HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-30, Page 24: '7 THE HUR0N• ExPOSIToR -*MOOR At its,Meeting'Wednesday. night, Seitfortly council took its transportation • commit- tee's advice and released. $liverceeek subdivision •Air responsibility for road bed. maintairence. Council took its transporta- tion cammittee'S advice Wednesday night and as- sumed responsibility for maintenance 9f underground ' services at Silvercreek ub- division at ' the east end of town. As. well Council accepted the road bed in phase one of the project and established • September 24, 198Q as the beginning 4:if a one year maintenance period for as- phalt surface by the sub- divider, The arena coininittee not - esti it was the first anniver- sary of the hiring pf recrea- tion .direcio"r Bryan Peter, and that he IS no* eligible for :promotion from Level two to three. His salaty moves from H. VAN PROORSEL INSULATION R.R.5 MITCHELL, LTD. 348,9376 • * SPRAYED IN PLACE IIRETHANE.FOAM * BLOWN INSULATIONS NEW: FLAT ROOFING & REPAIRS_ •, —Insulation Plus a New Roof / • FREE ESTIMATES Agricultural& Industrial Bldgs. • New & ()icier Homes • 40 Fr. BASKET TRUCK SERVICE OP RENT BY HOUR OR DAY $15,444 tek $16,016. Arena committee chair- man 13ill' 'Bennett - reported arena staff *have been in- strttcted to Prepare guidelin- es for feed concessions at the „facility, and that local and non -local wholesalers be ask- ed te prepare samples and prices. "We've trad some, re- quests that- it be tendered out," explained Mr. Bennett "We think there are three, local groups and one nob -l6 - cal group interested. We're geing to test their hamburg- ers and pizzas." . The arena committee also reported a recent wind storm had lifted a corner of the hip joint metal ,at the rink causing_lie roof to leak idly. -Arena staff %.va*s au- thorized fp call for firm tenders for repairs. "Our, insurance agent said we knight be covered by. wind insurance," explained Mr. Crocker. "We may bvable to •get it paid for minus the 1-deductib1e:" A •Major portion of the recreation Aiorrunittee dis- cussion was .given to setting a date for , awarding the citizen of the year presenta- tion. The committee sug- gested using the town wine • and cheese partyfor the event • "The annual wine and cheese party doesn't involve the public," said Mayor ginnamon. "Do you not think the presentation should be made publicly?" he asked councillor Mere, spokesman for the committee. With so many dignitar- ies from the town there," ' answered Mr. Mero, explain- ing why the wine and cheese , party was suggested,, It night.'" ' Council decided to make the formal presentation. at the inaunral meeting of the new council in December. A Seaforth Lions request for a $200 donation to the Santa Clans parade was refused..Coancil has budget- ed $150 for the parade this year, but added it will cOnsider the higher sum for 1981. • • ' In his report* to council, 'recreation director Bryan Pe- ter Outlined the success of the first annual farmers' market held.in August, with the result that optimistic and energetic plans are already underway for next year. nwriiwww Tentive dates have 6ecit 'set for four: monthy, markets in the 1981 Stniuner. The first would be June 27, followed by July 25, .August AS and Sept. IS. 'Also being consid- ered is to run the,event m fro 9 a.m. to 2 p.m, next year,. In an attempt to attract even more people to the mallet next year, organizers are looking into lining up entertainment during the hours of operation, osit F.-.,.......- -...- -_,......- . .,-.0..„ ..- , „,,---'_..- 0- ----,---0. .....,-,- .--....,--. -0 , -----%.--- •3.-..,-.,-0 0.• ..„....„.._ ...;--d, e, -..,-„...._5- --.....,..,--.... --.--- -....,-(s. .....„..i„,- _.,....,-... ----,..., ....---,-,--. ..„-- -.......,,-....._, . -,.....:.... BUTTER 'TARTS,. 191041640 . pRAmys, 11111411.16;410 ":1110444110t41010k* PKG OF 12 61XIE MUSHROOMS • PIECES &.STEMS. READY TO ADD TO YOUR FAVOURITE RECIPE 10 FL. OZ. TIN ROYALE BATHROOM TISSUE 4 C 06.614S '1 29 4 PM t PK G CRISCO SHORTENING 79' 1 LB PKG • LAUNDRY DETERGENT TIDE 6 *LITRE 2.4 Kg. ROYALE PAPER TOWELS. TOWELS 7° WHITE YELLOW - PUMPKIN AQUA 2 ROLL PKG ZEHRS KETCHUP TRY OUR OWN BRAND THICK RICH 'AND FLAVOURFUL 32 FL OZ BOTTLE APPIE OR RHUBARB STRAWBERRY FARMHOUSE PIES 24o, SIZE tin • DISPOSABLE DIAPERS BABYSCOT1 mew tas OA wits IODOt A 71 I ALLENS FRUIT DRINKS ASSORTED FLAVOURS 48F1 OZ TIN 69' FLEISCHIVIANS SOFT MARGARINE CORN $2 OIL 2 LB PKG. • 29 SHIRRIFF JELLY POWDERS 3189# ASSTO AVOUPS PKGS LASAGNA. CHICKEN CHOW MEIN SALISBURY STEAK 011 BEEF ST1W ° GREEN GIANT ri3OZEN 9 OZ PACKAGE 129 FRUIT FLAVOURS ZEHRS CRYSTALS 6.90 1111404AM - GRAPE camtr,t AM/ SEALTEST CREAMED, COTTAGE CHEESE 500 g TUB CHRISTIES OREO COOKIES 149 450 g PKG -FABRIC DOWNY LITRF.• 11,9 109 SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER CHUNIKV OR (PE AKAN, 1 Kg CHAMPION DOG FOOD DR. BALLARDS CHICK -EN BEEP OR LIVER 15 oz TINS 411-1 NDErisili CANS HALLOWEEN PACK 16's 179 PEPPERIDGE FARM LAYER CAKES EROZEN 13 oz SIZE 119 *239 RICHS IROZENWEIGHT WATCHERS LOW CAI a A, Ali COFFEE MCH //AA SWEETENER . $1.05, VACHON VANILLA OR CHOC • HERBAL ESSENCE HALF MOONS. 19 _s2.69 WESTON LEMON OR RASPBERRYAft Ai, ROLE ON 1 VARIETIES Ar /# BUTTERHORNSmorY Y ULTRA BAN 1.69 CHERRY HILL. MOZZ. COLBY 011AGREASELESS CREAM dBRICKCHEESE.U.ZY NOXZE A?Zpf BEEF MEATBALL OR IRISH 2.1 AA a A —11 PURITAN STEW' Lq Y ZEHRS it 'ailing& *2.09 COUPON SAVE WHEN YOU PURCHASE ONE 250 g PACKAGE STACEY WHIPPED BUTTER OUR PEG PRICE 39 rNO. WE *ILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE 'VDU rPt: HWY. 8 . PAY ONLY 99e win, coup°, COUPON EXPIRES SAT NOV 8 _ _ 1 op fine matire&., of ii4e foods Adz rs itut team/ ea ad OUR Ala` tJAGER IS RAY HuRb Ad GODERICH-HURON RD. OPEN WED., THURS., FRI., L i rirrilralT s eri Townstiend he hunt begins , Get out your credit cards. The annual Christmas hunt for the perfect gifts for the important people' in our lives ,in about to begin. No sooner have we washed the Thanks- giving dishes, than we are reminded ofore 'work ahead. Christmas is just around, the ',corner, according to the ads, And, if we want everything to be perfect, we'd better start shopping NOW. What used to be a peaceful spiritual celebration has terned into a frenzy of buying, selling and advertising. In the midst of it all is the poor shopper, broke and 'bewildered. Shopping for Christmas has almost become a year-round job. If we stock up at January Wet; we 'C'd rinvesiiin einotreY,- but - we caret avoid the last minute panic. .You say you bought a beautiful blue cashmere sweater for your istep- • last Januaey. You just know: she'll love it! You hid it where she'd never find it. You stroked • her name off this year's gift list - one problem solved. Lbeauatsifiulwneeewk bslhuee cvaasihkmedeieinswweeaaterirn.g presGeinfttsiuwseedretopboepuinlaerxpernrsiciVect. aHgisatnweenrieadn c.t important. it was the thought that.counted. . Nowadays some people have to take' out loans just to finance their shopping lists. Gifts have becorne more elaborate - a stereo for junior: a TV for sis; a Florida vacation for Mom and Dad. Toys and - games are 'becoming sophist. cated. T,alre Barbie,' for instance. She just turned 21, and she's no ordinary doll. She has a set of clothes to suit every pastime from playing tenni i to going to a dance. She has her own car. She even has her •own commode., and it flushes. • Stuffed animals have surpassed the smal‘ jsute and cuddly stage. How 'about a six-foot tall pink rabbit?Or a Iamb that says "I'm bashful" when you hug it. Ora brown bear that speaks German when you press on its tummy. • A small robot laughs hysterically when you hit it .on the head. The bard part is 'Making it stop, • Board games cover almost every as,pectAf life. At one time, Toy gens were frbwned -uporrbecause-of-their-violent nature -%w -- war games are a. popular pas time. Computer games - the current craze - are evidence of today's sophistication. , In spite of the variety of gifts on the _ market, most of us encdunter the what -can -I - buy -for -someone -who -has - everything sy- - drome. One answer is a pair Of glasies with battery-operated wipers for those wet and - snowy days. - The hunt goes on, for the perfect gift for someone:special. Each year It becomes more • difficult to find and more difficUlt to finance. By the time Christmas arrives, the shopper not only broke and bewildered but exhausted as well. ),-, • If only We ,could remember, it isn't the price tag that says we care. See crafts too •WI hears couple who worked in hana ' BY SARAH ELUOTT The Public Relations meeting of the Seaforth Women's Institute was held in the Seaforth Public School last Tuesday evening. Guests were present from Dash- wood, Hensall. Clintons -- Walton, Elimville and Zurich Womens' 'Institutes. President Mrs. Eldon Kerr opened the meeting with a reading "Ten ways to kill a meeting." She expressed a welcome to everyone and conducted the business. Members were reminded of the Area Convention in St. Marys arena, ,October 27th and 28th. Mrs. E. Kerr will be - the delegate from the .Sea - forth branch. Seven mem. bers were interested in the crewel embroidery course comine U� Katie Kerslake demon- strated her craft of "wheat weving" showing us the steps' in making the "corn dollys" she had on display. The name "co' dolly" comes from the shape of t first weavings. Katie was ntteclueed by Mrs. C. Stewart and thanked,by Mrs. R. Richt.. The Motto- "Looking for- ward" with the W.I. was given by Mrs.. R.J. Dols. Mrs. Grace Campbell and Mrs. Ruth Townsend sang two beautiful vocal ducts. They were accompanied by Mrs. J. Stewart of 'Seaforth, Jack Ha irty. area co- ordinator and rm manage. ment specialist ‘eith„ the Ministry of A riculture in Stratford and is wife Joan were guest' speakers. They spbke on their experiences of hying in Ghaha. Africa and illustrated it with -pictures. Cocoa and timber are the - .main ,oducts in Ghana and th do grow oil palms. The •eather there was very warm • d humid, and. the natives IA• re very likeable people but with different customs. Joan gave an interesting talk on the experiences of taking a family of four to • another country o live for five years: Mrs. C. Stewart introduced Ja4k -Ipd Joan and Mrs. G. Papple gave the thanks to the speakers and musical numbers. OLD SCHOOL TEXTS Mrs. C. Stewart chaired the program and opened it with a poern "Harvestime". For the roll call, members brought old school books for a display. Readers from the 1st. 2nd. 3rd St 4th books. a primer. a speikr. a writing book. Treasury readers, Gateways to BoOkland were • dsoismpeof the books in this iay • DE BLIZZARD MX TOTAL WEN= IS 4 - Total Suspension. 41/2 inches of front traveL 10 inches of rear travel, more than any other sled. And it's here. The Blizzard MX by Ski -Doo. The smoothest, most stable -riding snowmobile in the higtory of the sport. - It makes other rides obsolete. Because Total Suspension is here, at your local Ski -Doo dealer. NOTHING ELS WILL100. BOMOARtitER ski-doo. AN.H •,liwy: 86 just east of Winihain Homhard,, 1 mote,. Enterprises Ltd. Phone 357-3435