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The Huron Expositor, 1980-10-23, Page 12
_ .,.. . . 1.r .,r, . , + .,.. . , „ , .,-: : :' - .,b •.. w � 44 i ,. l . . .: '. 1. t .. �I { - .. , r 1. I. d.. : 1. ; .. x. 11 s ., ,' w , n r 1. 1 r \ ,� r .:.: ...... ...... ..... _ 4., � - T �mT R'� OS... !F TO!/ ��, -R .,, ,f.��Tna ..�R T �� Ju. , e. -k : � , . r .. , -, ., .. "i 1 M • r r 11 a rap, . , . $$ 1 , ^. f yt ,. ., ... :I. v r ^. ..., M q o t #r+I , . 0 , � { I , , I � , . r . . .., , I , v r „ I g _-� W 'r 4 . _ e ., 0 . ..�,�� 7 , a ,. �� � ,,, I I ; %0, W .,,,,,,. �. � I r, N.. '. ,:, � .. -.:. a ,. ,, . I. ,. �:-. ,:::. .. ';.�� , .. ..S ,,, ., ,;11I r I ... 'r �,,, ,. .. - .' , .. , is .. .. �. ', '. . . �b 4 x. ..' . I. ,I k :.', t .. - . ., . :.� .�:.. Ft , h , h uld er _ .. L. • � r . , - . Loin l' ricnlltuxti s a ..ak _ ., •w Sue the tC a.. Ag alit f a of nt teen ion., Y ... t;r i e tr #,, .: tri. ers fi . , _ .. n e e rd b th Ile ori c f 1 to a ar a Y . N, . ..,,:: , . .1 _ . , I, . .. .. .. P vide c h a e r _ u is #. e n . ,.: . aro. i�li d sett M t' . e y F s PP . n 1p s nee i IF _ r ;., on ibtitt since t • , r 1 het to on this: resp Y, , , set The n t h re ect , L1. . , .. I , . ssia wap s.ab ts. Th tum io w t s ' ., , . .. , , .. tt d u s Committee aril h slot solve Rtd ell has, s ste . sources e. h :I � � r:' a",: hack. ,_,d s e „ , , . .. , _ , :: _ , .. ;: a tM nxs r of , ,, . , . a s ac nett th . M, i t YV.. .. w er ls.. t. Y a .. o be o d ..hat a .. , .. o retia es, discoan s nd rr � • � , ' . .: - rto Bratton of A, ri� I'eo le h d t ex :ho is g Y P , � �:,� . l:.. � ,; , ,, . ; r , : ; . , , ,. eon a. e o ort , Orta _ .Fed . a their x P I: : ,. _: ., that th 1- _, . walk � x p y � F � . s tth e e case, apo discover agriculture n o . Ilowances has beco a even 1 , . � •.: �, _ .: - a . o . b. til �. � m , , . , .. ., r x i all a culture pinned tn. the �o l C m. t ., r , , r .. into di count, n kind .own cu . , l? -. X g urlfo . tveable of all, «,: , , , - r . � . „ .. , , :, r thQ .rue facts of the situation. s more serious since the Com- - ff r an showed stn. The e a say that t (',�` , •, ' ._ .. , ., ... .. ,. ,. ■ � ..-. � . ., 1.0 . r ces a oa incus r is Tis trrstittl Y int s o , r rt Y , . _.. �. .. , . d -:. .,, ,. .:. ,... , � � _ . th. f, d t. y lir p . ,, ,. :. - . -,. , . .., r , . , _., ,. ., _ ,. „ 8s in tri view, the report ,, .,. „ The report retommen ,, Y mission ` was established. „, i eco cl art 'that discounts, cel }t a ears. there is, tta P . no h n bu't a Wb t ash, e. Y FP t ,.: t g m ds'that no further *`� , , . 1 ..... e establishment of a forum reco men . ere is nothin in th re ort . -_ allowances clave si nificant dtfferenee to -the '�'h g e ,� , In a prepared Statement, bates and g „ n o ed- in uiries; be' conducted into outside governme t t m q . that us an ho a that r ,,,,. o s i u s or give'sY .P ;y:Y. m the down in the.; tisk, I think disco nt . _ ,. en b scum the o alon T e ; a 'Pdging � the area 1vIPI' had the increased tremendously lY , n. rebated, •_ s - . t: I - n' -� ONEX precedent t Y i. 8 g q r i 44 8 $ , tat . noble s between vat- . discounting.' practices. im rave. 3worke � , - . /; , ". $X C.flLI.EEN MAL P tons de. T ese dts• . coerces iven or received e p m things are going to P �F hP 1: to ed this is somewhatdange _ . followitt cotnx►lgitts on. tht: the task decade. h..-,� ,..N.. a31u, g :, I crease tn, rant. You look »t t stereo# number bf. _grants .. turned R ,. levels in the food We all knots what, would0. is.<e a cecncad kit Bob Trpttnr, Eldae. Rd . Emirs. Ont N382a7 A 65 member in g f i.rt.. oa �, to ort: counting and rebate practtc• between small and large t You turned it down to number of dollars spent o P - a en'if such a recommend- ?lie re ort is a whitewash '- d -. - _ .: the '. -01i Colin 4-H club p• n , indir try. Surely, the Mints h PP P _.. I? .. tY anufac-. sc t. a turn tt t e ra r he r' o We have vyatted'two years es lhave a •very dafnagtn ile,{ts •, and ted; the food nothin m re or 'less. a- BY MURRAY GAUNT e sociation has left March, now you ar g g h , p gam ,.� y a e q t g �ti#' in plant closings, with the' •, Health Pratectian Act which lead rs as ` , anon is acceP g o n >t . for the Re art of the Ro al effect fpr both p>' dicers and, . ` > to them is that cad or wasting dollars, said Mr. . ' p .. Y s' would take it• as carte then than ahem tin solve a The fantario Government he provision Mr Timbrell plans .to intro. �, 4 the group 5300. over bud et. g S into consumers. The hole coin- chain- attempting pension feature refits for duce next spring, to re lace 1 g , Commi slop if. Inquiry' pycouncil a - bad. asked Reeve McPhail•' Bender.baanche to. go ahead and do' .problem, it will almost cer- has introduced a five pointP :1:Y.ways Perth, County P ., t c /+�.. �ty /�► . /�/�„ have f t b� , Discounting and Allowances petttive market structure is vex t m c workers 11 I.fad rm moi' 1 s . can t t it tri lie o to • Wallace where they wanted with- taints contribute t it program prole wok lase to ear13 retirement. the Public Hearth Act. A ' proved: an additional 5300 Rae 8andgr,. ' grant to the association at township Reeve said 4-H ,is The club has already re- In 'the Food Industry in warped out of shape, custom- � But Tabour Minist+erRobert white paper covering 'these 1, ceived a grant of Sl$OO froth Ontario Two ye.,ars of wait- ers have arbitrary choices of t the Council's s'meeti{h Oct, 14. an organization that is Elgie did not specify how - programs •will be: released ahn If a complaint is registered, it would be up o +? the coup this year. Mr. ctrl im atiently- for °soma product made far them, and 1 `I Would a both eat our cake and have ii, too. said J talion ow hi every, . e n as thev county - g p HU close to retirement a worker this fall for comment by i • •-' W4 ••' Y Y complainant, not the farmer. as is r@sently the case, to The 4-H association $ pinching rY p n v recommendations which there is far too much concen- t F ,� '� t a have to be to get that public health units and ' II cool more than 200 years ago. P presently has 70 clubs with 6'15 mem ' a t � -_ rove that the farmer had violated any laws or regulations • ' . And that is what farmers -some of em, anyway seer, p might put an end to these tration of economic power all. would Sounds like everything is on the side of the farmer? Not bets. Perth's group is twice protection He said Cunsum- others to the health system to want. as la as an other county unfair and destructive reel along the food chain. er mister Frank Drea will These core ro tams °are really. Farming 'is a low -profit indust, at best. You've rge Y . P g Ge Fortune, 1st vice farmers are not offered a lair a 81. able to farm properly, Y r g P Y .. tices, - or at least place Some We have heard stories Qf The Huron F. of A. •aren't �'Y introduce those changes next being cooked �•at under six They complain about not being P P Y , o er ? He n Ontario. " card about the fanner who wan a trillion in a 1 tt y. winter U f nqW: fled DeiiCIQUS, limitations u on theyrh -and manufacturers and produc • happy with .the Royal Com president of the Huron Fed price, .they will discontinue in allowed to expand, perhaps, when close -•to urban h tact your W .nt S pp y -. - , not be P P ' "We to run as ti ht a nth.,, ad categories, which in- "-�' g intended to do with the 51 mtllton, try, 8 Q' �• rmssion on Discounts and ,enation of Agriculture, sees producing the product, which � �O g and a house ✓ was asked what he 1 _ _ _ n Delicious and Ida Rett.: all we have been given is a ers being delis fed" be- � j „ / _ _chis- ---an invitatio forthe�leads ta"', arts' and•'Iii Tier ' month., Ftan-announced by -Mr: -"' •'t'lu e-"ittfmunbzation, pre- centres. Then, they request a lot severance Golden- 9_ -,_ ___-_ hoe "Just keep on farming 'til I go broke;" he answered. ship as possible, said Hal --Fat ��!Ilffil i / _ Allowance,.- n Tn►F e • n an then and another and t s P �, whitewash." •_ __ esus,_..thn}t 1 fused to a -�� g g PM ©ie includes creating an ventive dentist environ gets built on the lot. The o nm to the Thom .Son who represented i / / The OFA's main concern is chains to row even larger ccs, Mrs. Fortune adds. g g n The federation has asternly-worded war g P b _.__ _ __. _� _ _-- 'people t o Bratton. _ - - In fact, there seems every particular rebate, discount or / j i mabout the farm n - -- -_-- ,_ - r _ / % % /' // P Y Y Y start to comp a g P ort - the assoetaHotr$t the caunetl - _. _.__ mental sanitation, family -brief -Many farmers-want-iand--severanees-and tfie opts __,_ _ e u j / / the growing concentration m This, she says, leads nt a et-erattanaf ttm-e; 'use- T Ft�X QRCHARi�S , ultelihood that the Commis!- allowance Pressures W j N �M g g all -party comms a o stn ---Farmeisaytlre -Ontario- F Age meetin „ // / uses 8 �' A GRt1N w' do'infin-tel brou ht Against them b / / / �� the food industry. Two monopoly and could -control The larger food chain' severance pay and plant health, horde accident pre- y The federation has produced a to sell their land fq, non-farm s / / , y cion s report ill Y g g Y j i �j' i ///// stores can demand bulk closings, forcing companies vention and nutrition. cannot have it both way both ways if farmers, of all Ross' McPhail, Reeve of �� �� xistin 'But farmers ca 1hot have it b y r // `% ` SHAKESPEARE more harm •that good. retail chains have been de j chains already control nearly prices. The farmer would g g P farmers' bilYof rights that makes a lot of sense. E g It the 4-H associ- /% // l i y, price discounts, which the smaller to set up employer govern• The Healing Arts Radi farms g can t su ort the reservation of good agricu tura! Hibbert fe % / / / j / / i i / half of the retail food iron- tail be offered one nee and nn'n res, bTwrs ani zoning people, PP P N o % j / / % T, conclusions and reel scribed as "oppressive and % f j % j j Y stores cannot et. This het s inert committees to help alien Protection Aar will codes of practice, pTa t g pr Y, . ,ation should be required t % / / �E 6�5-8751 . stry. n Ontario. The Commis the consumer would Dill be g P kin in the rural areas. And farmers need {and, who can?" asks the brief. ant .in next �i, �i ommendations have little or coercive. are not won g A valid question which will take some soul-searching for make up'the gr i the chain et bi er and the dis laced employees find Ovide the vopinlegislative Prov- o work for them. q / i �� r no connection with the test- Meanwhile, the public is -� sion recommended no fur offered one price. Two or g gg PP= something t g/ j i j a lot of eo le,io agriculture. But it is certainly time the year's bud et• j // j j i j Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. they inquiries into the food three groups would control small stores Qct smaller. jabs and empowering aGov- work for developing improv- It's a bloody, good idea. I know of no agricultural P P g / / / / i / imony which was heaxd deprlived of freedom of q g P Any university in question was answered with a resounding vote of Reeve Wilfred Tuer, of j j j j during the .inquiry or the choice and valuable new - industry. the selling price. And if the ernment co-ordinator to ed foot care services for the planning degree program ,offered at a y y ii ' - g and ( p ed council would be setting � � ` _ - - " "We h ave a one through the sFudy orcins het people n the province Caracas If there is one; then I have been misinformed.. confidence in support of the preservation of land. Downie said he was cone g a - � r v . �__- Planners are virtually all urban -oriented. They know 1 i't tie You cant have your cake and eat it, too. g g em io ees in conjunction with the exercise•�of appealing to the employees. FP g The Ontario Federation of Ministry of Colleges and ' or nothing about farming and few even seem to care. Every Wednesday IS government and have a- tabour plans a rally at Universities, courses will be Weaner { ch eyed very little by it. We Queen's Park to demand setup to train chiropodists in Obviously, they plan for the towns and the cities and the Y: ����ens Da ! did not get the appropriate government action on plant Ontario. The first courses c a the big salaries regions. These municipalitiesa2h„p Y g r Senior C Y xincern from the govern•will bei in the fall f 198 gstabilization ri ici m n a o 1 associated with a degree. ,_ . , - WE RESERVE THE RIGHT The federation suggests that farmers are alwsys forced TO TQ LIMIT Q(JANTITIES a closings.oa our c t s g to make concessions to urban encroachment and urban T �J �7Slo DISCOUNT' 0 RDER KNECHTE�. int officials:' will focus on the failure to and will be of three years' meet four demands, duration. . 11 ,complaints of dust and noise and odors. Har assment of available. . NECHTEL .- , farmers Is increasing. Complaints get louder and louder. - - OR FREE D i ERY ' e They are requirements f°= In the meantime as a pilot Application forms- dor MON. ?UES. &WED. 9-6 P.M.UT DRYWALL ublic justification by em- project six registered, nurses What can be done? The federation has identified two the federal government's basic conflicts: The one • along the urban frontier where g THURS. & FRI. 9-9 P.M.P•M. 1 f ye of plant closings, six will o given se intensive wearer i program are now SATURDAY 9-6 P.M.9 [In Town Only] SOWN months dvance notice• sev- six-month course in chiro- cities and towns are expandit�; the second out in the pig P g available through the con- ,I,, - Max• pnrehase of $50,00 of 11 doondocks well away from city strafe. stituency office of Huron - --- -- . _.__ ... r service complete p rte thiscour it t annedt FOR HIGH QUALITY erenee pa at the rate of one pods, beginning in January Most of the complaints come from along the frontier. -' _ - _-C{lr�la#-lfln- ._ _. _ .-_ - _��I a�ek's pay..for cach..xrar ai 1 1 . tion • Bruce MP Murray Cardiff. p _ . ___.___ . _._., ..-__.._..�._.______.-__- __ _ .- . ere �!n-oJ� and o se. ' 's ply 'hat istered nurses will Farmers are sometimes ordered, not asked, to curtail Serve - - __._-___ ___ --__---..____,_ ##erefor->�----.__�_______.__ _.__,.___... DryWal` While the weaver pig _, _ _ _ _ ___ _ ._. - ----- -- - registered nursing as- _.operations-tasatisfy-urban•people.iJp to now,--t.ite..fauxter stabilization_ -- a mens -was _ . 140 scot mccoinicrispy Crus._-- ... -- Regular, i�ar att041f, ilk ChoGo�at@' � bility of pensions these CORNED ���� - ,Rv#uLf And �ari@tjl g Health Minister Dennis teach g g had to pay for arty renovations such as manure storage payment � COMPLETE Timbrell has outlined the sistants the principles of foot first announced in August. 4 Colours 5 inch . i'a�HOT' ���i DRYWALL plans of his Ministry for the care hygiene in courses of facilities, quieter equipment or dust elimination. ••out of some 30,000 to And that's not fair, the federation maintains. 40,000 potential applicants ������� - �� � ,� 12 OZ. Tin i Prices effectiveturday, j If a farmer is forced by urbanites to make these changes, across Canada, fewer than rJ 2 7 - 3 9 8 introduction of legislation three to four weeks' dur- Pkg. of10-2$ gr. nntii Sattuday, during the next few months. anon• beginning later inthen the urbanites -- not the farmers should pay for 2�0 had filed applications 16 0Z. Pk G Oetobet 25, 19811 Orhe package of core pro- 1981.. - �� � g. / 119 ,4 � � �`��_060 fj grams to be introduced will After assessment of this thein• with the federal government ,, 45 be embedded in a new pilot project, .it is hoped that Makes sense, doesn't it? by Thanksgiving weekend," ' _ "" 139 e In the co.untryside, away from urban development, Mr. Cardiff said, including Roil Pkg' Fres h Tanners should clearly distinguish agricultural areas and . ."": the ,program will be mad give farmers top priority. All other property owners and only l l l applications from available province -wide. Ontario. 139 "` ` 4. � ! `` EM T A regi#anon • will also be dwellers should be relegated to a lower priority. The weaner pig stabili Duncan litres / % ® V�\r�M�� i • "In a farming area, the farmer must be able to carry out P '�' proposed to recognize ch'tro- don payment is intended to Complete Fi'avour Range 00 United registered to the 1 all normal faulting practices... and be able to keep airy provide compensation to '- type and quantity of livestock he deems necessary...and United Kingdom, so ` that ,, weaner producers similar to •, Fleecy Sylvania i { i such practitioners may work ansion of operation must not be hampered to niched hos --C Fresh Picnic � �'� �' �, that recruited to teach and work B . exp 8 P that paid foY finished g inside Frost i ,; in our hospitals. anyway." marketed between April 1, �jcottowels, - - _ Environment Mihitstry . -979 and March 31. 1980. d LIGHT PORE • tp When the stabilization pay- white, Assorts ,, �� gr•• pkg• t \_ FreSi Shoulder t .� j darty Parrott dbmd SQSiC: agriculture minister inert for finished hags was {�itS & FlowerS i . , e.• t a crackdown on illegal dump announced in May, weaner��� a" ingofliquid industrial waste speak at Federation annual producers were excluded and r . EAKSI' { and•other unusual cases of Mr. Cardiff questioned this s yF 1 - �G, 60, 100 . 5-6 Lb. Average r Wrpoling thirteen His Ministry is ask• Saskachewan's Ic islaaonAPER. " x- k ' ,^ hiring thirteen poop -c who Gordon McMurchy, S g exclusion. achewan's Min. of Ag. will restricting foreign ownership Wcaner prices dropped 3.6 Lt. .lug watt ' will be trained to eve as . * ' be the guest speaker at the of land mead the. Farm Stan from more than S40 per """ r � :' , gadve techniques to serve as . Huron Count Federation of Program. Tickets are avail- i lct in the first quarter of Pkg. of 2 ■ lb • li special environmental o' Y Agriculture's annual meet- able to the public as well as lq 9 to about S27 in tfic lastTOWELS { Bulbs M 99 ib' ,� lice unit to enforce Ontario's ing Oct. 23, 7;00 p.m. at the members at 36.00. They can quarter, based on five•ycai Carndfion �`� environmental laws. AV, Brussels. Morris. and Grey be obtained from any HFLA sucrase prices, weaner pro ■99 - Weaner Community. Centre. Fallow• director of from the rest• 2 Roll Pkg. �� _P ducsss will be paid a stabili- '� � � ` " , ® , • �tet a roast beef dinner Mr. dent Merle Gunby at 529• ration paatnent of 51,00 per HASH Fresh Pork Butt 8 .11� Murchy will speak on 7610. cceaner pig. 1 �} • Chef Boy-Ar-Qee lb. , Please turn to page 13 BROWS � ROAST or CHOPsl.29 � r Mini Ravioli, Spaghetti � - IS ■11 shlup flip be! a ppod IcUo SSF1111 � aT01�0n,. pral;torWv-ed94UR-GAGN a� StDbml 70 m to wank wti lh V019 S;1U2' r' T i dew S:{F3tb CaAtN Ras dae� t slut Cro�rarTs en qa tgs feed 0gn,veMW And aV0a� i VtON b 'V F e 5`;rrbYB tie0 rQ.,,f+* br^ yma nn�artam OvAssvnsm the mt�rmq peTformame stat �:s WM O." cep;e T11V;4 GA;"t = r'2aa9 wtu4tsI teQdr{ I .ta r+ Cfioese t, pi, Sex dtterent seater Cerwe db^.t rets ers'rsR ° +*�nt3 ", Fo s ms to Bei koden on to fo ral%n C�e�c•,�r +a�t W ar+d teors as caar+;'r" to reasarta you ghlia d teed -sat CA%Q s�G t3 � at ese SRUR GA.r:`t � ��4 BeQt � �tM per **f tX�ar" Ai m Tara hay arm rye uzm �t0r,GA% ar+d a cowlwe:e W ai ,�?, ax -0,f econorr,;caa ca:a'e .^••�r+era's •?-' d � ff `ed`T9 SMU'R-GAN cries a= ¢si a�'*•,e arumat "ea.'2+ „ e,e� V,,<I its t%a:c are ¢keA, tC 'er" re F^'QCCPNl'Ss arks Brood =V3 yo" Sfb00 AM fe_I d l s'�s cr re W9 ,%mors are c°'seto --ears r7 hey ove-m-Me st: £SS Ct ach-em r, Q most &%,Ant Fr � �e gams ,W&� y w, red eters G ;�,w?• ern -M, -,,!s Sy --ex 3Ht1Fi GAM rl a�er er�� cafe :pro Mf A and R to s s i be lit used a sr�+9 SHUfee& tGA-el deQ � ars+ eesi 0AT t5 *e ax°�, T -,a_" � rel mr we s E%ftra'e Buis � VW exact peWrer ents at VQ�PwGAFN f�r'"re and LOA w f3 Gr t;�i Er'eC*ve an�OtYs 5vCt 39 St'SS, 7j_GAtN oy"raCyccne 1100 Tyt&n 200 AM � � Pme.,,n-s'rep vea, c,Ddsease as md:ra'ed B'a^� r es rcf+er• .eCu *2d are rears y a ra:'-- Ar.ieSQ �'avr S"UR-GA',M FE�reser•'"a":we w,l take Te rma Snd 0T0aztant G'�rc'ws 4�.ts san anon and Des'�de toms grow ar+d ratan fQ renis stz choose far Mi�'eQ i'ut a ,*Ansi SHIScall be GAN And ,,,,,--r'. ai y�T Synove= 1-50 implants 1.�o ea. Ralgro 24 Implant% 1.28 ea. 51-450 1.2# ea. I case 240 implants 1.25 ea. 5'00 and up. 1.2� ea. Tramisol 400 ,tel 49.95 Grubex 640 07 67.95 ASK US. Spotton 133 07 14.95 . Louse KID Lysoff ` (3xyte'ei<aryellne M ml 9.50 Ty lan - 200 240 mi. 30.00 There is a Shur -Gain Solution. injectable ADE Electrolyte . . .PRICES EFFECTIVE UiV U OCT. 31ST, 19$0 BARNA - , FEED MILL LTD. Varno, Ont. 482-9219 dt - l 1 4 { 9 4 lb. Bag' • � Meat Batts, Beefaron�, - Savarin TOPNOTCH FEEDSt.fl�. is pleased to tRRED DINNERS Beef.; Turkey, Salisbury. SteakFresh l'l`t3fne�flads announce the appointment of Doug Hoegy Continued from page 12 1519 ,� "" areaas . Daues epr sseatat graduatve for e of D A Ohe hs apply producers u to 15 oz. Tin C . Plain or Garlic 2L,a t __., g g pply payment P k 5,000 pigs. A lttati n forms o � ,.bINNE S - Guelph and has been with the company for P�g • PP N5 SAUSAGE ,�,.}� ' over two years working in thesputhern part have been available or some I I Iof the province. Doug is now residing in weeks at terminal regional 11 oz. Pkg.rd the McKilloparea where he was born and offices and fedora regional offices, for cony hence to ib. raised. producers, hoa'ver, Mr. . 1 1 .1M59 Cardiff said he ad placed tus- Crisco sets addttofficeional f of if prods i his ucers s & Shoulders 139 ; PRODUC i I Head HEAD CHEESM OIL 6 " i 375 Cir. Bowls phone the constituency off- , Prices' effective antic Saturday. October 25. 1980 _-SHAMPOO � a � �€. they will be mattes tit 1.5 Lt. Bottle . r F 350 ML . Far further information. ' farmers may contact the :: :EERS 1, 199 RED HOT Agricultural Stabilization Prod. U.S.A. Can. No 1 s Loan Buildingor.. Sir William , 3 Varieties 454 gr. Pkg. Brussels 881-60i 1 Logan Building. 5fi0 Booth �a • % Fresh Street, Ottawa. Ontario K LA O" Cbz` • �c9 A r4 . P ``eb ,�o Vjp�A4r�o, -t,c, r i:� I . Can. No. 1 Canada Fancy Macin*^mak APPLES 3 Lb. Bag 899 BROCCOU_ 391iach Mom's Soft MARGARINE 1 lb. Tub X69 ..I ` Red Rase Orange Pekoe � • : G tl Weston 1882 Stone Mill - Whole Wheat BREAD 24 oz. Loaf iii Weston , Naroburg & Wieder i OLLS n6 qql&*-�- Pkg, of 12 0 Pkg. of 120 91 FCalgon �, WATER SOFF"FENER e 40 0-1: Pkg. P�� ERS T dd16 Pkg. of 48 - 8o49 Ex -Absorbent Pkg. of 60 s949 BEEF 1 kg- Pkg• Good 'n Meaty • Chicken, Turkey or Steak ". , 11 �..MEAT IES I I'll ...* R I ... r �r .. 250 m gr. Pkg- s 89 Milled ROASTING CHICKEna R h I t r . - . • • ♦ - ♦ r J w .. - r - _ . . • ♦ - • . - . .• . . . . . . . . . 4 ` / r 1 • w 1 A rI A .k' & w A A w� w. w - . . . • r ., .. - w T w M w :.r,.n► _- - ..��.._t.. -. _.. n._. _. - _,-. �. -.=,_ et..��af .�. _•..R'.a4.... c,t, ... _. .rte_• 3`s,�ia •.�mmmmm 43.__ 5 lb, & Up ., 100916 010 Canada Packers 3 Varieties LIVERWURST ib. I . . y.. A• i , . . . ♦ "I t^ . . . . d rh i, -4 4 I I I I �, We arenow ready to receive your 199-0 CORN CRT' We will also be shipping wet corn to spep,d up unloading. facilities. • 345-2330 Bus. Dublin, Ont. •345.2884 Res. i • '< .. , . . -:S <.: -1q"1--1-,h;..; +t,i"- , r P . , , i • '< .. , . . -:S <.: -1q"1--1-,h;..; +t,i"-