake is
home after a lengthy stay in
University Hospital, London.
Mrs. Russell Taylor plann- .
ed a community shower for
Rulh Harburn in the Family
Life Centre on Thursday
evening. Mrs. Spencer Jef-
fery was chairlady and open-
ed with a sing -song led by
Mrs. Elnici. Dow.
• Mrs. Jost Drost gave a
reading and Mrs. Jdhn Drake,
Mrs. Russell Taylor and Jean
Dow presented a skit entitled
"Fooling the Agent."
Mrs. George Vivian read
an ddress of good wis,lies
and Ruth was given direc-
tions for a 'treasure hunt for
gifts. Ruth was assisted by
her sister. Susan, Harburn
and the groom's sister Mrs.
Laura Carter. Ruth express-
ed her. thanks,to all. During
lunch the holder of the lucky
cup was Mrs. Jim Young and
the lucky chair was Karen
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boylan,
Wendy and Brett, Ether,
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Norris and family.
Mrs. 'Ethel Stanzaic., Otta-
wa visited for a few days with
her mother. Mrs. Orpha
Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Norris and family.
Mrs. Dalton Smale. Mrs.
Charles,Douglas. Mrs. Lloyd
Miller and Mrs. John Tem-
plernan attended the London
Area Convention in St.
Mrs. Loreen Hamilton hos-
ted the Education and Cult-
ural Activities meeting of the
Staffa Women's Institute' at
her home on Wednesday
evening Oct. 29, Guest
speaker for the evening was
the assistant manager of the
Mitchell Branch of the Bank
of Commerce, George
Dougherty, who explained
'thrtfifferent service1 offered
by the bank, the different
accounts available etc. A
very infiarmative question
period followed.
During the business a
letter was read regarding the
childrens' cook books at the
libraries and a donation was
made. A donation was also
made to the Family and
Childrens Services for
Christmas vouchers.
' An Invitation to meet with.
Kirkton WI on Nov. 27 was
Members were reminded
of the Community Talent
Night in the township hall on
Nov. 7, the District Work-
shop for standing commit-
tees at St. Pants Hall on Nov.
10, and the bus trip to
London and Glencoe on Nov.
Mrs. Robert McCaughey
'gave household hints and
Mts. Lloyd Miller reported
on the Area Convention this
past week in St. Marys.
Ten members and two
visitors answered the roll call
by naming a hobby for.
retirement years.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip James
have returned from a visit to
Australia. On arrival in Syd-
ney, Australia they joined an
eight day bus tour, travelling
to Adelaide where they visit-
ed with Captain Murray Hai-
nea, his wife and son. Mur-
raY is a navigater with the
Air Force Division of the
Armed Forces and is on an
exchange program at the
R.A.A.F. Base in Edinburgh,
South Australia.
Mrs. „Cliftpn Miller and
, Shipper
Co -Operatives of
Ontario Livestock
Toronto •
Ship your livestock with
[formerly Mike Doyle,
For prompt service, call
by Monday evening
sister Bonnie, ,Mr -s1 John
Beimers, flew to Edmonton
on Sunday to visit him, and
are staying with their Aunt
Mrs. Minnie Querengesser
of Edmonton. Good healing
and a speedy recovery is
wished for him.
Michael Richard, sop of
Mr. and Mrs. Rick MulAol-
land, Brodhagen, was baptiz-
ed in First Lutheran Church
on Sunday morning. The
sponsors were Mr. and Mrs.
Redge Badley and Roger and
Debbie Brodhagen. Gilests
with the Mulholland's. on
Sunday were the sponsors
Mr. and mrs. Gordon Wolfe,.
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Wolfe and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Brodhagen • and
Mrs. Nornian Wilson Neu-
stadt, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Plantz Stacie and Julie R.R. 1
- Correspondent
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Regele 115 Seaforth were
recent visitbrs with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Regele. They also
visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Gross and
family of Auburn.
Mrs. 'Robert McCowan of
114 Walton and Mrs. Anne
Brown of Aylmer Spent four
days at Niagara- Falls. New
York attending the German
Shepherd National Speciality
Dog Club show. While there,
they viewed 653 German
Shepherd dogs from United
States and Canada.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kistner
of Brodhagen visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Iregele on
evening last week.,
Mrs. Stanley Preszcator of
Crediton also visited with her
parents on Sunday and also
visited with Mrs. Mary
Thornton, Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital, who is not
enjoying the best of health.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mur-
ray gel Walton visited with
Mrs. Marie Meta& of Hib-
bert Twp. Sunday evening.
Sympathy is extended to
Mrs. Edwin Rock of Brod-
hagen and family in the
sudden passing of a husband
and father.
Remember' It takes but a
moment to place an
Expositor Want Ad. Dial
Ayton and Minnie Leonhardt
visited with Marie Meyer on
Sunday. Mrs. Wilson is un-
dergoing foot operations in
St. Marys Hospital Kitchener
on Wednesday.
Mr. Howard Bode $pent
the weekend in Waterloo
with Mark and Karen Kirkby.
Dale Leonh-rdt Thames -
ford spent the weekend with
Mrs. Gordon Docking and
, called on Mrs. H. Leonhardt
on Singtay evening. on his
way to Huron Park where he
is attending the college of
Agriculture and technology,
The ,community of Brod-
hagen was shocked on Mon-
day morning by the sudden
death of Mr. Edwin Rock.
Numerous area people en-
joyed the Walter Ostenek
taping at the Waterloo Motor
--Inn on Sunday afternoon.
A TWO HEADED J CK-O-LANTERN—The Greidanus children of
FI.R.1, Dublin had pfobably the area's most unusual Hallowe'en
pumpkin. it was a Siamese twirf,one, and the kids helped ,their mom
Eileen carve one "head" happy and the other sad. From left are Steven,
Krista and Tony. (Photo by White)
Winthrop lady visits in Saskatchewan
. Correspondent
345-2842 .
Election feveris beginning
to show up around Dublin,be
sure to be out to vote on Nov.
10 - Trustees running in
Dublin are Matt McCreight
currently Inspecting Trustee,
Lou Maloney, Chairman
, Dublin HydrolJerry Murray,
—Reeording-TSecretary - and
Don MacRae .
Winners for Dublin an
District Athletic Association
Bingo for October 24, 1980
were:, 0. Eckert, H.
Chessel, V. Dick, V. Gerten.
Special C. McDonald 531.75;
N. Eckert. M. Swan, S.
Watson, N. Eckert. Special
B. Porter, V. Dick, C.
MacDonald, 31.75; K.
Soresdale, Mrs. Lee, ' H.
French, H.A. Elliott, Special
M. McDonald, 32.25, Mrs.
Lee, N. Porter, Mrs. E. Rose,
G. Alloway, Mrs. Lee; Mrs.
M. Swan, J. Beackler, Door
Prize H. Chessel, Jack Pot F.
Sears, 75.007'
Winners for last week
were Dave Krarrierg: Dublin;
Mr. and Mrs. Bob' Dalton
have left for their winter
home in Florida.
Mrs. Lila Storey, accom-
panied, by her sister Celia.
recently returned home from
-visiting with Lila's daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Glanville of Melfort.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hul-
ley and Day. 'visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Ev. Robinson,
Kippen. Also visiting in the
same home were Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistner
of Brodhagen. visited Suri -
day evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nevers.
of Goderich Visited Saturday
with Larry, Marsha and
Randy Nevers.
Mrs. Larry Gardiner and secured a position at the'
family and Otto Walker all of.. Vancouver General Hospilal.
---mr:-and-Mrs.-Robert H utty
R.R. 1 Gilford visited recent-
ly with their parents and at.
tended a fainily party for
Linda Currie, daughter of
Hugh and Helen Currie:
Dorchester and Pat Nagle.
London whose wedding will
take place on Nov. 8. Also
attending were Bob and
Marg Hulley and David. Ev
and SaOlia Robinson.
Kippen accompanied by Mr.
arid Mrs. Larry Gardiner and
family,, and Otto Walker,
Cromarty. The family party
was held at the home of Jack
and Caroline McGhee. Lon•
don. Highlight of the evening
was a phone call from Jackie
McGhee R.N. who recently
Rose Ellrntt, Mitchell; Mrs.
Nrti:?kt Johnson, Mitchell; Mrs
"Lorraine •Sliean, Mitchell;
Bill Austin, Seaforth,
Cawston, Mitctiell, Mrs
Gordon • MacDonald,
Seaford', Mrs. Nellie Hunt.
Bingo Winners fro October
31, F. Shean, V. Girten,
H. Chessel, M. Dale, SPecial
H.A. Elliott, 16.00, Ruth
, Ruth 'MeGarth, H.
Chessel,, Special L. Brown,
H.A. Elliott, 16.00. Mrs. W.
Krauskopf, B. Elliott, F.
Sears, J. Beackler, H.A.
Elliott, C. McDonald. Special
F. Sears . 17.00, M. Dale,
Mrs. E. Neeb, C.McDonald,
Door Prize, H.A. Elliott,
Jackpot H. Chessel. 575.00.
Mgsr. J. Feeney of London
visited with Mrs. Tessie
Costa .0 and Mr. Wilfred
Feeney. -
Don MacRae farming at
Barnish with brother Ken
MacRae and Stephen' of
Washington D.C.
Tuesday; Nov,. 11,
is Remembrance Day.
Dublin Post Office will be
Time for
fall ploughdown
--with Dry
Blend or Fluid...)
Blend Fertilizer'
. SAVE TIME It MONEY next spring by applying your phosphate and potash
• requirements (his fall.
CUSTOM APPUCAT1ON of both dr and fluid fertilizer available
ATRAZINE can be applied v-ith our fluid blend pioughdow n this fall to help
clean up your twitch grass problems
Brucefield Zurich Hensall
482-9823 236-4393 ,.._ 262-31302
Imaysurprise you to
that many of
today's foster children
are in their teens—a
time of life when foster
parents cb'd provide
the direction they need.
For more information -
about becoming a
foster parent, contact:
Family & Children's
,.of Huron County ,
and talks about insulation
If he says he is from a government agency he is not telling the truth.
The government does not have people setting insulation.
If he says the CHIP program is ending soon, this is not true. The
program's aim' is to reinsulate all. homes built before September
1961 and the program will continue until 1984.
Most important, don't sign their contract today. ,Call a local
contractor ard give him. an opportunity to compete. You should
always have a second estimate DOW I be afraid to ask the contractor
The 530 insulation package they sell in most cases is only part of the
complete insulation lob They sell you a limited ni-mber of bags of
insulation blown into your attic for $350. the CHIVprogram pays 100
per cent. They charge you $45 for labour. of which CHIP pays $15
and you pay the remainder which is $30.
This may appear very inviting, but if you have a large attic ybu will
have received a limited number of bags of insulatiombut not enough
to insulate your attic to government standards. All they have to do is
blow a little insulation requiring little labour. If yourattic does not
fit their 530 scheme you win get improper insulation. If there is
improper venting in your attic area, sweating .and dampness -will
reduce the insulatiori value considerably. -
Be aware that you home can qualify only once for this CHIP grant.
When you realize rhat more insulatior is still fequired, you will have
to pay the entire cost
If trouble strikes
* Despite all precautions you may still find yourself the victim of
unethical busilless pramces In such cases there .are several
allernatives Under The Consumer Protection Act, you may -cancel
an executory contr8ct /one where delivery and performance of work
remaln to be completed) signed in your home by sending a •
registered letter to the company within 48 hours - or two fuil working
days="cof signing The Business Practices Act allows you to have the
-transaction reStfrided by sending a registered letter to the company
if you have beenmisled by false or deceptive consumer
representations -
Presented as a public service message by
H. Van Moorsel Insulation
R.R. 5, Mitchell
yhone 348-9376
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