HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-30, Page 15.,.„ • . 16 Toki14.140.N..'..ofx.ppstton.,(9, OBER8O. 1980, 5-,7",7707.717,7177;77-ilralry,77,7.7.", .14 , '"Frersal"KW7r, • , '' ' '''''' rro.V447,47"ir.,, WW1. 1 Coming Events PLAN now to attend the Anneal Knights of Columbus Turkey Bingo, November, 30th, 8 p.m., St. Columban Church Hall. 1-77-1 CHRISTMAS Tea and bazaar at Seaforth Manor Nursing e_RomeeeSahirdaye Noeember 8th 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Featuring teddy bears, other crafts, home baking and ceramics. 1-76-3 SEAFORTH Minor Hockey Association Bottle Drive - November 8th, 1980 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Please save your empty pop and beer bottles and help support your minor hockey. 1-76-3 TURKEY Supper, Walton United Church, Wednesday, November 5th, 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Adults 15.00; children 6-12 years, 12.50; Pre- school children free. 1-76-2 HALLOWE'EN Teen Dance Saturday, November 1, Seaforth Community Centre, 8-12. Disc. Jockey Rick Kloss, SponsOr by C4th Leo Club. Members 1.50; Non members 2.00. Memberships available at door. 1-76-2 Blyth Lions Bingo every Saturday night 8 p.m. BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL Jackpot S150.00 In 60 calls 1-77-tf THE family of Wilfred and Isabel Annis, Mitchell, invite all their friends, relatives and neighbours to celebrate their parents 40th Wedding Anniversary. Saturday. November 1st at 9 p.m. Mitchell and District Community Centre. Best wishes only please. 1-75x3 ES, "1 • ROYAL AGRICUTLURE Winter Fair C.N.E. Wed., Nov. 19. 1980 Toronto Evening Horse Shee. bus transportation and Admission to Grounds 124.00 per person Call now for reservations 1-76-tf BINGO every Tuesda‘ eNentng at V AN ASTRA CENTRE R R 5. Clinton 1st regular card SI 00 15 regular games ,te 115 00 share the wealth jackpot 200 nn must go Ad.nission restruted to 16 Years or ON et I tf 1 Coming Events Have your message read by 3,600 people Free On Cable cast 12 345-2341 Courtesy Michel1-Safe-11h Cable T.V. 1-73-tf THE Seaforth Happy Citizens will meet on November 6th at 1:45 in the Legion Hall. Everyone welcome. Ladies bring sandwiches. I -77x1 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday. 8:00 p.m. 1st Regular card 11 .00. restricted to 16 years or over 15 regular games of $15.00; 15. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 1200.00 must go each seek. 1-73-tf Chaiiiber of Commerce Bingo and Turkey Draw - Nov. 12th, 1980 at Btodha- gen Hall - 8:00 p.m. Cash Bingo prizes. 1-77-1 RECEPTION fOr Bruce and Marlene McDonald (nee Cunningham) Friday, November 7, 1980 South, East of Walton. Music supplied by Ian Wilbee Orchestra. Ladies nlease bring lunch. TUPPERWARE Party at the Orange Fiall on Sunday, November 2 at 2 o'clock. Proceeds to go to the Lioness Club of Seaforth. Everyone welcome. No admission. 1-77-1 SEAFORTH Minor Hockey Association Dance November 21st. 1980 9-1 p.m. at Seaforth Community Centre. Music by: Free Spirit 16.00 per couple • age of majority card only. Ladies please bring sandwiches. 1•77-4 HAM and Egg Supper on November 12th at Hibbert United Church. Time 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Adults 14.50. Children 11.50. 1-77-2 EVERYONE is cordially in- vited to see and hear Dr. Jamee Dobson. Focus on the family. film number four. "Preparing for adoleserice. The origins of self-doubt". To he held on November 12th, 1980 at 8 p.m. in Clinton and District Christian School gym. 1-77-2 H A R OLD and Margaret warden along with their family cordially invite- all their relative. friends and neighbours to join with them in celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary, Frida‘. November 28th. 8:30 p.sn at Brodhagen Com- munal, ( enter. Best Wishes nnl Classified Rates Charges are based on the number 4 words Set of numerals as for sena i numbers street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set Words joined bs hsphens count as separate %orris FIRST VSSERTION 1 w ord. 52 50 Ilk per word thereafter SL'ISEQUENT [INSERTIONS - No t op. hanges gc per word. minimum S2 On SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 12 I per column crib SUBSEQUENT INSER1 IONS 11 WI per column in h tNI:nimum si7e in this categors 1 . riches Ak(epted in multiples of half ' BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -- sOis per insertion BIRTHS - 15 words. 12 50 lOc per word thereafter MARRIAGES. Engagements, Death Notwf,. IS words 12 50. each additional word 10c. MEMOR1AMS 12.50 plus 10c per line of ‘.erse COMTNG EVENTS - 15 words 12 50. each additional word 10c. Three' insertions for the price of 2 CARD OF THANKS - 30 words 12.541each additional word 3c, 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT , ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon. Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone -527-0240 1 Coming Events NATURAL Family Planning Clinic, Billing IVIetlied. To achieve or avoid pregnancy, short introductory slide presentation, individual consulation. Couples welComed between 7-9 p.m: First Thursday of every month at' Healtle,Unit Office, TOS Shipley St. Clinton. 1-77-1 DUBLIN P.T.A. are holding their annual turkey bingo November 28th, 1980 8 p.m. at Parish Hall. Everyone welcome. Admission 11.00. 1-77-1 2 Lost, Strayed BLACK and tan male hound in Seaforth, Walton or Winthrop area. Please call Doug Riley at 527-1059. 2-77-1 4 Help Wanted 5 Bus. Opportunity . STEAMATIC carpet, drapery and upholstery cleaning franchise with equipment. Southern Ontario. Excelleat growth opportunity. Ideal for young couple. 1-416-889-7098. 5-77x1 EARN a second Income. Learn Income Tax Pre- paration at home. For Free Brochure write U & R Tax Schools, 118 koxborough Drive, Torontb, Ontario M4W 1X4. No Obligation. 5-77x1 DO you run out of Money before you run out of month? Turn the tables with extra income from intetesting part time work. Local Amway distributor trains you for splendid opportunity. Phone 527-0898. 5-73-tf 4 Help Wanted .Marketing Accounts Clerk An iodividual with accounting and clerical ,background is required to work in the marketing department of a company in the agricultural business. Cant-11(1(11es for this position should be high school " graduates, preferably with clerical experience in an accounting depart- ment Knowledge of the grain industry and some typing would be an asset. Reply in confidence with hill resume' and ciptoil,, of employment history to Box 104 P. Times -Advocate Exeter, Ont. • PART-TIME HELP WANTED for night and weekend 'photo assigtiments for the Huron Expositor. We'll train someone who has basic knowledge of 35 mm photography. Would suit a high school student. Apply in writing only, with an outline of your experience to: ittron ftriter Box 69, Seaforth, NOK IWO 4-76x2 NEED someone to help in home a half day a week please. Phone 527-0407. 4-76-2 EXPERIENCED General Fourth Reporter wanted immediately by Central Interior B.C. Bi -Weekly. Car essential. salarv negotiable. Send resume to editor Cariboo Observer, Box 4460. Quesnel. B.C. V2J 3J4 Or Phone: 604-992-2121. 4-77x1 REPORTER -Photographer required by. growing Northern Ontario Weekly. Also Display Advertising Salesperson. Experience and own Transportation essential for both positions - Salary negotiable - Plfene 705-869- -2860 - Espanola. 4-77x1 REQUIRED Immediately. Editorial Staff required for arerthern Alberta and B.C. Weeklies Must be self starters interested in sports and features. Send Applications and Resumes to: Fairview Post. Box 200. Fairview. Alberta and Chetwynd Pioneer, Chetwynd. B.C. 4-'7x1 REQUIRED Immediately. Journeyman Baker and Experienced Baker's helper to work in modern bread plant in small town in Northern Alberta. Top Salary, Permanent employment, good working conditions. Apply in writing to.P.0, Box 68, McLennan, Alberta, TOH 2L0 or Phone: 403-324-3582. 4-77x1 7 Situations Wanted AVAILABLE to rake leaves. 527-1664. 7-76-2 WOULD like to babysit children in my own home. full or part time. 527-1893. 7-76-2 CUSTOM corn eomblning Second combine for large acreage, trucking available. Brian Wilson 527-1123. 7-76-4 YOUNG man wants work on farms and has own trans- portation. Phone 527-1287. 7-77x1 8 Farm Stock H1UBBARD Golden Comets, top quality brown egg layers. 20 weeks old. Available this fall. To order call McKinley Hatchery. 1-800-265-8536. 40 Hereford calves 400-500 pounds. Ejud Charnney. Auburn 526-7799. 8-77-2 THE Horse People Inc. Presents November 1. 2 p.m. on the flat and over fences. Quality horses for show, hunt or pleasure including ten registered thoroughbreds. also weanlings and yearlings. All horses offered with veterinarian, soundness certificates. Sale is indoors. W. Schinke, Wendover, Ontario. Phone: 613-673- 5905 or 613-673-5771. 8-77x1 TWENTY Four Hereford calves George Love, Walton 527-0637. 8-77-1 linAlk,411141&•11&•11•Alte4 41.4/.. A 8 Farm Stock ATTENTION, Cattle Feeders -Order Buyers working on all major Feeder Markets in Northern Manitoba, Ashern, Lundar, Ste. Rose DU Lac. There are large numbers of top quality •calves and yearlings at these sales. For more information contact 204-242-2397, 8-77x1 10 Used Cat's 1974 Toyota Corolla for parts. 2 new tires, motor, running, no transmission. J. Axtmann 527-0107. 10-77-1 1972 Dodge 4 door hard top, 8 cylinder. Power steering and power brakes and radio. Selling As Is. Asking 1500. or best offer. Elsie Southgate 527-0812 after 6 p.m. 10-77-1 1977, G.M.C. Jimmy, auto- matic transmission, excellent condition, one owneere- 28000 miles. 348-9789. . 10-76-2 t1 Articles for Sale ROOSTPRS, _ average -dressed weighf 8-11 lbs. 527-1776. 11-77-1 DUAL-aire combination wood oil furnace 3 years old. Phone 527-0284. 11-77-3 TO GIVE AWAY to 'rf good home male pup - part German Shepherd and Collie. Call 345-2867 after 6 p.m. 11-77x2 ELECTRIC hot water heajer, 40 gal. type GSW, 2 years old. 527-0726. 11-77x1 SINGLE Axle trailer frame 3500 lb. capacity axle 7' 6" x 16" floor; girl; three speed bicycle 26" wheili. 262-5888 11-77x1 TUB and ciosure sliding doors, with fish and mermaid design. gold frame. Mrs. Hugh McPherson. 527-1137. 11-77-1 ONE pair snow tires G78.15. used one year, good as new. Have changed cars. H. 'Palin 527-0357. 11-77x2 TWO pairs of boys' skates size 5 and 10. Phone 527- 1919. 11-77-1 REGIS I HIED Toy poodles. seven weeks old, females only. 527-0389 11-77-1 NORTF1ERN Spys„ Delicious Courtland Ida Red, McIntosh, Russetts. fresh cider, red and white potatoes. honey. onions and plums at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Hallowe'en special, medium size McIntosh and Delicious 15.00 per bushel plus container large pumpkins. 75c. Closed Mondays and Thursdays 524-8037. 11-774 HIGH oil prices. cold winter We have feathers to cover you and keep you warm. Down filled comforters. pillows. We also do re- upholstering on furniture. For information, please contact T Kess. R.R. 1. Belgrave 35--2718. 11-771 35-50 horse tractor with 3 point hitch to use on small snow blower. Phone 235- 0178. 11-77-1 LARGE Grandfather's Clock Walnut Case, Westminister Chimes, also Gun Cabinet eight gun size. Phone Mitchell 348-8002. 11-77x2 INTERNATIONAL 4.4 Diesel Tractor new paint, good rubber, excellent mechanical condition. 11,900. Bill South- gate. 527-0812. 11-77x1 WOOD burning box stove like new. 175,00. Used up- right General Electric vacu- um cleaner like new. 150.00. Phone 527-0323. 11-77x1 SINGLE bed with mattresS - 115.00 two men's medium snowsuits • 18.00 each 3 - piece fireplace set - S10.00 four way pram (turquoise and white) excellent conti- tion - 520.00 or best offer. 527-1485 after 5 p.m. 11-76-2 11 Articles for Sale MINIATURE Daschund. Asking 115. Phone 527-1484. 11-77-1 USED over 100,000 running feet 2" x 6" -2" x!8" - 2" x 10" pine T & G up to 20 feet long. Also large section of timbers. Martin's New and Used Steel and Materials Vanastra. Phone 482-9372 11-77-1 WOOD for sale 482-3203. ." 11-76-2 TWENTY 24" x 30" concrete patio or sidewalk slabs. 527-1832. 11-77x1 1974 300 T & T ski doo. Has a rebuilt motor and in excellent condition. Phone 345-2933. 11-77-2 TOLEDO scale, 15 lb. capacity, easily converted to metric; Victor 510 cash register, both 3 years old. 887-6464. 11-76-2 LADIES 2 -piece snowmobile suit Size 14. Worn one season, Phone 345-2806. 11-76-3 25" Zenith Color TV floor model 527-0863. 11-76x2 DRY firewood cut and split. Phone 345-2277 after 6 p.m. competitive ,price delivery can be arranged. 11-76x5 PULSIFER MUSIC SEAFORTH Offers you • Wurlitzer Organs • Forty Free Lessons with purchase of new or used organ. SPECIAL DISCOUNT to over 60's • ALL ORGANS are pric- ed to sell. Let us show you why organs are popular! Open 10:00 to 4:30; Closed noon and Wed. 11-76-2 SPECIAL APPLES YOU PICK 2 bushels for 110. everyday until November 3rd excellent northern spies, treated for bitter pit, easy picking. low trees, bring bushel baskets. Ross Middleton Orchards, 1 mile east of Bayfield, North of River. 11-75-3 SEWING machine demon- strator sale. Choose from White. Etna, Husqvarna. Janome, Save! Save! Save! Sew 'n' Save Centre, 149 Downie Street (2 doors south of Hudsons) Stratford. Phone 271-9660 Closed Mondays. 11•73-tf HIGH oil prices, cold winter. We have feathers to cover you plid keep you warm. Down filled comforters. pillows, We also do re- upholstering on furniture. For information. please contact T. Kess 8.8. 1. Belgrave. 157-2718. 11134f 1971 Ski doo 399T Olympic, good condition, new rear axle and sprockets last year. 1250.00, 887-6970 after 4:30. 11-75-tf SMALL Coleman oil space heater, 20" x 20", used twice. S70.00. 527-1179. 11-77-1 • CLEAN barrels with lids to fit, also clean gas barrels, half barrels and garbage barrels. Agents for Blyth Steel Barrels are Doug and Gail's General Store, Winthrop and Seaforth Farmers Co-op. 11-75-3 12 Wanted to Buy STEWART Cattle Clippers and a_ pair of snow tires E78-14 in good condition. Phone 345-2527. 12-77-1 A metronome 887-6029. 12-77-1 Classified Ads pay dividends 13 Wanted WANTED A seat on Tuckersmith Council.Jim Papple, R.R. #4, Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 527-0699. 13-77-2 WANTED Farm Grain Scales wheels on front, handles on rear. also other scales. 519- (43a7571 GOOD used furniture 482- 7922. 13-73-tf _14 Property for Sale 4 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale , WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON111,4ROLDNYO:RKMAN_A82,3455 PETER DAMSMA 482,9849 SEAFORTH: HENRY MERO 627-0430 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482,4371 LONDESBORO 1 floor brick bungalow with finished basement, Two fire- places, carport and swimming pool.Double sized lot. • • • * • ** 50 ACRES general farm in Hullett Township. CLINTON Central location red brick, 2 floor duplex low down pay- ment could handle. • • • • • • 100 ACRES general in Hullett Township. • • • • • • • 1 FLOOR FRAME home at Kinburn '/; acre lot. Combination furnace. • ''''' • HARDW•i WORE Village 011.1Very well equipped NEW -LISTING 21/2 acres at Kippcn with well kept older type home. Priced to sell quickly. •••••• FOOD FOR THOUGHT Some people will believe anything if it is whispered to them. 14-77-1 15 Property for Rent TWO bedroom downtown a- partment to share with young person, kitchen and living - room furnished. Apply in writing to Box 3458, Huron Expositor. 15-76x2 TWO bedroom apartment, frig and stove, utilities supplies. Between 9 a.m. • 6 0.m. Phone 527-0636. 15-77-tf FULL house for rent, 3 bedroom, 3 piece bath and garage. Gordon Nobel 527- 0840. 15-77x1 FARM house for rent to honest reliable couple. Can hae work on farms, and look • after 30 - 40 sows, no pets. Lawrence Ryan, Walton 527- 0558. 15-77-1 TWO bedroom house for rent on Centre Street. Apply Scott Poultry Farms 527-0847. 15-77-2 DES1R ABLE large home On edge of town, reasonable rent. Phone 527-1972.15-77-2 COMFORTABLE, centrally located three bedroom house. gas heat. 5145.00 monthly. 527-1841. .15-77-2 3 bedroom house for rent 527-0610 9-4:30 p.m. or 527- 1244 after 7 p.m. 15-77-1 3 bedroom townhouses, newly decorated. Located in Vanastra. 2 miles from Clinton. Quiet location. S229.00 p'er triontn, including heat and hot water. TV cable aviairable. Apply at office Block H, Unit 1 OT phone 482-3828 between 6:00 and 10:00 p.m. 15-73-tf More on next page NEW LISTING Chuck full of value this 3 bedroom home on Isabelle St. has over 1700 Sq. ft. of comfortable living area. Features include a main floor family room, fireplace and down draft"stove, all at the very reasonable _price of $49.000.00,----- NEWHOME On a very attractive lot on Jarvis St. this cozy 3 bedroom cottage is brick, has attached garage and is heated with gas. A completed price of -555,000.00 Includes the 5 year HUDAC home warranty. 14-77-1 FRANKLIN STREET Excellent Retirement Home! 3 bedrooms. spacious living room. combination dining and kitchen. Full basement. 130's. MARKET STREET • New Listing! 3 bedroom brick and aluminum bungalow. only 3 years old, attached garage. Full basement S40's. TOWNSEfEP 22 acres of vacant land, small hardwood bush, spring creek. possible gravel deposits. Only S15,000.00.. COLEMAN STREET - Make an offer! 2 storey 4 bedroom house, small hobby sized barn. Located on approximately one acre. CHURCH STREET • Beautiful restored 2 storey deuble brick home famiy room with modernizea kitchen. Don't miss this one! MAIN STREET -, Excellent location! PA storey bedroom house, small barn. Property may be purchased separate ways. Inquire lo -day! MILL STREET She's a real beauty! Brick and A lu minu raisto ranch, ' New" , carpeted throughout. Minutes from uptown. EAST WILLIAM - Redecorated 2 storey 4 bedroom house, close to schools. Reduced to sell! Only S27,000.00. BRUCEFTELDgok ctrnized brick bungalow, carpeted throinSUIleTted on large lot. Priced to selIl "1 LIE SIGN THAT SFII.S" MAUREEN Wilut-ONG 482-3224. • * TOM SCHOONDERWOERD 345-2459. 14-77-1 • A 44 -Abril.411-16,41.1116•11rAdk4liaiii.dia .•2. •ffik- 4icgok 41 -.4 4. • 1- 11.- .4.- •4, 4 v -