HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-30, Page 8T • KAPXPOSITO 1980, • A TOUGH COURSE—Faye Carnochan finished fifth in the WOSSA cross country race in London, Friday, after completing the 3500 metre coarse in 14 minutes, seventeen seconds. She qualified for the all -Ontario meet in London this Saturday. (Photo by Ellis) Sportalk Paul Ellis WOSSA a reatchallenge Faye Car noeCi. last sear's Western. •. Ontario mtdget goes sross sountry champion. ts on her was to pros incsal comtpe ition agatro Faye qualified for Saturdas's all - Ontario 10.F S S A ) meet by first capturing the HuronPerth k “nferrrhe tftle two weeks ago. and then placing fifth in the WOSSA meet last Frodas. Bul for her. not placing first at WOSSA was no ells• appointment. because the grade 10 student from Seaforth Doetrost fieoh Si. Soot! moved up to the more k hallcnatng !linen girls level this fall -1 was pleased with my first sear in junior." remarked Ease. Is. who compiled at the Weetern Ontario lesd. in four seperate sports in the 19-9 80 school year 'i though there would he tough sompenton in London (at WOSSA). who h there % as." Nine runners from SDHS attended the ,WOSSA meet Fridas. held at the London Skt Club Among them was another well know cross eountrs runner. Mark Under- wood In his final year of high school Mark fintshed sixth in the senior boss' division . Thts ranking as increased from eighth ' after one sentor tA RC disqu'ofied. and another was elIrmnatcgl from the standmgs because he as a rrbe lifsr f the top senior team thonk it was An P rite nt sear esproalls fer • *he ahole team commented Mare otono the fa • t that none SDHS reinners Lioia -f'000t foe WOSSA as opposed to mnlc !hrf.•c last fall Mark is n siranger athlete s other Last sear at WOSSS finoshed fifth. after placing second at •io Huron Perth meet Thos sear he %es thud He intends to pia% agaln the sentor basketball and socorr trams at the school, but will he funnelling a reat deaf •of his efforts into the triple %imp nwhich he has competed at the procmcw c%el tn past seasons FOR YOURSELF • 'As 1 runner " explains Mark 18. 'You have to want to do tt foe yourself. as well as for. the school ' ' In a prei. nous onterstew he said "It•s an.indoeirlual sport If vou do badly, 'you can't blame anyone else les the most demanding sperrt phvsc hologically •• And demanding -it is. Every day. Mark. Faye. and the other team members took tirne to get out and run two. three or four miles after school or during their lunch. period. "It takes a lot of conditioning. even if you're in top shape. ••Emphasties the team's coach. teacher Harry Dougherty "Same runners just don't train •• At the WOSSA meet. he repeatedly pe.ointed out that Many of the runners who were coming in far behind the first place finishers were weak and exhausted. and needed assistance to walk after crossing the finish line. In contrast. the top runners were in mOch better shape. "You'll never see one of our runners looking like that. •' stated Coach Dougherty in London. pointing to a runner hong assisted by two teammates The runner was obviously in poor shape after completing the senior boysrace well behind the pace "1 think tee a very e.atiercing sport to coach.' says Mr Dougherts "It's very individualtstic I like the type of student you get. If they're motisated enough to be in a sport like this. it means that they're .probably highly. Mat IV a fed in other activities. 1 thmk they're Very good. dedicated people.- he added. pointing out that both Faye and Mark are honour students. OTHER RUNNERS Other runners froin o.DHS who went to WOSSA were Rosoe Van Dyk. 22nd in Modget girls. Wayne Rsan and Marts Bedard. S5th and reepectovely nut of more than 130 entrants on the tuntor tioys. and Paul Bolton. Phillip Mertars. Todd Morey and Jerry Wright, entered Sis a team In the midget bro.s• race Faye. who is also currently involved in junior girls basketball. is putting in a lot of time training this week in preparation for Saturday's OFSSA meet at the 'London Ski Club She knows the basic course after several previous meets held It the same location. but will be pitted against the best cross country runner< from high schools across the province. When asked how well she thought she would do this weekend in the meet. Faye just smiled ^ Flynnis_wprised at 25 A surprise party '‘as held at the home of Lorne and Viola Lawson on Tues day evening. to honour Bill and Marie Flynn for their 25th wedding anniversars The evening was spent with 7 tables of euchre in play. High score. ladies - Jean Keys. Lone hands - Janie SdcEssing. tonsolatton Debbie Flynn. Men's high - Dick Pethick. fond hands - Fl m er Townsend. consola- tion- Warren Whitemore. A social and musical half hour was enjoyed. "The Huron Strings" supplied the music. After lunch was served, Dorothy Townsend read an appropriate addtess to Bill and Marie. Irene Whitmor" presented the couple with a 42 piece' stainless steel flat- ware and a silver open server. Bill and Marie thanked the group for their gifts and invited everyone to their party on Nov. 7 at Vanastra. ovviin ews, rrr LEAGHE TEAM STAND' INGS, OCT. 27,1980. Giasshoppers • 10 Crickets 34 Mosquitos 26 Beetles 33 June Bugs 19 Dragonflies 25 Men's High 'Single: Reg Diek,490; Men's high triple - John Coleman, 735. , Ladies high single -*Ruth Campbell, 220; Ladies high - Dolores O'Dwyer, 548. LEGION High single - Dorothea Williamson, 248; Al° Smale, High triple - Dorothea Williamson, 645; Al Smale, 737. #5 Liteweights #3 Higblanders 4 Tryhards _Buggy's ,11 Shoguns 1 The Winners 17 10 , 9 9 9 9 • •0 WESTERN ONTARIO CHAMPS—The Winthrop Warriors slo-pitch learn recently won the W.0:A.A. Men's "A" Championship. Members of the team include, left to right, rear row, Don Jew itt, Gene Powell, Pual Buchanan, Bill Campbefl, aie...011taisie Doug Schroeder, Tom Fehr, (front) Ron C.?mpbell, Gord Pryce, Rick Humphrey and Missing at the time of the photo were Ed Patterson and Herb Shoveller. Despite sleet curlers attend by Brasilia Leitch Neither a 'slow beginnihR nor the wind and sleet were able to dampen the enthu- Siasm of the curlers who turned out for the Opening Breakfast last Sunday. Whether they had taken 'advantage of the extra MAWS - sleep afforded them by the return to Standard Time or it they were still on their way home from Saturday night partying. everyone seemed to be in good spirits and were quickly catching up on a summer's gossip. Noting the several new faces in the crovf+d, Steve Brown took the opportunity to welcome the new curlers to the club and introduced them' to their fellow members. Eight teams took to the ice for some fun. mixed curling where Jim Cunningham his team of Isobel Moore. Tom Turner and Joan Beucrman to the first victory of the season. Let's hope its the first of many, Jim, and that one of those Wintario numbers turns up lucky this week. Thanks go to Isobel Moore and Roxanne Brown who cooked a delicious breakfast. not forgetting the fourth member of the social cam- mittee, John Morre, whose smile brightened a dull day and the space behind the counter. Thanks to Bill and Marg Fleming for their spe- cial contribution to the break- fast - now let's get down to that serious curling! Richard Reeder reports that a very successful In- struction Clinic *as held last Thursday with at least eight beginner curlers and twenty juniors in attendance. Sea - forth is lucky to have good instructors available at short notice thanks to the Camp- bells, the Pryce's and the Patterson's who ran the pro- gramme so efficiently., The Pot Luck, Supper is scheduled for Saturday Nov; ember 8th beginning at 6:30 . p.m. All members are invited The supper will he followed by a dance at 9 p.m. with music supplied by Sound Unlitnited. -a regular at the pas! few Club events. Hope to see everyone there. This is a good opportunity to meet the new executive for the 1980 81 season. In case you don't know v.ho they are here are a few of them to look out fir: President: Doug Row- eliffe. Secretary. Jim Rose: Treasurer Mike Thomas Bowlers elect officers The annual. meeting of the mero's section of the Seaforth laAn BoTAltng Club ukas held mend,. The re sults of the. election of officers for 1981 are as follows Past Presodent Clare Roth. Prestdent -John Pat tersort. Voce• President Char les Morphs. Secretary Stan Hillen Treasurer.Itm Keyes Plans were made Icor next year's bowling tournaments mchiciong our 52nd anniver- (he's always ready to take your dues!): Men's Draw: Murray Forbes; Mixed Draw: Marg and Brute Cole- man; Bonspiel Committee: Jim and Ann Cunningham; Membership: Richard, and Marlene Reeder; OC.A. Rep: John Pafterson. Jr.; District O.C.A. Rep: Bob Wilson; Rules: Dave Cornish. In the Ladies Section the new President is Millie Lobb; secretary: Wendy Tremeer; Treasurer: Mdrlene Rober- ton; Catering: ltma Pryce ..and SpeciaL ..Events. Gail King. Ladies Draw: Marg Allan. The New Junior Pres-- tdent is Mark Underwood. And Finally - Yours Truly - I'm always on the look out for some news for this column. If I don't catch you at the Club, give me a call and let me know Jaime you've been up to., Taylor, Brian Mike ThomaS. Saiverda, John' (Photo by Ellis) Any Competetive Curlers who have not yet submitted their team to Bill Fleming should do so as soon as possible so that he can get the draw started. 111 h8Veli6ii"Ofilie" caw- SpieLupcuming Nov. 15/16 in next week's paper. BRODHAGEN SQUIRTS ARE CHAMPS— (Front row, lpft to right) Julie Horan, Tammy DeJong, Kimberly Dietz (captain), Angela Duffy, Barbara Rapien, Beverly Rapien, Tracey r.arl, tournament to be held in Siemon, (iagck row, left to right) Elaine Dietz, August I'M! 'Asst. Coach, Heather Alce, Tracey Vanden - Town and country Team Standongs: Cougars. 15. Hip% ado% 15: Flipflops. 13. Ankle Biters. 16; Hush Puppies, 14 North Stars, 12 Ladies Flieh Average. Le- anne MO< as 205: Ladies Kph Triple Mare Ungarian. f)84: ladies High Single. Marg Ungartan. 2.56. Men's High Average, Ron Harris. 244, Men's High Triple. Ron Harris. 666, Men's High Single. Ron Harris. 253. e Town of Seaforth LEAF COLLECTION The Public Works Crew will collect leaves on the following days: NOVEMBER 3R1) & 17111 North of Goderich St. NOVEMBER 4TH & 18T11 South of Goderich St. to Railway, Tracks NOVEMBER 5TH & 19111 Southof Railway Tracks Please have leaves bogged and at the curbside by .8:00 a.m. on the day of collection LEAF BURNING BY-LAW NO. 26-78 SECTION 14 "No person shall set any fire on any paved or improved portions of any street...." - BY-LAW NO. 441-42 SECTION 92 "No person shall burn any combustible material within 100 feet of any building...." berk, Donna Gaffney, Mane Van Bake! (winner of the Louise Murray Trophy for the player most exemplifying sportsmanship), . Deborah De • Jong, Terry Vandenberk, Marcia Scherbarth, arid coach Bill Siemon. The team is pictured with the'W.O.A.A. Squirt Horne Brew Trophy won over Teeswater. (Photo by Josling) To honour our 6th year ill business, we're giving our customers a 10% Discount October 30 and 31s1 THE DIFFERENCE IS WORTH Chisel Plow THE DRIVE Points G Threadrade8 :01 int es teE to.:4) „ a • ` 'Nom .1Graredaed5ooaItrise Th Shins Mould Boards Landsides Coulter Blades Hand Tools Roller Chain Plow Points iese Cultivator Points FARM TOOL MANUFACTURERS Disc Blades 167. `4 c 07rPoreAnoto 04* Shop tools , ALL TILLAGE TOOLS IN STOCK! HUGH PARSONS BOLTS AND TOOLS LTD. 262-5681 11/4 Mi. East of Hensel!