HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-23, Page 23q4RL 23, 1980 •111O8D SHOVAtin oqueSt tom• • seatorth CieaMetY that a, boOleVat On the south, SJcie ifRaliWaY Printed Flannellett 45" wide, wash7 able, prints, of all kinds Striped & plain sweater knits Bags from our own seam ars. St. be pay*1-, Was turned down by Sentertb,40uncil at its monthly Meeting last —Wednesday. , The ;Mu,* originated. after the A0WO, , billed the Creamery for damages to sod which resulted from tin,* driving over the curb while Making pickups and deliver - at .the business. Cream- erS, spokesman, Les Seiler, told the August meeting of the council trucks could not • ' avoid .damaging the grass, and added the best way to deal with the problem would be to pave the area. Council did agree to waive the $75 . invoice,. but added that fu- ture damage would be in- voiced to the res onsible parties! Councillor Henry Mero folt paving the damaged area was not necessary. "I saw them back a 40 foot van in there and they did not have to pull forward," he explarn- red to council. "It can be done. I gather the property' has changed ownership since the matter came up. That's why the 575 has been drop- ped. There has been • no damage since." (The Expos- itor attempted to verify the sale of the Creamery, but Mr. Seiler refused to com- ment). • The transportation and en- vironment committee also advised council that town foreman Harvey Dol'inage was eligible for promotion from Level Four to Five iiee-ofdrrikli5 Thilatary grid. Council supported the. pro- motion, giving Mr. Dolmage a salary increase from 57.04 to 57.31 an hour, effective Oct. 13. The committee, after re- questing firm quotes for - diesel fuel for Public Works shed, recommended that BP Canada (Kerrigan Fuels) be awarded the contract. Coun- cil accepted the BP btid • which was 1.2 cents less than Texaco and 1.7 cents a litre less than Co-op. Town clerk James Crocker told council that from 1200 to 1500 gallons would be re- quired, "depending on the • type Of, winter we liayek' ,ported 's they ha a or z , CoanciltOr Getahl',Orooth, ichief . 'Cairns to purchase WS' gSlsetV*11,X an .htt.t$1,de :,proper photo identification coragaaY.,livag. PPlarr09: Cards, for Members of the Mended over "two firms'that department, at a cost of 550, pay taxesAtere,",COMOttee The finance. and general spokesman fictirt Vero' ex," government committee re. Plaiitly0 the saving from the commended a proposal to Kerrigan bid wot!,14 t,),e seven purchase Town of Seaforth and a half cents a gallon. lapel pins he put off until "that adds up over # year," Samples of a Similar PUC pin he said. "It Will be a saving ' arrive. The committee added of over ,51,00." Councillor they were reviewing a draw - Robert Dinsmore declared a ing of a pin which would cost conflict of interest and did approxiamtely $2.40 each. not take part in the debate. Council agreed with a corn - Mr. Dinsmore is an em- mittee. proposal to look into ployee of Kerrigan Fuels. the cost of enlarging the The protection to persons present council ch"mber. . and property committee rec- Councillor Robert D insynore ommended a request from questioned the plan. "For McLean,Bros. Publishers Ltd the amount of People that branch, currently occupied by the Seaferth,.Cofopertive NtIrsery, Council, at an earl. ' ier meeting, arranged for the Nursery school to have time to make other arrangements (til June 1981) before the library board =Wed in. Council authorized the , clerk to prepare plans for the annual wine and cheese party which is held for members of council, employ- ees and persons who serve the town on various boards and commissions. The date for the party will be announ- ced a coin -101'S Nov. meeting A grant request from the Blyth Centre for the Arts will , be considered in the 1981 budget, council decided. or an enlidue ff—of—God-----haye—been--at—council—since---- LOiliferaTiii--Coliffiiiiiir-r— erich St. be enied. The company wat3ied entrance/ exit access t a lot behind Triangle Dis unt Store. . Councill Mero question- ed the committee's decision. "We're telling merchants to park off Main St. but here we are turning them down." he said. Councillor Dinsmore explained the committee felt. backing on to Goderich St. from the proposed lot would creat a traffic hazard. "If they can find another . - way of getting in and out, it can be reconsidered," he added. A review of the 'annual insurance coverage for fire department equipment re- vealed the department was underinsured. Council ag- reed—with the committee recommendation that cover- age be boosted from 511,500 to 536,684for equipment valued at 525,184. The an- nual premium is 5245. A report from police chief John Cairns followinga dance at the arena noted town police constables were not consistent in reporting arrival at a scene of disturbance, and that dis- patchers were not properly processing punch cards. The chief was instructcd to in vestigate the mattets and report to committee. The protection to persons and property committee re- I've been here, is it worth it to enlarge the chamber?" Deputy reeve William Dale, representing the com- mittee, replied: "We did have a request about meet- ings of over 100 people and there was no place to sit. In any case, it will be back to you before anything is done.' A letter to the committee from the Huron County Lib- rary board noted the board is still interested in using the lower part of the Seaforth committee recommendation that a rate payers'meeting be held Oct. 28 at 8 p.m. Further recommendations of the finance and keneral government committee' were that the town purchase Hur- on Fabricators prOperty and' that the town rent the property back to the com- pany until it moves to its new plant in Aug. 1981, The purchase of the property is to be completed by Nov. 30. Obituaries DONALD SCOTT Donald Keith Scott. 46, of SA John St.. Seaforth, died . Monday at his home. -Born in Seaforth, he was a son of Mrs. Hazel (Bristow) Scott, of Seaforth, and the late John F. Scott. After graduation from SDHS he learned the paint- ing trade and had v. orked in Chatham and Stratford and in recent years in Seaforth. Surviving besides his mother, are one daughter, Mr. Gordon (Pamela) Pen- ner, of Saskatoon, Sask.; one son, Terry, of Windsor. and one sister, Mrs. Donald (Phyllis) Fry. of Seaforth. Friends were received at the Whitncy-Ribcy funeral home. Seaforth. where a funeral service conducted by Rev. T.T.A. Duke was held at 2 p.m. Saturday. Burial was in Maitlandbank c etery-. Pallbearers were Bob Beuttenmiller, Tim Eaton, Jerry Denomme, Jim Brown, Douglas Fry and Chas. Dow. Flowerbearers were Wendy Denomme, Charlynn Brown and Donna Fry. MRS. FLOYD SCHELL Mrs. Floyd Schell. the former Alice Austin, died suddenly at her home in St. Petersburg, Florida. She was born near Hayfield and was the daughter of the late Alfred and Alice Austin. She is survived by one brother VVilliarn Austin of Scaforth. Burial took place in Florida. ui .000:7'000.060.0.k.9:40*.1111(11.:., ,i00•1 t,c): Get a.rnask. Also watowan PriCed 119 t 29.88 Candy kisses, peanuts In the shell, ,choc. bar bundles, caramels X° STEREOS Now is the time to buy that new stereo. Over 15 mod W frOM which to choose • ALL SYSTEM ARE ON SPECIAL 1 Your Radio /bele . FREE WITH THIS STIE91R15 Headquarters itic;; M2601 complete with 0721 tUrntabie and S-71 speakers °III'S' '699 1 STAND WITH GLASS DOORS REG. $129.95 • Thursday, Friday, Saturday only,Oct. 23rd, 24th & 25th by‘ WWI START ON YOUR XMAS SHOpp Gt` ' knotiTAGE OF OUR MANY SELECTEol,k° °Aitt *V*4 4R)N Pay full price for one article & purchase a second article of equal value or less for 1c ALL SALES FINAL Pre -selected items of A table of ODDS cicENDS Miscellaneous and GIRLS' WEAR items of ' WINTER • WEAR Sale in effect only until Oct. 251h or while (ale items last. Open Wednesdays till 6 'Fridays till 9 .m. 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