HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-23, Page 22A 25 in Memoriam BEVERMANN; in loving Inemoi'Y of Orville Better - mann who passed away 4 years ago, October 22nd, There is nothing so treasured And nothing so rare, As the love that a dad and a family can share. Through joy and !atwitter, Through sorrow and tears, That develops the closeness That goes on through the years. This love that we shared Doesn:t need, to be spoken, Its a wonderful bond that cannot be broken. So cherish him, Lord, in your garden of rest. For while here on earth, he was one of the best: — Loving remembered by ren. 25-76x1 25-76x1 BEUERMANN In loving memory of Orville Beuerman who passed away 4 years ago, October 22nd, 1976. You left me beautiful mem- ories, often silent tears, Always you'll be with me, As I journey through the - years. The years we shared to- gether, The happy days we knew, I've lived again so often, In memory of you. — Sadly missed by wife Margaret and family. 25-76x1 WIIRME: In loving memory of my dear grandmother, Victoria Elizabeth• Bessie Wurme who passed away Oct. 19, 1979. Your presence is ever near US, Your love remains • with us yet. —Sadly missed by grand- daughter Sharon-Ermie, Great granddaughter Terry and Great grandson Wayne. 25-76-1 WURME: Treasured mem- ories of a wonderful mother and grandmother, Victoria Elizabeth Bessie Wurme, who passed away one year ago, Oct. 19, 1979. A happy home we once enjoyed. How sweet the memory still. But death has left a loneli- ness, The world can never fill. You were the kind of mother. Your loved ones will never forget. — Sadly missed los;ingly remembered daughter Margaretta and grandson Joe, grandaughter Dianna, great grandson. Johnny Joe. 25-76-1 26 Personal To Mona Enzensberger: Hail three score and ten. MI our love. Dorothy. ,Susan Dan. Mona. grandchildren and ..sens-in-law. . 26-76-1 26 Personal • Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hilbert of Segorth are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Patricia Elizabeth to Glenn Ernest Mason, son Of Mr, and Mrs. James Mason of Blyth. The wedding.will take place on November lst, 1950 at 7 p.m. in First Presbyter- ian Church, 59 Goderich Sfreet, Seaforth, Ontario. Open reeeption to follow at Seaforth Legion. 26-76-1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klaver, R.R. #4 Clinton and -.Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews 107 Grange St. Stratford, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children klAll_41111c wad. atepheneon..... -Nov. 14, 1980 at 7 p.m. at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Stratford. 26-76-1 27 Births a. • ANDERSON: Jim and Marg Anderson R.R. 1 Londesboro are happy to announce the birth of their danghter Amanda Grace, Oct. 15, 1980 weighing 9 lb. 1 oz. Wing. ham and District General Hospital. A sister for Lindsay and ,Bradley. Grandparents are Mr. and Mr's. Jerry Hefferon, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Anderson, R.R. 1 Londesboro. Great grand- ` parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim McClure, R.R. 114 Walton. 27-76x1 . ' Therese andLarry_Flanagane- R.R. 1, Dublin are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Andrea Carmen Ginette, weighing 8 lb. 7 oz. on October 14th at Seaforth Community Hospital. A wee sister for Lawrence and Kerrie. Proud grandparehts are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nash, RR5, Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Flanagan, RR1, Mitchell. 27-76x1 28 Deaths SCOTT Donald Keith at his resi- dence, 5A John Street, Seal - forth, on October 13, 1980 in his 47th year. Donall Scott. Dear father of Pamela (Mrs. Gordon Penner) of Saskatoon and Terry of Windsor. Loved son of Mrs. Hazel Scott, Scaforth. Dear brother of Phyllis (Mrs. Donald Fry). Seaforth. Friends called at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home. 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth where funeral service was held on Saturday at 2 p.m. Interment Maitland Bank Cemetery. Seaforth. 28-76-1 Remember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad Dial 527.0240 THE SEPARATE SHOPPE MAIN CORNER. CLINTON PHONE 482-7718 INEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) OPEN SKIRTS on sale! OPEN 1-4 • WES ERN AIR SERVICE Coll us for *CHARTER FLIGHTS We can fly you anywhere in North America. Save time—we can fly you to Toronto in 40 minutes, or non-stop to Ottawa in two hours. Flights out of Goderich. ALL TYPES OF FLIGHT TRAINING AEROBATICS -SIGHTSEEING For complete Information phone 236-4556 482-3901 524-8304 CENTRALIA CLINTON. GODERICH - THE NEW WELL—The new Welsh Street well is shown here with some of the visitors . BY WILMA OKE While some municipali- ties in Canada and the United States face a shortage of water or a poor quality of water, the Town of Seaforth has an abundance of good water. On Friday the new Welsh Street well was officially brought into operation,giving Seaforth a new water source. Costing a total of $101,269.521the new 285 foot well was drilled by the drilling firm of W.D. Hopper & Sons of RI22, Seaforth. Prank Kling Limited was the contractor for the building housing the pumping equip- ment. , Neil Hopper said the well with a diameter of 12 inches will pump 700 US gallons a minute on a continuing basis and has been tested at 1000 gal per minute on a 52 hour period. It's capacity is more than double the ordinary demands of the system, PUC manager Tom Phillips said. Speaking at the opening ceremonies at the well site Mr. Phillips said the town is fortunate not to have a shortage of water and that even before the drilling. of the new well the town had a better water supply than most municipalities. In view of the age of the then existing facilities and the necessity of anticipating future needs -both domestic and industrial -the upgrading of the water system was important, he said. "The town won't lose an industry because of lack of water," he said. Allan N. Ladbrooke of London, manager of Utility Operations of the Southwest - THE RIBBON-CUTTING—Mayor John Sinnamon of Seaforth and -Allan Ladbrooke of -the Ministry of the Environment cut the ribbon, ern Region of the Ministry.pf the Environment, congrat- ulated the Seaforth Public Utilities Commission for its independence and the pride it took in running its own show. He said the commis- sion by carrying out the project over several years and having the work com- pleted by its own staff had been able to pay for the project as it Was at substan- tial savings. He compliment- ed manager Tom Phillips and PUC employees for the efficient manner in which the work had been carried out. The building housing the well and pumps was de- scribed as " a very fine" building and the mainte- nance should be easy. The building on Welsh Street in addition provides accomodation for a diesel powered stand-by unit, and other waterworks equip- ment. The engineering and building design was carried out by D.Z..Matt of James. F. MacLaren Limited. A dinner in the community centre followed the ribbon cutting ceremonies and was attended by members of council, PUC employees and former PUC chairrnen and other officys. PUC chairman Gordon T. Pullman spoke briefly and recalled the planning which the ...commission had carried out reading tit the completing of the new facilities. Former PUC chairmen D'Orlean Sills and A.Y. McLean also spoke briefly.. Curlers getting in shape for season There has been a lot of vigourous activity around the Seaforth Curling Club during this past week-- to get every- thing in top shape for the upcoming curfing.scason. The Opening Breakfast on Sunday next. October 26th will give everyone the opportunity to renew acquaintances and meet the new members. Breakfast will be served at 10 a.m. and 12 noon with some fun curling after each sitting. This should give all members a few ends to "warm up' • their curling brooms. before getting down to the sedans buiness of regular play. If there are any -members planning to attend the Centenaires (Continued from Page 11) season will work with the Seaforth Min 31* Hockey Midgets. and boys who will be expected to see action with Jr. Club will be strong skater and shooter Mark McLlwain, as well as John Hicknell and Mike Kelly who are tough, aggressive for- wards. These three boys are all in their final season of Midget hockey. As this article is being written .1 have just learned that veteran Tan Doig is back am was out to practt,:v 671 Monday night. Ian has two seasons of Junior eligability remaining. WORK AHEAD Coach Akey has a tot of work ,?head of h.irn in trving to sliote up a rather week defence, and he must get more hustle nut of his offence, as the Centenaires have more pot,.uitial goal scorers this year than in the past. It may take two. or three games but 1 im quite sure the Centenaires will be as good if not a better team than last year. • Next home game for the Centenaires will be this Friday night,Oct. 24 at 8:30 when -they host the always tough Lucan Irish Breakfast. but who have not yet been 'contacted by the social comrniitee. please call Steven Brown at 482-7745 or John Moore 348-90.5/ to let then know youli be there. An Instructional Clinic will be held an Thursday. October 23rd at 8 p.m. this will give new members an opportunity to learn curling techniques • before taking to the ice in regular games The Clinic is also open to any other members wishing to brush up cm their game. Members are also reminded that they are welcome to come out to the Club prior to regular season schedule if they Y.-furld like to practice The ice is in good shape and all ready to be used The first draw of the. .e( • • -4_ANoes regular season will begin on Monday, October 27th with Men's Curling. The Ladies and Junior Curling will begin on Tuesday afternoon and evening respectively and Mixed Curling commence the fatter part of the week. Competitive Curling should be underway the second week.Tearns are still needed to complete the draw If you are planning to enter a Competitive team contact Bill Fleming st 4,82-7336. The Annual Pot - Luck Super is scheduled to be held at the Club on Saturday. Nov. 8th. All members are invited. More information on this next week. Over the past few years Seaforth has become re • cognized as the host of many .soesarE successful Bonspiels. This year will be no exception and there k the usual line-up of spiels already in the works. In addition. Seaforth has one new two-day Bonspiet planned and it should attract some re -ally fine cOmpetition to our town. This is the Cash Spiel, on November 15th and 16th. It will take the form of a double -knockout with some good prize -money going to the winners. This will be a great opportunity for spectators to visit the club and see some top flight curling. Some of the best teams in a 75 mile radios will be participating. " Remember' h takes but a moment to place an Ex posItor Want Ad Dial 517-0240 Now open to serve you PEM TIRE and MUFFLER SUPPLY • / TSPECIAL including. oil, grease & filter for most cars $11.95 TIRE AND PEM' SUPPLY Dublin, Ontario 345-2400 SP•IE aAVS :1)=VEt 4 -%-+-.4 44 I. 4, 4 4. 4- 4- 4 Nei store features Hitachi Seaforth's newest business, A• and H TV, is • opening Thursday in the former ,Plumste,e1 store on Main Street. The store, 'Owned by Henry Berj of Stratford, will be carrying a wide range of Hitachi pro- ducts , Mr. Berj, who came to Canada from Holland in 1957, said he decided to open a Seaforth store since there aren't any Hitachi dealers in the area. He hopes to draw on customers from Seaforth north to Goderich. Mr. Berk started in the hashreses- brorserating•ar teTCT vision repair shop in • his home. When he first came to Canada, he worked as a farm labourer for five years, before deciding VS specialize in electronics. When he moved to Stratford, he was hired by the cable TV system, and managed that business for 10 years. Then Mr. Berj opened his own business, A and H TV in Stratford. He decided this year to expand into the area west of that city. Mr. Berj said he will basically be handling Hitachi. products in his store, and servicing only the products sold in the store. Although Hitachi is a Japanese company, he said many of the television sets _he'lL he selling are actually manufactured in a Montreal plant. Mr. Berj said Hitachi make S over 20,000 products - everything from washing machines and dishwashers to hydro generators. The store owner said for the last four years Hitachi televisions have been rated the most reliable on the market. The store will be alternate- ly staffed by Mr. Berj, his son Andy and Bill Rothernell of Stratford. MASONRY PETE JANSEN 25 Years Experience Residential & Comreerrial Specializing in Fireplaces CALL 527-0208 FOR FREE ESTIMATES gXPOSITOff, POTPP*R 23, 198O- ARNOLD J: STINNISSEN arid Mortgageiiisurance Plans lOcome Tax Dednctable Registered Retirement Sayings Plans and Aunuit,ies, inconte AVefa$ittg Anhtlities Ask t'Qr our pew Flexible Premium R.R.S.P. —REPRESENTINP— T0,527-0416 Sun Life Assurance 117 GODERICH ST. EAST Company of Canada SEAFORTH ° ,for -21 Years.° if•Ngroimv,0 ieeeqe • Real spoo -suits Star Wars and Walt Dis-ney come alive - on Hallowe'en. Great characters. Great costumes. Prices start 4:99 Laro'ne's Seaforth 527-1960 *4'2" sista Town of Seaforth LEAF COLLECTION The public works crew will again collect leaves this fall. The dates for collection will be advertised on October 30. Please bag and store leaves until the collection dates are announced. LEAF BURNING BY-LAW 26 -70 -SECTION 14 "No person shall set any fire on the paved or improved portions of Any street . " BY-LAW 441 -42 -SECTION 92 "No person shall burn any combust- ible material within 100 feet of any building. ." If you're thrifty, you'll subscribe now and beat the price hike The Huron Expositor subscription piicet will soon be going up. But not before our readers have a' chance to sign up for as many years as they like at our old rate.You can send in the coupon, below for either a new or renewal subscription; The Increase will be to $16 from $14. 3 Years will soon cost $48 3 Years now costs only s42 .114/0/11191.IIIMO Save '6 1 year will soon cost S16 1 year now costs only SI4 Save s2 2 years 2 years will soon cost S32 now costs only $28 Save '4 Senior citizen subscriptions will increase from S13 to S15. Out -of -Canada subscriptions will be S33 a year. Subscriptions at * the old prices will be accepted until Saturday Nov. 8, 1980. Mail or bring; this coupon tO The Huron Expositor. Vest Put me down for the savmgs checked below I enclose • THE 3 Y -EAR DEAL FOR- $42 (l'Isave SS) • The 2- year deal for $28 The 1 year deal for $14 This is a renewal subscription This is a hew subscription Name Rd or St •R R City Postal Code THIS OFFER EXPIRES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1980- 4