The Huron Expositor, 1980-10-23, Page 1314 ThE 1$4,,PQA EXPOSITORvQ0OPER '2 1.9
Somewhere Em Ore 'there is a MIOlatrY; or. agency
Whatever that keeps records of things Such as divorce
rates, it could very well be Statistics Canada (StatsCan), in
,turn 14 likely a braaefri of OreliCaltp as one radio program
likes to refer to such arms of .government.
Back on topic, then, What about this divorce rate? If
semeeneWere, energetic enough he would discover who
compiles these records. Once in hand, a qUielt search, ttim
willing„to bet, would reveal that More.divorces.are„filed in,
October than in any other month of the Year.
Why October? Easy. Baseball, football, hockey and, if
you have the right equipment, basketball. Sports overtake
the airwaves in this month when some games are starting
their seasons, others are winding up and some are right in
the middle. And it's not ,only the pros but junior and
college teams who get their licks on the tube as well.
The first. two weekends are the worst of the month. The
World Series and before that the playoffs took over large
chunks of weekend leisure time. That wasn't enough
though. The Maple Leafs graced the tube twice on the first
weekend of the hockey season, and, not to be outdone the
_Nattogal and Canadian Fo_inhall Lea tgles_atettit,cle_shows
on the air, ,
And it doesn't end on the weekend. Once a week,
Howard COsell and his cronies offer their slickMonday
night football package. That's followed by mere:baseball
and hockey, and I haven't even mentioned college or junior
sports yet. Sounds endless.
• N. e* COltimn
• y Herb Shoveller.
'All this addS up to grounds for divorce, Although there
are certainly exceptions, this plethora of player progam-
,„ ming, Fettles ittfite. shape of a giant wedge which can fit
neatly between many a1tarried couple. The prototype, the
husband, often doesn't notice thiS wedge until he •realizes
the regular delivery of beer or dinner hasn't arrived.
• On the other side of this frontier is the wife. She's the
one who often feels she is addressing her mate but
actually her audience's a mental void. This, I know, for I
too arn Often guilty, especially when the Leafs are being
brutalized by the lowliMs of the league.
The solution to this, ideally I'm sure, would be for the
pair to sit down and work out this divisive intrusion.
Unfortunately, though, an even better marriage counsellor
might be second television set.
This may overstated, but I'i still willing to wager
that a lot of marriages are not solidified in October.
Beyond sports, there may be a deeper reason. A recent
magazine article investigated the growing number of
professional athletes who are 'born again Christians.
Group's such as Athletes in Action keep high profile.
THE SHOPPERS—Lori Glanville, 9, and her brothers Danny, 7 and Dean
10, were among the- younger shoppers looking for treasures at the
Northside United Church bazaar on Saturday afternoon. (Photo by Oke)
Botanical Gardens featured at meeting
Seaforth Horticultural
Society met at Seaforth
Public School Oct. 8. Presi-
dent Oladys Doig reported
212 members this ivear.
Thanks were extended to
Marg McCowan and Jean
Durst who were in charge of
the flowers at Ciderfest.
Members were able to
suggest a variety of trees or
shrubs they would like in the
spring. Some evergreens and and daffodils at Niagara
fruit trees may be ordered Parks were also shown.
this year. Mr. Halward said when
The guest speaker Ray forcing tulip bulbs the flat
Ealward of the Royal %tan- side of the bulb should be to
ical Gardens. Hamilton was the outside of the pot. An old
introduced by Nancy Kale. fridge is ideal for forcing
'Mr. Halward gave a talk on bulbs and you can virrap the
flowering bulbs and showed pot in plastic and store at
. slides of the gardens where Qv he added.
20.000 bulbs are planted The speaker was Jeahette
each year. Slides on the tulip Finnigan. A plant swap was
beds at Holland. Michigan held
Vandalism inay close car wash at night
Cars in Seaforth may have
seemed cleaner in recent
weeks. but the new found
shine may soon be gone.
That is the message from
Lioyd Eisler. whose car
wash cash box was smashed
for the second time Sunday
night. The first tncident.
about two weeks ago. result -
in about S1000 damage to
the coin machine On Sunday
the damage was minor The
ear wash is on Godesich Si
"I think the last time was
just vandalism." explained
Mr. Eisler. Only the exterior
of the cash box was smashed
Sunday but in the first case
the inner mechanism of the
box was broken into.
If robbing the cash box
was the intent of the vandals.
tAen Mr. Eisler feels they are
wasting their time "We
empty the boxes every
night'. he explained "Last
night (Sunday) they would
have got 42.50. BesideA, you
would need a cutting torch to
get through.
"The only thing I can see
doing is shutting the car
wash or keeping the doors
locked." he added.
Police chief John Cairns
said they have a susPect in
ihe lastest episode. who
admits to banging on the
cash box Police detained the
suspect after witiwsses came
For your
dining pleasure.
Sunday, October 26
Appetizer- Cream of Celery Soup
Fre4h Fruit Cup
Relish 'Tray -
Salad:- Salmon Salad -olives & celery
• •
Vegetables:- Fresh cauliflower - cheese sauce
Buttered baby carrots - ginger sauce
Mashed potato
Hot rolls & butter
Desserts: Cream pie, Strawberry Sundae
Rice pudding, Cherry pudding
'Main St. Seaforth ,
Men orptying benefit games, to get their 'message
,The author of the Piece draws an interesting comparison
between the no/Tiber of athletes turning to Christ and the
groWth of sports coverage on network television. That
'netwOrk coverage wanldn't expand if it weren't for the
hungry mases of Worshippers out there willing to humbly
, honour their televisions. A new religion iCborn1
It's not that funny. One character in' the United States
has, tengue-in-cheek to be sure, established the Church on
Monday Night Football. To belong (me must follow 'a
variety of commandments, including a provision for liquid
.refreshment, -which, whether planned or not, seems to
parallel the Sacrament. The originator even has establish-
, ed a hierarchy whidh starts at the" bottom with the
equivalent of parishioners and runs through to' the head of
the church.
Skeptic that I am, I wouldn't be surprised if in fact
someone had compiled the divorce numbers, I'd like, but
for some reason, they have conveniently disappeared. •
.Handled with a little discretion, (e.g. 7..sonsideration-fOr-
--Met people. Just asking whether they mind could be
&hough.), some of that October marital tension could be •
Beyond that, though; we should pay attention to the
grdwth of audiences for spectator sports. It may all be fun
now, but there is also something ominous about such vast
numbers so eager to just' sit and watch and worship,
Over 200 delegates from
District "C" attended the
fall convention held in
Kincardine and hosted by
Branch 183 over this past
Council meetings were
held on Saturday followed by
a dinner and dance held at
the new Legion Hall. —
Those aftendihg the dinner
and Dance from 'Seaforth
were Comrades Bill Wilbee,
Al Nicholson and Jack Eisler
and their wives.
On Sunday they were
join d by'Commrades Cleave '
mbs, Geo Miller, James
Brown Sr., Gord Scott and
their wives.
The morning session was
held Kineardine Public
School when Zone
Commanders and Committee
Chairman gave their report.
This was followed by. a
parade to the Cchotaph for
the laying of a wreath by our
3rd Vice President of Ontario
.Command Comrade Bill
Smith of Lucan along with
one by our District Com-
mander Comrade Gard
Ramsay of Owen Sound and
several Zone Officers,
Following -the -laying off
wreaths and the ushal
honouring of our dead, the
parade was dismissed to
attend a dinner catered to
by • the Ladies
Auxilary of Branch 183
Kincardine. They served in
all over 400 meals, including
delegates, honoured guests
and bands and I must say did
a very fine job.
The guest speaker at the
dinner was Comrade Bill
Smith of 3 rd Vice -President
of Ontario Command, who
a sense of
direction in phases of legion
work. but more particularly
of t meraberp and their
dependents who may nced
our help.
Thc highlight of the after-
noon meeting was the pre-
sentation of yet anothe
plaque to our branch for
having the most paid up
members in the early bird
campaign 98.7"t
This is the fifth year in a
row the award has been won
You are cordially invited to attend
SPEAKERS: Ken Moore Sundridge, Ont.
MR. ARNOLD (HUTTON, Grand Bend, Ont.
Sunday thru Friday , 8 p.m.
Commencing -Monday, October 13.
No Collection
2 Conn:11,8ns 6 2 Behold now is the weeteel time,
behold now is the day of Salvation
2:30. -to '430 7 DAYS A WF,F,K
)71.11-1-}j1Nr; fRTHF 1,A1)11-;.,•-;
( 0,14 r.,1 today'
rr,;iff 'r,
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Re1.4x Arwi ‘1, 4C -r% In fre•,r/ 4 .4- ti, -rt lwarth
, 17.-n •,r • rrypreSted
rr,r-r• ,hAn la)
$2 5°
Ns... • :ker :wrr •
•,,rti ffl ij 11 ViA " -Now
If if
4i Ronmiller
\ • -,',,1 I r ft,orndle r ttri
I, orn.'1 •,,40 ”/ urld, rt4
fi,,,u1 1 19,1 .,1
4 ,hon, '7.21 2191
by our branch thanks to
Comrade Al Nicholson and
his committee and most of all
to you comrades for being so
I am told they have almosi
55% paid up for 1981 and
I am sure everyone would be
proud if we could reach
100% this year. Any
committee member will be
glad to write you out a
receipt and you would also be
eligible for -sortie piiies. So
be an Early Bitd.
For those who paid in
Sept. . cards are now in
and may be picked up at
the bar.
At our last meeting
Comrade Henry Ziler
suggest taking a bus load of
entertainers to London to Put
o# a show for the Vete, ans of
Vlestminister. He hopes to
do this some time in
November and is looking fel--
local talent he they legion
members or not to help out.
So if you are so inclined and
wish to go. please contact
Henry or leave your name at
the Legitin, you will being
doing us a great service and
make our Veterans who are -
shut in feel they are not
Tickets for the Veterans
banquet are now on sale and
each Vteran will be contacted
personally. If by chance you
are missed please call
Comrade Peter Malcom who
is this years banquet chair-
man Tickets are S7.50 per
person for the dinner and
What's happening is -a weekly Colemn, SP4.ce deflated by The
Huron Expositor. To list your event call the Recreation Office et
527- 60?.
Thus. Oct. 23 Men's Broomball Arena
Fri. Oct, 24LuCen vs Centenaires Arena
Sat. Oct. 25 Story Hour ' Library
Sat. Oct 25 EsublicSkating Arqna
Sat. Oct. 25 Public Skating. Arena
Sun. Oct. 26 Public Skating Arena
Sun, Oct. 26 I.H.L. Games Arena
Wed. Oct. 29 Moms & Tots Arena
Wed. Oct. 29 Wom'eh's Broom- 'Arena
• ball
'7:15 p.m,.
pro. -
7:3049 •p.m.
2-3:45 p.m.
7-11 p.m.
1-3 p.m.
- 8:15 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. James
,Cameron,' Sarnia visited with
their daughter and son-in-
law, Carole and . Charlie
, Geddes .
Carole and Charlie Geddes
had a surprise visit from Mr.
and Mrs. Bedford Dungey,
Sarnia. Accompanying the
Dungeys were Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Bridge of Port Huron.
dapee on Nov. 8„.
Comrade Cecil (Moon)
Adaths, of Goderich is a
patient in the . Marine
Hosptial of that town and we
wish him along with R.S. Box
and Geo Hruse a speedy
Comrade Geo. Inglis.
although not a member of
our branch, but a good friend
and legionaire is a patient in
The- - - Winglianr— HospitaL
George a first World War
Vet, is from Gorrie and well
known among legion men
thoughout the District
Coming Events,
Halloween Dance, October
31, Poppy,Drive, November
2. More on these two dates
next week.
Skaters can
start new season
The Scaforth Figpre
Skating Club begins its new
season Monday, November 3
at 4:30 p.m.
Registration will be takch
at the Seaforth Recreation
Office Monday. Oct. 27 to
Fri.. Oct. 31 from 8:30 a.m.
10 5:00 p.m.
• Fees are :
S25 Beginners
S30 Juniors
S35. Seniors
Plus a $3.00 fee for C.F.S.
A. The registration fee is
payable at registration.
Mrs Alvin Hammond returned home Sunday to
Moorefield with her husband after -spending several days
with her father Rey. J. Um and Mrs. Stewart. '
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hammond of Moorefield were
Sunday visitors with Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart.
AilkiiiiPddp. Om?
EVAenterfe eNitee4----.
in Area Churches
C./ Goderich St. W.. Seaforth
Minister: RE . I A A Duke Oreanist: Mrs D ( arter
• (Reformation Sunday)
11:1i Worship, Sunday School and Nursery
• . Sacrament of Infant Baptism
ST. THOMAS Anglican Church
The Res,. James R. Broadfoot B.A., M.Diy.
2Ist Sunday after Trinity
10 i1,121. Meriting Prayer and Hymn Singing '
"0 Come Let Us Sing Unto The Lord"
Sunday School and Nursery available during service
"Celebrating our 125 years in Seaforth"
NORTHSIDE United Church
i4 Goderich Si. West, Seaforth
7. Rev. J.G. Vanslyke
OCTOBER 26, 1980
Church Service 11 a.m.
Climbing Jacob's Ladder
Church School and Nursery at the same time.
Orgarnst ( hoir Director Jr (hoir Leader
Margaret VW hit more Amcifey MeLlwain
Arca ,ongrueations arc in\ited to take advantage of
OR l hurt h dire ct or \ to announce,. If" tr church services
cath \\ e e k ( hurt h directoratilt* ,incentents are
a\ allahle tor a minimum of 2h (onsectn,,e weeks in
units of mo ,olumn int ht.% at 52 per untt Changes in
cop\ ma\ he. TThidl ( .i. h \\ eck hut must he rcemed
befor( noon on Tuesda%
Seafirth Branch 156
Royal Canadian Legion
Seaforth Legion Hall
Fri., Oct. 31
9 - 1
$2.00 per person
Wednesday to Saturday
and Saturday Matinee 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The Steelers
Wednesday to Saturday
and Saturday Matinee 4 p.m. td 6 p.m.
Bonnie Baker & Blue Country
Day Nursery/14,
invites you to our
Vanstra,Bec. Centre
Thursday,JOctober 30th
6:30 • 8:30 p.m.
Come and bring your children and see our excellent
Educational toys • Music • Crafts 'Active and quiet
play time • Indoor and Outdoor play areas .Rot meal.
Children fully supervised - Staff of childhood
education diplomas.
Open: Monday through Friday,- 6-:130 a.m.
for ages 2-6 years.
Fee: 56.50 per day (Income tax deductible'
For more information phone 482-7634
0silai A a
Junior "D" Hockey
, This ad is irponsored by:
The Tree Trunk
6 Main St. Seaforth
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