HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-23, Page 9„ • epartment alid--provineta family benefits office share •the building, which has been occupied by the Perth Dis- trict•Health Unit for the past 14 years. A request that the Perth. , Historical Board -desperate- ly in need of additional space BY c OttfEN MALONEY It s invhing: sweetie to dinner and then telling then) to go home, said MitChell Reeve Ray Robinson of Ful- lerton Reeve Ormond Prid- hatres suggestion the Pr9vin- •. cial fatuity benefits office not be asked to join the social services departMent in the old registry office ort St. •Andrew St.;in Stratford. It sounda riniculous to me,” said Robinson. A ,for- mal invitation asking family benefits to seek acanno- dation in the building has already been sent. At its meeting, Sept. 9, Perth county council decided to let the social services 4 • • to hous'e its arebives-be allowed to itse the building was turned dewn. _Originally designed for storing documents, the building would have required little renovatiens to naeet the historical board's space re- quirements. RenoVations will be needed to make the buiIdig, suitable for the sociaL 'se'rvices department. "We made a decision to accomodate social services in the oldregistry office and invite family benefits to also seek accomodation there. But my understanding is that whether or not family bene- fits did or did not come, it was incidental," said Ross McPhail Reeve of Hibbert. "I think what we are discussing is changing our original decision and making that building available to the archives," said Reeve Mc- Phail. Reeve George Wicke would like to think there is still tiope of making the historical soe'iety's bid for space inthe old registry office a successful one, After considerable dismis- sion by city and ceunty members, the Perth Area Joint Study Committee re - 'commended the historical boardhe atithorized te_invist- igate alternate or additional ‘,accomodations to house the achives, City representatives ex- pressed unanimous disap- pointment at ceencil's de- cision to turn down the historical society's -request for the registry office. "I rally think that until we make a definite commit- ment to have someone else in --that building -we -should just hold -off," said Reeve Wicke. "We hive no idea now, what the building is going to cost." Rae Bender,' Wallace township reeve wondered how many council members were really serious about buying more property. AT ZEHRS QUAL1 IMPO - FANCY QUALITY CREAM CORN OR PEAS - DELMONTE . VEGETABLES .11.41Nosz FOR 3 1 • Reye McPhail said a decision must he made, "My thinking is,yve,have passed a motion to put Social SerVites in the old health-care builtV ing.let's set them up and put ,Zm in btisiness,,1 think the archives are important." The issue ha's. been examr Med by council many times in the past. Carl Vock, of Logan township said, "I think „what we have been talking about we have talked about lb times already this year. Either we adopt them, file them or something else.", Richard Thompson, Reeve pf Elma township said coun- cil was -going about 'making a decision in the wrong way, "It seems to me that it is - pretty pi," business to talk about ;.ping $50, $100 or $150 thousand for a building when they (the archives) • have a building there which is totally suitable, But this council has chosen to go the , other way." - Council, has decided to delay approval of the Joint Study ,Cemmittee's reebna- thendations until there's a final decision about whether or not the provincial family benefits office. will ,join the secial services departmern in the building. , 10 Ilizehrs ANT) African Lion Safari HEY KIDS! • M M KJ. I I- lf TAN A KODAK CAMERA OA 1 OF 100 CONSOUMON PRIZES PINEAPPLE JUICE 'DELMONTE 48 oz TINS 7 VARIETIES DELMONTE MINI PUDDINGS 20 ottit4 UNSWEETENDED CRUSHED-SL10ED 011 TIDBITS DELMONTE PINEAPPLE 14 -Oz TIP& . OELMONTE FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL 28 OZ 119 TIN S-F,ECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY OCT 28TH SMALL WHOLE CARROTS • DELMONTE. 14 az TINS 2 SEASONED BEANS DELMONTE GREEN OR WAX ' 14 oz. TINS FRUIT CUPS gLPKG. OF 4x5 oz TINS 99' IVIONTE V„ARIETIES #1,4444o, PRUNE NECTAR • 99' DELMONTE 24 oz._ BOTTLES DELMONTE FRUIT SCICE'D PEACHES ORPEAR HALVES 28 (31 TINS 1.09 BARTLETT $ PEAS AND CARROTS DELMONTE CHOICE 2419' 14 oz TINS TOMATO JUICE, FANCY 48f1 or TIN 69 4, DELMONTE 'WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABEE WEEKLY FAMILY REOUIREMENTS ALIENS CHOICE APPLE JUICE 48 oz. TIN e" SPAGETTI WITH CHEESE IN SAUCE ZOOOLES OR • LIBBYS ALPHAGETTI 249' IMPORTED FRENCH VICTORIA STEMWARE WINE GOBLETS CLARET GLASSES UDDER GLASSES, H BAIA GLASSES OLD FASHIONED GLASSES 3 jilt T OF 3 PCS FlAYEGBRAND - ASPIRINS 100's PARAMOUNT FLAKE LIGHT TUNA 6 OZ HABITANT 3 VARIETIES SW/PS 28 oz TINS 75' MAGIC PANTRY BOIL IN'FOIL DINNERS 200 gr PKG E A SALISBURY STEAK 1.39 CIRKEN A-WaING 250 gr E139 250 gr. PKG . BEEF -STEWEA$1.3 400 gr. PKG. • CABBAGE ROLLS EA.St 79 200 gr. PKG. ' SWISS STEAK E4$119 SCHNEIDERS BUCKET of CHICKEN 2799..g BUCKET LANCIA 4 STYLES EGG NOODLES 37 5 gr 790 BRAVO PLAIN 28 oz SPAGH,Erl SAUCE 99° WITH MEAT OR MUSHROOMS BRAVO SAUCE 280=$1:09 SCHNEIDERS CRISPYCRUST PURE LARD -, 69' NOROICA CREAMED 500 gr COTTAGE CHEESE 1.19 FABRIC 'SOFTENER FLEECY 128 oz JuG .1,29 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE . TEA BAGS 120 ON Ithr SCHNEIDERS POPULAR 200 gr.„„ QUICHE LORF1AINE $12Y VOYX'iiiticOiirpe; 1,19 BEEF, CHICKEN • - , OR TURKEY SWANSON . DitalERS $ rip11.,oz • NEILSONS ROSEBUDS • MALTED MILK BAR ASSORTMENTS NO 1 ARO NO .PACK i 16 PC lc PACK 79 • 'CHNEIDERS CHICKEN -TURKEY BEEFSTEAK "GOOD 'If MEATY" MEAT PIES 2579 7.01,7r isat STONE &limo BREAD 24 oz. 69' WEIGHT WATCHERS FUDGE BARS PA6CK 109 /ERRS OFFER A GOOJ SELECTION OF WEIGHT WATCHERS PRODUCTS CHR1STMA$_qARDS 20 CARDS AND ENVELOPES $j CHRISTMAS SYMBOLS VI” 20 CARDS WITH MATCHEO ENVELOPES CHRISTMAS CLASSICS 1.88 SCHNEIDERS REGULAR 500 GR CHEESE SLICES 1.99 GAYLEA SWISS STYLE F vilnimar uuun i ALE F1L,4 7AvouRs 30' WESTONS HAMBURG OR WIENER ROLLS WEIGHT WATCHERS -4 VAR oi FROZEN DESSERTS1,69 . PLAYTEX TAMPONS PLAYTEX DEODORANT TAMPONS1 99 REGULAR OR SURER 7'1 12 s PLAYTEX PUS -TAMPONS $2 99 DEODORANT _ 28 s • 80N OEODORlT 28 s 2.69 CARNATION '3 VARIETIES $.41 HOT CHOCOLATE 2g,93 /.4ff SCHNEIDERS MILD MED OLD CHEDDAR 12 0, 1.99 PURE VEGETABLE BRAVO OIL 3 LITRE Is 99 AT ZEHRS....YOU'RE IMPORTANT TO US! HWY. No. it 0Atr•WE WILL BE PLE,SED TO SERVE. GODERICH HURON RD. OPEN Wtb THURS ir IVENINGS rig otiR MANAGER iS: '41 HuRD t 4 ,k ^ Is e. 4. 4. ' • 4 cr AC 4‘ " " 4 • • :e, kek .441 44 '4 • • 4e .'4.^ 4...4'4,47+ .,411d-4L..sg,..1k 41, 7S7,4kkkirrk,47. THE HURON ;EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 23, 46.80 4444 o, • • Wpiofher epens Its bag of tricks, no one knows what to expect. Take this year, for example, One day 'ive , were meandering tbretigh summer's warm green of twilight. The next day we were shivering in our boots. Only 'then did we .notice the frost on the pumpkins. Nothing is more beautiful or more exhilarating that a sunny 'October after- ., noon with the hills draped in scarlet, gold and orange. The nip iiVhe air just encourages us to ,. work harder. Staying indoors is difficult for we're all aware of the dark cold winter days ahead. ,Nothing-is-more-depressing-therra-rairry- October afternoon with our b slopping Line through mud. No matter the Le f day it seems drenched in the dis at rey of predawn. Windows look dirtier' tha ever before; all cars, regardless of their base--c-Olours. - are -muddy brown. Getting -into a car , Without getting our clothes dirty is next to impossible. We dive into our closets for heavy clothes, but nothing stops the biting autumn wind and dampness from seeping int -0 our bones. October has the holiday that many people cOnsider the best of the year because,it hasn't bowed to commercialism. The Pilgrims knew hew to give triankt. Thy were grateful for the end of a treacherous jeurney but they knew it YVAS JUS t the beginning of a hazardous life in an unrelenting land. Following their lead, we can find consolation in taking an autumn hreak end sorting the good from the bad in our modern lives. -- • HalloWe'en is another day that mades autumn different from the other seasons. Ndthing is more fun than the tricks and treats and -costumes of 'Halloive'en, when they're harmless. The -fun can become tainted, though, if it's taken too far. it- moon -with" a ircidd dnfting by. corn stalks rustling in a breeze and jack'o-lanterns grinning from windows make the ,atmosphere perfect for tiny ghosts and goblins and witches. A howling wind, nevertheless, can send even Count Dracula home by 'nine. Autumn can be a sentimental time; it's often asSociated with the end of things end of summer. end of harvest. In poetic terms, the autumn years of life are referred to: An eighty -three-year old lady recently proved that autumn can be the beginning. She has embarked on a new career as an author, and Volume One of her memoirs closed with an invitation to readers to watch for Volume Two. . K Whitmore finishes 24prolects for award Karen Whitmore is the recipient this year of. the 24 -project award from the Huron County Women's In- stitute. She is the daughter of Kathleen and Erlin Whit- more, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Karen began 4.11 in 1970 in the Brucefield 1 Club sponsored by Seaforth W.I. Her leaders were Audrey Coleman and Doris Cantelon and in Karen's 24 clubs, she has only had three other club leaders - Isabel Gibson.. Doris Carnochan and Carolyn Van Dorp. These dedicated ladies and Karen's fellow dub membe;.s. have been most supportive and helpful. says Huron home economist Grace Bird. Their encourage- ment has given Karen the confidence to attempt pro- jects that might have other- wise been impossible. Education for Karen in- cluded Brucefield Centennial School and the Central Hu- ron Secondary School in Clinton. Presently she works three days a week at ARC industries in Dashwood. There she is editor -in -chief - of their newspaper and helps with office filing. A keen interest in children has led to another interesting job. as she works one day a week each in the Seaforth and Clint° Co-operative Nursery -• Schools. At home, Karen keeps busy with 4-H (her .2Sth club), swimming, and a small macrame business. Karen has come a long way from her first. project and her family and commun- ity are very proud of her accomplishments. Kiss Bird says: She is a most deserving recipient of .,this 24 -project award. "Congratulations. Karen? says the Huron harne econ- morn ist . Huronview people take tour Margaret. McQueen sang "Gad Is There' • as her „solo at Om' Seinday morning service. Region P3 Craft Workshop was held October 14th dc 15th at Ritz Lutheran Villa. After registration and coffee we were welt-mm4 by Moore Rytev the•adrninistra, tor at Ritz Lutheran Villa. We had a goad session of ex-. changing of iteas and pat- terns of the various crafts. After a tour of the villa and hinch we participated in creating with clay. A visit to Millers Barn and the Country Spire with dinner back at the villa. The villa's band enter- tained us before we adjourn- ed the first day. The second day cons4isted of more ex- changing of ideas in. crafts and .dernonstratoons nf sniocking. A short business meeting coticlucled the work - shOp Wednesday cYcning Jim Ruddock and Mrs Edna Cantelon accompanied Jos Mrs Caritclon s son and Eselsn Archer attended the N 1 B dinner at the legion hall Mrs Prouty held Bible Studs n thc chapel on Tharsdas afternoon The October berthdas parts was held in the auditorium on Friday afternoon The lake• let W I helped the residents who were horn on OCiober celebrate After -0 Canada •• was sung Helen Reid at the piano assisted Irene Judge h 0 led a sing song The residents emosed readings ta. Fa Ferguson and tene .lacige sang "How Great Thou Art- The residents participated in a musical gift game Happs Birthday was sling and the giving of gifts All who attended then enjoy - cd cupcakes and tea. , Mrs. Betty Scratch informs us that she will be guest speaker at thc Home Care Aids meeting this w-cck. John McTaggart played his Mouth organ at the high school 'Thursday evening. Hoaranssew extends sym• path% to thc families of Janet Macey. Flossie Wagtiorn and Walter Cutbush. Huronview would like to weltoome Clarence Mont- gomery who is from Seaforth and Fart Durnin from St. Helens Remember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-024,0 an 20" COLOUR lam" TELEVISION 20 DUX Linytron Plul Color Television with Black Line Picture. Tape, New, Sigma 3000 Computer -Designed Chassis and 12 -Channel Electronic Varactor Tuner STEREO -York, Honday -Optonica DISCOUNT PRICES ON FULL SETS Clock radios, record players And many morlenterteinment products. CAMPBELL'S Crown Hardware Main St. Seaforth 5271 420 •L' ,te 44. et. O. 4 it 7,