HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-30, Page 6'' • THE HURON EXPOSITOR OCTOBER 30.. 1930 •Al otospOndeni ,.. The. Zttober ineeting of ERT RHORRIROOK the Ainivv,c11 Unit was held 6n '523-4250' ' •Monday t ,MaS011 ' Hank,: President FlArence', Roll Call verse on Thanks - Cartwright opened with a giving was answered by 13 poem members and 2 visitors; Shir- ley Norman and Mr. Howatt. Mintites of the September meeting were read by secre- tary June Fothergill. The group decided to make tos- mpietaeltifnagvprs at.the November Presbyterial report was read; Helen Lee will look after supplies for the favors. The November meeting Will be at Brenda Redfords. Roll call will be your favorite a ostle. 'Lunch will be Mary eel and Pearl Mason. It was moved that we sell the quilt our members are making. •Kathy McDougall intro- • duced-our guest speaker Mr. Howlett from the Bible so- ciety in London. He 'spoke of their work. An interestino filWarnter,":Sfrii2ngmsinuotfe fi mivionng Haiti was shown. EXPLORER. ,S EXPEDITION #3 • President Florence , Cart, wright was in charge of worship: Lunch. was served by Mrs. Whyte. They opened the meeting with the Explor- ers purpose and sang the • Explorers song. The emblem was read by Lisa Bosman and, Deanna Lyon. Picture was read by Brenda Finch and offering was dedicated by Sandy Merner. Thio new members were accepted. Initiation was held for 7 first year members'. Worship was -lead by Mrs. Whyte. A discussion on help- ing others followed. A Hallowe'en party was then held. W.I. CARD PARTY First W.I. card party for the sea -Son was held on Friday night. There were 7 tables in play. Winners were ladies high, Mildred McNall; lone hand, Pearl Cummings; low, June'Fothergill; mens high, Don Buchanan; lone hands; Bert Shobbrook; low, Sadie McDonald (playing as a man). Ladies in charge were Jessie Tebbutt, Ann ie Vincent and Margaret Taylor There will be another card game in 2 weeks, November 7, PERSONALS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham who celebrated their 30th wedd- ing anniversary on October 23. 1980. Rev. and Mrs. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander spent Friday and Saturday in Barrie attending the U.C. Renval fellowship. THE PROUD GRANDPARENT —Mrs. Florence McGavin (centre), wife of the late Gordon McGavin; a "longtime_ provincial director of the Plowmen's Association, is flanked by grandson Brian (left) of Walton, who won the Junior championship at the annual Huron County Plowing Match, and his brother Jeff, 12, (right), who won top honours in the newcomers' match at the -event. The two boys were presented with trophies at the association's awards night at the Pineridge. Chalgt on (Photo by Oke) Friday. ).LF. ROSS For Council CONCERNED, INTERESTED IN SEAFORTH AND AREA — Age 45 .years, 'married, wife and three children. • — Resides at 1 Silver Creek Cres. — Employed by Ontario Government - 'Inspector for The Crop ' Insurance Commission of Ontario Successful farmer in area for 22 years — Active in Spaforth an -d, community, — Past Pres. Seaforth Agr, Society (member & director) — Past Pres. Seaforth Optimist Club — Master of Britannia Lodge, Seaforth — Member of Town of Seaforth Planning Board and Committee of Adjustment. ISSUES'OF CONCERN — Protection of downtown area — Offstreet parking — Business improvement area BIA — New Official Plan — Co-operation between council and all ' •Depts. — Senior citizens' facilities — Ratepayers get value for tax dollar .For further information phone 527--1229 Campaign headquarters, United Trails office, Main St. Mr. Dave Mayers of Deerborn Heights, Mich.. spent a few days last week with his sister Mrs. tlyrtle • FairserY ice . it pays to SHOP AT HOME Main Street Valuable Coupon REDEEMABLE IN MERCHANDISE ' ONE 1 ONE ' Dollar "1,14012Guoitz 7-41.11 ) Seaforth No Cash. Refunds $1 From November 1 to December 24 with,every $10.00 worth of purchases, Hetherington Shoes will -give you a $1.00 merchaticlise voucher Seaforth 527-1110 • and area news A successful sale was held On Saturday 25 at Richard Lobb's barn, Clinton for the estate of the late Harriett Knox. The family of Mr. Lorne Hunking celebrated • his birthday on, Sunday; present were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duizer. Laurel, Lisa, Stephen and Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunking, Todd and Tara Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Hunking and Brad, God- erich. Mrs. Bert Shobbrook's family celebrated her 75th birthday on Saturday gather- ing at the home of Thelma Ellerby by her family and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ross. Millson, Paiticia, Darren, Sarah and John) Woodstock visited her. ' Anyone wishing to take crewel embroidery please contact Marjorie Duizer 523- 4359- or Margaret Anderson 523-4379. . • Mr. GeOrge-Addison, Sea - forth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hulley irid attended the christening - of his great granddaughter, Crystal Joy Hulley. Congratulations to Mr. Dave McLeod who celebrat- ed his ,S0,th birthday _ a_t_ Mitchell on Sunday with "Open House". Present - from here were Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pen - found and family, , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Mr. and Mts. Bert Shobbrook, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomir- son visited on Saturday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, Moorefield Friends will be glad to know Mr, Hamilton returned home on Friday from spending 31/2 weeks in Palmerston hospi- tal. Sunday dinner visitors with Mr., and Mrs. Ken Scott and family were her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Seholl of and Rev and Mrs. Scott, Morikton Mrs. Jean .Scott Angela and Debbie. Congratulations to Mrs. Howard Clarke on her birth- day on Saturday. She visited Mrs, .Verna finite in Wing- ha inIng'haniond Nho9svvvaitiadi, Clarke, in yv Welcoming on Sunday Were Margaret Whyte and Greg Andrews; ushers were Susan,.lameison, Cheryl Lyn, Diana 7Shobbrook and Suz- Anne TamblYti. • itev. Scott welcoined tilt and gave announcements. • Neki Sunday Mr. kick Haw- ley will be the speaker while . Rey. Scott is at ALIO-Pin. Sacrament of baptism was Lidtninistered, to• - Shannon Rose', daughter .of mr,,r..okt Mrs. Ken Set* 4601W0i01 by, Elder AlrejanieisoiV''and Cfystal Joy) datighter,Oti and mr4.140 tfull0,1000Pf anied' by liffinlgCl, , The children_ .t St* about JesuS, who was God's baby and knows whatitklikeli to be a child. Junior teaeherS', • , were Bev. Riley ansv:$01Y1 Willard. The 'choirs, iitnior and senior, comb -hied song. The message was Hope for the future of the 'church and ' .the world, • RUSSELL BOLTON HONOUREDRussell Bolton of RR1,..Seaforth, secretary -treasurer of the Huron Plowmen's Association for the past 14 - years„was -honoured on his refit -meat at the group's dinner Friday night. Mr. Bolton and his wife Edna were presented with a painting by the group's president (far right) Allan Campbell of RR1, Seaforth. (Photo by Oke) Euchre popular in Correspondent MRS. ALLAN MeCALL 887-6677 they visited with their daugh- ter- Helen, somin•law Jim Duncan and grandson, Cory. Mr. and Mrs. Torrey A. McCall, Victoria B.C. and son Ross McCall. Toronto Hullett Congratulations to all members of the , cross• country team for the excell- ent showing on, Octob r 22nd's meet. Mullett came in first overall out of seven schools. In the eight races that were held. Hullett took first place in four of them. The midget girls and boys won their disistoos and the senior boys and girls won their respectise divisions. Individua11%. tori Bromley came in first place in the midget divisum and Robert Wilts came on first in the senihoracrita'Radford d ace. Rrysntral Whyte. mk Darlene Gulutzen all came in second place ;n their races a'nd Brian Whyte and Debbie Preszcator same in third. There were approximately thirty-five runners in each race. The eciaches, Mr. Mill- ‹. son and Mr I- altrot. and all the runners q serve congrat- ulations for a highly sucress- ful day. MULLETT S TERRY FOX RUN - .Mulett's Tries Fox Run was held or Monday. Octo- ber 20th Melo S630 was collected hs students cif Mullett Centra' It was di- vided between tke school and the Terrs.fund. Pupils ran as mars as f-19 times around thc eatstele of the school groerds which is about 1 km in length. (Intended for hist week) SOCCER TOURNAMENT On Tuesdas . October 7. tWo tepms from Mullett Cen- tral competed in a soccer tournament at Brucefileld. 'Five other schools also competed. Mullett girls. coached bs Mr. Millson finished sesond and the boys. coached by Mr. White. trying their hardest, finished sixth. TRIP TO THE APPLE ORCHARD On Tuesdas. October 7. the two ,kindergarten classes went to an ople orchard just outside of Brussels. They learned about picking. moving. storing and the processing of apples. Their guide was Mrs. Cardiff. 'Eaedcliso°mf ct- ethwe,instudfdaenntsappeloelsre. SCHOOL VIEWS SAFETY FILM On Thursday, October 2, kindergarten to grade g vieWed a film called ”The spent a few 'days this past week at the home of Mr. and Mrst All McCall and visited other relatives in the sur- munding area, UNIT MEETS thc 8th and 16th unit_ met at the hdme of Mrs. -Don 1 Imre were nine tables or euchre in play at the progres- sive euchre on Saturday evening in the Walton Com-' munity hall. Prize' winners for ladys high: Mrs. Ernie Stevens. second high: Joan Simpson. low Mrs. Dave Watson. Men's high: Ted Fothergill. second high: Gordnn ,Mur - happenings The purpose of the film was to give the pupils better knowledge of how.much care setaken m assure that when they Tide the bus it is safe. iney also learned that if they don't play their part of obeying the rules of the, bus they could cause an accident. We hope that by watching this film thc pupils will ride the bus more safely Walton ray. tow: Harold Hudio. • Institute hostesses serving lunch included. Mrs. Harold Hudie. Mrs. Nelson Reid. Mrs. Torrance Dundas and Mrs. Allan McCall. The next euchre will be held on Tuesday. November 11. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Allan Searle returned home last Wednes- day from a motor trip to Russell. Manitoba where McDonaU October 22 with 7 members present. Mrs. J Van %Met opened the rn. Wing with a reading Mrs. Don Fraser presided for the business opening with a poem. Minutes were read by Mr. John Davie. Mrs. Don Fraser presided for the business opening with a poem. Minutes were read by Mrs. 'John Davies. Members were reminded of the U.C.W. recognition day on Sunday November 2 when Mrs. Anne Stinsemf 'tomato will be the guest speaker at the nkorning see. vice at DufFs Unit' ed. all U.C. W. members are urged to attend."MeMbership care- s are ordered for U.C.W. members and soon available. There will be a Candlelight servtce this mming Christmas Eve. Plans were Made for the up coming Turkey supper at the church on Wednesday. NoYember 5 Hotpoint MICROWAVE 1 Only CHILD'S TABLE & CHAIR SET CHILD'S DRESSING TABLE . OAK CURIO A124-95 OAK CURIO C251-97 REG. SALE t216 4.94 *599 $520 480 $40 sPits $25 $33 $28 $150 -$290 $252 '246 $220 Knechtel Kroehler TEA WAGON TEA WAGON